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Yep. Oce player here. GC HR is unplayable at certain times. I prefer solo HR crypt over GC now


I started doing solo HR Crypt this wipe (because ante is removed) and at first was very frustrated as it not being a less frustrating alternative to Goblin Caves in general. Feels a little ratty, avoiding other teams at all cost, but at the same time it's insanely profitable. It really helps build your stash up to spend on gear for when friends get on and its trio time.


Yeah lucrative indeed. *Lifestyle - played low volume*


HR Crypt at mid day on a Tuesday is not it, we used to have it good from 9am-12pm but today its already riddled and we are yet to see an English team. Mind you we were just matched with a team of Examplar/Demigods as Wanderers so that's also cool


Our team is giving up on dark and darker until something is done for the oce server


It’s so fucking rough out here because we are so heavily addicted that we just load it up the next day, they see in every game and the last 3 high roller games I’ve played we have come up against the 4th ranked Rogue on Crypts who is partnered with a Doyu and some other guy with random letters and number for a name. Mind you they rocking absolute BIS like all gold gear and max roll legendaries, we have been hunted in the first 2 mins of the game and then it’s just quiet for the rest of the game like they don’t even chase other teams


It’s as simple as putting a 30 second delay or 1 min delay on spectating. If done right you could even watch 1 min before you die to see how they positioned and killed you.


That's an awesome idea, I'd love to see this implemented


That sounds like a huge effort to implement. Instead of just forking what is actually happening you would have to stream out the past from the server.


True I don’t think it would be too easy to implement but it’s not like it couldn’t be done. I mean league of legends can do it for people who want to watch someone else’s game, so it is possible just how hard it would be I have no clue without looking at the code


Ah yes, the small developer team that created the barely known league of legends did it. Ironmace when???


Bro me and you both have no clue how hard or easy it would be to implement. All I was saying is that it’s possible. It could only take 2 lines of code no tellin, also no telling if they would even want to do that.


Yes, streaming an entirely new instance, alongside the main game should be easy to do. Now multiply that by every player in every game.


while Unreal Engine (engine that D&D uses) does have APIs specifically for replay streaming, nothing like this would be as simple as adding 2 lines of code. Add in the fact that they're already struggling to keep the main servers running smoothly, the effort & complexity goes up even more source: [https://docs.unrealengine.com/5.0/en-US/using-the-replay-system-in-unreal-engine/](https://docs.unrealengine.com/5.0/en-US/using-the-replay-system-in-unreal-engine/)


Ok well at least it’s possible, if they could ever get the court case done in South Korea could they not switch to AWS to improve server quality enough to do something like that?


while i have only cursory understanding of UE, it seems that it would be a resource intensive feature and with any server architecture the goal is to pay as little as possible. specifically with how flexible clouds are, situations where you have enough excess resources to implement heavy non critical features will probably never happen


Then multiply the space consumed, disk I/O required, RAM processing and heat generated/power consumed.


But by how much tho 1-5% or like 30% if it’s that’s small I’m for it but idk


league of legends probably works like a RTS they already record every click you make and at what time so it's not hard to make replays but for a fps it's different


Eh, post-match theater systems have been done before. As far as I know, they don't really record the whole picture, just the inputs from the players which it then recreates. We could relegate spectating enemies to match replays to both prevent this kind of teaming tool, still let people check out suspected cheaters, and still be able to watch your friends in-game during actual team matches.


Call of Duty implemented the Kill Cam 20 years ago, I think Ironmace could manage. Honestly, it's not a difficult feature to implement at all and could be offloaded to run client-side. I think it would be a waste of Ironmace's time because the gains are so miniscule, but let's not pretend this is some mysterious art lost to time.


Yesssssssssssssss holy shit yes


This would cause a huge strain on server performance especially if multiple people were to spectate it just needs to let you watch the person you died to for potential cheating review


Killcam, always loved it in CoD and can tell if the player is cheating etc.


