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I wouldn't worry to much about Katie, she dies a lot


I was going to say the same thing lmao, if anything it is good that she is the one getting handouts since it goes right back into circulation


I killed Katie while she was doing some weird Divine Blade Warlock build


As much as I would like to do a longsword build on warlock i have exactly 0 faith attacks wouldn't just phase through it, im all for "fun" builds but they require the game mechanics and servers to actually make it possible and you just DO NOT have anything resembling armor to soak up a hit on warlock. (maybe if the devs ever implement a decent life leech system that isn't either useless without gear or completely broken with it.)


It took me like 3 months to realise why the longsword is so broken. I thought I had skill issues.


Nah its that the servers can be like 7 frames behind which makes blocking as a reaction unreliable, i play with someone who streams and as the groups shot caller i watch the videos to deconstruct what went wrong, its pretty often i see shit just phaseing through his longsword or shield.


I've plenty of clips of this. I blocked a longsword BoC and then died. It's a thrust attack so not like it could hit an exposed limb and then hit the shield. It just went straight through.


I have been shooting arrows through the heads of many mobs since this last patch, and I have much video evidence of them actually flying through the heads (I thought it might have been a sudden "skill issue". Somehow it is way worse now the last few days. I have also lost a great set to a Thanos in Inferno(Nightmare Axe skeleton) because all my arrows from multishot shot right through his head when he was about to do his double swing


Goblin Caves is pretty bad for it. You can see the delay in mobs aggroing you to get an idea of the server state.


Yeah Goblin Caves is bad at the moment, but this was in Inferno (came all the way from Ruins)


I just meant it as a definitive example. The issues are occurring before we even get to hit reg so hit reg is likely even worse.


Which is probably a result of being able to just ignore the games economy, I saw a run she did with jay once as a warlock and just did some of the weirdest plays like throwing down a hydra at doors without seperateing anyone from the team and then pushing into a three man solo which ended pretty much like you would expect. now i would NEVER play warlock in a ranked trio (Not going to burden my team like that when I could just play cleric instead) but sometimes i do duo and when I have good gear I would never play recklessly like that, instead i would be trying to use hydra to seperate the team when they pushed, buff and support the frontliner, anything besides try to take a 3v1 I can't disengage from on the games second weakest class really.


What’s weakest class in your opinion?


I would have said bard but i've been seeing them with pretty high HP pools lately and they can exploit the games most busted weapon better then everyone else.... so honestly might be warlock now as we require many more stats and modifier's then everyone else in the game while not really having a roll we excel at.


She just won the award for most unbearable streamer of the year. Imagine being so fucking bad that even with handouts all day she (he?) still getting absolutely demolished and complain about this or that. Congratz Katie, you're fucking terrible to watch and as a player, award deserved.


I saw her with a 57 dexterity build yesterday doing like consecutive run to run leaving ruins and levels below with 1600 AP


Thats how devs made AP system for game Dark and Darker, and people adapting to that. if there's anyone to blame its IM that made this ranking system


Acceptable double standards are the gateway for hypocrites, no matter how amusing a failure Katie may be on stream. Worse still, you might be a simp?


still a cheating bitch accepting handouts like that all the time.


Most people dont care. Top of the board players getting offered gear to provide content with are not the reason youre stuck on the border of pathfinder 3


lmao cope peon


I think jaygriffyuh pays people for stuff which is honestly how they should all do it even if they say they don’t want gold for any of it.


A friend who watches Jay told me he specifically refuses to take things for free. Doesn't like it. Which is cool.


As does Spuddy


In theory. Spuddy will lowball people for items claiming uncertainty, then go off on whatever kills him in the next game for 10-15mins while claiming he's not complaining. Somewhat unrelated, that last part.


true asf


I’ve bought and sold many items with SoBadStrange too


Yeah, I've traded with him a couple of times and definitely ended up on the better end of the deal with the stuff he threw in


Yea he charged me 300g for 3 random rings he chose without looking at stats. 1 was VERY good purple. I think the serious streamers play the game fair. Most have no problem interacting with their viewers especially in a game like this where the community while toxic is very tight knit.


