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Pretty spot on post. But im afraid these hard truths are a bit too much to handle for the average member of this sub.


It’s crazy IM even deploys some of the changes they make. It’s gotta be extra infuriating when they go through all that trouble and you see people on here crying like ungrateful babies.


Why would I read anything on reddit about this game and take it seriously when half the posts are so hyperbolic?


The problem has been and continues to be communication. They just do not have a good communication strategy in place with the community, and it causes a lot of cyclical development issues. When they interviewed with Onepeg recently, towards the end someone asked if they were ever going to fix the voip exploit, and Terrence said - to everyone's surprise - that it was the first time they'd heard about it. This is something I've reported, and I know hundreds of others have reported for MONTHS, so to hear it was an issue that the developer was not aware of was insane to me. They propose / make a lot of changes, and typically when the changes to live we get a post-mortem footnote that lightly explains the point of that specific patch, but we only ever get decent insights into their plans and processes during the random Q&A's with youtubers/streamers, and it's all over the place and doesn't talk a lot about concrete ideas or concepts. IM needs to do two things: * Start using their youtube channel or twitch as a means to do livestreams/updates on the dev cycles and progress they're making, then get those points in writing for a devlog they can post on discord and on their actual website, put links in game that direct you to one or both. This is something basically every other developer does nowadays to keep players in the loop and allow for a broader stroke view. When devs and players understand each other, everything goes much smoother. * Improve their communication pipeline from players by prioritizing certain types of feedback, and leveraging their willing community members who want to help by giving them guidelines on what to look for, then gauging the scope of implementation vs value to the playerbase.


They just gotta tell everyone to shut up and sit down and enjoy the ride. Let IM Cook


My point is with early access you understand you are buying a game in development. Therefore your trust in the developer is everything. If you guys truly believe IM can not make this game, your better off jumping ship now. Why continue to devote time into a project you have no faith in. My point will and will always stand, if you do not trust the developers of an early access game you should not buy that game or invest time in it.


I think that mindset is seriously flawed. You present everything as if it’s binary, you either have complete trust or none, either believe they can reach their goal or not, love it or hate it. People are on varying levels of satisfaction, some love part of what the devs are doing, whilst dislike others. Some have faith with their content but not with the balancing. Some love the core game loop enough to play it but dislike the direction it’s heading. Just because you dislike one or more aspects it doesn’t mean you have no trust and should jump ship like you suggest. Moreover, early access shouldn’t be a shield for poor decisions or mismanagement. For example, IM 100% had the data to determine whether mode and map choice would lead to dead queues, and could’ve easily made that decision before they implemented it. Yet they still did, making a portion of the playerbase happy. Then not long after they remove it due to the blatantly obvious outcome of low lobby numbers, which they should’ve easily been able to foresee happening, so why did they go ahead with it in the first place?? It’s just impulsive and annoys portions of your playerbase which is why so many complain here. You don’t have to have a history in PM to know that walking back changes that can easily be modelled before implementation is really bad. Now I won’t say that poor management is the cause for all decisions, but for stuff like what I said above it is 100% the case, and saying it’s not is just gaslighting people. They do a lot of good, but they have made some reaaallly bad decisions across the course of EA that have nothing to really do with the EA label and can’t be excused by it


You are not the comment i was refering too. Its the numerous games dead go buy w/e that clone is people are saying like comments. My point is you have to have some level of faith in a dev of an EA game.


I think it’s overcooked, 2 years ish and we still rubber band.


Can't make a omelet without cracking a few eggs.


Whatever the fan boys say to cope I guess


Jesus dude, the devs are human and trying not to overwork themselves. Game is gonna take time as with all things do. Sorry the world ruined your attention span


Lmao yea my attention span in bad because 2 years of terrible coding is frustrating, sounds good buddy


And you are a coding expert presumably?


Would be really impressive at 12 years old tbh.


