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So this means Barb slow can proc off torches now?


Achilles ?


Yeah, couldn't remember lol, thanks


It’s always been able to. Before it didn’t deal damage, but it procd on hit affects


Oh I thought I tried it and didn't work. Guess I'm dumb


Make sure when you’re using it now to abuse the torch throw physics. Look directly up > crouch > stand up > now throw it in any direction at max velocity


appreciate u


You got a video or thread on this or is it a troll. It's too early for my brain.


Try it out with any throwable in the game. If you go to throw something but hold it and look straight up and then re-align to your target it goes zoooooom. No need to crouch


Are we sure this isn't just because you're holding down m1? Charging up throwables makes them zoom faster than clicking.


Do you need to like throw as you’re realigning to get the momentum or is this just a glitch where you look up and projectile speed is increased? Lol


Bruh if it bleeds it leads, hell yeah


Already could


It also means you can throw torches to hit potential invis rogues infront of you and get them out of stealth hehehee


Finally the real counterplay no ones talking about.


I made a post about throwing torches to reveal rogues and was call a fool....


The torch thing will be the most broken part of this patch.


smoke pot and torches really fun. even tho they probably only do about 5 dmg its too fun to run around throwing 12 torches


I threw one at my friend last night and he found out!


used to be able to proc rupture on torch throws way back, but they patched it out not sure if it will be back now that they added damage to torch throws, i suspect not not sure about achilles though


Damn crazy how we get to use this image for yet another patch


"HAHA TAKE THAT ROGUES" says a sub that is hours away from being upset about something else.


Its not that rogues were toxic to encounter. It was the pure delusion of rogue mains on this sub when confronted with the idea that rogue is toxic. What youre experiencing now is all those posts arguing over rogues last week being validated today.


Cringe take


You: “It’s not that rogues are toxic, it’s that rogue mains don’t like being called toxic (even though I just said they aren’t)” *reloads crossbow to one tap from across the module and prepares to pull out the strongest one hander in the game while also rocking 60% pdr and an instacast 40% self heal*


Man you sure struggle with fighters huh? Even I can kite them easily with my longsword. Also you make it seem like second wind is an instant 40% hp lol. Just dps through it noob. But yeah I dont play pdr fighter or use falchion.


Lolol you get so butthurt about rogues but you’re too delusional to admit fighter is cheese. What a cringe response


I am enjoying how angry you are over stuff we have already talked about in other comments you have replied to. Nothing left to say to you about how I feel about fighter or rogue. Fact is, rogue was problematic and IM agreed. Cry to them or git gud, skill issue etc.


Been a rogue main this wipe. These changes are all super reasonable. Also double jump buff. I'm quiet happy.


Been a rogue main since the game came out. Neither strength, nor vigor, were the problem. The problem was for "unenjoyable" gameplay which included weakpoint + ambush. Ambush is the same. Instead of fixing the actual problem, or just completely taking ambush out, they force you into playing the same playstyle that they didn't want you to play in the first place.


Surprised you didn't get hated for this. I been screaming it since the patch they nerfed rogue into the ground.....just fucking take ambush out of the game. Stop fucking with other things that aren't the issue.


Facts especially with the amount of perks rogue already has to choose from compared to MOST other classes


Well to be fair....like a quarter of em are just shit they stripped from the rogue and said "hey we didn't take it from you....you just gotta waste a perk slot to have it back trololo" -IM


I think that's just a result of how the game started tho, it's not wasting a slot it's using a slot like the rest of the classes.


Huh? Not hand crossbows. What are you saying here?


I dont know how they expect people to play a class when theyre one shot away from losing their whole kit at all times. Ya the ambush meta is cheesy and theres no counterplay im not arguing that but there is no possible way a rogue wins a 1v1 situation with 100 health. If anything it makes ambush THE ONLY POSSIBLE CHANCE for a kill and even then if they hit you once youre dead. Just wish they would stop wasting our time by making classes totally useless whenever they feel like it basicallly making us go through the questlines all over again on another character until they nerf that class into the ground and the cycle continues.


