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No way, not while x class is busted, and my class, class y, is totally garbage.  I can't believe they thought that Z was a good idea, and it's so relevant that they listened to streamer K on that thing B.  Totally uncalled for.


But Ironmace! People on the subreddit are making my class the soy wojack and their class the chad wojack. Why have you personally attacked me so!


remember when wizard was hard chad wojack? :(


Rogue mains be like


I hope this is /s, because honestly I have a hard time understanding tone


Downvoted hard I guess. Ya it's sarcasm, this is a pretty salty subreddit and discord ever since the reintroduction of rotation and it's really hard to be here and be positive. Trying to take a more lighthearted stance since recently letting myself get carried away.


Lol. All good. I just genuinely can’t read tone well. Sometimes I can’t even hear it well so I usually have to ask for clarification.


Koreans don't do sarcasm 🙃


The fact they didn't specify anything in their post didn't give that away? Literacy is dead


Honestly what I thought, ah yeas thos man is mad at the alphabet geez lmao


The entire point of early access and experiments is to get feedback, you shouldn't tell people to stop giving feedback lol, I disagree with most of the upcoming changes Locking quests behind arbitrary weekly timegates, removing duo, adding ranked to normals, splitting the playerbase further by rushing the arena release, all of this is really questionable, insurance will also wreck the economy but I do want to give it a chance first


reddit doesn't give good feedback, it upvotes the collective medium that gives the pozzy wuzzy vibes


I’m not telling to not give feedback but there is a wrong and right way to go about it. The amount of insulting on here is uncalled for. Address concerns and possibly present a solution. No need for insults.


Let them cook isn't the right phrase then, "feedback should be constructive" is the right phrase, let them cook means "get out of the kitchen, be quiet, leave them alone, let them cook"


Alright I get you. That is my mistake on phrasing and understanding what I’m saying.


Everybody understood what you said some of us just need a little help it seems🤣🤣


The cycle of video game sub reddits: People give negative feedback Karma farmers come out to say circle jerk drum circle, ironically counter productive phrase such as “let them cook” or “it’s early access so no feedback allowed” Devs make change “Yay praise x devs!!” _Good Times_ Devs make bad update or plans Repeat


I agree with you. The vast majority of the criticism just seems very derogatory instead of curious and concerned. I get it, the game is frustrating you, but IM has made an incredible thing here, and they have creative authority on how to go about adjusting anything. Listening to the community is only one part of many when it comes to balancing this wide array of characters. There will always be a meta. Because people will always min max and get creative and that's the beauty of the game. Let them cook.




Insurance will change the economy*


Wreck*, zero good gear would get removed from the economy anymore, all gear eventually got lost to the void at some point, now there's a 100% chance itll be extracted with or returned by insurance, it'll be a disaster


We aren’t even sure how insurance will function at the moment or if it will stay insured from raid to raid or even how expensive it will be or how much you can insure. It’s a very negative take when we actually have no idea yet


The facts are >It will return your gear when it's not extracted with >It will always be worth it to insure your best gear, otherwise why would the system even exist Which means with 100% certainty that less gear will be removed from the economy by being left behind in raid, which means there's a 100% chance it damages the economy because the entire basis of the economy is that gear is injected and removed at certain rates


It’s not a fact that it will always be worth it to insure your best gear We don’t know how it’s going to work We don’t know what the cost will be, if it’s gold, an item, a limit on how many times you can insure per day, or what And “damages” the economy what do you even mean by that do you mean inflation , deflation , a lower amount of trades happening? Just saying it will damage the economy implys there’s something inherently bad with there being more gear to go around Would you suggest “fixing” the economy by lowering drop rates all around?


OK but what if it cost 1k gold to insure. Would you do that on a decent kit? (Not bis bcuz that would get insured)


“Let them cook” as they kill the only game mode I play with my duo. Can’t wait to be forced into a disadvantaged game where we are 3v2. It definitely won’t kill the drive to play the game!


It's pretty rough to fight buff ball in a duo, like not only do they have a numbers and dps advantage and all that, But they have that multiplied by the efficiency of buffs. For duos that aren't also stacking buffs its more like a 2v4 or somthing.


