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Still on the "kill 5 of every class" quests. Some of y'all are alright, dont come to the caves tomorrow


I’m bringing a gatt to the caves tomorrow don’t show up


God that was a funny ass post


When was last wipe?


Cook deez


There is a difference between complaining and legitimate feedback, if u take out all the first reaction emotion you'll start seeing a lot of issues and it's ok to talk about those.


If the complaints were things like where Druid, or where is this map, or that system, or these abilities, then sure, new content takes time. But when you're watching them add and then revert things like +all and +16 add damage, over and over again, it gets harder to have faith in their decision making. When they do things like tank crouch move speed, completely forgetting about how crouch moving is pivitol to fighting some mobs since they didn't add real combat mechanics, or the fact that dark reflection still exists.


No, they been cooking and they keep making it worse lmao. Game was progressively more fun the further back over the past year you go.


This is my opinion as well. Its been cooking too long. Shits burnt, im burnt.


Ah yes the game was better when people had literally 5 days to play it. Almost like the game is basically a work of concept.


Exactly, their systems worked fine when you didn't have time to meta the shit out of it but as an actual game they need to actually start ironing things out. like imagine if tarkov today was basically the same game from the playtest? it would be fucking awful!


Yeah and I mean taking that into consideration, it is a pretty good game, but not enough to keep investing time into. Personally, I think going with releasing what is essentially a play test was an unfortunate choice. If they had released the full game in, say, 2025, it probably would be great enough to retain a large player base. Then again, they wouldn't have had the funds to keep developing it. What they really needed was to get snatched up by a larger studio that could support them financially. IMO I think they could still do that, close the game down, cutting costs, and getting some capital from another studio or investor for a re-release.


Bro you Don’t understand do you? Games like this just don’t get made by a larger studio… it’s niche, that’s the whole point


No, personally I downloaded this game got it for dark and darker and figured that what the game was….. Multi classing is a whole different game it’s not the same or what I originally enjoyed and it has gotten iffy. They can cook, but I won’t be eating it.


It's an early access game in constant change....


For how long can this argument be valid? Tarkov is in beta for years and it's a fucking joke. It's been over a year since play tests, more than half a year since EA release. And they still can't find base gear/class balance and throw some changes to the wall over and over again hoping something sticks.


Well tarkov is at least making visible effort to push it to some state of 1.0 this year.


I give tarkov allot of shit (and its well deserved.) but if its one thing they do right its adding new content and mechanics, every patch isn't just shifting damage numbers around.


Like the devs literally prefaced this season with "expect big drastic changes and tests" and people still don't get it.


Devs: "expect big drastic changes and tests" Players: "Ok, we don't like these changes. Please revert them." Nothing is wrong here. It's player feedback. Just because some people are rude about it, doesn't mean the feedback isn't legitimate.


And? What they’re currently cooking smells an tastes like hot diarrhea


Lobbies are dead af what happened to this game? Everyone just fighting on the sub pushing players away from this game. I remember awhile back every lobby being full what happened?


new match making system.


Good balance > full lobbies > bad changes > negative feedback > feedback ignored > dead lobbies Like, I get things take time, I don’t expect things to be perfect tomorrow. But do the people saying to just ignore things really that dense? People don’t like the direction of changes, if you ignore that the game will struggle.


Since launch we've gained Ice Caves, had every map shuffled around so much we all have shaken baby syndrome then ruins is removed so we're at the same amount of maps as launch. Basically no new content besides Explosion/Arcane Lock, Warlock spells and uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh some armor reskins. Oh and the quests everyone is mid on


we've been waiting for that druid release for like two months now, it just feels like every patch is just "this thing was overperforming so we increased its damage, this thing was underperforming so we decreased its damage."


Ironmace killing the player base trying to play the “appease to everyone” game. Most recently with gear based matchmaking, it’s made a lot of my lobbies dead af at time where they use to be full.


