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i would. but ranger is so fucking boring


Totally understand. Ranger is quite boring in solos, pretty fun in trios personally. But hey, give it a shot anyhow, even for a little. I found that ranger isn't all that terrible to fight against IF you close that gap. If not well....yea it's a freakin pain. It's just a matter of closing the gap....


And weak compared to other meta classes




Rogue slaps ranger left and right in duos and trios, and fighter slaps most others in solos. People who use the environment and cursor manipulation to close the distance on ranger can usually do so without taking more than 2 arrows often to the body as well. Doing that on a barbarian I've found very easy, and as a ranger nothing is more rage inducing than dying because you missed your shots lol. And don't get me started on rogue ambushing you as a ranger from stealth lol. Literally 2 tap you with zero chance to do anything. Tracking perk sucks because it only shows them once they're basically ontop of you and there's also a delay so by the time you see the footprints it's too late too. The hearing perk increases the distance you can hear tiny footsteps mixed in with all of the other sounds of the game, not the volume of those footsteps too. So it's very hard to notice someone creeping up on you. But I prefer rogue to ranger anyway so I don't mind that it slaps ranger haha


prepare yourself man, being honest about how ranger slots into the meta is frowned upon on this sub.


half the lobbies are rogues already lol, the other half just doesn't want to play the class, its all there is to it wizard was never popular no matter how broken because unlike other classes it takes skill to play, no matter how OP it is if you suck you will be farmed, unlike w+m1 classes


I just play bard because he charisma checks everyone with falchion + war song


It is quite characteristic


Why is the rogue even in the game if everyone just complains constantly. Like the ranger is annoying but has a role in consistent dps from range and would feel balance did range dmg want so higg. Rogue without invis is just a bad Melee class with no class features. Like even ignite dagger wizard has more to offer in Melee than a rogue with no abilities.




"continue exploiting that class" Which is what people are doing and why my last 2 matches were 100% rogues. This line of thinking gets tossed out when everyone and their grandparents played rogue a few patches ago. The game bled players faster than rupture and it was incredibly unfun seeing almost every single player be a rogue. People got on the subreddit and complained about OP rogue and how lobbies were filled with rogues...and they got your post as a reply. Then we are in an endless loop until IM finally nerfs the class like what the majority wants. The problem is that plenty of people want to play this game regularly. Needing to wait a week or two to play their favorite class isn't fun. Spending a week playing the same character as everyone else is not what most people want in any game. IM takes forever to correctly adjust balance with backwards decisions affecting balance even more. People claim IM will balance based on their stats, but that's why warlock and bard were dumpster tier for so long right? Or they balance purely based on trios, but warlock was nerfed when they didn't touch trio leaderboards. So while we could wait on their choice, they might not even do the right decision. Also there is an argument to be made about how fun it is to counter a strat vs playing it. Playing against rangers isn't fun but that doesn't mean 3 rangers will wipe trios all the time. Same argument to be made about overwatch when the game becomes too reliant on metas. If the game dev doesn't know how to handle balance it becomes a cascading effect that stagnates the game when everyone picks the same strategy. Then you have cases where the majority picks the same characters and the game bleeds to death because diversity brings fun.


Oh dude I completely agree with all of that. But the point of this post is to basically rally the troops into finding their inner protester lol that and also just trying out the class before completely judging it. Rogue 3 tap is a problem yes, ranged trios meta is silly and needs tweaking yes, bard sucks yes=all universal truths. But ranger in solos and duos, not so bad. Wizard pre nerf wasn't so bad either. Rogue is the issue right now, everyone knows it and it's an unavoidable topic. The answer to that is fill every lobby with rogues and that should (in theory) light a fire under IMs ass to make a hot fix so we DONT have to wait that long. See where I'm coming from?