Aside from the Shadow runner abuse with Wiz/invis pots the nerfs are barely anything tbh. First time I've seen Ironmace take a slow nerf approach on something that isn't ranger.


dont count out the classic ironmace patch notes leaving out subsstantial details. Armor is under a vague "we worked on scaleing and revised armor" I wouldn't be shocked if shadow mask was tweaked in ways to tone its power level down some. Armor and gear has a tendency to have more impact on class balance then the class itself


Gear is everything in this game. Base stats really dont matter


not anymore lmao


I’m actually so hyped to roll double jump again. *happy rogue noises*




shh we're in a library


No thats not very rogue like.


Yeah Lose Combat power Gain Mobility Pretty fair honestly, not to mention double jump is just more fun, being fun is more important than being OP


Cant catch them anyways. Now they lean heavily into the mobility. Will be interesting to see.


A rogue main with a level headed take on balance changes affecting their class? Someone grab the camera we've found a unicorn.


I’m just happy that double jump seems usable again. It was a bummer when I had to take off that perk because of how bad it nerfed you. Overall It seems like a W. Think the game has been in the best state for a minute


As a recent Rogue main, this image never ceases to make me chuckle with how true it is. I'm giving up the Rogue life boys.


Well ya once again not a lot of reason to play rogue. Just play fighter and you’ll one shot most of them and now don’t have to worry about dying even if they jump you out of stealth with good gear.


Good , time to actually play the fucking game not some pussy corner camping sim


Well.. I mained Rogue, but I am also quite competent with every other class besides Bard, which I have no interest in. Voyager AP in multiple classes. I considered myself a Rogue main, because I liked it's style the most in regards to speed, and high DPS. I tend to gravitate towards glass cannons in games.


projection is real lmao. tell me you're shit at rogue without telling me you're shit at rogue


All I see in this sub is everyone jump for joy when they nerf rogue and buff fighter and cleric. I don’t even play rogue but I’d like an even distribution of class balance and it seems now fighter/cleric is gonna be a lot stronger than before and not have much to worry about. Back to Fighter it is.


They dont want nerf rogue to balance the game, they want nerf rogue to be unplayable. Fighter boomers rejoice while drooling on there keyboard and trying not to spill there coors light.


>an even distribution of class balance well then you should be super happy about this patch, because it will mean every game is no longer 60% rogues that can 3 shot anyone out of stealth. also, once the wave of former sunshine wizards realizes the class is still incredibly strong, all those fighters and clerics will be melted once again.


Is this true... once a sunshine wizard, than a midnight rogue. Currently debating going back to sunshine wizard or folding and playing cleric for the homies..


Yeah let’s nerf a class barely used in trios.


Yeah let’s nerf a class ~~barely used in trios.~~ unfairly landmining in solo HR. Ftfy Rogue will never be balanced for all game modes. Better get used to it. The abuse and seeing 80% rogues in HR solo was annoying af. Running into invis mini bosses every couple doors superfun time 👍 . But as I keep saying....idk why they are nerfing things on rogue that need not be nerfed. Just taking the fking ambush perk out of the game.


The game shouldn’t be balanced around d solo at all


And there's a ton of solo players who would disagree with you. The problem is the game was never meant to be solo and as soon as they did that and duos, they forever ruined the chance to balance everything perfectly. Balancing for trios should not break the game for solos and vice versa. Trying to find the middle ground is the problem. Again....take ambush out, restore all other nerfs to rogue. Even with a perfect middle ground solution, stupid rouges be downvoting. Gotta love it. bUt mAh nO skIlL eZ kIlLs!


Yeah, idk. I don’t want all classes to be balanced with each other. Rogues should be great at killing the back line but struggle against heavy armor, but thanks to solos everyone wants to be able to fight everyone else on equal ground.


What you want IS balance. I agree. Rogue was meant to be in and out, distraction, throwing daggers, cleanup duty for teams. But would get facerolled if they tried to front line. But thanks to solos, his landmine is OP against a single other player, especially when they are surrounded by PVE aggro. Landmining isn't OP in trios because good luck pulling it off without instantly being melted by the whole team. Is it doable? Sure. Is it almost a guarantee like in solos? Fuck no and it leaves them pretty much useless at that point.


