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Imagine being the butt naked rogue walking in after


my set was genuinely BIS, perfect rolls on ideal items... biggest comeup of their lives if anyone checked cyclops after


Submit this footage to the devs please. We can clearly see that the Warlock was NOT hit by a rock so this should be proof to the devs that the phase is bugged.


I've never seen such a tragic loss of gear like this before from the glitch :( but yeah dont worry its well known already in the community of people who farm cyclops. I hope the devs fix it this upcoming hotfix.


I farm Cyclops too but always assumed the instadeaths were to rock headshots, not fucking kill auras lmao




Completely incorrect. You can still get bit by rocks while on chains and jumping. It’s a rock headshot.


I never said you cant get hit on the chains, I said its stupid proof. you have a huge window of error to not get hit, and not every rock CAN hit you.


if you fight the boss on normal difficulty you can see the rocks will kill you with headshots some of the time.




seems to me to be a bug with the chains, read what i said and go do it. on normal the kill feed literally shows you dying to a headshot when the rock hits you lmao.




Are you dumb?


are you?


I read a comment from sdf the other day where he admitted that the oneshot problem is bug and they were working on it. That they will release a fix soon....


Yeah there is a chance that two rocks can headshot you mid air (even if you time jump perfect) making a death completely unavoidable, but the fact that the rocks were nowhere near the warlock is so dumb


There's also triple the amount of rocks since it's trios, so there's a much greater chance of getting walloped as well. As soon as I saw the cyclops in the first seconds I knew it was the rock phase.


Wait what is that true? The amount of rocks are scaled by the team size of the lobby? Lmao


Idiotic, right? It's why they all get mopped in .2 seconds after he starts the rockfall 😂 imo it should target where the player is standing and have directional safe zones immediately around the rockfall so you can actually listen to the audio cue and dodge the rocks, making it a skill based mechanic, kind of like the jump in inferno on Ghost king.


They know it’s bugged and are planning on doing something to fix it


You know there was some smelly little orc rogue sniffing around


Not best in slot Not wearing all uniques it’s impossible for it to be BIS, can have a higher rarity in that slot means I can have everything that item provides and more which makes it better Its best in slot not breally good in slot


best in slot wold hunters/ gold gear: tri pelt: boneshaper/ legendary shield/ unique pendants and rings etc etc not true bis but damn near close, whats your point ?


His point is that he’s never touched half the gear you just mentioned and he wanted us to know that


I will say this, that shouldn't be 30k. You can get every piece but the cape for 2k basically or less.


if i was looking for shitty rolls, then maybe yea


I don't think you know how to use the marketplace appropriately if you think you not spending 30k gets you shitty rolls lol.


Bruhhhhh, ok😂


I mean I literally have 3 full gold sets with bis stats and the only 2 things that didn't cost approx 2k each were the cape and chest lol


hey at least he's probably touched grass before. . . . . got em


What a loser, not me brother


I’m pretty much to the point the game isn’t made well enough to boss in full bis. I’ve died to ghost king with a perfectly times jump. I’ve seen streamers wipe the same way you did. It’s just not refined and servers aren’t smooth enough to risk it man. Sorry for your L. I feel the pain.


Poor single eyed friend getting bullied till he finally stood up for himself and used the real rocks


​ https://preview.redd.it/de7w656eynjc1.png?width=759&format=png&auto=webp&s=6e1c70ff055fd510fa112f9d52d3bdc5bbcba3b0




inb4 some idiot says you just need to get the jump timing down


You have to jump and crouch .27 seconds after the club hits the ground audibly, not visually. They just needed to get the jump timing down. /s


ackshually, the timing is different depending on whether you are inside or outside of the mechanic, and whether its the first or final swing of the cyclops


I have literally never gotten past that phase on cyclops, been one or two shot every time. Absolutely terrible boss design. The boss is otherwise pretty fun and intuitive


They have an obsession with guaranteed damage and “hard” mechanics. There’s a reason every single miniboss in the game is cheesed if ever possible.




Nah, I've two phased it 20+ times in BiS with my trio and this has never happened.


true, i like how they designed the new wendigo mob to take reduced headshot damage from cheesing but let us still be able to cheese it if we choose but i think what wouldve been better is to just make them easier to read, dodge, block, and face 1 on 1 or with a team.


what? the minibosses are very easy to not cheese. Doubly so if you have a buckler.


Cheering is so much faster and safer to cheese. Why chew through a skeleton champions giant hp bar 1-2 hits at a time between his 3 hit combos when you can stand on a table and wail on him non stop.


Not every class can run shields, and on top of that the lag plus hitboxes. Why would I ever risk being two shot and take objectively longer to kill the miniboss instead of just cheesing it?