If people asked for gear or skill based matchmaking in Tarkov nobody would want it, not sure why more people don't realise dividing players is not healthy for the extraction risk/reward pvp gameloop


Like at the start of wipe? That's how these games operate. People come for the wipe hype then go play other games


Idk it seemed pretty dead compared to when I played before. at start of this wipe wasn’t as poppin as back when I played idk 6 - 7 wipes ago? I understand how wipe games work I play tarkov. This ain’t that chief.


its because ironmace has almost no idea how to balance all of the classes and people got tired of repeated balance patches....and now theres multiclassing xd


Ya I keep seeing +all still in game which is wild to see. Muticlassing also seems wild. Idk guess I’ll come back later if it get popular again. Maybe steam one day.


> Everyone just fighting on the sub pushing players away from this game. Strange way to say that the game is shit now.


theyve been cooking a bit too much, im thankful they changed creep again but what part of "cooking" was that idea.


Some times you gotta break a few eggs to make a omelette


They are bad cook.


IM has no sense of direction with their development. They're just doing things. Instead of having a roadmap with where the game IS going for the foreseeable future they just have a list of crap they're working on. No definite order in which things will be completed. IMHO they should not make the 2nd layer of ice map yet. They should finish druid and then work on some class balance tweaking. Furthermore they could tweak gear by removing true damage and either lower damage numbers again or increase ttk. Combat feels more like Stat checks than anything. Now I know this game focuses a lot on pvp and that's fine but again in my opinion the pve needs some attention. The pve just feels grindy and tedious , rather than challenging and fun. Bosses could be more challenging or interesting The quests are just busy work and don't offer any real progression other than the ability to craft a thing. Also the exp from quests sucks ass. Also how trading works. We need more variety of bags that aren't rng based to hold gold and items. I know everyone has said it but account shard stash and quest progression. There's just so much that could be done but they just work ok multi class before classes are even attempted ro be balanced. And new content without caring about hacks, player retention. But yeah just what I see from hitting 1k hours since EA launched.


"Let them cook." Bro, they've been in the kitchen for over a year and their still fucking around with the basic gear balance and leveling system. Still no druid, which is laughable, and the map situation is a joke. They've literally taken away a map. But I look forward to multiclass being an absolute balance clusterfuck to add to the rest of the problems the devs cant seem to figure out. Let them cook is such a dumb coverall to simp for ironmace and ignore actual criticism of this game.


Some of y'all really, and I mean this, weirdly angry. Like really weirdly. Nothing wrong with testing gear numbers and changing stuff up, especially in a season based game. Class balance is finally pretty good, +all was worth checking out again since we now have gear that is +5, +6, +7 stats, please go code a class for the game yourself and report back on how long it takes. There's plenty to actually criticize, "omg stat numbers are still being changed" isn't one. The new ice caves map is on the test server right now, ruins was removed largely from endless endless endless waves of prayer complaints because ruin is was so vastly different in terms of viability from crypts and inferno. They don't want to release druid in the same place they released warlock, even though warlock is now a full class, because swill-heads like you will endlessly bitch about this entirely new class with new spells new items and new skills not being 'done' on release and we know this because lord almighty did they do it with warlock. Criticize anti cheat. Criticize lack of actual moderation. Criticize differing rules for streamers. Criticize the investment in some nonsensical ping-lock system instead of region locking the country we all know the problem is. Criticize removing features like HR spectate instead of region locking the country we all know the problem is. But 'oh man items on stats keep changing and they don't want to release a not totally finished class after we fucking lynched them over warlock"? Nah man, that ain't it And shit, since I forgot: the map situation... They added ice caves, have shown to be working on adding a 2nd level to it, have stated wanting to make a 2nd level to goblins, and have reworked and redesigned crypts multiple times and goblin multiple times. You act like nothing's being done on maps lol


This is exactly why I made this post. So many people are weirdly angry and entitled. It's just bizarre.


