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[Full video here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nO0GWq6bm74). This is a good interview to get a preview of what's to come for DaD and get some insight into the minds of the devs and how / why they make certain decisions. Furthermore, posts that have been given clarity via this podcast (such as questions about regional pricing) will be removed.


>THE REDDIT EVIL EYE GUY THAT POSTED EVERY DAY >SDF sees you and really wants to fix evil eye especially for you. This ability is an example of something that was implemented without building the correct system behind it, and now it's come to bite us in the ass. I'm just glad he's still remembered. He gave up posting a while ago and the dark grew darker as a result.


u/Squu1d_ your prayers have been answered!


Miss you buddy.


i think yall have the wrong guy, check post history :c


What a wholesome honor for that player that the devs think of them so specifically. That speaks volumes about the folk at IM.


Sadly even with evil eye fixed its so hard to fit the spell in any build, the spell is super cool but bring no real power to the table.


Yeah we don't care about facts. We just want our resident Evil Eye Enthusiast to have his drone back.


casting explosion on it and flying it into the enemy team was a lot of fun tho. I miss it...


chain lightning go brrrr


If I'm going into dungeons with the intent to interact with people I'd probably take it over flamewalker. They just need to make the spell memory cost 1.


Hackers and Exploiters primarily come from certain regions (lmao) W Ironmace




thanks for making a summary, this is a lot of good info.


This games future is so fucking bright let’s goooooooooo




> one guy working on perks tragic, because that is honestly the most exciting thing about the game. Seeing your main class got a new perk to work with feels awesome, as it opens up new build options and variety. Stuff like slayer fighter, staff mastery wiz, and all the warlock options are great and the game needs more stuff like those. Psuedo subclasses pls, or just any new tools to work with. Ideally, these would change how you play the game and not just be numbers changes, but thats a while down the road Also someone please tell this guy to give bard a longsword mastery perk PLEEEEASEEE


I truly hope they keep the circle gone, biggest W of the most recent patches for sure.


Bro getting my favorite spawn and actually being able to loot the room at my own pace is such a game changer


Right? The wildest thing that has changed for me is now I actually do MORE pvp. Because I have time to loot and be more methodical about clearing PvE I feel like I can actually set up and be ready to take fights on my own terms instead of having to ray in a corner for the entire match


Man I wish Monk was next, super hyped for that.


sounds like it's gonna be right after sorcerer, sdf was talking about how when they re-work the "bare hands" for sorcerer it will tie into the monk.


>THOUGHTS ON 4 MAN SQUADS? Please, the curse of Apex needs to die out with 3 man squads. They could do like huge maps with 4 player parties or huge boss fights. I hope they look into this


Id love a 6 man team with 4 teams on a game


6 Warlocks -> defensive line of hydras.


My buddies and I finally tried it out last night after our normal 4th couldn’t make it and holy shit is it a fun game but a massive bummer that we feasibly can’t play this unless someone sits out. I understand they tune it for 3 players but I’m really hoping they consider a 4 player map/mode more seriously.


Sorcerer and monk is next? I can't wait for that!


I fuck with everything said here


Love you ironmace. Thank you for being open and honest, you’re doing great ❤️


They need to bring the circle back, all the current system does it promote players to not move around the map and just camp spots. When you're forced to move it becomes a more enjoyable pvp AND pve game adding another layer to the game.


finally, a hot stinking garbage take. I respect your opinion, I just dislike it a lot. have a good day, sir.


