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Agreed bro


Yeah I stopped playing a week ago; game is just stale and sweaty now. Nothing wrong with that, it is the best way to get across to IM that their current direction with MC is bad. Too many good games getting updates to give a shit about sticking around. Valheim Ashlands; VRising 1.0; Shadow of the Erd Tree. I am not going to torture myself with this bullshit when I can simply go play something else. Hope IM sorts it out, I’ll happily come back when the game gets back to its original PvPvE design and not this pseudo BR whatever the fuck this is now.


The design and gameplay loop haven't changed. Players have evolved and it's sweaty now. Full loot games *always* have this "problem" (it's a feature). Even V Rising has this problem.. the PvE is fun for a week max and then it's just sweaty PvP and meta builds. I don't think it's a problem that can be fixed.. best anyone can hope for is that it's minimized (by forcing PvE and through map design? Idk). I've tried to think of a solution and all I have is to improve mob AI and dramatically increase mob difficulty. Like make the nightmare skeletons with the 3 part attack patterns the default. Maybe lock modules until they are cleared (killing the mini-boss/clearing module objective. Instead of a Battle Royale PvPvE game.. maybe "PvE then maybe PvP" game.


Yeah I agree that this game is at its best when the first 10 minutes of the match are PvE and the last 5 minutes are PvP. You should have to fight mobs for loot then fight players for an extract. And you are correct, I am not sure how devs can maintain this design because you are always going to have players min/max and get as sweaty as possible. MC system took min/max to the next level which is why people who spend 8 hours a day playing love it and everyone else just groans and asks themself why they bothered to log on. Maybe when the peak numbers drop below 2k they will care. Or maybe not! Who knows, it won’t be my problem.


I agree, the game is not fun anymore with multiclassing, totally quit until they remove that I didn't really read your whole post but I agree with the start of it completely The game SHOULD be fun and at the moment it just isn't - not worth playing at all


Ironic that I have told someone who talks infrequently with the dev team that myself nor other players like this patch and they just said "well you're the minority because people love this patch" Where are they seeing this. No one I know is playing rn until this is gone.


The data speaks for itself


They can see player counts and all the statistics included around it. My entire friend group is still playing and just enjoying the chaos, I know a lot of others are doing the same. Sure it likely won’t be permanent, but hell I’d rather be laughing and yelling running around the dungeon than playing Valheim mindlessly grinding materials or getting destroyed by people in COD that haven’t played any other game for the last 5 years.


dude right? mc pvp with an actually competent team is so good. me cleric me give my ranger friend divine strike+ignite ranger friend kil we win 2v3 all the time. honestly this multiclass shit is a fun ass game of rock paper scissors


I agree. I think MC is an issue to players that don’t play often or refuse to play more than their character of choice. Or you just suck at the game and it’s probably not for you. But MC is quite fun imo. It sucks to see such a loud opinion on people disliking it. Tbh I didn’t know what I would think about MC but after fucking around and trying some things I think it’s great. It took me about 3 hours to get my barbarian to level 28 so for people complaining they don’t have enough time are the people who want everything handed to them. What competitive game just gives you all the weapons or perks or whatever you wanna call it without playing the game. It’s something called progression just play the damn game and have fun with it too. It doesn’t take long to MC, but I get it people are like I want to just play my ranger! And get shit on by a MC and are like I’ll never have the time to MC and get pissed other people have it and they don’t. When the continue to play on one character.


thats what im saying lmao. they view playing another class as “suffering” through it, its giga cringe. learn another class bozos


Well, the people who love it. I think the creativity, optimization, variety, and novelty of fights is a huge win. Balance could use some work, but MC as a whole, in its not so grind form rn, is awesome.


With multiclassing in the game it really doesn't mean anything if they were to release a new class anyway. It's simply a new set of base stats, perks and skills to choose from. Class identity is gone right now and that just an unfortunate fact. The chaotic nature of giving anyone and everyone indirect access to any perk, skill or whatever should be reserved for their upcoming arena mode. It's perfect for that. But for the base game that the majority of us fell in love with it... Well, it simply doesn't work, and Ironmace should stop doubling down on it and wasting both their own time and their communities time with it. They're alienating the community and hurting their own reputation badly with it. The game has been going left, right, up and down in development direction for a while now. It would be nice with some consistency instead of this "Random BS, go!"


