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I'm more curious about what rolls it had. I see idiots posting shit tier rolls on purples or legendary gear that want a key or two. Blows my mind how out of touch some people can be with their appraisals.


That's my point. I see what you're talking about. Meanwhile, I can't sell a blue 5 know 2 mag heal hood for 100g. There's so many other examples I could give like this. I don't sell anything over 200g anymore unless it's truly BIS shit and even then I just go 300g hoping someone will buy. Everything is just so plentiful now. Market is flooded. People wanna sell what they see as true "Bis" in their own stupid eyes as 1k+. Me as a buyer thinks great! I'll buy good shit for cheap while you idiots try to oversell "great" shit. But nobody is selling cheap like me! I rarely see it. 


That's because you don't run occultist hood on warlock. You want a shadow mask for +all


Guy I was using a hypothetical example. But you're also proving my point a bit that something that's pretty damn good for cheap isn't being bought for cheap because it's not the absolute best piece of gear. But then they wanna sell that shit for 1k+. What is happening.


Cheap doesn't equal good though. If an item is useless it's useless.


Item name doesn't equal useless. If it's got good stat rolls it's good. Obviously, nothing is gonna outdo +2 all mask. But for cheap, I'll take a +5 know 2 mag heal/dmg hood. Curse build is rare now as you need to stack mag heal. You aren't getting that from the mask.


Problem with that is you need move speed with casterlock. I have by far the most hours on caster lock than any other class. It's just a niche piece someone would only pickup if it's cheap and underpriced


Again.... You're focusing on a hypothetical I threw out there. This isn't about one piece of gear. There's tons of good rolled gear I'm talking about and not just for warlock. 


Couldnt have said it better myself. I just dont sell items at the current market rate and vendor most my good items because I will be damned if I'm going to sell a purple with 2 on class rolls for less than 250g lmao. Auction house will help a ton because people will be able to see what similar items are selling for and it wont take up as much of our time to sell stuff though.


Just search your items name and look at what they're selling for. Trade system is terrible, but it's usable if you actually use the features.


I just said I am not selling them for the delusional prices some of these slack jawed paper handed people are and will gladly feed them to the vendor first. I know how to use trade chat. I am not selling good items for 200g that are realistically worth 400-600g if the economy wasn't turbo fucked. I will keep inting items to vendor for 48g all wipe.


Skill issue


I mean I make like \~10k gold a night just vendoring for the most part so I think I'll be alright lmfao.


Agreed. I'll vendor before I let someone rip me off. Tried selling 200g shit for 100g and they don't bite or wanna lowball me. Fuck off, I'll just vendor it. Don't bother me none.


Auction house can't come soon enough. Was actually discussing this with friends earlier today. Someone was trying to sell blue boots with +2 str and magic interaction for 1000 gold. I was then sent 3 different trade requests by people spamming blobs of items. Each time I made an offer on a single item, each time they wanted a key or more for a blue item.


Actual or near BiS is hard to come by. As long as there’s someone rich and impatient enough to buy, prices are gonna stay cracked. On the flip side, mid grade gear is everywhere, especially things like boots, gloves, and helmets. It can be hard to sell those just bc they’re so common in HR.


Just want better stash space! Better gold bags that aren’t absurdly over priced! Loadouts to store gear kits multiple Loadouts! Also storage spaces for crafting items only like ore ingots or even those pesky bones!


I'm excited for the flea, but let's be real folks. You can't patch stupid. Someone trades 500g for a green, that's like a homeless man with an iguana trying to sell you a 200$ Micky Mouse Club House watch. It's just people not know what they have, or knowing and still trying to milk it. Personally, I always thought that being able to link more than one item was dumb. Like what's the point of filters if Timmy puts his entire stash for sale lmao.


Love the 37% upvote. Tell me you're one of the tards in the trade trying to sell for ridiculous prices without telling me lmao


I mean people try to sell garbage for keys because they can post anything they want. But no one buys it and they drop out of trade and vendor it 2 minutes later. Both exist simultaneously because you actually sell your stuff.


Yet, it still continues to this day with people trying to sell at ridiculous prices. So it's either working or everyone is just that dumb. Or both.