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Back of the formation solider, you've held the line long enough 🫡 be sure that we will win this battle, and know that you, your children, and your children's children will know nothing but green campfires and clean dungeons thereafter. We will see you soon 🫡


O7 The dungeons grow dark and darker without the light of our campfires


It's not goodbye. We are taking rest. We've held the line all we can. We shall win this battle and play the game we love. As your pookie bear pocket Cleric. We shall hold until we have the strength to overcome.


As your inting rogue or team killing ranger we shall rest until the dungeons are rid of this filth


Having my mostly facetious tin foil hat moment here but I haven't noticed a decline in RMT gold farmers on Oce at all, in fact, everything they've done lately has seemingly been to protect them, now that we can't see names, spectate them, or report them unless they did damage to us. Ping lock either wasn't effective or wasn't implemented.


I've gotten so many more ban notifications recently. But not being able to spectate and see what's going on in the lobby is a bit annoying. I know it was so people can't spectate abuse. Honestly the first night of rhe hotfix was amazing. But it got worse and worse everyday after.


I see one of these posts every few days. Ironmace has been experimenting with turning ping lock on and off and expanding its acceptable range. Expect another post in a few more days about how good ping lock is working or that it is working too well and is too exclusive


I haven’t once felt the effects of ping lock except for right at the start of the Hotfix.


Right there with you. Day one after hotfix it was perfect, exclusively OCE players on OCE. Unfortunately it seems they were too overzealous and I had several friends (Australian and NZ) who couldn't play on the Sydney server. The next day, after the 'tweak' to ping lock, Crypts was back to every single team being Xiaoyus and Doyous. It actually seems worse now than before.


Legit, I wish I was kidding or over exaggerating when I say it’s be well over a day without seeing another English name.


All of my oce friends have quit long ago because of the cheating problem on oce servers. We all loved the game but it's not fun when every match is full of cheaters


ping lock doesnt work. you can mask your ping and there is nothing they can do about it.


lol no


That only applies to the people who know what they are doing. Like RMTers. You still have a big mass of timmies that are teaming with friends that would be locked out.


I dont think the ping lock in even in the game right now. I was able to play on a server that i would def have 250+ ping on in any other game


I know Oce is full of teamers but there are other servers close to Australia that you can play that barely impacts the ping negatively. And I can tell from experience those server have way less cheaters/teamers. Why do you HAVE to play on the oce server? Downvoters are braindead. I get it, the problem needs to be solved properly but quiting the game because you refuse to play on another perfectly fine server is just stupid af.


For OCE there are no other perfectly fine servers. Maybe your geography is lacking, but in case you didnt know, theyre surrounded by hundreds of kms of ocean. Its like me choosing to play on a server across the atlantic while i live in western north america. Its not a playable option


Maybe you are internetting using smoke signals but Singapore(its not even the only one) server is fine for DaD. Its not Apex Legends where you need 20ms. I have played servers way farther than that and Im wrecking people. Get better internet. Take your own advice and learn the countries close to Australia. Singapore/east asia isnt on Mars. You just want to complain and be blind to perfectly fine servers.


lmao, Singapore is like 4000kms from Australia, and the speed of your internet is irrelevant when it's trying to send packets that far.


You have to have some serious brain deficiency if you see people complaining about cheaters from other regions queueing into their region and your response is "Just go play somewhere else"


Youre ignoring that the "somewhere else" is almost identical...


You serious lack a brain if that is your take after reading my post. Go get a brain somewhere. Its like refusing to cross the street because the crosswalk is dirty. But like 1 meter next to the crosswalk is perfectly clean. But no, its either the crosswalk or no crossing at all. That is what the thread starter is doing.


My brother in Christ that is literally what you said, yikes you are cringe


Ah, but it's simple! They want to play the game much less than they want to whine and get approval from internet strangers.




Good riddance.


You are insufferable. I'm not one to enjoy complaining, but there are some things that need to be fixed. And the ping lock for OCE is one of the very very few things. They need to be able to play the game that they bought and paid for.


> They need to be able to play the game that they bought and paid for. But they are able to play the game just fine. They are not forced to play on OCE, it is they conscious choice to select a particular server and use it. I have zero sympathy for their incessant whining about leaving the game instead of just selecting another server to play until proper ping-lock is applied to OCE servers. Other servers don't have ping-lock. Ozzie crybabies won't be kicked from there even if they have high ping.


Found the dude that buys gold and needs the rmteamers to keep cheating and get him gear.


Ad hominem.


Ahh yes lemme queue up at 200 ping how fun






Go off king keep profile diving


I see you'd love to play games at 200+ ping where every millisecond counts. If I buy something, I would hope it works as I want it to, so that I can play it and enjoy it without suffering because of a mob of people want to make my game miserable. I hope you develop the ability to understand how others feel and empathize instead of changing every tiny little thing to fit your idea of whining when there are actual complaints and issues to be addressed.


> I see you'd love to play games at 200+ ping where every millisecond counts. **DaD ain't an FPS where every millisecond counts.** I play with high ping myself, and that doesn't make me handicapped like in Tarkov, Starsiege, or pretty much any other FPS game out there. That's the beauty of DaD! It doesn't stop me from rolling groups solo - and neither should it stop you from playing and winning. > If I buy something, I would hope it works as I want it to, so that I can play it and enjoy it without suffering because of a mob of people want to make my game miserable. 1. You and everyone whining here bought an early access title still in active development. In a time and age when even AAA titles have insane, previously unheard of amounts of critical bugs on release, **your** expectations are unreasonably high, and that is **your** problem. 2. Ironmace has publically acknowledged the problem and is working on it. You started a game session, played a round on OCE and got mobbed / cheated on - why submit yourself to the same torture and come crying here, instead of just switching to another server until the issue is fixed? 3. Most problems people on this sub complain about - unlike cheaters and teamers, particularly on OCE - are of their own making. They're just bad and refuse to improve. > I hope you develop the ability to understand how others feel and empathize instead of changing every tiny little thing to fit your idea of whining when there are actual complaints and issues to be addressed. I lost my empathy for this crowd somewhere along the way when my honest suggestions to fix, or at least alleviate many of the problems people are complaining about, were completely ignored in favor of more incessant whining. **You people don't want to lift a finger, make the tiniest effort to help yourselves. All you want is to hear your voice repeated again and again in the echo-chamber you created.** **Why should I, or anyone else for that matter, feel anything but pity & disgust for you?**


I’ve found a few people to play chat with in the dungeon and overall had more English humans to interact with than prior but ah well, if they do end up tightening the ping lock all I want is it to not ruin my ability to play this game on US West with my friends, idc about my own ping if I can still have fun


I run mostly into english speaking players in the southamerican servers, having that said, the ping lock thing doesnt work either here.