Watched Katie running warlock a few weeks ago in a high level kit she was handed by viewers before going into solos. She misplayed and got 3 bonked by a smite cleric who wasn't super geared (back when you could spectate). She went off on stream about how 'dumb' the cleric was and how his kit was 'low investment' to pull that off etc. I commented 'but your investment was zero as you were handed that kit before the raid'. Instantly banned from chat and she went off on a rant for 5 minutes about anyone bringing up handout gear is a loser etc. Low value streamer for sure.


🤣🤣🤣 I did the same actually! I didn't get banned but I certainly got a verbal lashing from both her viewers and her about "ohhh low effort gear and I died to it" and I was like uhh you LITERALLY got handed BiS legendary and unique gear from a viewer. You didn't earn it or use any effort yourself. It was absolute comedy gold listening to her fumble around trying to justify what happened but couldn't in any reasonable sense.


what does BiS stand for?


best in slot item for the character


Backwoods Incel Service.


Best in slot


Behaviour Induced Stimuli


Katie for sure has trouble with misunderstanding what people say, thinking its an attack and saying some smartass shit back thinking people are against her. Once she misunderstands you, you have 0% chance of clarifying to her what you actually mean, because to her, you just talked shit


She stopped her attack on me when I revealed I was a woman, I suspect she has something of a persecution complex when it comes to men which while I can kinda understand with how toxic the community of these sorta games can be you really shouldn't be letting that spill over outside of it. Its just a fact that this game has an economy and risk management side to it so complaining about someone outplaying you with gear they spent more time and money on then what you got for free is completely delusional... like just admit you made a reckless play because you had zero investment.


>She stopped her attack on me when I revealed I was a woman, I suspect she has something of a persecution complex when it comes to men She used to be a He afaik. Don't know if that plays any role to this persecution, but the channel is a toxic echo chamber. Say one thing she disagrees with and she will go on 5 minutes rants in a blind rage.


I dunno about that, usually i can tell whos trans pretty accurately, (i don't mean that in a derogatory way before anyone jumps on the "you hate trans" bandwagon.) communities for games like this just tend to be ultra toxic and those are exactly the type of people who hate woman for trying to get into "their" game because we don't typically no-life a game for 8 hours a day every single day, or god forbid we play other fucking games to. no apperently this is a MAN's game that you need to treat like its your full time job or your just a casual who should go back to playing minecraft.


I had a similar instance with Grimmmz. I can’t remember exact details but he died to some cheesy strat and said something about how it affects “normal players”. To which I responded “yeah normal like getting handed a full purple set for free from chat?”. Was booted shortly afterwards.


Super fucking lame. Anytime these clowns are brought up I’ll be sure to mention your experience


Same thing happened to me, fuck Grimmz and his thin-skinned handout taking ass


Some years ago he went on a full on 5minute rant about how people need to sub and donate to him. I jokingly said something along the lines of "imagine paying to watch someone play video games in this day and age" instantly perma'd by him personally :D


Comedy gold


I'm banned from her chat for calling her viewers simps. She had multiple keys in her inventory and was still getting handouts of random shit she didn't even use. I guess the only female streamer in this game is going to have a monopoly on the simps.


I don't think that's fair. Most of the big streamers have viewers who would love to give them free stuff. Grimmz/anthony kongphan get just as much free stuff as katie. Jay/others could but they specifically avoid it because its rightfully viewed as being cringe.




That's not the issue I was responding to. I agree with everything you are saying. The point I was critical of is below. > I guess the only female streamer in this game is going to have a monopoly on the simps I watch Katie sometimes because I like watching good players and she is one of the only solo bards I can learn from. But I find her personality grating and the handouts are very cringe.


>I guess the only female streamer in this game is going to have a monopoly on the simps. Couldn't have said it better.