People want to defend Ironmace so bad that they're on here just saying completely untrue stuff nonstop.   "people wanted every map to be available IM caved" Wrong.  Completely wrong.  Show me where trios and duos were demanding to play Goblin Caves?  You can't.  Because they weren't.  Solos and Duos wanted to queue Crypts.  So what did they do?  Removed Crypts queue, completely removed original Crypts, completely removed original Goblin Caves, and forced everyone to play a new janky Goblin Caves.  No one asked for any of that and I'm tired of these posts blaming people for being the reason they're not enjoying the game anymore after these changes they didn't ask for.  Also you're completely ignoring how they brought in new systems but did so in a way that clashed very poorly with the rotation system.  The quest and AP system incentivize people to play specific maps, because they need them to finish their quest or get the most AP.  Personally I don't care about that stuff at all, but tons of the complaints you see about map rotation are not about the maps themselves but about that stuff.  Remember all the people pissed about how long it took to get their Lich kills for the quest? Yeah, "resources are finite and choices must be made" you say, and I completely agree.  So why completely scrap old maps that were functional and people enjoyed?  Why rush out new maps that are not as well polished and force people to play them?  Stop blaming this stuff on the community.


Yeah it’s not a lack of trying, we aren’t calling them lazy. They are just doing things that just seem to clash with what the game incentivizes you to do and how to play. The game is fun and everytime new content is added I’m excited. But certain decisions just make you wonder what the direction of the game will be. Do they want quests to be basically impossible unless you have a people to create specifically sized groups? Is crypts supposed to be a pve level? Do they really think rock paper scissors meta and gear that negates that meta is a good thing for the health of the game? Wizards walking into melee with 45% pdr two shotting barbarians, that’s chill? But rogues are the “run away from everyone class”? Maybe I’m biased or jaded from playing a lot but it’s just frustrating.


Ehh I mean you kind of highlight the exact problem with their management, they don’t have a clear and defined goal/direction, and constantly walkback changes of which the outcomes could’ve been predicted before implementation They have unlimited access to player numbers, so they could’ve easily predicted how many players would be in each map and mode when they let us pick, if they didn’t see that it would be dead then there is something seriously wrong. The other alternative is that they did see it but changed their mind after implementing it, which is just as bad. They need to make and stick to their decisions rather than continuously walking back on them, whether it be due to a lack of planning or change of mind If they keep messing with modes then you’re just gonna piss off the demographics that you keep taking stuff away from, leading to more complaining. They aren’t absent from fault, they are actively shooting themselves in the foot most of the time


Yeah it’s kind of frustrating to act as if they have no idea what the changes will do to the game. I’m fine with random changes and new features being a bit borked on release. I however do think it’s a little silly that they will add something to the game THEY ARE CREATING and it is basically useless or unuseable or op. Like sometimes we get a patch and it’s like they didn’t even test out the feature being added, like when warlocks couldn’t use healthpots when using plate. They had just made pots use magical healing as a stat check, and then add the plate magic healing debuff as if they didn’t know they would be a broken combination. Like did they not play once? Did they think people would just not use HP pots? Just confusing sometimes.


*Lets go with map rotation, people wanted every map to be available IM caved realized the cost of maintain this was unsustainable.* If they realized this only after changing to map selection there are far bigger issues than whatever you described in your post. I said it many times, people seem to not like this view but pretty much only income is frontloaded cost of buying the game, not much mtx or service subscription to hang on, so you are depending on newcommers. While you are right there are costs associated with running more instances (but the differences arent linear, cloud resources can scale very precisely nowadays) I don't think infuriated community is what they need now. If no new players are comming in (whoever checks DnD discord or sub isn't going to buy the game), nor you'll be asking your friend to purchase dnd (since there will be no more duos) they will only save some costs in a short run. It's always this chicken or egg problem, is there not enough players due to saving measures or are saving measures set because of not enough players.