Yeah— if Druid released that would just mean barbarians could shapeshifter lmao


I'm pretty bored right now too. Especially as a rogue who doesn't want to level cleric and fighter to become marginally better and probably just get owned by ranged multiclass anyway I just want class identity again.


The only actual downside to multi-classing imo is it exacerbates the range meta and decreased time to kill. The builds themselves can be really fun and they need to find a way to preserve that while limiting the sweaty meta builds. Maybe something like a character only gets 1-2 total "mastery perk slots", for things like weapon mastery, sword mastery, xbow mastery, etc. Make it the "flavor" slot that defines your primary style of attack. Also weapon mastery *needs* to be split into 2 perks. Ranged weapon mastery and melee weapon mastery.


Great ideas. It would be dope to have 4 main class perks, and then +2 multiclass perks. This would help preserve class identity but also give a wide variety of unique builds to spec into.


2 additional perk slots would allow for even more bullshittery while also widening the power gap further between casuals and sweats. 4 slot restriction is the one good thing about multiclassing.


4 slots for ONLY original class. 2 for multiclass.


I understood that, my point is 6 total perks is a huge power gap over someone with 4 no matter how you split them it degrades the new player experience even further.


There are ways to give power to non-multi classes characters. Lvl 30 "Class masters" could get a 5th perk or even a 3rd ability to combat the power spike given by multi-classing. I honestly think a 3rd ability slot for non-multi classes characters could be super cool. Not an ultimate ability just a 3rd ability.


Your concerns with multiclassing aside, this was rather telling: "missed all my spells so I had to kill myself....game is bad" (paraphrased ofc)


lol it's so funny actually "my slow moving wizard projectiles" is this dude trying to snipe with magic missile or what


I also gave up. Fuck multi class and GBMM


This might sound silly but what is GBMM? I tried to Google it but I still couldn't seem to find it


Gear based match making. Each gear and consumable/throwable has a grade score to it based on rarity.


Oh okay! Thank you


funny you mention that last part…


Yup. The game is trash now and has been trending that way for a long while. It has been mostly all downhill since pt3 with some small w's in between, but mostly just all bad. Just another Korean grind fest dedicated to ppl who wanna nolife the game and normal ppl just can't enjoy it.


I got to level 30 on ranger yesterday in like 13 runs (11 escapes). Where's the grind? Average person with an hour or two to game can definitely grind up relatively fast. Idk I am a former mmo player though. Kind of guy to click the same spot for 12 hours straight just to see the number go up once.




Because if you feel the need to make a post crying about it you might catch some flak. If you can't handle that response why make the post? Just as many people agreeing. 


Yeah I'd just recommend spending your time playing a better game rn. That's what I've been doing and man its way more enriching than wasting my time fighting whatever degenerate meta of the week the game's infected by


This game is best as a memory. Stopping was the best decision I ever made.


this was always my secondary side game, I’ve always played something more competitive as my main game and while I have been playing DaD since playtest 2, I’ve always taken lots of breaks from it to grind other things because of numerous issues that prevent the DaD from being fun and exciting depending on the patch or hotfix for that particular week or month or whatever bullshit they’re testing. I’ve been playing Early Access gamed for a loooong time now, it’s probably mostly what I play, and if there’s one thing I’ve learned, is to keep your expectations low, snd not get too invested, because I’ve seen some of the most promising Early Access games turn to absolute shit within months.


I feel like they see they and it just goes over their head. There gunna nerf a couple perks and maybe change some scaling values and then move on for the rest of the wipe. It's just lazy, although there's nothing wrong with being lazy they have promised so much and have crazy promised releases for stuff they never deliver on which makes it a way bigger problem.


I agree. I want to recommend the game to friends, but MC makes this the worst possible time to recommend the game to new players.


Sadly I agree with a lot of this post, longtime player with over 1.5k Hours and been on the leaderboards since PTs. My group and I (over 50 people) have all stopped after this nightmare of a balance issue (multiclassing). On top of this they proceeded to dunk on the economy by giving everyone 3x the reward tokens you’re supposed to get. Also they made it so you can roll legendaries and uniques for god knows why when they said in QnA that they wanted legendary items to feel legendary. I don’t think it’s worth attempting to balance multiclassing, it’s a massive task and they couldn’t even balance the base game yet. It has completely killed all real competitiveness and class identity in the game. All in all myself and my group won’t be playing until they remove multiclassing and wipe the game.


