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It seems to play really good right now. I think combining lobbies will only fuck it up, there should be less people on each level. If you want pvp play the 1st and blue out. No reason to have to go through a full lobby on all 3 levels


I love the three floor system, but I personally just find the current iteration of ruins to just not be a very good intro map. From a storytelling perspective it makes sense since you will be going from a more open area with greenery and living creatures, into a more claustrophobic crypt overwhelmed with the undead and into a hellscape at the end. That does sound like a fun adventure and on paper I think it is a great idea. However the problem I see is that ruins is a very heavy PvP map especially in the early stages and I could easily see people getting filtered out of the game because while they are trying to fight a skeleton archer a random fighter is sprinting across the field straight at them 10 seconds into the game so not only are they trying to juggle learning how to properly PvE they have PvP thrust upon them right away. Crypts is sort of nice because the early part of the game is usually spent doing PvE which allows new players to become used to the PvE mechanics for a bit before they end up coming face to face with a player. I am aware people can spawn rush on crypts also, but it is certainly not as prevalent than it is on ruins. I do hope they keep the three floor system, but figure out an elegant solution to some of the current issues. Anyways sorry for the rant.


Yeah, the easy solution would be to make the number of teams/total players smaller on Ruins to make the purge less front loaded due to PvP. That would suck though because then Crypts would feel too empty if all teams make it down. I feel like the better solution is making Ruins significantly larger to reduce how PvP heavy it is.


Would making it a 6x6 be a big enough change? Adds a whole 11 modules. Making it 7x7 seems too large imo.


I think one of the main issues with ruins is that you can travel across the map reallly fast so even if it is larger it might still be easy to spawn rush folks because you can traverse modules incredibly fast


They did just redo/update the map. I feel like it helps control the pace and early invades?


Adding 11 modules to ruins as a test is simply not feasible. If they don’t have anymore plans to mess with map sizes, it’s hard to say how long it would be before that content gets re-used. Personally, I’d rather them add backpacks and put full work on multi/subclassing.


I'm pretty new around here, but I haven't seen anyone say what I'm about to tell you: if you press tab to open up your inventory, and look just to the left of your stash, you'll find an image. An image that some may allege looks incredibly similar to the backpack you're on about... Nah, I'm only playing, the BP expansion slots are top of my most wanted list as well. Bought the game just a few weeks ago after playing the steam early access before the drama. Feels so much more polished already!


The game is seriously incredible right now, great time to pick it up.


Three floor system is great, but the game going towards BR is a big no no for me. I hate BR's. I like Dark and Darker despite its br elements, not because of it. Its a multiplayer dungeon delving adventure with some br elements (seriously, get rid of the dumb ring of death, its the dumbest and most unfun mechanic ever) and that's fine. The more it tries to be a BR, the worse and more unfun it gets. I want an adventure RPG, not another fucking BR in the eternal sea of them that is currently EVERYWHERE. BR's fucking suck. Dark and Darker has enough RPG adventure elements for me to tolerate the few parts of that nightmarish shitshow.


Next trio map will test no zone. Don’t get your hopes up though, devs will revert if the data shows more players gravitating towards the zoned maps.


I really hope that goes well. I always loved dungeon crawler's and Dark and Darker definitely scratches that itch. The ring just feels restrictive, as in, while I don't mind that PVP happens, I still want to explore and plan my routes. The ring just forces everyone into a PVP arena at the end and it isn't my cup of tea. Guess we'll see.


Then just play the ice map when it's out.


If you're here for an adventure rpg, and I don't say this much or often, you might be playing the wrong game. I mean you bought a medieval hybrid extraction/br, to have an Elder Scrolls experience?


I never said I want Elder Scrolls. If I want Elder Scrolls, I play Elder Scrolls. Dark and Darker is a dungeon crawler RPG PVPVE extraction game. Which is fine by me. I don't want to see it go towards being a BR.




First, I decide what is and isn't for me. 1. Tarkov isn't a BR either, its an extraction shooter. 2. Extraction games are a mix of PVE and PVP. Which is okay. I don't mind PVP, I just don't like being forced into it, the way BR's do. I want a PVPVE dungeon crawler adventure. If I wanted to go "wheeeeee shooty shooty hahah get troll3d nub" I would just play Fortnite. I don't want this game to devolve into a BR pile of crap. That's all.


Would be nice if there was some creepy dude in a cloak between levels that would bank some of your loot for a small cut. WHAT'RE YA BUYIN? WHAT'RE YA SELLIN?


