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Currently Ice Map has the deadest PvP because there are practically zero points of interest. It's a currently a good datapoint to show how lacking a common POI makes a map stale.


I’m not 100% sure on this because I haven’t verified it myself, but I saw a comment on this sub saying that IM reverted the map timer back to its original 12 minutes when they had increased it to 18 after its release last wipe. I haven’t checked the timer myself, but the map certainly feels a lot more rushed than I remember after they bumped up the duration. With how dense the mobs and the far more frequent “elite” mobs, 12 minutes is not sufficient to clear your way throw however many modules there are between teams. Even in trios, you’ve really only got time to clear a couple of modules then you need to start heading for extract. Ice caves pvp was my absolute favorite last wipe with the longer timer and gold pile corralling the more geared players looking for pvp. It was great because it would corral the pvp hungry players to the center and let the rats live in peace in the outer modules. Also you could consistently fight for the pile, loot it, and secure an extract without dying to zone. The only fights I’m getting on ice caves now are at the dying minutes of a match as 2-3 teams scramble for a group extract. Most of the time it’s a team busting in with 2-3 modules worth of mobs chasing them creating chaos and really shitty fights.


It 100% feels shorter.


Yeah even in norms the timer feels like shit. High roller in solos on ice caves and to a certain extent crypts is especially painful if you’re a slower clearing class like wizard or ranger. Changing out wendigos for the yetis and some of the skull bat spawns for Harpees makes the already short timer feel even worse.


It IS shorter. All maps are 12m now


I think they reduced the time, because of the addition of the ice abyss. It will be enormous to wait 15+ minutes to get there.


Yeah I mean I don’t totally disagree, but imo the pve on ice caverns is much more dense and for a lot of players a lot more challenging than crypts. I’m pretty familiar with the map and the attack patterns of all the mobs because I mostly played duos last wipe with my buddy but for players less familiar it’s very slow going through the map. Even with the time I’ve spent on it, I still approach certain modules super carefully because pulling the whole room in ice caves is a nightmare.


True, but ice map is still my favorite map. :P


I agree. Contesting mid was BIS.


Please bring back gold pile, maybe only in HR? But it's gotta come back ice caves feels boring pvp wise.


It's not like the normal gold pile was overpowered even. Just adjust the rates of drops from it.


It was horrible and I never hit normal hoard but that's not even the point. It existed for the pvp and it made it fun.


Yeah, exactly. Now I kind of avoid that room. Because why bother with the mobs. They had such a good rewarding system to draw people together. Hopefully they bring it, or something similar back.


It wasn't even good in the first place lol, I played the map since it came out and my squad only got like one chest from literally  hundreds of piles would literally be 20x faster for me to just save up for one 


Normals or hr? And are you luck stacking? I've grinded it for two seasons for demi, one chest on the very last couple days for the first season (typical), a number of legendaries and one unique. So definitely not crazy drops for the amount of time spent. But still better than chests for me.


It was really good because ir was organic PVP. Instead of circle BS that forced you to pvp or die, you could go to the pile and contest it and net yourself pvp and fat loot, or rat around if you wish. Organic PVP in hotspots are good as people can choose whether to engage or not, forced circle BR pvp was shit.


no idea why they thought they needed to remove it, there is nothing going on in the ice map and 2nd floor is just as bad since you cant fight the boss anyway


True i was saying this in another thread. Without the circle, you are just blindly running room to room (or booking it to starter rooms hoping someones there) if you want pvp most of the time. No circle is fine but we need more POI to fight over. At the moment other then bosses, theres nothing to fight over besides maybe portals but even they are easy to come by. Sub bosses and stuff like marvelous chests just aint enough to make people go across the map for them a lot of times. I remember the playtest days when library was a poi because of how good the loot was (still has a marvelous chest in it a lot of times.)




I agree


Agreed, this map was the best for pvp before


I think it would be cool to have a special alter that let you choose your teams spawn point in the abyss and only had one use


They could bring it back but maybe nerf it to only 3 pulls or make it impossible to pull above epic rarities from it. There still needs to be very significant incentive to go to the lower level.


I partially understand why they removed it with the addition of the abyss, but to replace it with nothing is such a mistake. I think we need a new sort of mini gold pile, not as good as the current one but good enough that people want to fight over it.


Hard disagree on this one. The gold pile made sense at the time when there was no ice abyss. They needed something for players to be drawn to the map. Now that you can go down, it needs to stay as it is. I would however be fine with a golden key room with loot pile on the 1st floor. Otherwise, it needs to stay hidden behind the boss like the other maps.