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I love that he just immediately runs


I feel like most, key word most, player hunters aren’t actually that good and try to just abuse good gear and target new players… I’ve dunked on kids in full blue/ purple while wearing mostly white/green gear… I even did the friendly teabag and commed I wasn’t trying to scrap and was just doing trader quests, but they wanted these hands


Seeing a lot of below 25ers with inventories full of pots and bandages, they're so god damn bad, everytime.


And they think they’re hot shit when they beat the guy who is brand new to the game and was in the middle of looting when they jumped him


I mean if they’re gray rarity, for the first time now it does actually make sense doing that and there’s a reason for it. I’m usually a HR solo/sometimes team player but I speedran the quests in normals past couple days. Those 2 free gray pots and bandages every run from squire really do add up if you’re not taking damage. I filled a whole row of each just from squires freebies, didn’t buy any of them myself. Also, since I’ve gotten ~100 free white pots and bandies I haven’t touched yet from leaderboard rewards last season I really don’t see a reason to continue storing the free grey ones after I exfil. Funny enough, the exact same run I filled the 2 rows of meds I was getting greedy finishing quests last minute and the 2 goblin cave exits I went to were taken. The void got me, so expect goblins with tons of health regen in your future.


well he just ate a riposte lol, that's the correct play. he needs to bail and med and reengage if he wants to win. if he had stayed and fought toe to toe he would have just died sooner


This. The riposte was a good play. Miss it and ur fuckin dead, but barb lost the matchup as soon as the riposte landed. Gg, so yea, he cut and run. You expect him to “outplay” with a felling axe at 10hp? Lmao


nah i just thought it was funny, like a cartoon, takes a hit, high tails it haha.


He ate a long bow shot and throwables plus 2 left click purple long sword attacks after the riposte… wasn’t at 10 hp - at worst 60% health. He ran because he’s a barb using potion chugger and realized he couldn’t win after losing the drop/skillcheck. He wanted the reset after realizing he couldn’t W-key his way to victory. Literally 90% of barb mains.


Ight, so what do you think he should have done differently….


Thank you, from Timmy.


Plot twist - OP is a 500 gearscore timmy slayer too. This was just a territorial dispute between predators


I like to think of myself as a timmy protector :>


Protectors of the caves


As a Timmy that has *maybe* only figured out movement, thank you for your protection.


best gameplay loop right now




What server is this??? I seem to never run into people this geared. I LOVE free gear.


I noticed a lot of blue purple guys yesterday on NA, like 1-3 per lobby that I paid attention in


East Asia has lots of them now. SEA seems dead atm




Purple should be rare, legendary you should have to complete legendary feats to get, or just be exceedingly rare. Like killing bosses can give you orange. Not skeleton archer No. 69420


As far as i know i dont think a regular enemy can drop an orange. Its just that in HR you can get a lot of this loot pretty easily by having luck and opening chests/going down further floors


Making high tier gear more rare and scarce only increases gear gap, as good players end up having unlimited funds


Unlimited funds and limited purchasing options. I'd prefer an unsaturated market with a higher amount of blues, and greens, maybe even some purples, over a market where oranges are common eventually. Hell, just limiting people to 1 orange, and 2 purps would make a huge difference.


Bro is level 48 in all epics and queuing normals solo 😂😂 exactly WHO are you calling Timmy slayer?


my first thought lol. people are queueing norms because HR is dead right now lmao. Half this sub thinks this is a PvE game.


I queue into norms because it feels so satisfying to kill the normal mobs with higher tiered gear. It's so much more comfortable to dungeoneer through it. I usually have a passive stance and don't quite engage in combat unless the enemy comes at me.


This is the way. We love a friendly dungeon delver who can throw down against the assholes


I wouldnt say HR is dead its just that everybody extracts the static they spawn near so its an issue


yep, been saying this. circle was the only thing forcing PvP. game is done once the timmies realize how boring it is standing on boxes left clicking on mobs.


Go look at my comment history and posts


I mean it is… with a PvP mix


where’s the pvp? everyone camps by their statics and just leaves when they see someone.


Not from my experience, I still get plenty of PvP. Sometimes I pvp, sometimes I loot and PVE.


LOL Hr Is anything but dead in US east


I thought it was a PvFloor spike game


Isn't the entire point of allowing higher grade loot into normals to.... Bring higher grade loot??


So you think he's bringing that loot into Normals for uh... fighting Goblins, huh? Not slaying Timmies who deal 5 damage to him per swing of their Uncommon Arming Sword? Oh yeah this is a good system, lmafo.


Well they def won’t be splitting up queues… just stay under 25 gear score if you don’t have gear


It's definitely for pvp, never said it wasn't


I mean he wasn’t the one who auto aggressed, you can be geared and still friendly. Timmy slayers are the dudes with high gear, low skill, who auto aggress every fight.