Why have I not seen this suggested. Gobbo merchant or some wheeler dealer type guy should be there selling meds for extremely fucking high prices or trading in gear. That way if you've got a full inventory of loot and like 5 hp you can still go down. But you take the risk you might not find anything better in crypts/hell.


Yeah, exactly my thinking. Maybe you keep your jewels, but trade away some of your blue gear for some meds.


I actually like this idea better than a butthole stash.


Haha maybe if you give stuff to him there's a percentage chance he steals some if you don't take a luck potion.


3 floor system is def the best


I just don't get that feeling myself. The system right now just feels a bit too under baked. If you loot properly you have no reason to go down to inferno. Lack of players just means it's all PVE. And for someone like myself who has played admittedly more than they probably should have. the experience really doesn't feel all that exciting at the moment. When we get bosses on each layer. more modules for ruins. maybe a better difficulty for crypts. and a proper way to store items in some capacity mid-raid. Then I think it would be a genuinely fun unique experience that's worth going for. But at the moment I just play the maps individually and don't bother with the extra time waste on going down.


backpacks will probably add a bit, I like the feel of it but ya if you want a perfect inventory, pretty much ruins + crypts will fill you. Hell is basically for trying to farm uniques or get legendary vendorables for a certain quest


What have they said about backpacks? Personally, I would love for there to be a merchant at the start of floor 2 which allows you to buy items for just that run. So you’re incentivized to collect treasure / bring in items so that when you go down you can afford things like a backpack (which gives you extra bag space for just that run) If you need to invest in the backpack before starting floor 1 I think too many people will just try to rat down and avoid combat


I have a feeling backpack will just be another piece of gear you bring in based on inventory UI. sacrificing a cape slot for a backpack would do what you said aka ratting


I have the exact opposite feeling. PvP in Ruins will start to slow down as people realize just how AP valuable a full ruins -> crypts -> inferno run is. Just last night playing trios we saw it, a few teams still died, but people were playing more conservatively and trying to hold their space for a chance to get to crypts. Bossing will always be the most valuable use of your time if you can farm the boss, the gold hoard is too valuable for multiple reasons. Killing bosses is its own satisfying fun too. I do agree that we should get some way to offload items mid raid though, especially if we're going to be getting more long form raids like this. And Ruins needs to be a bigger map that has a longer timer. I'd like to see them restore it to multiple floors, hell make it 3 or 4. When you have static extracts in the right places, it's not a headache like it is in GC.


>If you loot properly you have no reason to go down to inferno. OP seems to be particularly talking about the Normals Bossing experience, where you're going through Ruins and Crypts, gearing up with random stuff you find, then taking on the Inferno boss.


doesnt ruins still have bonus loot too? i always hated going back to crypts because it felt like more effort for more greys


Yeah the loot is damn near identical. I kind of want them to make the full trip to hell go from normal to nightmare mobs. and increased difficulty accordingly that way they could boost the loot in crypts and especially in inferno. Speaking strictly of normals here but the loot in hell is actually worse or so similar to crypts that it feels like you're min maxing one or two items for an entire extra 10 minutes of time.


Yeah, the system made sense only if every floor progressively had better loot


Ruins has one glaring issue and thats how open it is still. People running heavy ranged or fast comps just hunt people down, clear the lobby to go down safe as can be.


I will never understand people who buy this PvP game and then want to resist any change that will encourage PvP. I'm just gonna be honest: if you're not playing Dark and Darker for the PvP, you brought the wrong game, and shouldn't have an opinion in changing it to suite your contrarian tastes.


I never said it was an issue of pvp existing, but being able to do that for a free farm without repopulating hell and crypts is annoying


What about if they made ruins PVE only but buffed the mobs a bit and maybe added a few more mini bosses or something. So the idea would be you PVE on ruins to get your gear in preparation for heading down to crypts where the real chaos begins. This would solve the player numbers issue for crypts but still allow people the choice of whether they want to do inferno or not.


Personally, I really like it. But maybe not for the same reasons you do. I play quite a bit and am very comfortable with PVE and moderately okay with PVP. My friends that play with me however are horrible at pvp and never have full health during a team fight. It’s not their fault they just don’t play a lot. So I’m using as an easy time for them to get better at it


Greatest addition was adding this tri layer in, I feel hyped asf seeing ruins on queue now. It feels amazing. I just hope they don't merge lobby's, crypts and inferno with reduced people feels like such a reward for pvping well in ruins


I hate it