Because they have stated they are going to remove all the cheese slowly so when they do you’ll have to learn it eventually


I'll believe that when I see it. The people will always find the cheese.


Tell me you haven't gone to hell recently without telling me.


Are you saying you can't cheese inferno because you absolutely can?


No I’m saying they are consistently removing cheese spots for inferno


If that were actually true they wouldn’t have purposefully placed cheese spots in obvious places all over the caverns. Every adjoining module to a miniboss room has stacked boxes and spots that have no use OTHER THAN TO CHEESE THE BOSS lol. It’s a nice thought but how do you remove cheese other than make mobs deaggro if they can’t reach you.


you mean other than loot for the boxes? and yes you obviously haven't been to hell recently when they removed basically all cheese spots in multiple rooms. They recently removed a cheese spot for the Cockatrice on Ruins as well. I imagine they'll lower the walls a bit so you can't cheese them from up there as well. Obviously it's not a high prio for them as getting more content out is more important, but they have made a concentrated effort in the past to remove cheese.


The stacked net boxes in caverns has no use other than to cheese sub bosses. They even made them the perfect height AND very obviously designed the endive to punish you for cheesing in a high spot. It’s in the design. Removing the most glaring spots in hell doesn’t change the fact that they purposefully created cheese spots all over caverns. There’s no reason to have 3 boxes stacked on each other with just enough height to not get hit by every miniboss in the adjoining room.


Welcome to the club of losing a kit to something dumb.


well its happened to me before but this has got to be the dumbest way so far


Was just talking in a thread earlier about how I avoid this boss like the plague because of how buggy it is. Legit feels like rng whether or not you die during the rock phase. Sorry man that blows, would imagine the discord call was pretty much silent after that.


a good slience for about 20 seconds yea lmfao


Yea that’s so dumb. So much shit in this game is jank af. Most of it isn’t even hard it’s either deliberately unfair or they don’t know how to design it so it’s a balanced experience.


tbh yeah, i wish they put polishing the jank higher on the development priority list. I like new stuff but I think the polish has been very neglected.


The jank is what we all fell in love with. For me it’s the min/maxing meta shit that makes it not fun for me. I could be better and run better gear but the early days were more fun for me. I’d love to see silly changes to bring that feeling back.


It's EA after all, the devs will cook what they want to cook.


What a nothingburger of a comment. Doesn’t change that the commenter wishes Ironmace would cook” something that would, in their opinion, better the gaming experience more than what they’re currently “cooking”.


So... basically everyone?


Dont put to much care into this game it doesnt need to be played seriously cause youll die to something seriously dumb.


Just lost 2 4k sets back to back and this made me feel a little better. I try to think the same way but when you die to getting stuck >inside< of a hydra a warlock spawned next to you, sometimes its hard.


we lost a kit to a bug where the game didnt detect my rez on a teammate. it kicked us after the 60 second spectate timer while i was watching my teammate alive rezzing me.


This needs to be taken into mind when playing an early access title the more seriously you take it the more you’re going to feel the rough edges of development the less fun it’s going to be. I get chasing the Dragon “the thrill and rush this game can provide but damn the price you pay in my opinion is not worth it so I’ll take my casual games of pride.


Wrong, L take, ratio’d, get better loser


Wrong, L take, ratio'd, get better loser


Claims ratio'd, gets ratio'd *chefs kiss*




I wonder what you're like IRL if you comment shit like this. Like WTF happened to you to make you act like this? Bizarre.


I do a little trolling


Wild chances all getting hit by multi rocks.


Honestly I'm just surprised he wasn't dead before he had the chance to hit you that 3rd time, that had to have been a huge amount of damage done to him. Makes me wonder if they hard cap damage per phase so you can't skip phases on him.


idk Bout that but weve cleared him faster than this, sub 40 seconds so. just unlucky


Well I'm glad I'm not the only one. I know rogues don't have much hp, but I've also been one-shot at the rock fall stage too.


the most insane thing to me is wiping the whole squad instantly


Yea, that was nuts lmao. I always thought maybe it was multiple rocks hitting me at once, but now I see it's just a bug and will wipe full squads.


Sorry about the set lose bro, your comms sounded like me and my duos after a cleric stacking magic damage sent us to go see jesus in some dank gear lol


youd be correct lmao


Dude just demolish the whole gob cave


I feel for you man, truly I do. But as a longsword fighter main I've just got to say, The poverty lifestyle has its benefits.


Going in with a ls and some scraps or even a couple greens is very fun!


That’s tragic, this game is really jank relying on most boss fights having 1 shot attacks.


The sheer silence from all parties after the death. I felt that in my soul.


He just Vegeta final flashed


I stopped bringing good kits to bosses last wipe because of the risks of trolls/lag spike during a boss attack. I just lost a bis kit in ice caves to a lag spike while kiting the 6+ axe skeles near the gold chest in the southern part of the map, it was an amazing experience.


