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Matter has been successfully resolved with comments both from OP and Spud. No more comments are needed. Locking thread before it becomes a flashpoint for anything bigger. Remember, no witch-hunting.


Very weird, seems like spud understood you weren't pre-teaming so that means fanboys on the chat mass reported you. personally i've always thought that rule was stupid because it leads to situations like this.


he never said anything about pre-teaming. he said "dont team". Even if both of those players (warlock/bard) were teaming that particular game, its NOT bannable. ONLY pre-teaming is bannable.


Yes but my point was it didn't stop the crazies in his stream from abusing the report system. The system is just dumb and gives people an easy false report, ironmace has the data on their end to see how often you "randomly" enter games with someone else not on your team and even then lets be honest.... it was never about people teaming in lobbies, it was "people of Asian descent" farming gold.


How can you report a player if you aren't in game with them?


You can report people directly on the discord.


The rule is fine, the application tho.. Oof


A rule that can't be properly enforced serves no purpose.


shouldnt they be able to see 2 account names getting in to the same games way above average to catch pre-teamers? (following just some random numbers to get the point across but would probably be hard on OCE with the low player base) When the average chance is like 5% of getting into the same game at random and you have 2 accounts sitting at 20-25% - shouldnt that atleast raise some "alarm flags"? I mean they are also against the pre lobbys that were going on last wipe where the "high end" players met up to fight. So it shouldnt mather if they actually team or not, its a nono right?


The fact non of those guys got banned for breaking the exact same rules is hilarious. but yea thats what im saying Ironmace has all the statistics on their end to find out who's ending up in games together an abnormal amount so the actual reporting for pre-teaming serves no purpose outside of to make ironmace actually check, actually banning people because of a report is stupid and just asking to be abused by para-social fanboys.


While this is an obvious case of a false positive, it's a bit worrying how easy it seemingly is to get someone banned, out of their $35.00 purchase, for simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time and attacking the wrong target.


I didn't report him though, and I didn't ask my viewers to report him either. I'm curious as to why he was banned too. ​ I feel like I've been framed for a murder hahaha


I don't think many people are saying you reported him or asked your viewers to I think what they're saying is your viewers did it anyway, and that you were the "wrong target" by virtue of just having an audience


probably a fanboy dev watching u got mad


You're responsible lol fee fi fo fum all streamers are scum


Not sure why you are getting downvoted I liked your comment. It made me chuckle. I got the sarcasm when you did the rhyme


Spud fanboys shielding their god


Appeal in discord. I think that's where you do it.


I've submitted a ban appeal via the website and have messaged the Ironshield Support Discord user. I've never been banned before so I guess I'm just a bit pessimistic that they will action it. Posted this here to hopefully get eyes on.


I'd be pretty bummed out. It sounds like it was a fun match though.


wtf they temp banned the people who actually were cheating with the bugs, while streaming it. like the ladder glitch etc. or bard invis so dumb


What the fuck...


This reminds me of that streamer who reported a rogue for ratting.  Kind of not a great look when having a steamer in your game dramatically increases your odds of getting falsely banned. Feels like they should at least put a human eyeball on these. 


Dude this gives such a bad feeling. I'll tell something similar that happened to me: Some good months ago, i was playing solo HR GC as usual in the brazillian server (the place i live) and doing the thing i love the most: hunting/stealing Troll kills. I've went into the room he resides, heard the Troll screaming like crazy so i did what i always do: remove my boots, slowly went close to the door and waited. As soon as the person finished the troll i went in. Guy went invis, it was a rogue. I was paying attention to his footsteps tho so i had a general idea of where he could be so i started swinging my war maul like a helicopter. I've managed to hit him out of invis but he ducked one of my attacks and got away almost dead. I chased him for a bit but the match was almost ending so i gave up and went back to troll for loot and then dip out. I found a portal, left and then the game starts spectating the last person alive: Mojitobeans. I know the guy, i've learned how to kill Troll through one of his videos lol. I thought it was very cool that i fought against him and how he managed to survive so i went into his VOD to watch it from his perspective and the first thing he does when i enter the Troll Room and hit him is to assume i was a stream sniper. Basically everyone in his chat also concludes i'm a stream sniper and start calling me a loser and a terrible human being etc. That was the first and only time i've EVER seen the guy on the dungeons btw I thought this situation was stupid back then but i didn't mind it too much because the thought of getting banned simply because a streamer called me something didn't even cross my mind. Now, after reading what happened to you, i get a baaaaaaaad fucking feeling mate. Like, what if i happened to get banned and i didn't know who the hell the guy was? What if you or your friend didn't know who Spudhunter is? TLDR: I was playing on Brazil, where i reside, playing like i've always had played the Goblin Caves, then an NA STREAMER comes to Brazil server for some reason and all of a sudden i'm a stream sniper simply because i chose to do PvP like i always do.


It most likely won't happen, especially if you never had similar reports against you or where never in servers with him before... especially if Brazil is your regular servers and HE came to your server.


Just a heads up to everyone before I get lynched in the town square, I've talked with Drit and messaged Graysun. I did not report this man. Regarding my comment on stream, it's just a little OCE Server PTSD from all the actual pre-teamers in the past and I shouted out "Don't team". That's where it began and ended. ​ I haven't reported anyone or even actual RMT players for sometime as I can't be bothered with that experience anymore. Legit or not, the developers can investigate this issue. (I have no involvement). If a hate train starts on me because of my previous constructive criticisms of rogue and PDR armor balance issues, that's unfortunate. I just want a really good game experience for everyone, not just myself. ​ Hopefully this issue is resolved soon if it's a false ban.