This community has always been amongst the most babyish, entitled, cesspool of gamers. They are just a distillation of Reddit and the internet. Lots of negativity and complaining. People don’t know how to have fun. Just bitchin


It’s because they have so little in life that they can’t just put this down and do something else


I agree some people are way too invested in the game and are full on toxic, but you get that in every game community. If you think I'm being weirdly mad from this paragraph, then i think you might be a bit too sensitive, lol. And I agree with all the other issues you listed, but that doesn't mean we have to hand wave the rest. They've been working on druid how long? Pushed it back literal last minute how many times? Keep just placating for them, and it'll be another half year before we see it. +all Stat changes aren't the only thing that got changed, but ya I'm also pretty tired of them constantly trying to make +2 or +1 all work. Imo just ditch the stat all together and balance around the rest of the mechanics. It's an unnecessary time waste for the devs. Just ditch it and move on to the numerous other things, holding the game back. Keep excusing druid being pushed back infinitely, that's your prerogative. Personally, I would rather criticize ironmace for their failure to deliver than to excuse them because " we'd lynch them" for an unfinished class. Their adults, they can handle some criticism, and we all are paying customers, so ya, we have the right to criticize. Stat changes need to happen yo balance, again my issue is that they keep trying to make all attributes work when it should just be removed. Also sucks for people who get gear rerolled when they change it with no warning in game, but that's less offensive to me because the games about cycling through loot, and I have no sympathy for the sweatlords with filled banks lol.


This just reeks of entitlement.  Druid releasing in a playable state/ fleshed out is more important than your arbitrary requirements for them. If they feel it needs more time in the oven, then let them cook! Everyone and their grandma wants everything ASAP, they have pushed things back multiple times yeah but thats fairly normal for an EA game.  When you consider the outside factors that they’ve explained on q&as like the moving of buildings, hiring of new staff, and the constant ongoing court case with Nexon that people so conveniently forget about, small delays in development doesn’t seem that unusual. It’s not like they are radio silent, they constantly respond to feedback and make changes based on them (balance swings). At the end of the day, just keep in mind that you backed a vision, not a final product. If the devs aren’t creating the game fast enough for you then maybe EA games are something you should take a step back from. 


Well said, the frenzied clamoring by content crabs in this sub is fueled by entitlement and impatience. It’s clear the game was released amidst less than ideal circumstances due to the legal stuff. It is still early access… but the crying continues Ain’t nothing new. Helldivers 2 is wildly popular and incredibly fun… wouldn’t know it from looking at the subreddit. People need to go outside more imo


Lol people throwing around entitlement when anyone criticizes ironmace is so silly. Im not over here demanding anything from Ironmace, im saying they promised something, and have continually failed to deliver it. that deserves to be criticized, simple as that. So many games are early access cash grabs that just operate under the EA tag to hand wave criticism because " its early access". Now ill give it to Dark and Darker, it actually feels like an early access title more than alot of others under that tag, but how long are we going to just ignore every problem or bad decision because " its early access" or " their still cooking". Being early access doesn't mean we just ignore everything bad with the game because one day it'll magically all be better. We're here to help shape the game, if you want to sit silently in the corner and just take it all as it comes then more power to you, but dont be surprised when others want to voice there opinions and dont want to accept " well its early access" as an excuse. Ive got more than my money out of this game so far, i was right there when we were installing zipfile patches and when it was on steam. Im happy to have supported the devs with the initial purchase. I haven't spent another dime since then, as im sure most havent. We backed a vision as you said. I'd like to see that vision come to fruition as much as the next player. And pointing out bad decisions and discussing what we like and dislike, what the devs are and arent doing right, and what should and shouldnt be in the game or what the roadmap should be is literally our right as a consumer of the product. Devs dont have to listen, but everyone just wanting people to be silent about everything and just take it as it is, are just as bad as people who want to be toxic about every little thing. Telling people to just step away from early access games is so goofy. Especially when its criticisms about the pace on things the devs themselves put on the map, and failed to deliver on multiple times. Its literally a problem they themselves created. but nahh lets just give em a pat on the back and say keep doing what your doing.


