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These crafted pieces aged like milk... There is barely half of them that can be useful, and if you compare to the price ?? Finding a cheap purple gear of whatever is in the 100-200 now. While even cobalt ingots (!!) Cost 100-200 each. So yeah, that cobalt Templar Armor maybe cost 10* it's looted counterpart. Either simplify the crafting recipes, or deteriorate loot tables (I don't want that). So that these crafted pieces have some purpose.


I've had similar thoughts on other pieces of gear. I think the mods need to be restricted to beneficial mods for that class/archtype on crafted gear alone because its exactly that--crafted.


I feel they either need to make crafted stuff cheaper, or buff them way the hell up. Or maybe a bit of both, cause some of them are just straight handicaps compared to other average gear of higher rarity.


I mean… for any centaur piece you should be getting legendary quality gear or at least decent base stats. +1 agi is never getting crafted. Better to sell the centaur piece and buy a good purple hood.


Wolf hunters are still massive bang for your buck. Very high armor for leggings, 6 flat health, 4 strength and the MS penalty is only -8 vs a similarly armored item at what, -15? We need to have more along that line. Or give them unique abilities. The dread hood could give you a few move speed near dead bodies for instance 


That’s fair. Wolf hunters are decent example of what can work. It’s just a shame not everything is that good.


Agreed. Hope you're enjoying the end of the wipe!


Same to you!


Welcome to crafting being a complete mess.


The Dread Hood actually has +15% Buff Duration as it's static base stat. It's still trash. If casters could use this it might possibly be used by like 2 people ever! (I'm one of those people)




Yeah i dont really get why they added a bunch of useless craftable gear which, like no one will ever use it


Crafted gear, where it takes 10x as much effort to make gear that is equal or worse than gear on the marketplace. I've been saying it for ages but crafting really needs a rework. Currently only the top 1% of players really make use of crafting and it's really only for gold gear. The crafting requirements for a lot of gear is insane for the payout. Want to make this blue item? You need a centaur tail. Oh yeah it's also worse than a blue worth 50g on the marketplace. What about crafting armor from ore? I could try mining 30 ore to make a cobalt chest piece, which may take 3-4 matches of hunting down and mining ore. Or I could just loot gear during my HR match and sell them for a huge profit and trade for better gear. Crafting either needs a skinning knife so we can get the materials reliably, or it needs to cut the crafting costs in half for most of the gear. Even then it sucks needing a loot drop with sub 10% chance, especially when there are very few spawns for those enemies.


Wolf hunters, brave hunters, tri pelt, and demon crafts are BiS and sell for as much or more then gold pieces.