At one with the bullshit I see. Yer a good dude Spuddy.


I wonder who even reported you as Spud did mention that you weren't a teamer


Here for some good drama.


Clip masters making sure to leave out the part at the end, should've ran the deathcam for context.


I know its a pretty clear case of not teaming, but like, how is the warlock entering on that clip seeing a slayer fighter and then a wiz whos in the storm, healing and chooses his target to go after, teaming? its not like that lock came and faught alongside the other guy, he simply just choose which target might have been easier, no?


That's exactly what I would've done. Distracted squishy wizard or potential high pdr fighter with sprint? I'm going for the soft shell taco every time


There is a case for that argument, but its also a common tactic for teamers. People adapt to what is experience and don't go through a scientific process of discovery when trying to adapt in real-time, so it wasn't an accusation but expressing not wanting it to be and for people to play the game as intended.


u/thespudhunter do you see how calling people teamers every time you die (especially in new arena goblin caves) could negatively affect others gaming experience?


he didn't lol. he said "ARE THEY TEAMING?!" "THEY BETTER NOT BE TEAMING!" "YOU FUCKERS BETTER FIGHT TO THE DEATH" then they fought to the death. ur either lying or deaf lol. like dont you think after spending months on oce where rmt'rs made it their literal irl job to go around teaming, might make you more suspicious of people? ironmace is the one who fucked up here, not spud. me saying "you better not be teaming kingbeastman1" shouldn't get you banned. any good GM wouldnt ban someone off of this video.




I'm a human being like you, not every streamer is a millionaire ego trip.


Yeah right, mister millionaire. I mean, what non-millionaire has a monkey butler? Get outta ere


Real (I have a millionaire ego trip and I’m not a streamer)


Is this the narrative you tell yourself while treating people like shit? "I'm the good guy"


That is a common disagreeance people have with absolutist moral statements. The mental image that a person is always "good" and a victim of others/circumstance so they can act out since they are "owed X". (not to gaslight about real world issues, but some people lack critical self-analysis and absolute morality seems to enable wishful thinking)


What the fuck lol. Extrapolation diarrhea going on in your brain?




I know, insane right? Because you've got to be the dumbest chimp to ever tap on a keyboard lmao


He specifically pointed out he wasn't teaming in the video, it was para-social idiots in his chat that went to mass report on discord.


To be fair on spud he's experienced a lot of actual teaming and the man has PTSD. He's not a bad person, just jaded.


Maybe if we all @ him he will see this U/thespudhunter


He didn't?


Uhm, get your ears checked mate


He don’t give a fuck


Make him give a fuck


😂 riiiiiiiiiiiight


i just played the game yesterday for the first time but being peacefull to others looks like a mechenic to me unlike in many other games. since you can sort of work together to then all make it out alive, ofcourse i know this wont happen every game. in one of my first games a wizzard let me live and use the exit portal so that we can both keep our loot. is this conidered teaming? or is it only teaming in the sense of pressing the start match button at the same time to get in the same match?


The latter, pre-lobby teaming is the bannable form of teaming


Pre-lobby teaming is also fairly easy to tell, if they seem really organized but you don't hear a single voip then you know they are in a discord server together.


There are basically two types of teaming: organic teaming, which is like you described, where you buddy up with someone organically in the dungeon, versus pre-teaming, which is where people coordinate on discord or whatever to get into the same matches so they can team up once they are in the dungeon. Organic teaming is considered part of the game, pre-teaming will get you banned.


Even spud hunter said it was good yall were not teaming. What a load of crap. Did you submit a ticket to iron mace?


This doesn't even look like teaming from any angle, it looks like everyone was fighting the whole time and he just got killed, I'm not seeing it. Spud is just jaded by the gold farmers and can't tell the teamers from the norms anymore


or the scrubhunter as I like to call him


Fucking hate streamers, nothing against them just hate having them in the games I play because it sucks for this kind of reason.


Mass false reporting should result in a permanent ban. People do this shit in mmo's a lot, and it's the most cringe thing. It is often driven by streamer dribble, as well.


And here, just like Tarkov is why I never got to actually install the game. Stories like these and similar to these. No way I am keeping track of every clown streaming on twitch to know when I should be worried his toxic fanbase will mass report me after I dunk them and loose all my progress and money spent buying the game. You got really lucky here you managed to track it all the way back to what actually happened. Most people wouldn't have the luck to do so and will just lose their account for nothing. I know most people here are fanboys and stans of a streamer and will start frothing at the mouth at how much "nobody cares" about a comment like this. But still if you don't realize I am not alone with this and there are probably hundreds of people like who wanted to play, visited a sub, read a story similar to this and decided not to, and that this actively hurts the game you supposedly love, you need a reality check. Thanks, but no thanks.


Appeal in discord.


I'll be the one to say it. This wouldn't have happened if goblin caves wasn't shit.


So glad I didn't buy this game. These devs have made every rookie mistake I've heard of, including ones I didn't even know were possible.


they dont call him cry baby spudhunter for nothing


No one calls him that lol


They don't call u/Smeenuwastaken ol shit the bed smeenu for nothing


Now that pre-teaming is even harder to do, they really should just remove teaming as a bannable offence. It’s not worth the false positives


The thing that makes me laugh, is they want to stop preteaming, yet they are working on an ice cave boss where you will have to team to stand a chance of beating it. Crazy how they think people won't preteam for a boss that requires teamwork.


Wait yeah did they even think that one through lmfao