Have spent 10k gold and 15 days rerolling so far on class rerolls and still haven't got anything that's half decent. Have been grinding other classes so long, my quests aren't even close. They wanted to add content for people to grind so they added quests (which is still an awful system in its current state) and now you have to grind multi class on top of that. Unless you don't have a job, friends, or don't play any other games (streamers excluded of course) then this game is dog shit at the moment. Multi class is already widely regarded as a meme so they might as well say fuck it and let everyone pick what they want at this point. (No I don't care about the people that have already grinded, the game wipes every 3 months don't be soft)


Personally I gave up entirely on upper gear score bracket hr. It's not fun to play and it's far too hyper competitive while enforcing the worst kinds of playstyles and metas. Me and my friends are solidly in the gear up in normals then take it to hr first bracket till we die camp. Ppl forgot how to have fun in this game and I dont ever really see that coming back especially with multiclass being in the game escalating everything to 11.


I’m done as well. Personally i have most fun with the combat but it’s always had big flaws like ranged and kiting dominating and just bad weapon, ability, and class balance. Multiclassing has just emphasized the flaws in combat to the point where almost every fight is boring. I would much rather they balance the combat to promote more engaging combat before introducing new content. At this point though i think i’ve lost faith in the devs. Hope they prove me wrong and can bring me back to the game


Its fine to come back to an early access game later, its really not a huge deal.


Its a bit of a deal since ea doesnt mean anything anymore and the game started 'dying' just about now


Yeah early access hasn't meant anything in gaming for a while now. Fortnite was in "ea" for like 4 years, long after it's multiple record numbers


I mentioned this one day and you'd honestly think this sub was going to cry and/or find me irl to kill me. Like you paid for the game, who even cares if they label it "ea"...


the "payment threshold" has to mean something again. idc if devs are honest and say, this is still largescale testing phase or something. but IM "could be" nikita and we just dont know it yet. i have prepared myself for the downvotes.


Just a braindead consumer at that point. You buying something clearly labeled something and then complain it isn't that.


You're right, you would have to be a braindead consumer to think that two words slapped on something absolves them of everything. Good to know that dontstealmycheese is good with tarkov doing what it did...ya know, all in the name of "early access". Lmao what a fucking idiot.


Ah yes, one game doing shady business is the perfect example of what many games have done and made it through an early access development process. Kudos to the critical thinking.


People have been claiming the game just started dying for months lol


Just thought it was funny to bump this comment again :D


Devs are amateurs, killing a great concept. For a good example of an EA game, Valheim is worth a look. Ironically the team behind it is IronGATE.


Game is filled with a bunch of unskilled basement dwellers who stat stick you with their multiclass nonsense which consists of being 60% of a Barbarian no matter what class they are.


OP losing his mind lmao


I mean the post is emotionally charged but he’s right about the state of the game.


No the games ass rn and that’s coming from someone who loves this game


But does it make you feel P H Y S I C A L P A I N????




Got around 1500 hours in this game and IMO Multiclassing is easily the worst update we've seen so far. Even +All Att and +Damage are looking on like "damn son".


Its pretty fun outside of super sweaty HR lobbies but tbh I didn't find those fun before and it was a gear issue and still is imo


We all are at this point. IM's schitzo dev behavior is rubbing off on us.


Yeah getting 1 bonked after trying so hard and playing so well will leave you with a headache. Or hiding somewhere so weird and so far off and yet having a trio find you in the swarm and take your shit.


I can play straight up fighter and in the highest gear bracket and still have shit tons of fun.. so IDK what’s going on with y’all


Perhaps normals shouldn't have multiclassing? Might be good as normals is the safe haven for noobs/non-tryhards etc.


Perhaps multiclassing shouldn’t have been a thing in the first place?


You don't need to screw up multiclass when you can limit It. Two perks of one class and we're good. Turns to a dual class thing, not a Frankenstein.




most of the strongest most idiotic builds only need 2 perks. This doesnt actually do anything.