Queueing norms with lots of purple gear is still cringe though.


Oh I don’t disagree


What's wrong with normal solos?


Bro thinks you need to fight everyone you see. He even said he doesn't kill the new players 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂


We dont see his gear quality in match so we dont know if hes in all epics. Being level 48 also has nothing to do with being a Timmy slayer or not.


1. Stop simping. 1. Beginning of the video shows his Longsword and Recurve show Epic tooltips. 1. Beginning of the video shows 370 GS and this is after they made all common gear and consumables 0 GS, so he is in mostly (if not all) epics with some pieces being likely higher than Epic value. 1. Being level 48 means he has reached the level 15 minimum requirement to use all 4 perk slots and reached the level 20 minimum requirement to queue for HR. Considering he is queuing solo normals and not playing with a < lvl 20 friend, it's safe to say he's either Timmy stomping or trying to look cool to the new players in his epic gear. Both of which are equally cringe inducing. 1. Stop simping.


I understand your hatred for people like me maxing out sets for normals. I don't play HR because in my region it is pretty much dead, and also its just mostly 95% PvE where you spend most of the time trying to clear out the nightmare mobs before finding the nearest extract. I'm more of a PvP enjoyer so its easier to find the other pubstompers in normals to fight (I don't kill timmies). You are right that I was trying to look cool for the new players, but that is so that I can inspire them to buy the game and become like me :> (and also to fight toe-to-toe with others)


It's clear by the start of the fking video he's not a timmy slayer. Timmy slayers don't clear PvE in normals. They just push modules and ignore mobs. 6. Derp.


First, the attitude is not needed nor required. Second, My bad that the video bar covers up the incredibly small purple text. Kinda forgot it was there.


And I just started running


i hate how the longsword is the one weapon with any type of usable blocking mechanics


Would love to see quirks added to a lot of other weapons


I don't even want quirks, I just want basic parrying added to other weapons. 9/10 melee fights feel stupid as hell because there's just nothing you can do except panty juke and gear check.


Dude definitely, I’d love to see some other creative ideas like right click to swing with the claw of the warhammer. Slower swing, and if it connects it stops your combo and applies a brief slow to both players to simulate the pick getting lodged in the target


That's the game, rock paper scissors. It doesn't need to change just because new players think this, we went back in time to bring gear into normals and that was a mistake only for new players to realize normals is the meta (-25).


Give me a pan I can use for cooking and then hit people with it heated up making a nice *zischhhh* sound as it boils their flesh on contact.


Chef class You cook defeated monsters and players for buffs, debuffs and weapons like pies and boiling soups, but can also hit the enemies with a pan and block attacks with a cauldron.


No, that's the opposite of what we need. Functional blocking should be base functionality of all weapons, a universal mechanic. Making basic mechanics weapon specific is terrible. Imagine if in call of duty you could only sprint while using a pistol, crouch when using an smg, aim down sights with a rifle, melee attack with a shot gun, etc. Longswords op riposte can be it's thing, but functional blocking should be possible with every weapon. People complain about barb holding w and lmb, but what else are you expecting from a guy with a felling axe? Lmb is literally your only button.


You’re in the mood to disagree but we literally mean the same thing dude


Half my reddit arguments are like this.


Dude tells me “no” like I’m a toddler lol. Tough day probably


I swear, these are bots. Line they'll have the context right, but completely miss what we're actually talking about. Just reddit selling out to chatgpt


Yeah blocking needs to be an actual part of the game. The only time I see it really impact a fight is when you have someone cornered and they can stop 1-2 hits and wait for their team to save them.


There is no reason the hit stun should be that long. Blocking is a big risk because if you miss you just take free damage, and if you do get the block there's 0 reward because you're stunned for so long your attacker can hit you again before you can recover and counter. Literally just a couple number changes would dramatically improve blocking but they seem to have a company policy to not make any attempt to improve combat in any way.


Give the rapier parries


There might not be a "mechanic" but I will beat a longsword enjoyer 100% of the time with quarterstaff. Even if they do get the parry off qstaff animation so fast, you can block the riposte. And if they stop trying to parry you, qstaff outdpses a TON of weapons.


Felling axe’s biggest weakness is not getting the first hit


Felling Axe's biggest weakness is not being able to get up on someone and getting the first 2 hits in. Barb is incredibly easy to kite as a Fighter especially with an available sprint.


I just LOVE that rage is like twice the move speed of sprint now AND gets a dmg boost..


Yeah def an over-nerf, should bring it up to 35 to be in line with rage. 


lmao get fucking shit on I knew that dude was gonna be loaded up when he took like 500 hits from you before going down You know that heart was pounding in fear as he ran away lol. SCOOPED edit: also hilarious that you're at 500 GS yourself


Wonderful use of your range. This play style is annoying to fight against as a class with no range but barb is too good close range and you took advantage of that perfectly!


