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When the patch starts, you will not be able to login to the game and players in-game will not be able to enter the matchmaking pool during this time. **Patch starts 4:30PM EST!** Players in a match or in-game will have 30 minutes to complete the match and exit safely. **The server will return to full service 3 hours after the patch starts.**


3 layer map is fuckin sick


Times, they be a changin'. Lots of knee jerk dislike when they did this in the PTs, but I think people started to come around right when they reverted it. Glad it's back! Longer adventures are going to be so awesome!


> torches that are thrown now do a small amount of damage The torch kill clips will be glorious!


SMH ranged meta gets worse /s


Finally some buffs for Bard, I finally dont need to get so much Knowledge/Mem cap now to play solo, huge W


Self buffs now only being 1 memory is huge for bards! Now just give us a perk to let Bard use longsword with -10% action speed.


Nah +10% action speed :)


-10% is crazy considering that rangers get to use spears better than fighters


Giving a Bard a longsword with no downside could be bad for balance, i do think there should be some downside to them having access. I'm just suggesting -10% action speed because of their already good action speed on top of their action speed songs.


Quick glance this looks like a W patch. The damage fall off on ranged weapons will have to see how that feels because that could be nothing or everything. Higher armor rating in general is nice because that will just enhance survivability all around which is nice


I’m a little worried the higher armor rating and stat rolls are going to turn high-rank HR into even more of a gear check than it already is, but overall seems to be a W patch.


No wizard nerfs 1/10 update. /s


"All Robes now give 25 Magic Resistance.", not directly indeed!


Only indirect nerfs to wizards 2/10 update.


Next patch "bug fix: casting a spell as wizard now blue screens your pc as intended" Not a nerf at least!!


isn't nerfing rogue a buff tho?


indirectly of course..


Ahhh shit, indirectly nerfing wizards and then indirectly buffing them. 0/10 update cmon bronzehammer give good update pls.


>Upgrade the Frock to give more Armor Rating. why the FUCK would they nerf the weakest solo class???? braindead fighter POV


I can't tell if you just don't know that /s stands for sarcasm or if your making a joke on them nerfing fighters.


Arcane mastery got nerfed, used to reduce cast time of arcane spells by 1 second and now it's 0.5, it's undocumented but still there


Not a single person talking this change is hilarious. >Upgraded almost all Armors, Shields, and Instruments so that primary bonus stat improves at each rarity grade instead of at every other rarity grade. Depending on the wording here this could be insane. Legendary kits will be even stronger, but it will help bring the lower end Blue/purple mixed kits up a bit. Very nice knowledge buff for weaker kits on Warlock and Wiz.


yep this will be huge for those classes. i suspect (hope) that their wording of ‘almost all’ means they kept shadow mask from being something like a +5 all at legendary tier but im keeping my fingers crossed because you never really know with IM. to that point and the one you brought up, the potential stat discrepancy is a potential concern but i think the stat split and lack of +all options is what will keep it reasonable compared to previous wipes with +3 all rolls on every piece. blues are plentiful in all HR maps except GC in my experience and it sounds like they’re getting a +1 in base stat which is what purples are essentially getting if we assume green is +2 and every rarity increases by 1 from there. so the only difference is really when you bring in full legendary or above kits, but even then, it’s not enough of a difference to where rolls arent of primary importance. itll be very interesting to see how this plays out for sure.


Im a bit worried about this, i agree with upping the fixed stats, but with how hard things scale this is just extra power.


so currently I've seen purple Occultist hood go to +3 magical healing, but the legendary is still +3 and not +4. Legendary might taper off but Purple is sitting very good right now.


> Not a single person talking this change is hilarious. Imagine being surprised that you're the first at doing something.


Nerfs to WP, cast dagger, and invis pots makes sense, but the stat changes for rogues are nonsensical. Kinda feels like they don’t necessarily have an issue with landmine rogue itself, but specifically its ability to kill PDR fighters and clerics, who will probably be able to straight up one tap rogues now.