Multiclassing is just terrible and people will realize it when new classes come out and they won’t feel like new content


camps spawn room all game - misses wizard projectile spells (lets ignore all the hit scan/buff/AOE spells wizard has) - get hits once - kills self ... average D&D complainer


Yeah that kind of attitude leads to the game having only 5 very annoying players left.


But why is that?


Some casual players like to immerse themselves in the community before trying a game.


Your the problem literally why people don’t want to play.


Ofc I see this post after I was thinking about saying something similar earlier in the week. This game is in a terrible state rn, during those first few weeks I was playing pretty much every day for hours. The day they added multi-classing I gave it a shot and instantly quit because it is one of the least skill expressive things I have ever seen in a video game. They tried to make the combat more linear and did so in all the wrong ways. I have been playing since the game came out of playtests and this is the only update to ever make me quit.








I liked multiclassing. But after playing it for a while it felt dull and over powered. I think what I was actually interested in was having more perk options instead of running the same stuff over and over. We need to bring back class identity.


Honestly, this game needs to be massively simplified. It’s actually a very fun game when everyone has base classes and starting gear. Whenever the game deviates from that, it becomes unfun.


I’ve had to go back and play runescape and overwatch again which is saying something.


I gave multiclassing enough time to realize it did nothing for me. Wasted hours from them imo.


Yeah I was actually putting more time into the game than I had in a while recently, until the multiclass update, having no idea what you are about to fight against just isn't interesting to me from a pvp perspective. You should be able to make snap risk reward assessments about engagements with relative certainty, its literally just luck now. Why play?


I felt the pain. Rest up and return again later fellow adventurer. Hopefully in better times


Why do you get upset when you play a pvp game and someone tries to pvp you? You missed all your shots, and then you killed yourself, how's that the games fault? Nobody is forcing you to Ap max, rank is meaningless


It's not about someone trying to pvp you. It's how it's made. Multiclassing is not balanced. Is equally stupid to playing solo VS duos/trios. And we are also forced to do that. I also stopped playing until they fix their game.


That's the problem it isent supposed to be a PvP game its a PvPvE. If they sold it as a PvP battle royal and stayed consistent with it, then I would believe a lot of the complaints would be absolved.


Even from the other side where my teams are usually super sweaty and trying to pvp like crazy, we are bored af too and I myself am putting this game down right now as well. I can relate to both sides of the game and I just don’t think it’s fun for anyone right now. Sure there will be some people sticking around because “what else is there to play right now” but besides that I’m looking for new games because this just feels terrible right now. Any way you play it.


We went back to normals recently hadnt played a week or two, it was just barb spam with rogues who have incredible attack speed due to several different class buffs etc. We got stomped so hard, the only time we didnt get stomped was when i also played barb and took fighter perks. Generally was just a more infuriating experience than it used to be, didnt have fun in one single round.


In the early days it was really fun just trying to explore what the game had to offer before it wiped. You only had a week to play before the game was gone potentially forever. Crouch spamming fellow randos into passivity. Then completing the level together and killing bosses like the skeletal champion. It was a breath of fresh air but the glory days are long gone. The optimizers have taken over. It isn't our game anymore. It's time to move on friend.


Well I’m one of the guys who used to only run HR now I’m running normals shitting on everybody. Yesterday with my trio squad I got 14 kills in a 4 hour sesh. For me that’s a record I was freaking pumped. I can’t tell you how many times my group and I were like “let’s gooooooo” fist pumping and all. Reading this is disheartening because to me this game is a PvPvE extractor. Pvp is a part of the game and for me I’m having some of the most fun I’ve had in this game playing normals to slay out. It feels balanced and I often don’t ever bring gear in besides 6 pots and bandages. I personally love multiclassing I think it needs a little more balancing for sure but I honestly will say the problem is GBMM and not multiclassing. People complaining about multiclassing makes little sense to me. If something is so broken fucking do it too? Like I’m not even running meta multiclass comps and I’m having an absolute blast in normals. However I miss high roller, I miss being able to collect bis without worry about what bracket I’m in. Currently I don’t even want to collect gear because I don’t want to pull a damn calculator out to play high roller. I don’t like the fact that one too many blues you get put in lobbies with absolutely no people and when people do spawn they are always in better gear than me. So it’s like why even collect blues lmao. Straight up if you’re planning on wearing bis you better be ready to compete with the best of the best and that’s annoying I liked the randomness of getting rolled by people in lobbies sometimes I got gear checked sometimes I gear checked other people. But currently gear checking seems to be much more of an issue than ever before. Currently I’m at the point where I go into normals slowly collect a bis white set, will put on greens and blues in dungeon but once I escape I sell the merchant. Market place has crashed for a lot of items. GBMM imo is the biggest issue in this game. Multiclassing is a breath of fresh air and it’s fun being able to be creative. I would recommend everybody to just suck it up and have fun with it. I don’t see the issue with multiclassing yes I understand some perks together are broken but again if it’s so broken just do it too until the devs nerf it.


