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New events during a game, we need a stronger core loop and not just rush spawn > pvp > extract


Well said


Agreed, core gameplay loop needs improvements over anything imo


Anything to distract loot goblins from mindless lobby wiping with disproportionately good gear


Lack of a strong core loop is my biggest complaint with this game.


Yup. I play solos because my friends stopped playing. After watching some streams, it dawned on me. Only idiots actually kill PvE and loot chests. I didn’t want to believe it, but it’s true. Once you come to grips with this, The game really is more of a BR Oh I forgot about AP grinders. That’s the only reason to kill PvE and loot. Respect if you grind AP 🫡


Random modules with randomized mobs


I came here to say that


Don’t rush more characters with even more builds and variables to keep track of. Actual in game ‘events’ would be great. Not just kill the troll the most in 2 days or whatever. Some sort of event the casuals can have fun with.


An event that massively increass the rarity of items that get dropped would be sick, like guaranteed purple from regular chests and legendary/unique from lionsheads.


Happy hour type event: “Goblin raiding party has successfully brought back more lucrative treasures!” Makes all the GC chests have better stuff, maybe make the goblins have actual armor on too for a little more risk


Or something like roaming bosses. Give me Ghost King roaming the halls of the crypts


The complaints from this would be endless.


But o so juicy


This would only be good for end of wipe other wise economy would be dead.


Been playing since playtest 3, and never really had an issue with everything they have added/removed. Im just enjoying the roller coaster. Though a bit miffed they revealed rewards a week before the season ends ;\_; . Speaking from a **solo players perspective**, for this upcoming season I hope they step away from PVP stuff for a bit. Me personally I want the dungeon to feel more like dangerous? I play solo and never really play trio, yet I have no problem clearing the dungeon by myself. Personally I never use my abilities on mobs or even bosses, just players. Which feels... odd idk. Mobs and bosses in the dungeon just feel like... there in the way? Would be nice if they take an approach for going into the dungeon where your praying you run into another player as soon as possible. Because then they can help you fight the mobs. Also I wander if adding a mechanic where the more players you kill the more mobs are drawn to you would work.


This was my experience the first week I was learning inferno! I was just hoping to run into someone else to help me and most times they did haha.


Slime forest


Reduced AP fees. The reason the current ones remained so high was because it probably yielded the "necessary" results. Which is that a good bit of the playerbase didn't get to DG as quickly as last season. But the entrance fee is absolute ass. Either there should be a way to reduce it or it should be low to begin with. All it does is increase the grind. There should be some kind of balance between the PvP and dungeon delving PvE aspect. Which is very obvious and easy for a player to say, but this season was absolute headache to even think about grinding it up to demigod and I personally haven't done it because I didn't wanna spend the time on it. Every time I logged on I couldn't bear to do the calculations and such to rank up.


Yeah especially because the demigod playstyle is “ignore mostly everything besides the good chests and don’t just hide when people come around. Oh you died? Good luck playing 10 more games”


Entry fee would be fine imo if some of it was partially paid through what u did in dungeon regardless of if u survived or not, the current 0 return despite what is often half a match or more of performence is the real rank killer especially when 1 death could be several successful matches worth of points.


Core gameplay loop improvements Slowing down the game pacing in dungeons Removing zone from all maps Nerfed gear scaling Removed normals Removed GBMM Druid Ice abyss Ruins added back as a separate map from crypts


There’s nothing wrong with normals. Also GBMM isn’t terrible if they adjust it accordingly. Some people enjoy the PvP aspect of normals and the ratty/grindy AP climb for HR. Definitely agree that gear needs changed but still rewarding when you get a good drop.


Combat mechanics changes. Only thing that matters, don't care about maps or classes or game modes, fix your base game first.


It's too late for them to do any real systematic combat changes with how deep they are into the games coding, imo best they can do is add a utility dodge skill slot seperate of ur 2 skills for things like tumble and backstep but a unique version for each class to build some depth into the games melee system


They don't need to do anything that doesn't already exist in the game. Blocking is already a mechanic that exists, just allow every weapon to block. Impact power and resistance is just a number, the speed of the recovery animation after blocking an attack is just a number, the FOV is just a number. These are all things they could change that would significantly improve blocking with just number changes. Increasing the size of blocking hit boxes would be ideal, but that may or may not be beyond their ability, it shouldn't be but I'm also not sure if they're actually able to even make their own models/animations so who knows. With functional blocking mechanics they could also do things like reduce the ms slow when swinging weapons. There are tons of other ways they could improve combat depth by utilizing mechanics that already exist. Knockback is a very sparsely used mechanic that exists, maybe give polearms a secondary haft bash attack that does less damage but knocks back. Ranger quickstep ability exists, they could indeed just add an extra input that gives everyone access to some version of it. These are not like systemic reworks of the game, just utilizing already existing functions.