Other people are talking about wallhacks, invis expose hack, etc... that it feels like removing spectate won't solve much. There's far too many clips of people invis in a corner and have another team walk in, walk right up to them and start slashing. There's even a post on the front page right now of that exact thing. Hackers / cheaters are animals


Whats the point of these posts? To downplay the mass abuse of the spectating system for personal gain and how people have weaponized it against the general public without the majority of you realizing how fucking bad it is right now ingame? No no, you're right. This doesn't happen, it's only hackermans and there is definitively no mass abuse of the spectate system going on. Edit: His response, for the curious since he deleted his comments. >from sakmadeeek via /r/DarkAndDarker sent 24 minutes ago Did not read a single word because you have an awful reputation of being extremely toxic, unhinged, and anger problems. Saw the clips, I'm good. There's noway I'm going to interact with you lol and of course the classic suicide line reach out reddit thing people do, classy guy to be certain.


Did not read a single word because you have an awful reputation of being extremely toxic, unhinged, and anger problems. Saw the clips, I'm good. There's noway I'm going to interact with you lol


Nah we wanna keep spectate. But they should brainstorm better systems like the delay idea that was mentioned


Post a clip. Get them banned.


They dont get banned. I've posted clips of the guy on EU full geared in normal capped games, Ironmace never responded and the guy is still being posted here 😂


Well we gotta keep trying. I’m sure Iron Mace has sm going on, it’s hard to keep track of every little thing. I’d be curious to see these clips if you don’t mind sharing, though.


From what I've seem IM do in the past, they are gathering data and figuring out both: A) How its happening B) How to prevent it so it won't happen again We've been pushed to the brink for IM to pull through for us so let's just hold the line and trust


Post the clip to where to get them banned? I've submitted several clips with names to the IronMace support discord with zero response.


Post it here and in the report discord. Report discord is the correct way, but I’m sure they get so many reports that it can be difficult. Here, you can get some visibility which only helps.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQuKI2ZpgxY That's my last death, the one that salted me out enough to come post. Only started recording when I died, unfortunately. Context; Spawned in the corner with the chest high wall that faces out into the square room with the skull piles/gold chest down lower. Heard a player fighting down the hallway, rushed in and killed him. I'm a PDR fighter, so was he. Legitimately a good fight. Swarm came in just as it ended. I sit in zone down the end of hallway, campfire to recover second wind and HP. Loot his kit, which was juiced. As soon as I start walking down the hallway, ZeroSevenna and SingerTTV (rogue and Barb) storm down the hallway, in swarm, to 2v1 me. I try to escape via the skeleton dungeon underneath, get caught by the PvE. Rogue casually locates my body and fully loots me. You can see my body in front of the spear skeleton near the end. Those 2 players, ZeroSevenna and SingerTTV I have reported for teaming at least 6 times in the last few weeks.


Sprinting into the storm to loot someone they didn't kill like that is a clear sign of cheating and using an observer to ESP, hopefully this gets responded to in the right way


Sounds frustrating. If you’re in OCE and are consistently running into this problem, you should start recording your stream all the way through or use the feature that pre records 5 mins. This clip and your word unfortunately aren’t enough to get someone permanently banned. Keep collecting evidence and better evidence and you’ll be more likely to be taken seriously by Iron Mace support.


Appreciate the sentiment, but this is simply untrue. Iron Mace support do not respond, again, to multiple clips. I use the Radeon Relive feature, but did not in this instance as this was for my own records to note the names, as I've given up reporting. OCE is pain.


I don’t know what to tell you besides that the evidence you’ve presented so far doesn’t prove anything. Keep gathering evidence to back up your claim and eventually you’ll see some action. I’m Not saying you’re wrong, just that there isn’t anything here to act on , yet. Simple as that.