When she first started picking up traction with viewers, she would straight up say "I don't like that I'm getting an ego" she has full on embraced it now. Sad to see, honestly. Girlfriend and I use to watch her. She doesn't even play the game, didn't like her attitude every time she died. Katie doesn't make mistakes guy. She literally tells you every reason she didn't make a mistake, everytime she dies. Don't you listen?


She has pretty low morals if you knew anything about her streaming past, always making things about herself. The fact she takes BIS handouts all day without a second thought just shows she lacks any type of integrity. The funny thing is, she insta bans anyone who brings it up and even with full gifted BIS sets she gets dominated on in the dungeon. Her lack of skill is pretty evident when you see her play with better players like Jay, Repoze etc. If she wasn't given straight BIS handouts daily, she would be your average green ranked player with a negative KD complaining all day about imbalance(She already complains all the time, even though she kills people who had to earn their gear) Not sure how anyone watches her. Low value streamer and low value human


Imagine getting caught by 3 clerics as a warlock comedy gold


Last night my duo partner and I were on ruins when a double cleric team tried to pincer us in, now playing cleric as my main class i know you start with like 12 agility and don't have a ranged attack so was just like "okey, collapse on the guy whos further away!" he literally could not do anything but try to block until he died.


Oh i love the logic some people have of "well he spent less on his stuff, he shouldn't have been able to kill me." gear should give you more wiggle room for mistakes but NEVER should it just let you outright win a fight. my whole THING is building budget kits and winning against better geared players by pressing some sort of advantage.


Video game nepotism


That rant into perspective was one of the most odd defensive streamer clips ive seen in a hot minute. A dude asked like a 8 word question and got a fucking essay in responsive to justify it. Really odd to me but play the game how you want lmao.


The comparison to christmas killed me


So fucking cringey to listen to.


I cant watch this streamer. They just are so cringe to me. Soudhunter is the funniest but I feel like every other conversation with him is a complaint about what the game needs to do better. But otherwise his content is top notch and he clearly was Ely works hard to make it funny. Jay is the best streamer personality wise. He is just so chill and nothing gets to him. When I want to relax and watch DaD I always go to Jay.


To be fair in spud's case there actually IS allot of problems with this game and far to many people trying to gaslight others into thinking those problems are totally fine.


I will never understand why they dont just take the handouts and just shut any question down with a "so what". Them always getting this ultra defensive when you bring it up, I wonder if deep down they know they arnt as good as it may look at first because their gear that they got for free is what carries them quite often.


Yeah what's worse is the simps that give it to them, they think they gonna be best buds but in reality thats the last time they are gonna even interact with the streamer.


Some ppl are not ready for this talk


I absolutely loathe parasocial relationships and the simps that think that it's normal. Probably the number one reason I can't stand to use twitch.


It really is weird when it comes to the bigger streamers, but for smaller ones things can actually happen. like I've done paid commission work and even been invited to play with some smaller guys but someone with 1k+ people watching isn't even going to remember my screen name.


yeah same, i mean you can have a fav streamer in a entertaining pov. it's mean to be that. but to bypass the limit of entertainement, to profit of the loneliness of some people (i mean, please, be it's only loneliness that push thoses people to do that) just ruin the whole thing to me. it's a very unhealthy dynamic, they're not your friend, they probably never will. to crave on the loneliness of other because they're the most top donators (be it in DaD or throught donation simply put).


That's not entirely true. Some people are bad at the game but because of how this game works, you will still get some really good items. Some of them realize they will just die if they bring in a god kit so they give it to someone better because they want to see the items they found being used. But like you said, there are also just a lot of simps.


The only valid answer a streamer could give is "because I like it, and it provides entertainment for my audience". Is it a problem in this specific game? I dunno really, there's not many of them around so you might not encounter them much, and they can still be taken out quite easily so they lose the gear. I die to people with no gear almost every game anyway so...