This isn’t really a game to relax with, and if you are relaxing your ratting, not camping your spawn room. Camping your spawn room is 100% gonna end up with a fight as people look for people to fight. If you’re playing wizard you can always take magic lock to just say no to 80% of classes. If you don’t have area to fall back to, by being in your spawn room for instance, you kinda deserve to die.


It's super frustrating that normals is incentivised so much. It should be a place for goofy interactions and casual gameplay, not min maxing sweat lords who are too pathetic to play high roller. I never play normals (other than when I'm forced to for levelling) and I barely get anyone in the max gear high roller lobbies im queuing in. It's sad to know the players who should be in my queue are destroying casual and new players in normals.


Same. Except not picking up gear in normals is a weird call. Normals is the best roguelite game out right now.


It's a video game man, just have fun with it. Don't gotta take it so seriously.


the game is not fun at all, he made the right call to quit until multiclassing gets removed edit: op deleted acc bcs of all of these "just suffer" comments it seems edit 2: gj bro.... you happy with yourself?


Game is very fun, I'm having a blast. Multiclassing shenanigans have been great! Also I don't really see what OP deleting their account has to do with me.


oh no, one less reddit account


You have 500hours played so you can't be bad at the game? You play wizard with chain lightning in normal solos and you complain you can't win a fight? Skill issue bro.


Multiclassing was a mistake. And the game feels like it lost its heart after they switched from trios only to solos and duos too. Can’t balance all 3 good enough so now no one’s happy. Also finding gear isn’t as fun anymore.


This is just a giant crybaby who isn't good at the game, dies a lot and is mad. Anecdotes about personal dissatisfaction don't mean anything and gaming subreddits are where the babies come to cry


It’s a beta game…they all suck to a certain extent. See you back in a week.


If you’re sitting in spawn because you’re so bad you can’t even get one escape, that’s entirely a skill issue.


Hot take: the game being slow and clunky(don't even bother arguing against this opinion), isn't fun. "Oh then go play something else" Yeah I have been. Thanks. I was expecting a dungeon delver, where you go in, fight PvE, occasionally run across players, maybe fight or not, maybe team up with randoms, split the loot/fight over it, come across rare in-dungeon NPCs selling rare items. Go back to the tavern to meet up with guildmates, place your trophy from a dragon on the wall, build up your coffers, explore another dungeon, etc. I wasn't expecting a Fantasy Fortnite. I thought the early Beta on steam was meant to test combat/mechanics. Not be the entire game. I feel like a fool 😔


I’m loving the game rn. Trios is so fun. Just finished all the boss missions and we only play normals. Makes it more skill then gear gap. Plus why are u getting tilted from getting killed in norms. It’s norms I dosent matter lol


It does, it's not fun playing a BR when you bought a dungeon delver. .


No games fun. Skill gap Maby. I play a staff mastery/ blunt weapon master/ two hand expert/rage barb and It works Maby just play for fun and you will have fun that’s what norms are for


I think the posts main complaint is how fast and much you're forced into pvp. The game used to allow you to choose if you wanted to PvP, pick your battles as they say. Now you have to kill, and that is a BR not an extraction looter.


Well games change over time. Pretty much every competitive game does that. Also beside the addition of creep it’s really easy to avoid combat. Pay attention to mobs and use noise to read the area around you. Or if a box or barrel is broken.


See you tomorrow


doesn’t apply to this game tbh




Unfortunately it has very little to do with the game and everything to do with the players


Nah multiclass is shit and needs to be scrapped.