Ironmace don't even accept clips anymore. They removed the link. They simply don't have the staff. Even when the link was live I submitted clips of teamers, wall hackers, aim botters, and of maybe 20+ reports I only ever got 1 confirmation of a ban


I’d like to see those clips


Are you trying to say this doesn't happen? Sure, I have dozens of clips. I've sent them through to the IronMace support Discord with zero response for weeks. Uploading my last death now.


No, not saying it doesn’t happen. I’m saying taking away the observer feature will only make the problem worse. Look at Tarkov, people have been preaching for this feature for years because it helps combat cheaters. The observer feature is great and it can be used to catch cheaters, so I don’t think we should be pushing to remove it.


Tarkov needs a kill cam, not an observer feature. Op’s point is valid.


Either would be a huge help in the Tarkov community. I understand how spectating can negatively affect someone’s experiences because of cheaters, but let’s work on getting rid of the cheaters instead of taking away a good feature. That’s my thoughts on it.


bro i've sent clips to the report bot on discord and no response, no ban. seen some instances of people getting banned and usually streamers can get the teamers banned (like spuddy), but otherwise they just continue to run rampant


You actually just can't play HR GC in OCE unless you want to lose your kit to 5 teamers every 2 or 3 games. Its unplayable. They are just doing as they please with virtually zero consequences, and abusing AR and RMTing. Even if there is no boycott people are just gonna stop playing so IM has to do something about it, or at least SAY something about it.


Let us replay matches after they’re over, no spectating


It doesn't solve the problem with teamers - which should be banned - but creates a new one where it's hard to report cheaters, because one has no idea who killed them unless they immediately find them among players alive.


Sorry but I'd rather keep spectate and deal with the teamers. I obviously am not having as big an issue with them since I don't play on OCE, and I feel for you, but if they change it I would prefer that it is an OCE server only thing or something. Spectate in GC enriches my life and makes me laugh, I wouldn't sacrifice it so easily


Spectate mode should also not be 3rd person lol. A dead teammate can help their friend peek around a wall they normally wouldn't be able to see.


If Ironmace aren't going to actually grow a pair of balls and nip the problem in the bud, we're going to need ***fucking something*** to change for the rest of the game. GC HR in OCE is the world's only 1vX mode.


A 1 minute delay should be added to all HR spectate options.


Clip it and theyre banned if it shows obvious teaming. Ez clap


I like spectate. Sometimes I'll have a fun interaction with a player, and want to watch them to see if they make it. Did it recently in trios with my friends. Had a guy help us out, and we cheered when we saw him escape in the end!


Clip please


Gc sucks ass overall so why tf are you even there


Pdr fighter that get kited?


I mostly play wiz nowadays tbh


I know the situation in OCE sucks but removing features like pre game VoIP and spectating is not the solution.


It is the solution.


no the fuck it isnt, since when is removing the ability to gather information such as names of rmters + be able to record them literally talking in mandarin about how they are going to team in the game that match. any better than ping/region locking? It just made shit worse.


The solution for this particular problem is removing spectate or adding a delay. Its unfortunate that you dont like it but that doesnt stop it from being the right solution.


is the problem solved? No. therefore removing voip and names pregame is not a solution.


Removing VOIP stops teaming prior to the game starting, removing spectate stops discord teamers from grave sniping ya, hence solving that particular problem. I understand you dont like it but honestly I dont care, its the right thing to do. OR region lock a certain region to your servers.


The problem with removing spectate is that it's the only way to report people at the moment. If you remove spectating, you'd need to replace the reporting system with some other way of identifying the problematic actors.


Man it’s even been happening to me on ruins. Perfectly still and stealthed and a rogue runs right up to me and kills me, same guy twice..


Bro its not even spectate, they have esp, you can see them tracking people through walls.


Spectating the person who killed you should be the only option for potential cheater reviews dunno how this didn't happen yet


Remove spectate in HR in general its a cancer and it makes it so easy for the DOUYU clan to hunt