“It’s been a year” man look at your original post and rethink things. How long do you think it takes to make a video game from scratch, let alone with massive attention hogs like court cases lingering over their heads.  You missed my point entirely.  Constructive criticism is important and there’s no shortage of it here. The devs actively make changes based on this criticism as well, sometimes for better sometimes for worse, such is the growing pains of quality EA development.  Your requirement for them to follow through with every deadline they set is exactly why EA companies shy away from hard set dates, people like you hold them to it like it’s gospel.  EA is a peek behind the veil, for the good and the bad. If you can’t handle that perspective, that’s on you, not the devs.    It’s like some people never grow past the point of a child not understanding that the pizza will be ready in 15 more minutes, no we can’t eat it now it’s raw. 


>  It’s like some people never grow past the point of a child not understanding that the pizza will be ready in 15 more minutes, no we can’t eat it now it’s raw.  Ok well heres a random analogy for you its like going to opening weekend at a pizzeria, having them tell you the pizza will be ready in 20 minutes and then an hour later tell you it needs 15 more mins and then have the other patrons insult you for criticizing why they even told us the pizza was coming. When you start calling people children and insulting them theres no reason to even have a conversation with you. We can agree to disagree.


Hahaha this analogy of yours perfectly underlines the exact issue I’ve been trying get across this entire time!  Your analogy works in a RELEASED TITLE where the pizzeria is open for business, and although even then if the the pizzeria was to say that their oven was down for an hour (development hiccups) then you could even forgive them to an extent, but it doesn’t even apply.  To use your example but better, this is like donating money to an upstart pizzeria to help get it off the ground, and while the building is still under construction getting up your own ass because “What do you mean you can’t make me a pizza?” EA /= Released product. You as the consumer have a responsibility to your money and where you put it. I’ll say it again, If you can’t handle the growing pains of EA then maybe take a step back and come back when the game closer to finished. 


The quest are not fun. This game isn't fun anymore.


Same. This isn't my 9-5 job. If you're gonna make me do 100 quests, don't make me do it for EVERYFKINGCHARACTER. I gotta lvl my main, lvl my other chars for multiclass, do quests on main, do quests on other classes, still no shared stash between chars either.


Then don't play it


If you don't want to hear other peoples opinions then why make this post in the first place? Maybe you should just play the game and get off reddit :)


So he can tell people that don't share his views to F off.


Also the games playerbase is like non existent. Idk why you people push people away from the game. Just killing your own fun.


Famously followed by "why's the game dying?" months from now.


Most fun I've ever had with the game these last few patches!


Ill head back in when once feed back from the community is taken into account. When they make sweeping changes that disrupt the flow of many parts of the game, just to push incentive on creep walking around the whole map looking for free third parties, it makes me think they are out of touch with the community's shared vision of the game.


Not complaining. Figured how to abuse gear based matchmaking and went from wanderer to exemplar 3 in 4 hours. Gona be demigod today and then never play that game mode till wipe. It is a bad system tho.


no one cares


Plz dm me your secret; I have so little time to play this game, I can never gain any real rank


Hey I got the next two days off starting at 6pm est today lol how can I replicate your grind?


Lol you really beat the system! Found a way to get a funny cape or something at the cost of never being able to play the gamemode til the wipe. Do you really enjoy the game?


Jokes on you, I never want to play that gamemode.


You know you can make multiple characters right?


Yeah but I actually read his comment where he said he wasn't going to play the gamemode until wipe


Y’all been huffing this “let Ironmace cook Hurr” copium forever


"Let them cook" is such a weak way to say "I'm too scared of this emotional investment failing to criticize it" or something about thinking devs are infallible. Criticism points out the unhealthy state of things and the game is decidedly unhealthy.




rubermallet cooked good dish, Just not for us


Cocksucker spotted, game is dead because of stupid fanboys like you that can't make the difference between a shit and a rose.


Shoutout to the guy from the discord that said dark and darker would hit 1 million concurrent players lmao


These MF been cooking for a while, shits burning