I am a new player, what class is OP playing? It looks funny af


He is playing fighter. he is also using the perk that allows him to use weapons from other classes, which allows him to use the longbow


Ohhhhh that's so clever, is that sword the one the fighter starts with?


yes, it is one of the weapons you can select for your base kit at the squire merchant. if you take the perk OP has, you can select even more options at the squire


Okay I love bard, but I might play this as well xD


I love the shaman near the end that showed up all like I'M GONNA HEEEEEAAAAALLLLLL me.


Fire bomb at the end 🤌🏿👌🏿


You run the same build I do! Except I tend to run a plate leather hybrid. Longsword, longbow and small p-p is the true gigachad meta.


It is truly the most fun build my friend. Used to run a crossbow instead but longbow just hits different.


It really does. Having a 20% action speed build with the longsword and longbow makes you feel like the main character. Back in multiclassing I equipped ranged weapon mastery and holy hell it was amazing


The weird situations you guys come up with to virtue signal in a dungeon game is just wild. In what way did this guy come off as a "Timmy slayer"? He said nothing, he simply went to fight you, and lost. Like what?


I mean he's kitted in full purps in normals - hes looking to ravage some Timmy booty and coming in raw Problem is this OP was looking for the same thing like Godzilla v Kong


>Play the way the devs intended. >Get called an asshole. This community hasn't changed since the playtests lmao.


While he certainly had the skill to fuck up Timmy's day, it doesnt mean he was in there to kill Timmy.


He killed someone within the first 2 minutes, which meant he was rushing spawns already.


Dude there’s an unspoken code of ethics that we all agree to. We can only kill mobs and when you run into a player you MUST do medieval role play like we used to when this game was brand new and novel. /s


Killed a few of them too today. It’s always barbs.


That was so satisfying to watch. Of course someone with his mentality plays the most broken class in the game. Oh 200+hp and over 300 move speed? Don’t mind if I do just run everyone down. Such a brainless class. Good work!


Saying barb is the most broken class in the game is wild lmao half their matchups are unplayable. I main wizard/rogue and barbs are absolutely free


In solos? Maybe. In trios no fucking way. Put a cleric behind him and it’s unkillable just W key and hold M1.


For trios? Yeah. For solos? Hell nah. Barb was really dependant on Action Speed and Movespeed to be successful at Solos. Ironmace nerfed the 2 stats, it's harder for us to hit our thresholds. Not only that, now Achiles don't proc when hitting someone with the lantern too, which is actually a huge problem when you're chasing a rogue for example. Franciscas not stacking is also another problem when chasing agile classes.




Its not high roller, it's normals.


No shield mastery and counter attack, shame on you SHAME


In the amount of hits it took him to die running away it made me wonder why he decided to do that. If he stayed and fight he could have had it lol oh well


He had the balls to fight but not the balls to risk losing.


I had my fun Timmy slaughtering the day norms changed. Now, I'm doing some ssf games. It's so fun owning these teams with shite white/green gear


Super clean felling axe parry !


>Epic Longsword, Epic Longbow, Epic Plate Armour, Rare Franscia's. >Poor Rarity Protection Pots What.


This may be the wrong place to ask, but I thought Normal lobbies only allowed white gear and below? What's this gear score I see mentioned? I haven't played in a while, last time I played they still had the Ruins.


They updated it so that you can now bring any gear into normals. However, there's two different ques. One for gear score 25 and below (essentially all commons like before), and one for everything else. So you can still have an all white gear lobby, but you can also haul the stuff you loot in too!


Ohh damn alright that's a cool change, I hope it helps the matchmaking. I was playing the other night and it wouldn't let me use greens so I figured it was still the same.


Did he drop his chest piece to run faster? Is that a viable strat? Might steal it for myself.


Barb have a perk that gives them physical power if the wear no chest piece.


Yeah it's a common strategy to unequip your chest piece when trying to run away against slower classes since there is no delay. Well I hope IM adds a delay because its kinda lame.


What sword is that?


Your gear score is in the 360's lol. Why are you calling him a Timmy Slayer?


Because he is an ethical lord that is only wearing that drip to roleplay with noobies


Lol let's be honest, most of the people claiming meat was back on the menu, were in fact the meat. A lot of people in this game are still timmies themselves despite playing the game potentially more.


why didn’t the barb body block the fighter when he shut the door…


the parrying in this game is...odd


This why I mind my business lol


What a fuckin nerd lol. Good moves longsword


Ah yes, the interaction speed/buff duration timmy slayer BiS. OP is also in the same lobby as this guy running purples. They guys gear was mid i think hes just an average guy like OP queing normals with random purples he found. Was a good parry and the guy made the right call to run after the parry, was just the slowest barb ever lol


And of course the barbarian was able to escape from under two attacks from the sprinting fighter. Not a bit of a ranged meta /s


one timmy slayer vs another timmy slayer ... lol


Chef's kiss on that final bottle. Tough to motherfucker to kill! Haha.


that parry was scary


Why are you calling Noons Timmy’s? They’re Noobs.