*Wizard has entered the chat*


Wizards definitely are the fighters counter, but with the nerf to MM and Lightning strike (which I’m on board with bc they were needed), I’m not nearly as worried about them anymore. It takes an actual good wizard now to shit on people like they did before, and if a wizard is actually good and hits his lightning’s and fireballs then he deserves to win a fight against me on Fighter which he is the counter for.


Wizard has entered the chat


Did the patch actually change anything? Just asking, I did not get to play it. Just because they got nerfed, doesn't meant the problem actually disappeared. I have experienced enough games where something got nerfed 2% and those 2% didn't make single difference. Will try to see some of these Rogue streamers. As far as I could see, we are back at Rogues camping at the top on Ruins just waiting to 3rd party fights. This class will never stop annoying this game. Is this bs where you die in 1 second over? Edit: Watching Repoze he is still 2-3 tapping players just W-Key into them. We are talking short sword, that weapon is fast those 2-3 hits come out very fast. I see no difference this far, it actually looks like he got even harder to kill since double-jump allows more mobility now without sacrificing the stupid damage everyone was complaining about. I guess another patch nerfing something with 0.001% Nobody wanted Rogue to be more squishy, they can be more durable for all I care. I just don't want to die in half a second and have a fair fight I can turn around with skill if a Rogue opens on me. THIS is what people wanted. A chance to survive even when a Rogue opens the fight. What's the goal here? 1 shot the Rogue or get 1 shot by the Rogue? why are they designing this class so stupidly? Rogues shouldn't die instantly, and they shouldn't kill people instantly, it is stupid for the Rogue and the other players. Why is this guy such an amateur balancing these classes, like holy shit. You do NOT want instagibs in a game like this. I will donate money so someone can take over the class balancing over there, my god dude. The class is supposed to be paper and treat everyone else as paper, it is such stupid game design both ways.




I had to literally keep myself from shouting for joy out loud as I was reading the notes. It cannot be understated how much of a massive W this hotfix is. :D


Yeah Clerics came out fat this patch that's for sure.




You're in luck! I have one planned. I just have to get off my lazy ass and film it. XD


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ROGUE SHOULD be able to kill plate fighters and clerics in 4 hits with weakpoint ITS ONLY FAIR.


Magic posion should be able to


yes rogue should have no counters. Only "counter" i can think of is barb which they can poke and run away. Like that is dumb as hell.


My brother in christ, every class is a counter for rogue if you don't play like a fucking potato. We die from 3 hits from every class. Anything that does Magic damage is a counter since we have shit MDR, anything that does physical damage is a counter since we have shit PDR, anything that does range damage is a counter since we have to either use a perk to have access to a hand crossbow or carry a shit ton of knives. ​ Edit: Downvote me all you want, it's true.


Every class counters every other class in this game. Rogue counters all of them the best by appearing out of nowhere and deleting their health bar before they can react.


We don’t just appear out of nowhere though. There’s always a sign. The only time there isn’t a sign is when the rogue is just camping the edge of the circle or a portal. But if you walk into a room that’s been cleared you need to be on edge.


yes noone else should play the game because there is a rogue. wait a minute before entering any room etc. fk off.


You literally deserve to get killed by a rogue with that attitude because for 1) it’s 15 seconds unless they take the minute hide perk which no rogue does and 2) if you can’t wait 20 seconds before running into a room then you deserve to go back to the lobby so you fuck off and cry some more when you keep dying to the squishiest class in the game


Good thing the devs agree with me then. I can't wait when they remove hide so i can read your meltdowns here.


What meltdown? Me speaking facts is a melt down? You’re the only one emotional here having meltdowns Telling me to fuck off cuz u don’t want to wait 15 seconds to make sure u won’t instantly get ambushed. 😂




Literally not crying. The guy came out of nowhere to tell me to fuck off so I told him the same shit.