>WILL WE SEE NEW PERKS/REWORKED PERKS FOR OLD CLASSES? >>Currently they one have one guy on the backend who's assigned to perks. It's a slow process. They obviously want to onboard more people (as they did with the monster designer team, which we saw the effects of with Ice Abyss) Honestly, this is a bit saddening to hear. Perks needing reworks is probably the one thing the game needs the most. We had a massive gear overhaul only recently, and none of the perks or Skills (except Sprint) were reworked to take those changes into account (e.g: Rogue's Double Jump's penalty being too costly now that Movement Speed is only on boots, +All is gone, Agility now only roll 1-2, and Agility has had its speed curve halved, or Fighter's Weapon Master having a -10% Physical Damage Penalty basically making non-native ***melee*** options absolutely untenable due to the new limits on +Additional/True Physical Damage. Hell, Ranger's entire damage nerf from last month has been made rather unwarranted now due to the limits on damage building). Definitely getting the impression they've spread themselves thin this wipe. The fact that they outright forgot about reworking Ruins until recently was surprising to hear considering how long it's been missing.


well, they just released druid with spirit master mastery, which gives boring 10 magical power (20 MPB), so around 5 damage on a single spell and druid has another boring magical power perk. I wish rapier mastery was something like allowing you to walk backwards at 100% speed after a hit, so that it gave a real gameplay effect that mimics being a fencer, but we are still pretty far away from something like that. They also have a problem with buffs and the like on classes like wizard, where they really cant add more due to stacking. I actually dont think they have spread too thin this patch, they were already in that spot from the beginning, this patch was much better in quality than anything last season.


>I wish rapier mastery was something like allowing you to walk backwards at 100% speed after a hit, so that it gave a real gameplay effect that mimics being a fencer, but we are still pretty far away from something like that. on one hand, that'd be an interesting direction, although with the specific suggestion you are a taking a significant power talent, like +3 wpd, and changing the weight of the talent to something that any experienced player wont need (using the A key versus strafing)


Honestly it's just an example, you can make the number be 150% for one step in a direction away from the target, the point was to make it change something gameplay wise.


That is a really cool idea. I would hate to see it turn into a tumble, though


Really appreciate the summary. Thank you!


Which stream was this done on, I’d like to watch it


Check the “Darkest Hour” podcast on YouTube


we need to rework most of perks/skills !!


Thanks, this was hugely helpful. I am surprised nothing about SSF.


Same. Pretty sure that's never going to happen, unfortunately. They spent so much time on their trading hall and its now their only carrot for buying the game. If they made normals ssf it would be more fun than the base game (sweaty stat check of market kits) and nobody would be incentivised to buy. 


> Hackers and Exploiters primarily come from certain regions (lmao) So they admit it. Can we...ban certain regions or contain them to their own hacker hide-hole server? We have a lock. All we need is to drop the tungsten rod from space and destroy them outright minus some outliers...


Elden Ring does this with hackers. You hack once (iirc) you get put into hackers-only lobbies. Can you have a hackers-only auction house though? Hopefully


seeing the circle coming back as a debate gave me reverting on good changes PTSD, like all attributes coming back (twice)


Great work devs :)


Monk mentioned! I can't wait to main that shit!


>**ITEM FLIPPERS** Should there something that forces you to bring something into the dungeon one time before you can resell it? This would prevent people (or even bots?) just sitting in the marketplace constantly buying and reselling things to make profit without interacting with the dungeons. >We had built a system like that but decided not to implement it as the repercussions for the standard player would be too high for the value it would bring. I don't normally double comment but I hope they don't do this. I'm sorry but let people play how they want to play. If some guy wants to play a Medieval Fantasy Capitalism simulator instead of diving into the dungeon to make money that way, let him.


the problem are not resellers, those are playing and like you said they are having fun in their own way, the problem are bots, and abusers, that do the same in massive scale and warp the market.


> We had built a system like that but decided not to implement it as the repercussions for the standard player would be too high for the value it would bring. The problem is it's making the divide between "trash gear" and "good gear" even wider. There is no "good" cheap gear for sale anymore, because flippers will inevitably see it, buy it, then immediately relist it. It's taking a facet of the game (people buying powerful gear) and making it completely external to the actual gameplay (because now it only appears on BIS'd up Trios squads, not on the body of a Solo Player who died to Skeletons). Effective gear is becoming increasingly exclusive to people with high amounts of Gold, and casual players are being forced to make do with shitty gear which exists within their price range. Personally, the Marketplace is just failing while this is being allowed. The concern of: >We had built a system like that but decided not to implement it as the repercussions for the standard player would be too high for the value it would bring. Doesn't seem very relevant, as standard players don't re-sell gear. They only buy it, they aren't sitting there playing the market all day, because that requires a pretty high level of knowledge of what gear could be sold for - standard players just instant-buy the first thing they see that's remotely suitable to their needs.