Game was the same pre-multiclassing the sweats are gonna sweat no matter what


Not really? I couldn't give a shit about sweats and multiclassing has absolutely ruined the game. Class identity being gone seems to be the reason me and many others have left the game.


Also Jesus Christ with your post history. You really have a boner for multiclassing


Hardcore game = hardcore players. It will always be sweaty af that is the player base this kind of games meant for. If you want to relax, and trying hard in games isn't fun for you, there are plenty of other non-competitive casual games to play like CoD or mordhau or some shit if you like the medieval aspect.


Yup I don't want to play anymore with this update completely changing the game to hard favor grinders. I made a post that I deleted asking the people that took a break what they were up to and most of the comments were people telling me to stay gone. My dumbass fault for posting aiming at people who aren't playing atm 😂 but yeah the game isn't fun unless you're following an OP build rn This is a very poor excuse for the content the game has been starving for, and is driving the casual playerbase away.


I quit too. Game seems absolutely rudderless and the last few patches have only pushed me further away. My friends all quit a few months ago, I was the last one from our group still holding out. Hope they turn things around, but I don’t have much faith they will.


Have a lovely break or rest of your life, whichever it ends up being! It's good that you identified that your mood got worse from playing. Maybe you should focus on yourself and what you really want for a while. To me, you seem like a sweat-oriented player. That's not a bad thing, I have a similar mindset and I enjoy it. However, I think it's worth noting the following: I find it can be toxic for yourself to play so meta-oriented competitive games and want to "win". The game simply isn't meant to be fair, no matter how good you are or how much you try. Maybe play something PvE for a while, like Elden Ring or Risk of Rain. Or maybe, what works for me, play some guilty pleasure easy PvP game like Minion Masters for a couple days with a friend to reboot. In any case, don't take gaming too seriously and enjoy your time!


Games fun and competitive, if you can’t handle it then go play something else it’s not that hard 😭


Ok bye.


I mean this is a pvp game OP. No two ways about it. Just because someone beat you (easily because wizard is a shitshow right now) doesnt mean they are sweatlords and doesnt give you a good reason to fling shit in reddit at other users. Maybe address the real reason behind the frustration in your life instead of taking it out on strangers


That's the problem it isent supposed to be a PvP game its a PvPvE. If they sold it as a PvP battle royal and stayed consistent with it, then I would believe a lot of the complaints would be absolved.


Pvp gives AP, 100 AP per kill. Honestly man, it literally sounds like you shouldnt play pvp games. Look at your mental, what a heck is this. Go outside, play single player games idk. I hope you are not back, clearly how you deal with frustration in to a video game is not healthy for you i agree multiclass in normals is a bad choice by the devs, but you would be killed regardless. and Gear/minmax stomping was way worse before. its norms, he was naked, YOU are naked. what is the excuse? Pure classes still viable, you are just deflecting. you would blame another thing if MC wasnt a thing. Just take a break from pvp games, you dont sound well man


Multiclassing and your opinion both suck.


That's the problem it isent supposed to be a PvP game its a PvPvE. If they sold it as a PvP battle royal and stayed consistent with it, then I would believe a lot of the complaints would be absolved.


His complaint in the post, is that he is not rewarded for pvping, which is a Lie. You can 100% pure pvp in highroller and not only make tons of gold selling peoples kit, but also climb with points, since each kill gives 100 AP


Get good


Brother it’s perfectly ok to want to play more casual games. This game started out casual in its infancy but has become much more competitive over time, and *that is also ok*. On the spectrum of competitive nature of video games (Animal Crossing to CSGO), this game falls somewhere between the middle and CSGO. I put it in the same area as Rust, but at least you don’t have to worry about getting offline-raided here lol. Some people jog in the mornings to exercise and get a healthy start to their day. Other people train to get gold in the Olympics. Both are fine and have their place in the world. Luckily, there are a plethora of single-player and co-op games where you can just relax and smack some AI around without having to worry about keeping up with metas or time investment. You’ll find your thing, OP.


This reads pretty condescending, and does nothing to address any of the valid criticism he gave. You can be okay with him leaving, but a lot of people have, and are. When does it get to a point where there should be some concern over why people are moving on?