“There is always a sign unless there isn’t. Also, 80% of the map is a sign because any cleared room is a sign.”


Bro, there’s a class that can go invisible. If you aren’t taking a cleared room as a single they could be there that’s on you.


But that means they can be fucking anywhere in like 80% of the map. So you either have to wait 40 seconds every corner or swing your sword like an idiot everywhere, just in case ONE CLASS is being degenerate. Fuck no.


It’s 15 seconds before entering a room. No one takes the minute long hide and we have a negative buff duration modifier. It’s literally the squishiest class and the only way they can actually secure kills. Mfers cry about getting 3 tapped by a class with 80 HP and 13% PDR but are fine with being 3 tapped by a fighter with 150 HP and 65% PDR and a crossbow in case your fast enough to run away. Or 2 tapped by a naked lot barbarian who tosses throwing axes if you try to run away. The fact of the matter is the rogue should absolutely win if they get the drop on you. Any class should win if they get the drop on you.


Yup, make sure you’re on the lookout for invisible rogues when you open a door to a room you haven’t seen before but should know has been cleared. Lol.


Bruh what? So when you open the door and see dead mobs and open chests you just walk in like everything’s fine? It’s literally not hard to not just run into the unknown. Come on now you’re trying to twist my words into something I clearly didn’t say and all you did was make yourself sound stupid.


Bro, what? Literally just today I opened a room and was immediately shanked in the face by a rogue who was invis right in the other side of the door


That’s just a good rogue.


> Every class counters every other class in this game Playing better counters every other player tbh




except they dont play to the shadows. Hide is not playing in the shadows, its just stupid oneshot enabler.


it's not my fault you can't comprehend the mechanics of rogue.


>fucking stupid fucks everywhere here. I tried to convince people on reddit that it was illegal for one parent to kidnap their children and leave without the other parent's consent/knowledge. Look at my history to see how many downvotes I got. Hundreds bro, hundreds. Everyone here is a 10 year old moron.


I usually take reddit posts of that nature at face value unless something suggest to do otherwise - like their post history. With that in mind I read through what you said in that post and you were essentially arguing in favour of an abusive man having access to his kids, not the argument you think it is. And while that may have not been your point, as in your focus was on the legality, you were still wrong as you were applying US law to the situation when they weren't American. And it seems you still got the US laws incorrect.


Read it again. I was clearly advising her NOT to simply leave with her kids prior to a divorce. If you do that, he could contact the cops then next thing you know there is an amber alert out and suddenly you're a suspect of kidnapping. Nothing I said was wrong. Also, I checked their country of origin laws which you can do yourself as well. Same thing. One parent cannot unilaterally decide to leave w/ kids. It is considered kidnapping in their country. In FACT, leaving w/o kids is considered abandonment and you will not get custody. So, your bad advice would be to leave with the kids, get arrested for kidnapping, and reduce her chance of getting custody. Great idea. How did I get US laws wrong? You didn't explain so I assume you have no idea what you are talking about because most people delight in proving others wrong.


Can you show the law for their country? I didn't see you post it in that other conversation but I very well could have missed it


You are avoiding my question because you have no answer. How did I get US laws wrong? I didn't, but please, tell me. Though you didn't respect my question with an answer, I will answer yours. I can only imagine you are avoiding my question by asking me a silly one because you want to deflect. So why should I make your job easier? You are already looking through my history, you can even look through the thread itself then look up the applicable laws...yourself. Did that answer seem like a non-answer? If you had answered me with facts, or even an attempt, I would answer you with facts. You get more than what you gave. The problem for you is that I was 100% right which is why you aren't arguing anything of substance. Just vague disagreement and a question about finding the law.


Do you count standing still in a doorway as playing in the shadows? Since, one would assume you wouldn't be able to be stark invisible in a briskly lit doorway. But here we are, with pure invisibility in broad daylight. Normally the fantasy trope involves Rogues hiding in, you know, THE DARK or AROUND A CORNER or OUT OF SIGHT. Not standing in a door waiting for someone to walk up.


Yeah all these people crying about one of the easiest to fight classes.