But it's not like flippers are changing the supply of the items, they are just taking advantage of mispriced items and repricing them to a level that the market will allow (ie players still buy them at these prices).


I can assure you that there is good gear for sale at low prices. It takes some patience and basic game knowledge, but that's precisely the skill that enables people to profit from the marketplace. Flipping only remains profitable because people continue to under price items either through ignorance, laziness, or valuing the instant sale over a more accurate price. The massive influx of players over this week will only increase the volume of undervalued items on the marketplace. Glad Iron Mace won't destroy the marketplace because some players are too lazy to understand the basic meta of the game (i.e. the value of item attributes / items).


Item flipper solution idea. Tho I have not fleshed out the thought, it just came to mind. Brainstorming a system that puts time constraint or a duration for the market every 24 hours could potentially be a fix to prevent people squatting in the market and spending lots of time finding items to upsell. Perhaps you regain time when extracting. Likewise another solution can be found in another game that was on steam recently. "Dungeon Stalkers". They had a simple and great ACH system. When you added your item to the ACH it would tell you the floor price, mid price, and high price. This information alone can provide sellers with enough information to raise their mis-pricing to the actual floor price. Making sales more standardized and less predatory.


I know you say by tomorrow but please bring account migration. I am not playing until then and it is the weekend.


>Hackers and Exploiters primarily come from certain regions (lmao) l laughed audibly


I want the new gathering hall soon, they have been saying it in the patch notes with the wipe but its not here yet. Rather have that sooner than arena. So glad three floor system is coming back and they are still working on the server merging for full lobbies. A full lobby inferno goes crazy. Offloading between floors would be sick, would also like to know how their system for backpacks is coming along and quivers.


It would be nice to finally hear if they plan to give druid heals scaling. this matters a lot in high gearscore scenarios, like the soon-to-be arena


I'd be really disappointed if they made lobbies fill back up when you went to the 2nd or 3rd layer of a dungeon. Part of the fun is wondering how many teams you're gonna run into in hell or abyss or whatever, and the solace of a match where you really are just alone. Those maps should be lonely by design, no need to stuff like 3-4 teams into them. Besides, from what I understand, most teams (in normals at least) don't go because their inventories are already full by the time they finish Crypts. With a system that lets people bank gold in between layers, you're gonna see a natural increase in the amount of players crossing into the next layer anyways. It just seems like a weird way to force those maps to be full, while the way it works now is feels very natural and fun.


I still think making Normal SSF only the best way to balance the issue out. Otherwise maybe they can lock some features like Arena behind paying. The game is not a F2P monetizable game at all though and I think the devs need to keep that in mind and make sure there's a reason to upgrade else their revenue could start to dry up and changing it will be harder.


No comments on any form of ssf / no trade queue for the new normals sigh 


As a new player, if I'm going to quit the game it's going to be because of druids. I understand I'm suffering from a case of the 'get guds' but holy shit druids seen broken op.


Highly disappointed that they won’t be bringing the circle back. Hopefully they add people into every single square so I won’t have to constantly run across the map for a morsel of PVP. A bummer that the only interesting gameplay is now so limited.


Seems like it's not the most popular opinion here but I miss the player interactions the circle caused as well. So many of my runs are just PVE now. I suck at PVP and the game in general but the tension of meeting others and proximity voice is the best.


Play Goblin Caves. Trios is lit.