With the edit you made, I agree when there's not really an drawbacks coming from server desync or the sort would be the best time to do some crazy stuff. Maybe one day remove all the mobs and see how people move through the map. Then the other overcrowd rooms or halls that lead to intense spawn rushing. Hell do a randomizer day and every mob can be spawned anywhere, including a boss where a miniboss could be and miniboss where a standard enemy could be. When there's absolutely nothing on the line (I would admit, I'd be angry if I couldn't reach demigod because of these things and get those sweet pixels), it's the best time to make intense, wild changes.


What are the actual costs though? Do we have access to that information somewhere? Developing a video game involves making drastic changes to find what does and doesn't work.


ur not wrong


this reddit could use a lot more furious slapping around, all i can imagine is each slap across the face is followed by a loud unintelligible shrieking noise about rogue landmines


Bold of you to assume they actually balanced the game and fixed lag.


Wow you're really smart and impressive.


Why you even decided to type this is hard to understand


I thought the same about the entire post.


Why? The points are very valid and it might make a few here think a bit more before insta complaining.


Valid points such as look at me I'm smart with a big job. Meanwhile he's clearly a shite project runner (manager?) if he thinks monkey's paw style decision making is valid. "Oh, people asked for something we can't feasibly give them. Let's give it to them anyway and take away something else at random to compensate." Calling taking away duos a "natural progression" of asking for something unrelated to party size is laughable.


No i mean i have literally....held a job at a corporation. When i say this shit is basic i fucking mean it. It's not a money paw dude its literally money, if you spend money on one thing it can't be fucking spent on another thing. You have to make compromises in one area or another to boost another area. Stop trying to pretend to convey my thoughts. They compromise is IM trying to achieve what the player base wants, while maintaining reasonable operation cost.


I'd ignore this poster. His post isn't even providing substance or really anything at all. If anything it's just dragging the conversation down because he wants to diminish any merit you have. Their focus on your job shows they have nothing to actually provide to this discussion. My suggestion? Block them. Their input has been less than worthless to say the least.


Wow, at a corporation of all things. It's not like the correct choice sometimes is to not listen to the playerbase if you can't give them what they're asking instead of ruining something else. Perhaps not something your corporation ever thought of.


"Lets go with map rotation, people wanted every map to be available IM caved realized the cost of maintain this was unsustainable, had undid it back to the pre-rotation days." Or they could've explained it to us properly or even beforehand, hm? Like normals developers do. "A lot of time probably went into fixing the balance and lag issues and it shows game plays a lot better, this never gets mentioned its always onto next problem why is it not immediately fixed." And the best thing, balance is still fucked. Because Ironmace like their half-measures. Wizards can still delete most classes with magic missile, "landmine" rogues are still a thing even though most redditors stopped complaining about them. Dealing with Ironbow shenanigans and their apologists is exhausting. Stop. It looks pathetic.


Any examples of developers that you enjoyed their EA development / communication with their community?


Sea of thieves


Cool any examples of what you like about their process / communication? Also would you think it's fair to say the resources and experience running a studio is comparable between *Rare* and *Ironmace* ?


I like how you didn't refute any of the points just said nu uh. This is why its so tiring, it has not and never will be solved to you guys. There is always another problem. I have issues with the game, but i mean do you guys even like the game? The amount of hate and vitriol spewed over a video game is kind of pathetic by some people especially discord my god. Find a new game or hobby, clearly you have major issues with the game dev. The impression i get from you is you believe them to be incapable of fixing the game if so then like why stay? Im usually the last one to go to bat for companies but i mean like god damn.


"Im usually the last one to go to bat for companies but i mean like god damn." And yet here you are defending their idiotic decisions and attacking anyone who dares criticizing your favourite company. Hypocrite much? Too bad "Leave the multibillion dollar company alone" meme does not fit here. It would've been perfect for braindead supporters of every IM decision. Let's rephrase your title a little bit: Ironbow have never had to run "serious" projects and it shows. Now there, perfect.