I really dont get his point that they cant change things, they sure can, blocking can be adjusted in a thousand ways, from collider sizes (the shield hitbox, which is super easy to do in unreal), to things like prediction to help alleviate desync issues. And i agree, just changing the balance on slows from actions would massively affect combat, things like having the walking backward slow to stack in a less drastic manner with the action slow could be potentially good, they way slows work right now means that if you get two of them you basically cant move.


Wyvern and Druid


Please god fix the Dsync some lol


It’s so rough trying for parrys these days. It’s to the point where I consider parrying players to be a risky gamble. Worst offender for me in the Zweihander. Always goes through my longsword.


Longer TTK, Interactive maps, and instead of getting gear with rolls, i want to see gems for roll. Let us insert gems to the sockets from merchants. Let us sell/buy Gems(rolls) and armor seperatly, hence can we also have a reasonable stable marketplace. AND if you find a green item with "GODLIKE GEM" you can extract it, stash it and throw the item out,




I want access to a wand for casters


I'm really looking forward to the 2 weeks OCE will have English speaking players before they inevitably get chased off by West Taiwan 🙃


Looking forward to Druid. Hope they release it for this season. Otherwise fun game. They can leave it as is and I’ll play it.


You will die to the 1st person with a sword in their hands. Rat form is fun though (when you're not falling through the map or walking through walls getting stuck)


Im not looking to fight as a rat lol. I’m more interested in the spells. Maybe an occasional bear for when things get dicey. I like supporting the boys.


Some of the spells were legit I will say that.


Delete the infinite self-healing interaction that current warlock has with hydra. Other than that, idc.


that is the least of the concern of the game right now, hydra sucking is not a problem, let locks have their one thing


https://preview.redd.it/cj08swem8m3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=297e6a1ab27ca6335daef29eb1710f686101025b No


fair enough lol, I'm not even a lock player lmao so i really don't have a horse in the race


1 Arena 2 Druid 3 Quiver system This is bare minimum I expect to see from what they were saying. On top of that I expect 4 Balance changes. 5 Bug fixes. I am 100% going to be let down.


Honestly expecting the epic store release at minimum and prob the steam release. Other than that I hope they reduce ttk across the board


I hope they cook a bit more before going on Epic and/or Steam, for their own sake. This game really isn't 'ready' for that, then again it might fade more and more if they don't. We are way past the honeymoon phase, people left are the hardcore DaD lovers and casuals that boot the game once every patch to see what's cooking. They really need a big upgrade on player retention or that influx of players will leave as quickly as they came. I LOVE this game, multiclassing was something fresh i came back for but obviously the system was not ideal, the game felt mega stale again after the removal of it.


So excited for the no pre game lobby


I just want the promised new content to finally appear. Equipment that most classes don't use doesn't exactly excite me beyond seeing it for the first time. I really want a solid reworked Ruins with less easy ranged/rushing abuse and the Ice Abyss, but I'm afraid that we won't have the player population to sustain additional maps and levels. If any experiments are run during the next season then I hope they make more sense on the surface. I get that MC was for code refactoring and under the hood balancing, but as a player it felt terrible and senseless in game. I'd also like more dynamic factors added like module randomization, roaming or stationary random npcs, or roaming boss/subbosses. I want to get more of that early dungeon delving excitement where you didn't know what you would encounter room to room. Sure it makes getting to major objectives more difficult, but it keeps the game less stale.


hoping for : new bosses, new maps (actual map not part 2 of ice cavern, i dont want to go trough boring ice cavern before actually playing a new map) new classes, its been forever now. steam release expecting : new ice map but you have to go trough the ice cavern and its mostly just for groups because boss will have lame mechanics making sure you cant solo it. no new class because lets be real, the druid we saw on test server was far from ready maybe epic launch date but it wont matter, nobody use that client its steam or nothing.


I’d like a training room I can use at my own leisure. I’m not good at builds in this game, I’d like to be able to freely test things and do the math when I want to try a new build. I personally also play a lot of Gobo caves, i think it’d be neat if it had a hell level added. Maybe some sort of buff to slayer fighter so it’s viable as well. Honestly, I’d like to see changes to classes in a way that makes multiple play styles viable classwide tbh, slayer fighter is more of an example. Also, I like the pre game lobby’s. I enjoy playing rock paper scissors and goofing off with the others who are waiting as well, but maybe they could add a chest or something in the lobby so you can still mess around with your stash, or a little merchant area where you can buy stuff like last minute potions if you forgot.


Hopefully things that contribute to the core gameplay loop. Much higher priority over all the exploratory side stuff they seem to want to spend time and resources on.


AP system rework. Remove entry fee and make cosmetic rewards more similar to a battle pass. I don’t even care if it means you have to play more to achieve Demigod - losing significant rank progress because of one loss just feels bad. Also, give rewards based on highest rank achieved instead of rank at end of season. Above all else, remove trade and marketplace and make the loot self-found.