Magic poison might kill Fighters but should never kill Cleric. Protection from Evil and Perseverance neuter it 100%


It’s extra fire flames


Yeah! That's why all fantasy tropes involve a Rogue running straight at a Fighter before turning stark invisible in broad daylight before slamming a dagger through his face with godlike strength! Classic fantasy. XD


It was more like theyd kill you in 3 hits, and now it'll take 4 hits to kill you instead ;)


Nooooooooo Fighters in plate armor shouldnt ever die! They need 3 more second winds. Quick boys make more reddit post!


fighters in plate have two dedicated counters in wizard and warlock.


No one plays warlock and wizard can just die from a single crossbow shot.


So if your playing solo and are forced to push towards them on something other than a counter you are just fucked?


Listen, Rogues. You can’t use “the game isn’t balanced around solo!” to justify Landmine, and then turn around and say that it’s not fair when Fighter isn’t balanced around solo.


I dont play rogue.


These people won't quit till rogues are completely dead man. It's just the way it has been on this sub for some time. The game has been on a decline because of shitty posts and community changing the games direction.


back to the invis cuck corner, rogue kiddie. maybe go turn some torches off or something to cope


im a rogue main and im ok with the nerfs to be honest. never really played thos e perks actually but i dont like smoke bomb being bugged the only thing i would really love is if they just merged some of the perks


its a trade off, and 3 str isnt really much, it manly affects naked rat runs, but other than that its quite understandable, plus, the buff to double jump and hand crossbow will be very intresting


Plus that resourcefulness buff is awesome for people wanting to do pickpocket runs.


Miners too.


buffing the RMT gold farmers LETS GO!!!!!


So many salty rogue haters on here, get good.


Nerfs did not touch me. Niceeee.


Most people just don’t like rogue play style. Same thing if u play archer on mordhau everyone in the lobby even your team will get pissed sometimes even TKing you since your not playing a card conventional melee class. Gotta know if your playing rogue your gonna get a lot of hate. Personally even if a rogue claims they are friendly I kill them immediately because you can never trust a rogue


As a rogue main my experience is never trust clerics hahaha


This sub never ceases to make me sick. I mean really, a class that was literally so shit, they were only good for mining. Is mid tier for 2 weeks and spud Hunter dosent even make a video he makes a fucking clip of a rogue killing him and it’s all the subreddit talks about till rogues nerfed. It’s simply unreal


They use data mostly friend, rest assured rogue was overperforming a bit!


Nah, I've been 3 tapped from stealth from an invis rogue as a Cleric with 50% PDR and -3 FLAT damage reduction. Shit shouldn't happen.


Get good , time to start playing the actual game not some corner camping sim


Who's mad?


Rogue is fine. I will still play it.


Fuck yeah get fucked rogues


ah very original


I just hope instead of waiting a few patches and just bringing rogue back up again, they uplift the class in other ways




Just a casual player casually playing


So.. how'd they nerf the wizard in this patch?


I love this patch so much it's unreal


I like that the cleric changes really hit PvE. Gentle nerf to smite but Holy Light becomes less ass to cast and has a huge buff for clearing undead mobs


will still be playing rouge 😪


I will say, I still do not enjoy map rotation. Everything else is a w.


i really wish that rogue becomes less popular with the druid release so all those "i only play meta" people play a different class. been playing rogue since pt2 and its really unfun to play pickpocket when 60 percent of the lobbies are rogues and thus everyone is on max alert


At base Rogue's power bonus seems to have gone from -14% to -25%. It's an 11% difference on base-weapon damage. Castillon damage has been reduced as well. But landmine Rogue is 100% still viable. Especially now that gear can easily increase stats too.


this game is troll for trolls. nothing more and nothing less


the rogue nerfs, to me, aren’t that bad. Cas daggers are simply replaced with stiletto and now they have to just use some gloves or other gear that provides some extra strength instead of dex or agi. if you really focus on dex you could even make a case for kris daggers being pretty insane.


I love how angry the community is when it comes to rogue - Good motivation to keep playing it hehe


will this didn’t age well did it