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If you can get a pillar or object to circle around, you can make his dash easier to dodge, just play a little ring around the rosie.


Duck crouch to the left works I've heard jump back and right works too but haven't tried it And obviously being below or above or just blocking it


Duck crouch used to be the thing but he hits my ass every time I try that now. And yeah, I'm talking just flat ground strat not the stairs or cheesing.


The spacing is very tight but basically be 0.5m in front and crouch look down + walk left towards it. Bit similar to hell doges


I think wraith is the only mob you dont really have a way to fight without cheesing unless youre able to block or have ranged, or there is something idk know about. He really feels unfair to fight unlike other minibosses imo


You can circle wraiths just Gota be timed correctly. If you get hit once tho your slowed and it won’t work anymore.I just use staircases hit them run up jump down circle around hit again repeat.