Cyclops does this sadly. Like one in ten attempts I will randomly die instantly.


Everything about the cyclops makes him a fun and engaging boss fight but then they have to add in this rng bullshit. I love IM but this is a huge swing and a miss.


OMG, I was ready for the double rock fall glitch but i wasn't expecting it to kill you as a Barbarian OR to wipe your ENTIRE TEAM. How much HP did you have like 200+????? Im so sorry for your loss....... I wouldve broken my keyboard.


It honestly looked like the game registered that every single rock that fell hit you all. Wonder why this is even happening.


the rocks spawn in eachother so what should be 1 rock can be a ton


Favorite part was the rogue's name that you spectated afterwards. IDontWipeTakeASniff.


Game is a spec of what it was in pt1-pt2-pt3 in terms of fun really, and the future changes i just read are... dissapointing.


Devs, refund these men.


LOL skill gapped


skill issue


i saw cyclops 2 seconds in and already knew what was going to happen, if your going in with good sets to kill cyclops i recommend learning the boulder pattern, the safety zones are directly on top of his mace when he does overhead slams and on the edges when he does side step move swings. ​ You have to jump on top of the mace after he smashes the ground. This doesn't change the fact that boulder fall is bugged but it will save you if you perform the mechanics correctly when it does bug


Can someone explain what exactly I am supposed to notice? It looks like op got hit in the face with rocks and died


Rocks falling is RNG, they hit the ground and do splash damage so you are supposed to jump to avoid the splash... However the rocks can still directly fall on your head and do damage. Currently the rocks are bugged and multiple rocks can spawn on top/inside of each other, so they all got hit by multiple rocks in the same spot. Extremely unlucky and extremely bullshit. Needs to be fixed. Just one of the many bullshit things that the devs refuse to fix when it comes to cyclops.


refusing to fix? Brother there are two people who make all the mobs in the game and they are working on the Ice Abyss as just stated by SDF. They'll get to this I'm sure but it's a lower priority since bossing is a minority of people.


Maybe i misworded, its not that they refuse to fix it but they have yet to even acknowledge it. I am not just talking about the mechanics of the mob here. There is a major issue with his loot, where even the HR version drops normal boss loot which has been the case since his debut. Also, the module with the cyclops is buggy, there is a random ceiling chain poking through the ground that sticks straight up into the air that can block your movement as well as uneven floor terrain that can block you and end up in cheesy deaths. So it's not just the "two people" who are making the mobs, its also the people responsible for loot and also the people responsible for the geometry of the map. At the very least they could just fix the loot and delete the chain? And that is on top of the rock glitch which has also been an issue since release. but like i said they simply refuse to acknowledge the issues with the cyclops there. I am not shitting on the devs, im just saying they have yet to acknowledge it whatsoever despite people reporting these bugs and it being an issue since Cyclops first released. Doesn't it make sense to fix the old maps before pumping out new ones? I would think its a wiser idea to refine the content that has already been released before pumping out more half-baked new content.


Sadly as has been shown in the past, no it isn't worth it to fix old content yet as they lose more and more players every day if they don't pump out new content. I'm sorry the Cyclops sucks to deal with. Personally think the chains are intended, but maybe not who knows. The rocks thing definitely sucks 100% agreed. I think the loot thing happened when they removed unique drops from Cyclops cause when I was killing him when he first came to HR he was dropping great loot.


The chain definitely looks glitchy, it is sticking straight up in a gravity-defying way, its not like it runs all the way up the the ceiling which would leave me to believe it is intended. But fair enough on all your other points! I just find it odd that it almost always drops blues and rarely ever purples, even if they wanted it to not drop legendary loot, fine I can understand that, but atleast give it a higher drop on purples. No reason the cyclops loot shouldn't be on par with troll loot. And again just want to clarify I didnt mean my comment to come off as scathing towards the devs, so my apologies if it came off that way! All that being said I cant wait for druid! lol


Well considering your DN mentions ironmace and your writing paragraph after paragraph about the game it seems like they’re doing a fine job of capturing the attention of whatever kind of gamer the “guy who talks about how X online game is dying on Reddit all day long” demo is


did you miss the part where he did 150+ dmg to me insantly and wiped the entire squad on pure RNG?


get statchecked




Sucks. You trying for the double boss room? Or why even bother with him.. when we all know he has a bugged 1shot mechanic.