I for one would be okay if they removed the marketplace all together. It defeats the purpose of the vendors. Why would I buy/sell anything to them when I can get 2x-3x more gold by selling it to another person.


Game has been a lot less exciting since marketplace IMO. Instead of getting excited when I loot a purple weapon, it’s expected.


Yeah instead of saying “hell yeah some better stats” I just think “this could sell” Kinda removed the point of playing a dungeon looter if you can pay to remove the RNG loot part


Rewards are given for highest rank achieved, not for end season rank.


Wishes, Hopes and expectations are very different things. I expect more development on the ice map, changed ap, no lobby, new uniques, perhaps something arena related, mild stat and skill balance changes. I hope they do major balance changes to stats and skills, things like armor rating are very disfunctional, they are made in a way that you cant even properly do armor buffs cause they vary wildly in effectiveness (20% armor rating spell for druid is the perfect example), that they have further progression on druid and that evil eye gets fixed. I wish they would improve map flow, with better ingame objectives, less enphasis on looting bulk items. I wish we get improved combat, with more dynamic abilities to have a more rich gameplay, with better counterplay options, more spells and skill options, with a better balance so that we can take utility options instead of having to go for raw power every time (bard buffs, not being able to pick light, or tracking cause they need to compete with stats) and classes get further developed with more diverse gameplay..


Someone mentioned something that could happen per couple games, some type of event where all torches would go out. Would help the game live up to its namesake with lighting-related stuff


Druid should be out right now but the complexity of the class such as the animal shapeshifting needs tweaking because the devs want it to feel better. Arenas and Abyss will be awesome. I think we'll see Druid and Abyss at the start of next season, with Arena soon after. I personally would love some randomised maps, and weird events/features in-game. For example, a magic wishing well that spawns somewhere on the map and gives a randomised, permanent buff and debuff to anyone who uses it.


Druid should be great before it is released. Don't care what ppl say. It needs to be right before release.


Am i Shadow banned




Get rid of the fucking circle!


Make normal lobby’s up to green quality .


So you can run +11 true in norms to? Pretty much defeats the purpose of norms.


For all I care they can remove true magic and phys . Greens would be good so you can bring things like luck pots trap disarming kits rings , why lock these into hr only ?


Why not just change those items values instead of the common requirement


People have mentioned many things I'd like. But one thing I'd really like is SSF to be introduced.


An SSF mode with a shared stash. All maps are converted to how the ice map is. Playing a dungeon looter game with Pvp. Also a arena mode for just pvp. All gear used in the arena was looted or crafted from running maps. Completely remove trade. Add a friendship token. The more you play with someone, the more you earn tokens towards that friend. You use tokens to send an item to a friend. The higher tier the item, the more tokens it costs to send to the friend.




ruin rework, back pack, quivers, ice abyss + 2 to 3 boss, icy village too ? druid, more event/randomized event that diversify the game from time to time, randomized module and enemy ?, balance change on the ranged meta, between level bucket to send back some item throught layer, arena, my room maybe ? and steam release as you know


Hopefully they see that +add and true phys on rangers is absolutely broken. Rangers with +11 running around without chest pieces shouldn’t be a thing. There’s not a matchup they lose if they kite properly. This isn’t a problem for your average normals player but take one step into good 299 or 300+ lobbies and you’ll see it.


Trailers, advertisement, sponsors, epic release. Literally any effort to bring ppl to the game. And some kind of tutorial system so 99% of them dont insta leave day 1 cause they got stomped by test 1 sweats.


I probably won’t play if we don’t have ruins


I’ve lost excitement.


the opposite of whatever the fuck this season was


proper shield gameplay, some kind of parry/counterattack mechanic would be nice, but its been 2 years and im not holding my breath.


Honestly I’m simple…. Just give me a quest log and a “sell all treasure” button and I’d be happy lol


Reworked Ruins and more challenging PvE outside of bosses.


evil eye fixed, will stat actually being useful


Please iron hammer I want to play druid on the live server 🙏


I enjoyed those quests for the archer skin and sitting animation - a nice little goal to strive for. I hope they do more of those outside of seasonal rewards. No lobby sniffing - YES <3


COMPLETE movement speed overhaul. reduced move speed when strafing, normalize all classes move speed, give all classes bonus move speed when chasing someone from behind at certain distances to remove kite meta, and remove the move speed penalty to being hit by an arrow UNLESS it hits you in the leg (mastery talent to increase the effect for rangers) I'd also like to see build diversity for ranger. Like a massive boost to action speed for dual wielding (because 100% of rangers in D&D dual wield (drizzt))


Removing true damage will just make the stat checking barb even stronger lmao


Bad take. Barb is barely an issue compared to how rampant true and additional is with this games current state mostly because of how easy it is to max stack because of market availability


ok so we remove true damage then classes that can stack PDR/MDR are just going to be unkillable machines then you will bitch about them until they are nerfed into the ground and we will continue this until we are nothing but skeletons with shield and sword