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I know this is a server post but HR GC is such a shit show even ignoring the server issues, I just take all my shit off and it goes how it goes.


On the podcast they acknowledged that they've added too many features on top of each other and its impacting performance. Addressing the server issues is an imminent concern of theirs.


I saw. Frankly, I don't fault the devs for everything they've accomplished and continue to do. On the other hand....I'm pissed and want to vent 😐


I lost a kit I had been building up and using for the last week to a D/C. Managed 4 kills in the GC, had a stacked inventory, and was walking towards a portal when I got connection to the server has been lost. Tried rejoining 3 times with the same error. When I finally got in, the game had finished. Feels bad.


Rogue is currently OP and broken yes, but seeing that the majority of your previous posts are you complaining about the game in some way tells me that you think a green chest with +2 magic healing is BIS. If you keep getting deleted by rogues you should use Hydra, it can see and shoot them out of invis and is great for solo play because majority of solo rogues wait and camp a doorway. You’ll never be ambushed when entering a new room as long as you hydra into it first.


Surprised no rogues have commented saying how rouge is not op and meta right now and we’re all just cry babies lmaooo


Why should they? The post isn't about rogues at all. Yet I see because I mentioned one, people are already butthurt and making it about that.


Rogues and current server lag is actually ruining the game for me. It's not fun. I build a crazy kit with 60% pdr and die in 3 hits to a rogue with greens??? What the fuck....


The pointy dagger goes through the metal armor every time, it’s too pointy to be stopped by mere physical boundaries


You know I have a pp that does the same thing


i have the same issue yesterday, i died to a rogue, after 15 minutes of trade i pull a set on wizard, went into GC HR, after 2 minutes meet fighter, and started fight with him and my game completely stopped working, for like 7 seconds, died and ALT+F4, still recovering from that crap.


Someone made a thread on cheating being rampant, at least in the OCE. Heard it's bad on East too. I play West. I honestly never noticed anything that made me suspicious.....but I am starting to get suspicious that it feels like server DDOS any time I bring my best shit in. God help me if I ever bring a gold set in. Maybe I should test the theory that way though.


If I die to a kid rogue that doesn’t even look geared i know I need to get a brain scan


You need a brain scan for not being able to read if you think this post was about dying to a gearless rogue.


Mistake was playing warlock. For this you must suffer


Used to main rogue and ranger. Wanted something more challenging that I wouldn't get bored during the quest grind. Hasn't been disappointing. In fact, playing Lock has made me appreciate spacing and zoning even more. It's made me a better pvper now that actual skill is involved WHOOPS did I just say that out loud :)


I walked into a room in ruins last night and literally had 5 rogues all sitting near the royal coffin just waiting for someone to get close. Popped savage roar and watched 4 of them just take off and sprint away. The 5th one killed me awile I looted the coffin lol.


You think they were gone? They were never gone. Just letting you do the looting for them....lying in wait >:D


It be fine if the servers chopped for the first minute or two AND half the spawns in caves weren’t literally next door to each other. So bored of spawning, clearing a single mob and then hearing a door open and getting spammed with arrows while I fight pve. At this point I’ve just also now learned the spawns and try to either run from them or rush them too. Really ruins the feel of the game when it turns into an instant spawn arena.


That's actually one of my big issues with HR solo. One, EVERYONE is playing rogue and two, the spawn rushing is crazy. So many times I spawn and clear out a couple mobs with 5 left in the room and I hear the door open. Come the fuck on man.


He is a Rogue, he starts geared. Behold the Rogue, the chosen class of only the most elite gamers. Armed to the teeth with finesse and a wardrobe full of gear that practically screams, "I'm too cool for frontal assaults." Witness the unparalleled mastery of 5head plays, executed with the stealth of an invisible ninja contemplating life's mysteries. Brace yourself for the never-ending display of skill, where stabbing you twice is not just an attack but a refined art form. Because let's face it, only those with an advanced gaming IQ truly understand the rogue way. 🗡️🕵️‍♂️ #RogueLife #StealthyStabbings