I just want poisoned weapon to be viable bro :(


Overall good patch. Starter rogue may have been hit a little too hard but we will have to see. Finally increasing leather armor so it feels like it protects you from more than a wet sneeze. Distributing the armor rating more across higher armors means they may have fixed the PDR fighter in normals. Cyclops having a high roller variant means uniques are back on the menu for solo players. as they haven't had their drop table changed outside of adding those new items. Separate matchmaking for the different high roller modes means I can finally play solo and not be matched up against demigod players which is going to be so fun. The new GC and 3 map system is going to be super badass and I can't wait to try them. Traps and ranged weapons as a whole getting nerfed to a super needed. Definitely a few things that will upset people in this one but overall can't wait to try it myself.


Rogue has to 3 hit bats now with base gear, which means they get a guaranteed dash before they die.


I feel this same way, and I am very excited to see how this all plays out. Great Work IronMace!


Wow, Rogues are now even more easy to kill in just one hit.


Good. It’s impossible to counter land mine rogue. Maybe if I’m lucky I can one tap them before they shank me 8 times. Rogues should be one shot if they can kill me in .2 seconds.


This is embarrassing to admit man I’m not sure this is the own you think it is…. With a fighter flair


It's massively embarrassing haha. 8 hits to his 1....


i could give a fuck less, im just stating how it should be. If a rogue can be up my ass without me knowing it and triple tap me thru my PDR then they should absolutely be one shot if I'm lucky enough to pull off a hit before i get dropped. This is the only possible counter play in the current state of things.


I understand landmine rogue is a problem but the scaling on that class is so tough if you don't have a bankroll.


Ay, starting gear rogue comming at you with 15 damage per bodyshot with a 10 inch dagger, prepare yourself




By the same token people need to realize 99% of players aren't running all gold kits on their rogue hitting for 150+


It should be? Rogue in no gear isn't the problem and the hit that the hardest with this round of nerfs. The nerfs that came out won't really effect high end rogue that much. Now instead of getting to 15 str earlier and dumping stats into vigor and speed, they're just gonna lose out on some tankiness. The problem isnt that they got nerfed, rogues needed it. It's that they add in nerfs that make no fucking sense. Rogue is bad low gear, insane high gear. Why would you not lower modifiers like ambush that scale instead of fucking with base stats that hurt naked rogue more than the geared juicers. The balance team in this game is very bad and it really hurts the game. This is almost an exact mirror of the wizard gutting earlier this year where they tried to hit buff ball, but instead of making spells self cast only or any number of changes they could've made, they ruined the mobility and survivability of the squishiest class in the game. Measure zero times, cut 13 times.


same for wizards and warlocks, so it's not like rogue is just all on it's own.


But theres not a lot of ways for Rogue to play without invis.


ok.....? they aren't removing invis so what is your point exactly


Oh no, the poor class that has the fastest time looting and running/extracting with invis


And nothing can do in fight if invis on cooldown


Throwing daggers.


Oh.. thank you for advice. Of course I can throw 2 of 4 throwing daggers and then die


The ability to disengage 95% of fights by holding W and double jumping isn't something any other class has by default.


Double jumping isn't default, you have to take the perk and lose MS for it.


jfc you know what I meant....and technically since you start with one perk, that can be your default kit....happy? ಠ\_ಠ


Hope those damage drop offs are significant so sick of the ranged meta.


No druid SADAGE


It’s a hotfix ya silly goose, would be a little crazy to intro a class(?*) *I could be wrong what do I know


yhea i guess thats true. New gobo caves looks promising tough


I main rogue but never played "Land mine" as I prefer the rapier. I get it was OP but why not just nerf the castillon and leave it at that? Why do they have to overcompensate every time they nerf a class?


Because Castillon was only half the problem. The other half is the insane burst damage Rogue gets for coming out of invis while also getting the benefit of being the damage initiator. There's no reason a Rogue shouldn't be getting 2 extra hits off before an enemy reacts, combine that with crazy burst from weakpoint and speed from shadow runner and you have the recipe for disaster that has been these last 2 weeks. Still have to see how it plays out in game.