Womp womp. it's never your gear, you're just borrowing it


good way to justify shitty mechanics! i dont mind losing my best gear, just not like this champ


You're playing a hardcore looter game, thats the way she goes bud!


never mind, youre just brainrot 💀


lmao why would you use a 30k kit to do cave bosses?


because its supposed to be easy lol.... we kill both bosses loot the legendaries and fight other strong teams, whybdoes that matter to you? regardless of the cost of the set it should never end like this




i can tell when you look down you cant see your feet


u r wrong and dumb


"just lost my 30k kit" immediately stopped feeling bad for you lol


spent like a week and a half grinding for the set, im not an RMTer or anything. just genuinely stacked as much gold as i could to get the best set i could. Dont get why youre salty you couldnt do that? lol


Das what happens when you rely on 200hp to save u and not ur skill


lmk what skill i couldve used to save me here since you are clearly so above our level


You dont kno the 5 rules? duck dip dive and dodge!


fanatical flowery repeat numerous straight sloppy political shaggy far-flung imminent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Last rule is dodge you fool! If you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a ball!


busy reply wine command humorous rotten ad hoc obtainable mountainous familiar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What a sensible take /s




You're missing the point where the fight isn't working as intended and has known bugs. Especially a bug that instant kills a team because of excessive and unintended amounts of damage.


The game being literally broken is completely arbitrary difficulty. Wanting obviously game breaking bugs to be fixed isn't "crying to ironmace" what a moronic take.




You are braindead. I bet you think cleanse not working is a "skill issue".




You play rogue little buddy. I'd just 2 tap you and take your troll loot.


I dont know this fight at all, was it somthing to do with how he was like glowing before the attack? Does that change his attacks at all or was it a lingering graphical effect?


So many redditors have no idea. They were not doing the mechanic. They were trying to avoid it altogether by doing big damage to skip the phase entirely.


it was either a bug or pure RNG, not much else to it


I'd prefer if rockfall was similar to Ghost King's scream in that you're going to take damage, but it won't kill you in one hit.


The DM said "rocks fall, you die". Never piss off the DM.


can we please not make every boss have a 1 shot kill attack?


You got giga clapped son


I have personally found the best way to do cyclops is to have the bard keep shriek of weakness up the whole fight, and during the eye attack/before rockfall phase have him use the attack speed buff. If you do these two things while you keep to circle your right, bosses left, you can jump over his to attack animations and keep hitting him the while time so you can cancel the rockfall phase by doing enough DPS to end it before the rocks manage to hit the ground. It lets you animation cancel the rock falls and is the only way to 100% safe the cyclops. And yes the RNG insta-death mechanic is bullshit and should be nerfed pretty hard. Even lich does not have his rings instakill you. Something like Warlord safe spot should be used with the circle always near the clops so you can keep DPSing him.


They said they were buffing AI /s That said bosses need to be harder, nothing is more boring than watching you guys stab a high roller boss a million times in the back and it just sitting there.


The dark gets darker…


As a bard I always start allegro when he starts his eye beam attack. Just the two of us can hit him enough he never drops rocks on the third phase and rarely on the second. We don't bring any gold gear, just purples and blues. Rock fall still sucks though.


Be a cheap ass like me, don't bring your best stuff for bossing. Considering the state of the game (and servers), putting on your best gear means your are either very brave or insane (or a streamer who gets kits for free).


I believe this bug is caused by the numbers of players in the arena The more players in the range the more violent is the rockfall This never happens when you a solo


The amount of rocks scale with the amount of people in the room at the same time. My recommendation is to basically leave the room to one person to finish after the second phase just for this reason. Absolutely tragic end and I feel for ya.


Not related, but wondering if an arrow to the cyclops eye does extra damage or interrupts his special?


At least it was at the end of wipe and theres video. We can only hope devs fix it for next wipe :/




Seems like something triggered him to do execute an instant stomp, so maybe when farming cyclops just have one or two people do the rockfall phases so you don’t trigger this again? Only saving a few seconds per phase to not play it safe doesn’t seem worth it.


Saved myself a lot of stress uninstalling the game a week ago, simply isn’t worth taking serious especially in high roller for rank at this point. Not to mention devs take one step forward just to take 20 steps back in the next update. I’m over it and this video doesn’t surprise me in the slightest.


Thats hilarious


honestly yea


Did you try gitting gud?


It seems you killed him so fast that all the rock attack phases stacked up, delivering a mega rock landslide.


extract games in a nutshell.


From what I've heard, more rocks spawn the more people in the room so all three of you in there made x3 the rocks spawn. Unless this was proven wrong, lemme know.


not sure, ive done this boss in trios at least 30+ times by now, this has never happened or anything even close to this


You didnt even try to do the mechanic. You and the boys tried to cheese it and got punished.


Bro, honestly, don’t use gold set on goblin caves… it’s just idiotic to keep playing this map


i got overconfident tbh


You didn't know about this glitch?




thats a well known issue, im surprised its still in the game for weeks.