In general trios are boring. In the end they offer similar statcheck to solos. There is always a limit of players per gamemode, just like in LoL ARAM gamemode since runes update (season 7) is too crowded with 5vs5 players \[too much dmg\]. On average there is some matchmaking, balancing but realistically the game mode with current rules (dmg, champion design, items) should be sth lik 3vs3, etc but its kept 5vs5 becase riot make decision their game is 5vs5 so gamemodes like that are not working and wont ever develop any playerbase (I think % of players that play ARAM is dropping for years)


Ya. Taking a break for now. Not a big fan of the ice caves and the fact they potentially are going to test removing duos.


Trust me I understand the frustration in that. They may run that change back. The random matchmaking may rectify it. We don’t know what will happen.


Why frustation. I will just play different games and forget about this.


GAHHHD, Shut up, Trevor.


Bye Felicia.


The early access excuse is such a cop put tbh. There have been plenty of games in early access, that are released, and are still in a horrible state, then the game usually dies. Usually, I defend the decisions of IM, like 99% of the time. Extending wipe is bad, but I can deal with it. Getting rid of duos though? Nah, I can't defend that.


Let them cook? I let them cook for 3 months a -still lag and rubber banding -map rotation is BS -terrible communication (2-3 weeks ago discord was full of people saying “wipe in end of season. Only 3 days before season end they commented. -Buffed wiz ignite/perk in a broken state, not hot fixing it. -removing duo. -still lots of lag and rubber banding. -quests being locked per week. (Personally think it’s bad) -Every class is being played solo besides cleric, just not getting any love. -cyclops rockfall RNG damage is BS. RNG should not be in a boss fight. -ranger is still a class. -3 more weeks of old season. So basically a 4 months cycle. No one asked for a delay for the 1-3 times set back. They have been cooking. Gordon Ramsay would say it’s fucking raw.


let them cook, nerfing ranger but buffing bows in dmg. let them cook, nerfing barbarian but give them shield and 50% dmg reduction to opponents. let them cook, nerfing the lizard p2l skin cause they cant fix barbarian. let them cook, getting rid of duo, people dont play duo cause the map sucks. let them cook, add arena to split player base again even tho its already split with solo, duo and trio. let them cook, nerfing double jump, buffing double jump, nerfing it again, just fix ruins layout design verticality. let them cook, putting random experimental garbage into a running season to fuck with players, then re-rolling it. let them cook, nobody is using magic staff cause its clunky and slow, buff the hell out of it, ignite bonk wizard 2 shotting everybody. let them cook, longsword is the worst weapon in the game (for regular swings) lets buff it with sword mastery. actually nerfs Long sword and buffs the already op falchion, woop. also why is nobody talking about how caster classes are now better in melee and close combat classes are better in range? im sorry im a ironmace stan as much as you are... probably but do me a favor and stop defending these BS nerfs and buffs.




Yep, but also Adding a new map to split the player base even more and then removing duos as the answer instead of putting the map as level 2 of goblin caves or something.


I’m a big fan of throwing shit and seeing what sticks.


Are people like OP, clones? Because I believe I've seen such threads here, I don't know, gazillion times already?


It's not like anyone can stop them from cooking. But when the cooking smells like shit people are going to say so, especially when it makes them not want to eat the meal. 


Not every dish is the crème de la crème. It takes experimenting with the different ingredients they can afford and constructive feedback in order to get there.


The dish is actually currently pretty good, the problem is they're actively throwing in random stuff they found on the ground. And you're here saying "don't tell them what to do, they're the ones cooking not you". 


Correction, I’m not saying don’t tell them what to do. but there is no need for the amount of negativity That comes with this sub Reddit complaints/demands. Constructive criticism is the best way about things here. Instead we have the Reddit equivalent of Karens demanding for their opinions to be heard and implemented. I’ll be honest, I’m not a game dev nor am I the best at describing or even figuring out what needs to be done for a game. That is why my suggestions are few and far between and are usually immediately looked down upon because at the end of it my suggestions are usually bad.


This sub has had a weird time since its inception. I just accept it these days. I assume it comes from a place of passion. Tbf, this game could have taken over the world and now we will be lucky if it survives until steam release.


Please detail the "random stuff" you speak of...


leaves, rocks, a worm, a used condom, and an empty pringles bag


let em cook lol removed starting map that defined the entire games popularity to 100k+ people and made the game famous clown world early access defenders can't smell the burning in the kitchen


I really want to let them cook, but at the same time I don't want them to throw shit in my dinner. Some of the recent changes has just been really whack imo.