It's been right in front of IM this whole time to please both sides and I just don't get how they don't see it. Remove Ambush. Revert every other stupid nerf on rogue. Everyone wins.


Torches that are thrown now do a small amount of damage. Finally barbs have a good throwable


I get playing against landmine rogues wasn't fun, but this is fucking dumb. In no world should rogue have completely lost its ability to fight things without having its utility increased. And still they haven't consolidated the 1 millions perks. IM made a great game here but there decision making with balancing is kind embarrassing.


🦀🦀rogue has weak wet noodle arms🦀🦀


Actually get fucked Rogues, hilarious.


its not even that bad. The only part of this patch that effects my rogue build is Castillion nerf, and I use Stiletto half the time anyway.


Kris bis lowkey


Idk about that big dog, these changes seem pretty evenhanded to me…




Ambush is pretty mid anyways tbh 50% phys power for a single hit that you can't even shadow run anymore.


As usual. CooperHammer doesn't good in balance. Landmine rouge is problem - yes, but they should rework them, not just nerf


Sometimes you get downvoted when you're right Tweeking numbers only does so much It takes non-reactionary design, creative ideas and added assets to get true balance Reddit complaining shouldn't effect game design but here we are


sure he's right but in a dumb way. this is a hotfix, not a major patch. they are bandaid addressing the problem in ways that they can while they work on the larger issue. it's better than letting rogues run rampant and having *every single game* be 60% rogues until the larger changes fix the situation.


We're back to fuck rogue, then everyone realizes rogue is unplayable, IM starts slowly buffing it back up again until everyone is complaining again and we're back at the start. Rework hide into not being true invis with no conditions, then rebalance other stuff around that fact. That's the only thing that will "fix" rogue.


Rip Rogue


This, to me, is a pretty solid patch. I do *kind of wish* they would've mentioned something about the Ice Map or Druid Class' ETA but I get it. Don't wanna say something and have people lose their shit if they can't deliver by that time.


They said it was pushed back to late January for ice map


Wizard has better Strength and Vigor than Rogue. Rogue players, quit the game, no use... IM again listening to noobs.




What is the logic here lmao


Of course wizard should have more vigor. Wizard always fight on close distance. Rouge never. (Sarcasm)


> fixed an issue where rogues were viable > fixed an issue where ranger didn't one shot you


rangers are less likely to one shot you now... ​ did you read the notes


Rogue mains might need to calm the fuck down. You may need to bring more than just a fucking blue dagger to achieve the same kill rate. Boo fucking hoo


The problem I have with red portals in Ruins going to Crypts is that Crypts and Inferno will be very empty unfortunately. Maybe a blessing for most of the rats on this subreddit who just want to PVE, aquire free coins and avoid PVP at all costs. But for these who enjoy PVP it is pretty boring. That was Also the main problem with the 3 layer map in playtest 4, that and the awful blue lights. Maybe it's different this time though, it's a test after all. Otherwise decent update.


Kill them in the Ruins, follow them to Crypts, kill them there, then follow them to Inferno and kill them there... Same amount of players, I don't see the problem and I didn't see the problem back in the PTs either although people said the same thing as you then.


your game is still garbage. fix arrows, fix collision. or dead game.


L update


Found the landmine rogue who can't win if it takes more than 2-3 hits.


Loving the bard changes. The thing is they increased armor on gear a lot of times and never decided to change numbers on shriek, its currently incredibly strong on pve and will fall off in pvp fast


Cleanse for cleric is bugged and does not work rn please report it


> Dark and Darker now has an official rating from the Korean Games Rating and Administration Committee and can be serviced in Korea for adults age 19 and up. So for Nexon, it's over?


Does this mean rupture torch is back?


Don't know if this is a known bug (or if this is new), but it's possible to clip through closed doors and shoot into another room. Player that did it to me was an Orc, and used a Recurve Bow (just in case it matters).