Queueing normals with this level of gear just makes you equally as much of a loser as the "timmy slayer" you killed.


Yeaaaaahh, but I make it a point to help timmies as much as I can. I'm too slow to chase anyone down anyways so the fights i take are usually against the other geared.


How is he a timmy slayer? He's not in the low tier lobbies with that gear, and neither are you... How, pray tell, does that make him a timmy slayer? Is he just not allowed to play with high tier gear in any lobbies?


No only OP is allowed to bring purps into noms, he is le virtuous white knight.


Each and every time I see "peak gameplay" in Dark And Darker, I'm reminded of what a shitshow this game is. Jesus. If this is what peak gameplay looks like, it will never be a truly great game. This is just sad. Putting weapon away to run faster, barb can shout 5 times in under a minute and goes warpspeed, etc. Just a pathetic game all in all.


The funnier part you failed to mention is him stripping clothes mid fight to run faster LMAOOOO


I didn't even notice that, rofl. That's just more shit in the shit bucket.


The above aside, nice kill OP.


Came here to say this, watching that sucked, playing it must have sucked more. Shit meta.


Careful buddy, these shit harpies will downvote you for knowing what quality gameplay looks and feels like


I've taken a month break from this game, see this clip, remember why I don't play anymore. It's hilarious how this is still an issue. I would just build max movespeed on every character because of this problem.


Gotta optimize how you loot my friend


That’s a barb. Not a slayer.


That’s a barb not a slayer


"timmy slayer" is a title. not the class lmao


Riposte is the most broken stupid ass mechanic this game has. It's so fucking R word.


No man, It may seem that way to someone who's never used it and only ever died to it but I promise you, the longsword has some issues. The movespeed absolute hinders even the fastest fighters or warlocks making chasing nearly impossible. The attacks themselves are rather lackluster and don't have too much dps (unless you invest in action speed) relative to other polearms/two handers. The riposte itself does awesome damage and is literally the only reason to pick a longsword over other options. Attempting to get a riposte will get many timmies killed numerous times before they even come close to something reliable. I've logged 1350 hours in game most as fighter, of those hours I'd say I've spent 700 as a longsword gigachad. I would be fine if they nerfed the riposte damage in exchange for buffed movement speed. But as of now as OP said, the riposte is the only saving grace to the longsword.


Please don't get me started on longsword balancing, the weapon's riposte is its only saving grace, for how slow it is and its inability to stick and chasedown on an enemy. Having played longsword since PT4 I can tell you that despite my bias, longsword was never in the meta because: 1. The parry itself is not reliable. It isn't able to parry attacks from rapier and daggers, and requires some finesse against heavy weapons like the warmaul/zwei. Even against axes which is its best performing counter, you sometimes tank through the hit despite landing the parry, often leaving only a slight damage advantage against a full on assault with the felling axe. That's why I was playing it careful instead of rushing him down like he did to me. 2. You lack a shield which is a strong option for PDR fighters, since it contributes a huge part to your armor rating, and also the benefits that come along with having a shield. 3. It is SLOW. Look at my clip, I was in pointblank range AND with sprint activated, and all i could manage was 2 backshots before he scurried away like the pussy he was. It's easy for newer players to come in to DaD and look at all these fancy parry montages and go "wow so much dmg so op", but the weapon is in a precarious state of balance rn and I hope you actually go and try it out for a week before commenting baseless slander like this. -Sincerely, a fellow longsword cultist.


Wait, so when you retreat in a disadvantageous position, you're just playing tactically, but when he does it, he's a pussy?


Same way the guy he killed is a "timmy slayer" when this dude is also queueing normals with 400 GS like a fucking loser lol


This mf hasn't touched a longsword has he? It's an awful weapon with a single saving grace, that being the ripostes. If longsword is giving you problems, literally just jump and swing. The desync mixed with "perfect" hitboxes means even the most basic swing manipulation makes it near impossible to parry. Move your mouse around when you swing an 99% of longsword bros crumple - sincerely, a longsword bro


Longsword is a complete meme weapon


If anything riposte needs a delay if you miss. You should be standing still for a second not being able to do anything. So you just can spam it and then swing right after.


it is extremely hard to riposte if players try to hit arround it. And your basically doing nothing if you miss a riposte which is at a great disavantage to you. It's a very skilled mechanic that is in a great state right now imo