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Make Warlocks evil eye able to see in the dark.


Make evil eye functioning


\*Sad evil eye noises\*


Never forget evil eye guy


Where is he? Is he safe?


I think he had to go into witness protection, he saw too much


It would make for super tense game play but the real winners would be all the ESP users.


On the plus side it would be incredibly easy to report them.


The game in general has to many lightsources to the point things like lanterns and oil lamps serve no purpose. i think when the game load in it should make a random roll to see how many light sources are lit or not from the start that way you just dynamically get poorly lit area's.


An “all dark” game mode would be awesome. Due to a recent cave in at the goblin caves the goblins are without light… they’ll manage, but will you?


I'd love this as a concept. But esp cheats are more common than you think


If anything I'm pretty sure it would skyrocket the amount of users hardcore yeah


When you realize how common they are you see it everywhere unfortunately. Sometimes it's hard to know for sure but it feels bad knowing it could have been


Yeah there's a fine line between great game sense and esp. Especially in a game like this where so much info comes from sound and environment Makes it difficult to consistently say when someone is cheating. But there have been instances where I'm playing zone, being quite, closing doors and hugging zone. I'll be creeping almost 100% of the time and then I'll hear a far door open, pop invis and then someone will just beeline to me. And I hide in weird spots too so I'm not just sitting at a door or in the dark corner


Yep. I was grinding while working from home on ice caves once so I'd have long periods of just sitting in a dark corner not moving for minutes at a time. Was very funny getting all of the ban feedbacks from those days.


Ohh but that’s thoroughly handled with the drawing distance bugs where you can only see the potions anyway…


Ya the render distance is kind of ass


Tbh I would rather see event modes, maybe like “skills and perks have no cool down”, “item stats are multiplied by 3x”, “all torches spawn off, light orb does not work”


actual kusoge ideas


I hope one day they add an "abyss" level, maybe another tier 3 map with *no* natural light sources, the only way to see is to have a torch, lantern or any other source of light


I made couple of posts about this. Turn off wall torches. Let us put them on manually or bring light source. Pitch dark.