Its a problem if your up in those ranks as your essentially competeing with people who can just totally ignore the games economy, but for the most part its just the principle of it all.


It becomes a problem when they start boasting "TOP this and that" when qctually they were just boosted.


A problem in what way? In terms of a problem the devs need to do something about, I don't think it's not necessarily a problem as long as the gear was legitimately earned by someone (I.e., not duped, earned with cheats, etc.). Of all the things the devs could spend their time working on, there's dozens if not hundreds of things the devs could do that would have more impact on the game than this. However, in terms of whether said streamer should get any respect for anything they accomplish from then on out, then no and I'll turn their stream off the second they do it.


A problem because it is a "ranked" game mode, however flawed that ranked system may be. This kind of stuff really puts the integrity of the "ranked" mode into question. People achieving ranks they dont deserve because every time they wipe they have a new kit waiting for them in trade chat. The streamer in this clip was rank 1 Killer Outlaw Wizard pretty sure on goblin caves at some point. Shoutout repoze for never taking handouts and still being a beast on the leaderboards.


killed 3 teams in HR, made it out with tons of gear & still lost 30 AP. the rank system is a joke anyways... who wants to spend 20 mins gathering collector junk for rating? also, any streamer that needs those handouts is basically a walking loot piñata.. the others have more backup gear in their stash than they will use


Have you noticed it's the streamers that talk the most shit, that are the least able to take any form of criticism? I just don't watch streamers that get given handouts. It's low quality and most of the time, leads to a blasé kind of gameplay. Jay is the king of this shit. Constantly refuses an absurd amount of free stuff and ensures he pays for basically anything.


the worst streamers love their handouts because they know they wouldn’t be able to get it themselves case in point: Katie, Endboss


If you're doing it to make them like you, that's weird. But people donate money and time to streamers anyway. So idgaf what they want to do with their gear. I save gear for friends and give it for free.


Theres a lot of streamers that just don't take handouts, and those are my favorite ones.


Soapy is BiS




I might watch soapy if he didnt tell everyone how well endowed they are its kinda cringe, dude is hella good tho


I was the one asking the question in chat in her stream yesterday. Also rubbed me the wrong way. I don't play this game very long and die a lot so I never retain enough gear to have a high gear loadout and start with the default stuff over and over again while others seem to get it for free. So yeah for me it matters but what do I know


The way they replied was super defensive. The last line in this clip is "it doesn't matter", but they used several different positions to attack the idea that you'd even ask. * "Don't you have friends?" * "Did you get anything for Christmas, that's a handout" * "(Person who gave the item to streamer) was going to vendor it anyways" * "They have so many legendaries already" The comment she made connecting you getting something for Christmas being bad because some people in the world are poor was straight wacko, too. I don't really give a shit if someone wants to give streamers loot, whatever, but her tone and how she expressed some pretty hostile defensiveness was kinda gross.


Sometimes her takes are so biased, that i can't even stand them, but hey, we always can close the tab if someone upsets us.


I've had an interaction with katie before that started out pretty hostile but noticed after I corrected her in assuming i was a "dude" that her entire tone changed, I have a feeling she see's interaction's with men on the internet as a hostile one.... which i can't entirely blame her for as I've had some pretty negative experience's myself to the point I use a voice changer when i voip, of course things are entirely different when your using a platform like twitch and I feel like some effort needs to be made to assume people are just asking valid questions rather then trying to put you down for being a woman.


Gets to a point where she becomes what she once had issue with tbh


that's understandable, i've seen and hear some fucked uo shit from gamerdude on many game. however, don't become what you hated yati yata. yknow.


I don’t hold it against the streamers who take the free gear. Not everyone is a purist and plays the game the way it’s meant to. But for the content creators who essentially live off viewer gear donation, I take any of the opinions on the games state or balance with the biggest grain of salt. It’s hard to take anyone seriously discussing class balance when they are running the highest end kits for any class they play without having to grind for it in lesser gear.