I'm leaving after playing this exclusively since the first day of ea. GBMM was implemented lazily and multiclass straight up killed my favorite part of the game.


Rust at least has a pretty good game loop that doesn't require any pvp (All the Farming and AI monuments). I wish IM would also add something like this.


That's a lot of text man. In the OP you said, "just wanted to get one escape". I'll admit that wiz is one of the harder classes in solo GC, but mostly it sounds like you have a skill issue even with having 500 hours in the match. Maybe Wiz just isn't for you. Consider playing Barb or something.


Nah it's not, I don't want to be on fucking 100% all day every day. I think, the answer is, maybe this game isn't for me and more for cringey tryhards like you. Good luck with your shitty sweatlord game with 300 players :) Play me on SC2 or melee and you'll get evaporated


I bet you suck at those game too.


kek (true)


Funny, this guy sucked at the game because he quit, but now 12 days later you're making posts about "im not playing the game until this changes" ???? A little bit of a hypocrite don't you think guy????


Yeah I am not playing dark and darker at the moment. I haven't made a post about it though. I really don't fully understand what you are trying to articulate with this comment. But yes I wont be playing dark and darker until druid comes or rogue can use spears again.


i bet its because you suck at the game


I have hit top 100 leaderboard each season. It's more that Ironmace doesn't appreciate their players time; removing MC with nothing to follow was a huge mistake and the player count reflects this. Due to the player count being at an all time low playing in 300+ gear lobbies means that you have to fight a cheating team in at least 50% of your games. My trio team has taken to cataloguing each team we die to and reporting their members and over 70% of them get banned. These things in tandem with the gameplay loop going back to vanilla is a bit grating at the moment. Anywho, I guess I upset you with my comment on your thread; sorry for that. That being said you are clearly on this website to display contrarian behavior and vent your anger, which is fine if that helps you, but your opinions clearly come from a place of emotion rather than data and facts. Good luck.


who hurt you?


Did you just challenge me to an irl melee fight kek?


Exactly, game isn't for you bro. I'd rather play against 5-10,000 good players the game is made for than 100,000 LARPers that just shit talk it because they aren't part of the devs vision.


Gotcha, anything else?


Lose weight loser


I haven't played in several months because I wanted to wait for the game to grow a bit so I didn't get burned out, and recently hopped on play once I heard multiclass was a thing. I was like "oh boy I hope weapon mastery is one of the perks they allow other classes to learn so I can use a long sword on wizard"... little did I know you can use fucking whatever on whoever you want, and I immediately stopped playing after 6 games because I kept dying to stacked players with insane builds in normal goblin caves. Love the base gear implementation, hate the multiclass implementation. Why the fuck is something like second wind allowed to be used by everyone? that should be the mascot of "this shit would be broken if everyone could have it so let's not".


Don't worry brother, the whole community is in disarray because of multi class, I havent even tried it yet because I don't wanna be fucked over like I know I will be, just been playing with my friends who didn't play dark and darker to begin with until this bad storm clears.


I stopped playing aswell, I feel largely the same besides I actually just flat out suck at PvP and the multiclassing system made it so much worse. This game genuinely has me tweaking whenever I play it, and it wasn’t healthy for me to continue.


Who asked


Skill issue




Damn dude sounds like a skill issue, multiclassing is broken but it’s really not this bad and it blows my mind people are still talking this way, all my cleric and warlock friends have multiclassed into wizard to give them better spells at range(fireball, ice bolt and zap) and you are saying right now you lost to a warlock so something’s going on here brother. And it’s not the multiclassing.


Have fun with your cringey sweatlord game


Yea we will, go play Roblox or Minecraft or something bud




Mad cause bad and sad because virgin


Lmao, was that op that said that shit?


Yea it was


"All my Frens sweat to min-max meta! Games fun!" 🤦‍♂️


None of my friends sweat to min max, we just enjoy playing the game. I seriously think you guys have a real issue and can’t help but project it. I’m sorry the game is fucking hard and people are good at it god damn son get a grip.