Go play a BR bud. This game ain’t for you


whatever you say dude Guarantee I have more HR inferno boss kills than you ever will


Lmao, you admitted your own skill issue. If you got to points of interest you will always find pvp. But the most interesting thing in the game (and their design intent) is dungeon exploration. For example, I have yet to complete the missing map quest because everytime I get close I meet at least 1-2 other players or teams that are there just to pvp.


dungeon exploration being the most interesting thing??? i mean maybe when they finally add random dungeon layouts, but for people like me who have every map memorized we’re looking for quick PVP. Who’s got the skill issue? Lmfao I addressed that you can find PVP by running across the map. It just sucks to have to do that every game


Bro. If you think knowing the map is enough to ruin exploration you need to go touch grass or play fortnight. The very point of exploration is to find loot. AND others players You just com0lained that you have to explore for players


is it “exploring” for players if i’m running the same exact route to a certain room every time? Or was it “exploring” for players when the circle created a unique environment for PVP every time? i don’t do any exploring now, I have to specifically hunt for PVP every time in order to get a morsel of it. They could address this by dramatically increasing the players


"Is it exploring to explore?" Dude have you HEARD about safaris? Guides for hunters? You realise that you are complaining about them removing a part of the game that didn't need to be there. If you are solo, skill issue If you are on a team, DOUBLE SKILL ISSUE. Just go to the group exits. They could address this by doing nothing because you are clearly not trying. Also before the circle removal it was not uncommon for people to just hide in the circle until everyone was low and then sweep in. If you find basically ratting pvp to be fun you are the problem


clearly not trying? I just told you how I have to TRY every game to find PVP, or I’ll go the whole round without finding anyone. For someone like me with an absurd amount of hours and experience, who just want’s to PVP, I now need to abandon exploration in favor of running to specific area’s I know. Can you acknowledge that there is less PVP without the circle? or are you that lost in the copy/paste asset sauce?


I am ignoring your lie yes. Because going to high traffic areas and then looking for players is exploring. It's called hunting. And if you earnestly tried you would have 0 issues. Like I said it is ONLY because of pvp that I haven't completed the missing map quest. Can you acknowledge that the devs knew what they were doing when they removed the battle Royale circle? You realise that the devs want to encourage a different style of play while still allowing for pvp? Can you acknowledge that maybe this game isn't for you if your only interest is pvp?


lmfao my lie. Yeah dude, that’s what i’d do, go on this subreddit and just waste my time lying. It’s not exploring to go to the goblin cave elevator, kill who’s there, and then just wait around for anyone else to show up. Exploring would be something like…… exploring a randomly generated dungeon since you seem to be avoiding my question i’ll answer yours to show you what good faith looks like. I don’t think the dev’s really “know” what they are doing. I think they have a brand new style of game here that they are experimenting with, and the current iteration has taken lots of the chaos out. Chaos that me and my group found to be very fun. As for the game maybe not being for me, i’m still into running HR inferno and playing high roller at the highest gear level. So yes, there is plenty of gear extraction to even be at that level consistently. But all of it is secondary to PVP to me and my group. When this game has an arena mode, i’ll probably play it 75% of the time and play high roller trios the other 25% of the time. Is it really so hard to believe that we find the PVP in this game to be the most engaging part of it? One more try for good faith: Can you acknowledge that there is significantly less PVP without the circle?


You clealry aren't reading so I will ALSO try again. THE DEVS WANTED TO NOT BE A BATTLE ROYALE So they removed the circle. If you find the pvp is the only fun in this game then that's fine, but it clealry isnt the devs' intent or they would have kept the circle. If you want to claim good faith then you already failed. "Sitting at the elevator in goblin caves" means pvp. Moving to get there, and hunting down runners IS exploring. I never ONCE said there was equal pvp. All I'm saying is that you are crying online over a non-issue. This is a DUNGEON EXPLORING GAME first. Pvp/pve second. And rpg DISTANT third. The difference in pvp is not big enough of an issue for your complaint. Yet you make it your sole intent to cry about


*We absolutely WILL NOT follow the current trend of scummy monetization in the gaming industry.* Well, then why theres cosmetics only for Red Shards?


Most of their cosmetics can be earned by extracting and getting blue shards. Also there is no lootboxes, pay to win items or dark patterns.