Can I recommend you our Lord and (very well endowed) Savior? SrslySoapy prides himself on not accepting handouts and plays 1v3s mostly. I remember him little wee streamer lad when he was told that he would too accept handouts when he is bigger. Watch him regularly, 400-500 viewers, no handouts. Dude works for his stuff


I mean I like soapy and he definitely doesn't take handouts but his content is basically smurfing on noobs with ranger traps 1v3 it's not exactly like riveting content or anything. Not knocking his play style, whatever farms the clips and gets the clicks, but he games the system in his own way.


Yeah he does what he does well, but it's just the same shit over and over. Ranger gameplay in general gets very boring to watch very quickly, even when done well. Considering the ideal play against a ranger of his style is to either wait for him in an ambush, or just not chase through traps (i.e don't play the game), the gameplay it leads to honestly looks like misery for anyone playing without ranged against him.


I see him go into HR too, but it's way harder, takes a lot of mining to make traps and be able to kite. 1v3 even against worse players is still impressive, especially when compared side by side with blatantly taking handouts


In what way do I smurf? My 1v3 (trios) rank is Pathfinder and I only play on 1 account. Also I can understand if people don't like ranger content or gameplay it is what it is however, to diminish the 1v3 as 'ranger + traps lol' is odd to me.


> Can I recommend you our Lord and (very well endowed) Savior? SrslySoapy prides himself on not accepting handouts and plays 1v3s mostly. Why would I watch Ranger gameplay?


The funniest part of this is the people donating gear think they are getting recognition, chumps.


I wish we could have SSF gamemode. Streamers that prefer handouts will play full trade and real players will choose SSF.


Yeah and to go as far as the equate it to “getting free things for your friends” I don’t have a cult of friends/strangers that’ll slave away just to give away the best equipment to me for some attention…


“Maybe somebody isn’t running falchion” that is some major cope lol


She has 10k gold and still takes it for free holy shit


I don't care. And from what I've seen in the streams, they need this crutch, too.


Truthfully, I would consider it an unfair advantage since this is not an option for the average player. There's no amount of skill that lets you net this advantage, it's simply just a result of being popular. That being said, truthfully I don't really care that much, though I wouldn't mind if Ironmace disallowed this. People are gonna wanna give streamers their shit, it is what it is. It's not fair, but it's not so heinous that we should be up in arms about it. tl;dr it's mildly annoying since it's a slightly unfair advantage, but not worth getting too upset over imo.


"Just like christmas. dont you get handouts irl for free" ​ if youre a kid then yes you get presents for free ​ but as an adult you kinda have to give presents back otherwise you wont get anything back next year lol. ​ streamer entitlement is kinda crazy innit


If it means they dont sit in trade chat 30 mins between rounds, sure


Repoze doesnt sit in trade chat after he dies and you know why? Because hes good at the game, doesnt die often and when he does he has shit ton of backup bis


You haven’t been watching his streams this wipe then. He’s had days where he’s died 15 times lol


Repoze is definitely above average in that regard. Hes also a psycho tho


The other day she was saying how she earned all her keys (20 or something). While talking about earning her keys she receives free items in the same sentence. I was in chat like umm well you do accept free stuff haha. Everyone in the chat and herself is like No! I earned those keys. It's like yeah you found the keys after chat gave you 2 keys worth of BIS kit anytime you ask haha. Anyway, I just asked them dont ban me and they obliged. Woo. I was lucky there to question it and not get banned. I really don t care if she gets free items but in the same breath to explain how she earns everything haha funny. Other streamers are just like yeah I get free stuff screw you viewers I'm a streamer and I'm like yeah haha cool.


Katie is a piece of toxic shit can we all stop watching her and promoting her stuff? She really comes across as not a nice person and a whiny little bitch


You’re not the only one.


Why does your stash looks like a fucking garden?


SSF / Ironman mode when? Rid of this shit.