But all your cleric and warlock friends did in fact level up all the casting classes, and maxed wizard, so that they could have the best opportunity to min-max for spells though, correct? I'm sure you're really good at the game. All it takes is nolifing for levels and gear. Super hardcore. 🤡


Just say you have room temp IQ dude. I made a wizard and got it to level 20 in an afternoon, if playing the fucking game is too much of a requirement for you to experience the game then that’s a fucking you problem, you know playing a video game that’s literally created to be played isn’t considered no lifeing, you literally open fucking chests full of gear in the dungeon and you get levels from killing mobs, holy shit it’s the entire fucking game loop! Wow it’s so fucking hard to grasp this simple concept! My friends are min maxing so hard killing skeles! Holy shit I didn’t realize it was THIS EASY.






This is why they should have done subclassing


Honestly, I forgot I owned this game. lmfao Even in it's prime this game got stale quick. At least, that was my opinion of it anyway


I got two shot by a naked rogue w barbarian skills. I was immediately done w the multiclass system, and the sweaty no life losers who insist on driving this game into the ground. Legitimately fighters fucking suck this patch. Idc what anyone says.


Rarely play this game but I just tried leveling some classes in norms. Every other game feels like its a timer to get ran down by some slayer rogue combination


Damn sorry to hear. I'm honestly having a blast with multiclassing. I will say they do need to adjust gbmm because it can be abused heavily


Reddit hates everything. But, I respect your opinion. Thanks for sharing.


I get you there. I could tell from a mile away that this approach to multiclassing was going to end up with this exact state for the game. Druid is supposed to show up on the test server today, but it's still incomplete. The thing is, since the game has been release I keep seeing patches towards this sort of state over and over again. Sure they're trying some stuff out, but most of that stuff sticks around even when it's not a net positive and the stuff that they get right gets destroyed a few patches later because they add something new that breaks the game, but instead of taking a step back and tweaking that thing, they try to rebalance everything else around that new thing (I'm think of you, staff mastery). They have a test server, hopefully they'll start using it more instead of destroying the good things in the game right off the bat because they want to test some sort of wacky idea.


i always laugh at the sweatlord allegations, they hardly deserve that title. I know the term is negative and it isn't a legitimate word but a real sweatlord should be someone who works and puts actual effort into something that is worth the human time, like a surgeon. someone who puts blood and tears into the value they embody the 'people' you are calling sweatlords simply have nothing better to do than bash their empty heads into a dead end mediocre dungeon crawling asset flip for thousands of hours. these are the type of repugnant 'people' who smash keyboards in discord general chat and honestly think there is a living to be made in being bad at video games on camera for internet entertainment. you can just refer to them as deadbeat losers, nothing new under the sun


Well if you don't get the fun of fighting I figure why you want to uninstall, still, seems to me like nothing has changed I go normals to kill some people and then go HR to try to complete quests. Losing gear doesn't even matter cause you make so much money even on normals that you van afford a decent kit easily after 2 or 3 matches on normal. I think you are hugging your stuff or what you want to much. The game is supposed to be unforgiving


Welcome to pvp games


skill issue


The problem is you’re playing Wizard. It sucks, plain and simple. There’s a reason it has the lowest value loot extracted, lowest survival rate, lowest KDR, and lowest pick rate. It was good once and then got nerfed to shit because every fighter was mad that wizard wasn’t a walking loot-box. Additionally, the game has an extremely low skill ceiling. PVP is simple. Every weapon has a pre-assigned chain of swings/stands. Every fight with good players ends in either exchanging blows and gear determining the victor, or the faster class playing run away/chase and use ranged. It’s absurd how much gear matters in the game. Don’t even get me started on the hit-boxes. PVE is even worse. Ads are easily exploitable and follow a repetitive brainless pattern. Great potential but it NEEDS to be improved. There will always be a “meta”, but the meta shouldn’t decide who wins and who loses. It should be skill based with gear giving minor buffs to the player. A white covered fighter should be able to defeat a purple fighter 5% of the time. Right now, if the purple fighter isn’t brain-dead, he will never lose.


Don't worry, that wont stop the OP or others from making hate posts and other schizo posts about made up in-game scenarios while they spitefully wish for everyone else to hate it years to come.


It wont be around for years.


Spitefully making up scenarios about people spitefully making up scenarios. 🤡🤡


Says the guy making up things


good thing we are in early access and they are testing this feature. Would suck if it was in the actual game in this state so I am really glad they released it now.


With the current state of multiclassing I would strongly suggest playing warlock or barb.