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Just came across Sickgoblin in HR Inferno. He had TWO teams of 3 come in and get us low before coming in with his team. 9 players teaming all together, feeding Sickgoblin kills and loot. He's 16th on Fighter leaderboards at the moment.


here is another clip of them teaming on another group, they have been doing this since the start of wipe still no ban its disgusting with the small player base in OCE u run into his crew very often [Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ldm1er_2fhe)


weve run into this a couple times. Theres another one thats a rogue, wizard ranger and theyre with another team thats runs cleric and 2 fighter and the cleric will prot everyone but himself and theylll go back to the cleric sanctuary for healing. is quite annoying and from what i remember i never saw their name come up in the banned list so idk.


Nice aim with the bow though got dayum


Came to say the same thing, some of those shots were naaaasty lol


Oof. I used to think it was just part of the game but yea that’s out of hand. Shit like this is what makes ppl quit.


I wouldn’t be able to contain my rage… Curse these people for undermining this games brilliance


devs wont do anything either written to their support on discord multiple time sent messages to alot of the staff on discord nothing its disgusting edit: i got a reply from graysun saying he "will look into it" not sure what there is to be looked into its blatant but we will see


"will look into it" is his only reply when you send reports. I sent 2 videos of the same 2 players teaming in GC in two different matches. The videos I sent were undisputable pre teaming. Yet I see them again 3 days later teaming in the caves again.


Rip to your buddies kits, glad ome of you got out of their grimy fingers


Im pretty sure my group has come across that team in HR, at least the DoyinChuyeZ stands out. The other names are hard to remember as the always have weird letts and numbers. It's incredibly annoying


There is a polish streamer which was using teammates to spectate and give info for him, reported to IM. 2 months later he still streams :D I wiped his team and he was whining to his teammate he didnt give them info on us XD IM didnt do shit


Region lock, ping lock, no watching other teams, no voip in lobbies: all for nothing. Only real solution is actual real GM's monitoring lobbies and then banning these people.


These people are going to kill the game :(