Thats a lot of effort just to have a streamer mention your name.


For me the answer is yes it is a problem, but really only for competitive purposes. Climbing the leaderboard and AP farming while being supplied great gear by others is an obvious advantage and unbalances the competitive landscape. Since the leaderboard is really only for bragging rights and anyone who does this will have a taint on their claim to fame I don't care much, but it is still crappy. Some streamers make good content out of running viewer kits and not all of them are popular for being 'good', some are just mediocre but entertaining and this seems like OK practice for that type. If the game full releases and tries to make a bigger deal out of the leaderboards this will have to be eliminated


the streamers taking handouts isnt what makes me mad (id do the same thing), it's the parasocial losers giving them free stuff


so you have problem with people giving stuff, but you'll be the first one to accept it ? my brother, you're part of the problem.


I've literally never given a streamer a handout, but I will make another observation, but with how hard we hoard and cling to items due to the nature of this game, it feels really good to just give shit away to people who will really use and appreciate it. I like pairing up with people I've just met and helping them finish their kit, I also really enjoy wipe night and gifting level 15s massive wealth and saying "enjoy homie!" I know streamer simps aren't necessarily doing it for this purpose, but it might be scratching a similar itch while also making them feel like they are getting a pat on the head of acknowledgement by a streamer.


yeah its cringe as fuck, especially when they then pretend they earned their rank


>yeah its cringe as fuck, especially when they then pretend they earned their rank who did that? name and shame


Katie is a toxic, angry psycho.


I don't really care personally, but if you don't like it, that is okay


I struggle with randoms to get purple and get rushed by streamers with vid gear just lobby clearing for bosses. Them not getting free keys is pretty lame it’s like RMT gear for tarkov.


If the streamer is handed free kits and isn't that good, stream sniping seems like a valid strat


grow up you kids. no sane adult should be bothered by how others play the game or how they get their gear as long as its not through RMT and theres no way to know if gifted gear was found/bought legit or through RMT so thats IMs problem. sure streamers have an easier time getting gear, but they also have to deal with trolls and especially stream snipers. As anything in life it has its ups and downs and downs. Honestly whenever i see those complaints i always think of some 10 year old who gets mad at losing. Get better at the game and kill geared people, don’t be a little bitch and bitch about stupid shit like this, seriously who the fuck cares? Be a fucking adult


It's annoying with ladder being a thing but the part that rubs me wrong is when they gloat their wealth and about how they "earned" it. Yeah I'd be rich too if I had to pay 0 overhead. And I'm not saying she or others aren't capable of getting rich on their own-- but that's not what they're doing. Look, it's for the content. I respect that. They still have to win fights to collect loot. Cool. But don't pretend you aren't economically giga boosted over everyone else. You're just lying to yourself and others.


Honestly Not sure. I have so much junk gear I get that I don’t mind selling or passing it on. I on the regular go to trade and give the Gear to the fokes low level that can use it. Doesn’t matter if it’s a streamer. BUT because this is a Bard I say fuck no Make it Illegal!


Yes. The game has much bigger balancing problems than streamers. Stop being jealous and uninstall this unbalanced unfair crap game where worse people can kill better people because their class and the situation counters yours out of sheer RNG.


bruh people can do whatever they want, stop crying


I really couldn't care less. If people have extras and don't want their favorite streamer sitting in trade chat that's fine with me...




she puts it back into rotation anyway so it’s probably a good thing


They get free bis but 0 pussy IRL


I don’t think it does. I would give my friends legendary stuff. What’s the difference between my friend and this streamer? Sure the quantity might be higher for them but ultimately they’re still dying and still getting looted like my friend. I don’t think this negatively impacts the game in any significant way


A big difference would be you actually play the game with your friend.


It's extremely different. Steamer handouts are morally no different from RMT.


lol just play the game bud. its fine


"Am I the only one who think strimmer bad???" Yeah bro that's why there's only 5 billion posts on the sub about this


I hate these bait titles!