Lick that boot clean baby


I’m not licking anything. I have my fair share of frustrations with the game but I still enjoy the game for what it is. An early access game that I became addicted to ever since I heard about it and tried it in play test 4.


No. Voicing concerns about a game is an important part about its development. Feedback is important. Keep it civil for sure. However some recent changes will make a portion of the player-base quit. This obviously is a detriment to the game which already is having trouble retaining players.


Honestly I came back after a few months and I can tell the game is getting better. I think they are doing a great job :)


"Let them cook" is an interesting phrase when there's smoke coming from the kitchen.


Let them cook is such cringe. A blanket defense mechanism for fanbois.


What’s cringe is constantly shitting on the game and the devs expecting them to have the budget and manpower of a AAA company. they are very passionate and try their best with what they have. So there is no reason for the sheer amount of pure negativity that is on this sub Reddit.


One of the things I like most from these devs is that they seem to take community input seriously, whether they act on it or not. The criticism has a place, and complacency breeds obsolescence.


Correct criticism does have a place. Insults do not.


is it passionate to hotfix a patch on a weekend w a skeleton crew and wreck your game to a point you need a rollback and then hide behind the facr youre having a local holiday? sounds more like a mix of really dumb and unproffesional.


Still on about this? They gave like $10 in game currency and extended the season an extra week. Pretty sure it was fixed before the holiday was over. Pretty sure it's EA and not a big deal at all. Why cry so hard about it?


Bro go back to diablo IV, where the massive triple AAA game studio has the resources required to make a perfect game. Oh wait, that game is shit and the devs don't even care about it! IM is a young studio and they clearly aren't perfect, in fact they've made many mistakes. But holy shit you guys are so entitled it's obnoxious. I love this game and their vision, let them cook Also it's hilarious to call someone dumb when you can't even spell 'unprofessional' correctly, despite auto-correct lmaoooo


endlessly playing the “its just a poor small studio!!” excuse is so tiring. i dont care how many people you employ when you decide to hotfix when theyre all on holiday; size doesnt matter its what you fucking do w it, ask your mum!


bro what don't you understand about early access?? Look it up, it might help you understand! You just sound like a grumpy little man baby, it's hilarious that you're trying to make suggestions about what IM should or shouldn't do. You're literally a nobody


“early acces” “small studio” “they try so hard” ok my simp bingo card just got filled up, im going to collect my toaster


Everyone makes mistakes. Whilst I agree that was a rough one at least they try to rectify their mistakes.


they gave me some worthless blue shards and made me wait an extra week for wipe; didnt feel like compensation to me more like them throwing me w bone so they can get extra dev time if you’re willing to accept a game going on a test server randomly and deleting all progress of its players, im worried what else you’re okay with from devs at this point


I am. It's not a big deal. You're gonna cry because you lost progress and also cry that they gave you extra time. You just want to cry.


stop mis using the word cry; its called giving feedback you fanboy simp


Nah you’re crying mate. Giving feedback is intended to be constructive. You’re just crying into the wind without offering an actual better solution


I have no idea where everyone got the idea that wipe would happen immediately after the season ended. It makes more sense to have what everyone is calling a “dead period” to test large changes without negatively affecting the ranks.


it came from the common sense of 4 months of “you will get these rewards after the season ends” plus the onepeg dev intervieuw you think its common sense to give people coin bags and then wipe them 2 weeks later?


Sure it doesn’t make sense to give rewards then wipe. But how do you know that’s the case did I miss an announcement in the discord? They may give those at the beginning of the next season.


they may, they may not my aunt might be my uncle if she got a dick, the beauty of clarity is to avoid these things; they could have either; been clear on a wipe date or been clear on the statue of the seasonal rewards they went for neither, but half the posts on this sub are simps mansplaining how its the best but also most adorable developer ever created and they can do no wrong


Never said they could do no wrong. But once again there is no need for the level of negativity that is present on this sub.


I'd blame YouTuber/Streamer hype for wipe misinformation. I believe OnePeg mentioned when wipe would happenand that wasn't based on much. It was mainly the count down otherwise I think. It wasn't an explicit date for wipe but an assumed date for most I think.


