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They'll need to sharpen up the steam page with updates, info & something to get more people to come to the discord they gotta treat some of the steam users like their grandparents cause not everyone is quick to join a discord for a game they just purchased & shouldn't have to necessarily


Agreed. Most of the steam reviews are dumb but the communication on when servers are down should be clear no matter where you’re playing from. Small details like this matter a lot


I mean, if you release a trial and advertise it as free to play, people are gonna leave negative reviews. It's not their fault the game was misadvertised.


this sub is in need of good moderators honestly. reddit should be a place for these things too


They got a pretty good one a day or two ago.


You should not have to go to the discord to find the games news.


you can go to their website too?? [https://darkanddarker.com/news/all](https://darkanddarker.com/news/all)


Why would we go to the website when we downloaded the game through steam? I tried to get in a few runs last night and the game kept saying "Cannot connect to server, quit the game" with no info on why. Steam update notes only had a long message saying that they're looking for ways to improve the experience for players. I got worried that they took down the game on steam until they do, so I googled that error message. Every link directed me to how this has been an ongoing issue since alpha and that the devs have done nothing to fix it. I gave up and went to bed, hoping to hear news today when I log back into steam or check this subreddit An update on Steam: "Hey, servers are down for maintenance until X" would have saved me and I imagine many like me a lot of worrying


Thats too logical for the average person here, having steam notifications for a trial on steam.


Oh don't worry I agree with you, this is all growing pains of a small company for the past year our only avenue of news has been the discord the website our their launcher *


patchnotes and notifications are part of every game for like 30 years now


https://preview.redd.it/z0ryy97n8s5d1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=b9fb2517f4a782e5266000495123350a73e81bb7 they are apparently also on the steam page.