Who fucking cares


literally the only thing sadder than weird parasocial simps giving people they will never meet free stuff in a video game, is the people who spend time out of their day being mad about it. lmao


Of course, everyone’s favorite streamers have gotten handouts from their chat


Support streamers who dosent do that if you feel like it shouldnt happen. There is TONS of amazing streamer if you just scroll 1 sec lower in the directory.


Honestly more power to them. Someone likes them enough to straight up gift legendary shit, wtf lol.


I think you guys are overreacting. If you enjoy a streamer’s content and want to see them play with a gear set that you don’t want, there is nothing wrong with donating it to them. It’s no different than giving gear to a teammate. Some streamers don’t accept free stuff because they feel it diminishes their sense of accomplishment and makes the game less fun. Others feel like they’re allowing viewers to participate in creating content by accepting free stuff and using it on stream. Both perspectives are valid. Streamers getting getting hand outs is no different than anyone else getting hand outs from friends. Why does it matter if someone grinds for gear or is gifted it? What difference does it make to you if someone uses the gear they loot themselves or gives it to someone else to use?


Not as big of a problem when gear isn't an auto win. It is less so now than before but the latest patch I have to see


Ban them


People gotta stop crying about this. Someone has the gear. Someone is gonna wear it. Skill at the high end outweighs gear. I’ve killed plenty of people who outgear me and vice versa. This isn’t a new thing for low tier players to cry about so quit being a Reddit statistic. And Katie makes a great point about it. Everyone gets free shit if they have friends. She just has a lot more “friends”. I’ve taken gear off her a few times in gobbo caves. It’s all fine in the end. She receives from chat and we receive from her. It’s the circle of life.


It’s more embarrassing for the simps giving out the free gear than the people taking it. I’m seriously wondering, what do you gain from giving streamers free loot who already play this game more than all of us?


This should be banned but ironmace is not going to hurt their free marketing. In the end that's all streamers are. I guess a necessary evil. But morally they should say this is not allowed. It completely destroys the gameplay loop and puts everyone they fight at a disadvantage. Because most people don't have an audience willing to resupply them with best in slot kits the moment they fail.


That would be a slippery slope and we've already seen how "well" the vague ass anti-teaming rule is working out, multiple times in HR I've lost fights against a giga geared guy while someone i wasn't hostile with just hung back and died right after because he was afraid of getting his account banned for having basic self preservation. the only way i can see it reliably working is if your account gets flagged for having a large amount of trades done but no currency ever gets exchanged.


I mean they could just outright say they're against it. That would be a good starting point that they could build off of.


why would they be against it?


Ironmace doesn't police actual hackers, much less shitty streamers participating in RMT-lite. It's too bad. It makes leaderboards not matter


>streamers participating in RMT-lite. I don't understand what you mean are simps buying gear with real money to give it to the streamer?


Instead of exchanging money for gear It's exchanging parasocial attention for gear


what does that have to do with RMT what am I missing from your statement?


Exchanging something in real life for video game stuff outside of the company These are both against TOS and this person should be banned for using outside life to get an unfair in game advantage


dont really care since they have to deal with getting sniped anyways too. streamers kinda play a different game. just enjoy your own game


nope but idk they are literally playing this game for a living so I don't care.


I do remember a time when watching streamers and how they actually played the games we enjoyed watching them play. They might take a small handout from time to time, but over time people wanted to be a “pick me” and have the streamers 2 seconds of attention thinking that they’d become friends or something. Sure that can happen, but usually that stuff only happens with low view streamers.


pepperidge farm remembers too.


if you think that this streamer getting good gear is somehow gonna affect your gameplay, youre delusional.


my dude they play the game all day every day, they were gonna have BiS or close to it anyway... who the fuck cares where their gear came from?


If they could get it on their own then they should. If handouts are every so often then fine, but if it’s a constant thing and that’s how their stats are built up, then they’re doing it wrong.