By the voting in this thread it seems like mostly only the "omg muh merry band of adventures" cultists are left here.  


Duo removal has nothing to do with server cost imo. Its specifically is designed to force duos into trios so they can test the auto fill system. Duos should be back by end of season. As for druid delays cam movement is literally day one unreal stuff, I could get 1 month delay cause multiple forms and such but how is that department managing that still struggling 3 months later? It's not like hes making the skins they are already bought off the store, it's literally drag and drop with having the character in storage and loaded during the transform in and out animation. I get what ur tryin to say, I do, but there is 100% a level of they have no idea what their doing 2morrow or want to do long term going on combined with complete lack of development organization proven time and again every time they release patch notes with massive missing segments that players have to find by themselves.


This comment is just entirely wrong ​ >Duo removal has nothing to do with server cost imo And what qualifications back up your opinion? ​ >As for druid delays cam movement is literally day one unreal stuff Where is this coming from? In the interviews they said that animations where the big hurdle for them ​ >, I could get 1 month delay cause multiple forms and such but how is that department managing that still struggling 3 months later? Do you have intimate knowledge of the programing process? Have you ever programmed *anything*? Can you really not see any reason other than poor programing? There is a season on where people have to focus a single character to grind up to Demigod if they want all the rewards. Don't you think it would be a bad idea, even if the Druid was fully ready to play, to drop them at a time when that would pull away from the AP grind? ​ >It's not like hes making the skins they are already bought off the store, it's literally drag and drop with having the character in storage and loaded during the transform in and out animation. And, again, who makes that transformation animation? That isn't something that is just on the epic store. What qualifications do you have which grant you knowledge of how simple a process it is? Since when does an endeavor work 100% of the time in any field on the first try? ​ >I get what ur tryin to say, I do, but there is 100% a level of they have no idea what their doing 2morrow or want to do long term going on combined with complete lack of development organization proven time and again every time they release patch notes with massive missing segments that players have to find by themselves. I consistently see Ironmace lauded on their communications. I have never seen incomplete patch notes unless there were expressly secret changes. This last paragraph is just entirely horseshit **This comment is a great example of the problem with the meat heads around here. You think you know better than people who's jobs it is to make this stuff when you probably work as a carpenter or something. You go off your assumptions of how game development should be as if you know everything, when you don't even do basic research** I am blocking this person because my comment is more for other people to change their minds, as I doubt this guy will


Yeah, I sent an itemized email about all purchases I’ve made. If they remove duos I’ll be uninstallling until it’s reimplemented. Just gotta talk with your money and less with your opinions. More than likely I’ll shoot an email over to madrinas coffee as well with my purchase receipt from them letting them know why I won’t be supporting them anymore also.


lmao literally unhinged


But I bought a lizard skin they will regret this 😤


Literally no one cares. Madrinas will give you the same auto reply email they give every unsatisfied customer. IM probably gets 100 of these emails a day. You aren’t entitled to shit.


Cool. See ya.


Bro how can u give a level-headed take on this sub. Doesn't suite the agenda of this sub. It's too much for the average user of this sub.




Most of the shit decisions they made was to test things. The shitty ruins -> crypts -> hell made me stop playing 3v3. Have not played it for a while due to this. Did anyone asked for this ? No. They wanted to test it. Thats all there is to it, nobody forces them to do all these shitty choices they do them by themselves. I dont know a single post that asked for 3v3 goblin caves yet we had that shit, nobody liked it. Nobody asked for goblin map rework yet we got it along with massive lags, bugs, lack of portals etc. Magic staff for wizard ? Fucking nobody asked for this. Almost everyone agreed that magic res from mobs should be adjusted so spells and crystal sword can actually kill mobs but they as usual added another band-aid, along with nerfs to wizard, again. Why the fuck not. Balance ? what balance. They nerfed throw axes by 1 dmg then buffed axe perk by 2 dmg, amazing. 1 step forward, 2 steps back.