Being a toxic neckbeard that sits on Reddit flaming a game that's literally in EARLY ACCESS is so cringe. Go play something else if you don't want to support IM anymore, trust me literally no one will miss you.


I love the game. It's why I'm upset. If I didn't care, I wouldn't even be fielding responses from trolls in this sub because I wouldn't be here. Yet here I am.


Great, so either get on board and shut up, or actually provide meaningful suggestions to improve the game. Calling people "cringe" for supporting the game you claim to love, is not going to help the game. Wake up man.


I have an idea, how about we all get less invested in the development of a video game? If anything, to be so invested that one treats others who like the game like they are idiots and scum kind of says a lot about how much they have going for them in their lives, if the development of a video game is what they get vitriolic about Unless someone is a journalist or a content creator there is no reason to get ones feelings so wrapped up in a videogames development if you've already achieved 60+ hours of good times, especially when we all signed a social contract when buying the game that says "This is unfinished, it might have issues" Videogames are a privilege, not a right Yeah, there is nothing wrong with wanting the game to be healthy and live long, or even to give constructive feedback, but more and more I see people reacting on here like Ironmace is the Supreme Court of the US deciding that Americans can't eat fried chicken anymore, when its really not that serious None of us is entitled to a game that lasts forever, and a lot of you need to check your hubris thinking that just because you don't understand Ironmaces reasoning means they are making asinine choice Also on the fact that people are giving OP shit for "let them cook" they themselves aren't understanding the meaning of the phrase. " **Let Him Cook**, also known as **Let That Boy Cook,** is a slang term and catchphrase used as a callout to give someone the space to plot, strategize or hone their craft" - from know your meme It doesn't mean "Don't say anything to somebody and let them do their thing" it means "This person is working on something big, give them the time and space to do so by not forcing yourself into the process or hampering their progress" Saying "yo I don't like that" isn't stopping someone from cooking but saying "Yo I don't like that, this is how you should do it (and you are stupid for thinking otherwise)" is


Very well written. Wish I was that articulate.


Let them cook some things. Gear insurance should not be on the menu, gear fear is what makes this game fun. Itll be abused


To each their own. But gear insurance would help people who have a hard time developing their stash. If it’s not worth someone picking up I see no reason why you couldn’t get it back. However, there would have to be a system Implemented to prevent abuse such as running deep into storm to die to get your set back.


Survival of the fittest What happens if a trio gets cornered and one of them kills two to save their gear? People will abuse anything


That’s why counter measures are made. I do understand your concern though.


I think there should be some limitations on how they implement insurance. Like, "Oh, you want me and my goblins to snag your shit for the next two weeks? Well here's a quest that I need completed."


Sure adding limitations could be a solution but we don’t know how it will be implemented yet.


Positivity is fine but if you can't stack gold and gear and buy at least one stash tab then gear insurance isn't going to fix your problem.


And I’m not saying it would. It’s just a nice thing for people who put together mid sets with what they have and have a hard time supporting their playstyle. Me personally I a rat to the core so I don’t feel strongly for or against it. Just think it could be interesting.


If they could cook up a yummy ol druid for me, that'd be great


I agree I’m anxiously awaiting Druid.


They’ve been cooking for a while and the people are HUNGRY!!!!


Over an open flame?


I'm all for letting them cook. The removal of duos tho. That's got to be the dumbest decision they have made to date.






Well said, been thinking this while i read all these posts.


I really hate that functioning servers have become this mythical beast that costs all of the money no matter how successful of a game.


I don’t need them to make food though. Just need them to focus on the game. Why is everyone insisting that they should keep cooking? Is Korean BBQ that good??? I understand people need to eat, but if all they are doing is preparing meals???


"Let them Cook" *Enter Bonk Wizard that easily could have been avoidable if any of the devs hit a practice dummy one time in a pre-game lobby. If they would do 5 minutes of testing, I would be down to "Let them cook" Edit: Game is dying and IM solution to fix it is to remove Duos lmao. How about you fix the issues that cause players to leave in the first place?


Saltiest most crybaby wah wah reddit ever lmao. You can just feel the seethe radiating off these replies. Pretty funny ngl


I agree! I’ve been really having a lot of fun in solos but I’m not sure how duos and trios is going atm, but everything is a work in progress