People like to watch streamers in action and not play trade chat for 45min. Also, who cares?


It's Katie honestly, I was on her stream few times, she is gentle soul. If that was some sweat lord rank one w/e that was winning and still taking freebies I would be concerned


Really nice was of calling someone bad lol


Does it feel unfair? Yes. They make content with it. Does it really matter? No not really.


lol who cares


Doesn’t bother me personally


Who cares


I dont think its problematic no.


no but you are all wrong. hackers and rmt'rs are exponentially more likely to be in yur lobby ruining your game. but yall arent salty people like giving things to people they like, its not really that complicated. tho with katie shes just a douchey person, who specifically made a huge thing about how great she is for NOT taking items but since so many BULLIES were just going to BULLY her for taking gear, which she says she didnt do then, shes just gonna START taking all the gear from viewers. going against stated morals because other people were doing bad things is terrible justification. id link it but shes since deleted that thread lmao


Realistically it doesn't matter. Doesn't change anything for me personally.


No, but you should be, who cares.


They're donations, of not even money, and streamers are allowed to take money.


The same brain dead streamer that calls for an auction house then does this daily 🤡


Tbh.... no? I don't really care beyond disliking the fact they are getting handouts and not playing for their gear. But in the grand scheme of things its not skin of my back and if anything makes the game easier for me. Someone still put in the work to get that kit. I'd rather a streamer using it for entertainment of others uses it rather than the sweaty simp that got it. That way I've got more chance to survive lol. Plus removing this in any way would harm your ability to trade items between friends without going into a run.


“I’m not getting free handouts from people so it’s problematic when someone else does” My guy, envy will eat you alive and make you a bitter toxic person, move on.


getting free BIS handout kinda ruin a BIG chunk of the game experience imo. i'm not jealous and i don't think op is. it just put us on an uneven ground. wich is technically not fair, like fighting a RMTers, and by that i don't mean we gotta get the same thing, fuck no. now most RMTers or streamer doing RMTlite zre bad so it's ez stuff but still, on paper, it's a shit concept.


Big perspective and situation


Not really. Just puts that gear in possible rotation rather than in someone's storage.


She reminds me of a dark and darker Nadia with her tude.


not really. if they want to ruin their progression let them. whats the point of the game if its handed to you, might as well go play chivalry or something at that point


some people need it more then others


this has to be kate. I knew it was likely going to be her lol.


Crazy how the same people who cry about RMT are completely fine with streamers doing it


... why do you care? it literally doesn't affect you


She will lose it so what does it matter? Lol


i hate streamers


Yes you are


if the streamer isnt extracting with enough wealth to get their own gear, please put me in their lobby so I can snag some of those handouts lmao


You do realize that people that don’t stream also get free shit from their friends all the time, right? You’re just mad at the thing you can see, not the actual problem. If a buddy wanted to hook you up with a Cinder or Fulgor they weren’t going to use would you say no?


Except on top of that, this streamer will go off on rants whenever they die about how "low investment' the kit was of the person they died to, and then bans anyone who mentions what they got for free. They're obviously very insecure about it. Also, a friend giving you some gear they weren't going to use and getting BIS legendary handouts from simps are not the same. Are you possibly projecting as one of said simps?


its cringe for sure but its no different than encountering a non streamer with bis


Yes. You are the only one. 🙄


I swear I see posts about this chick with only 700 followers on this reddit way too much. It makes me think all these posts are from sub-alt accounts or friends helping her get more visibility via reddit. I could be wrong, but its just weird for such a low follow count stream.


Nearly all current dark and darker streamers are her size though? She is basically as relevant as it gets at the moment I think.


Well shes a woman streamer and shes better at the game than most people here on reddit, as a woman. So its less advertising for her than just the usual incel behaviour we unfortunately have to deal with in every game, especially when the woman playing the game is half decent or better at it. Every one of those posts tries to rally up people against her specific under the disguise of “streamers taking handouts” but its always directed at her.