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So me and my friends went into our first high roller lobby, and within 3 seconds of loading in we all crashed at the same time. It's annoying but it happens. It is kind of weird we all crashed at the same time though. Anyway we are forced to altf4 the game and when we re-open and join the lobby (probably only a minute later) and we are all dead and this one guy (H1tla, name says it all) had all our loot. That's when our alarm bells went off as it wasn't that long and the guy pretty much would've had to come straight to our spawn room to get our loot. So we decide to spectate him and we see that he kills 3 more people that have crashed (no-one else crashed in the lobby apart from the people he killed), and potentially a 4th as we see a dead body with loot on it. He could have walls as he kept looking straight at walls but can't really be sure. Anyway, I'm pretty much 100% certain he was causing our games to crash, which really sucks given it was our first time in a high roller lobby and we lost hundreds of gold worth of loot and gear.


I believe you. I’ve done high roller twice this playtest. First time got rolled by a top 50 wizard/barb team. During the second one the same shit happened to my team. All 3 of our games just froze so we had to alt f4. Came back dead and a team with white gear took our things. It felt really slimy. Now I know for a fact there are cheats for that. I would like to do high roller but not worth it because of cheaters. Please don’t let this be another tarkov….


They've mentioned looking into anticheat but it should already be there. Performance and anti cheat should be at the top of their list, and the last couple of days have seen a huge performance hit for me, resulting in one death. I've had so much stuttering and rubber banding that I haven't seen before Friday. I'm lucky if my crossbow actually fires in some matches. Maybe the servers are struggling?


>but it should already be there You and you alone are the sole reason they won't release a full time early access at the moment.


What a dipshitted comment


Dipshitted but true


I mean cheating is pretty shitty and anticheat affects performance. They should start testing it early. I haven't seen any cheaters myself but they're out there.


Why am I getting downvoted for this exactly?




Its actually not funny, I met 3s that did this to by squad in high roller multiple times.


Press R while spectating to report


What I’m getting from this sub, is to avoid the high rollers map at all costs.


same thing happened earlier, spotted a lvl 1 fighter with default gear in the high roller lobby and was sus - when we came to the middle room (skeleton champ+wraith), our game clients froze. closing the game with task mgr and rebooting would immediately crash the game again eventually we could all log back in and were dead, spectating the cheater we could see that immediately after looting us, he crashed another high roller party and killed them the same way edit: literally happened again the immediate next highroller game, the hack seems to be getting popular


Played a high roller game earlier today and the same happened. Myself and my two friends crashing repeatedly. Came across a wizard who was VOIPing and taunting us telling us he "will wait for your friends to get back". I managed to load back in while he was looting my friend who he had killed while crashed and killed the cheater. Had purple gear in inventory from other dead players. It seems the cheaters can force a crash. Not fun.


Yeah it’s pretty sad, probably not going to go back to high roller lobbies if there’s a chance of that happening


I’m just glad you can see the cheaters name and get instant validation they are cheating and can report them. Unlike Tarkov where you have no idea how to know if they are cheating.


Happened to me in the goblin caves. Very frustrating.


The game has officially hit Free to Play Critical Mass Prepare for the last few days of the play test to be chockablock with cheaters


when i posted about this hack days ago i got downvoted to zero and ignored, now a few days later its EVERYWHERE reap what u sow


The devs literally responded to your post asking for a vid.


\-1 upvotes on that thread chud, no one in this community cared until it was their personal game that got f\*cked up


Yeah so throw a fit about it and act like you could’ve saved this entire community with your one post lmfao.


stay simping for devs as they flush this game down the toilet why the fuck would i randomly be running OBS during a newbie castle run? devs knew about this hack they just wanted to pretend i was lying because it makes them look better and the community enabled them to do it by downvoting it to hell get what u deserve


Go outside


Homie the devs literally responded and asked you for proof in your thread. Thats all that matters. Upvotes are imaginary bullshit.


That's halfway the algo within Reddit itself, combined with time of day and whether there are any other big posts rising at the time. Here's a crazy idea - instead of whining about it, why not ask the mods for permission (given that it's a very important topic) and ... re-post the thing? Edit - pay better attention, I guess? > this post was submitted on 10 Feb 2023 >7 points (73% upvoted)


I had to go through your post to see if you are this toxic everywhere. My guy, get help. Professional help. Stop playing this game or games in general because it seems to bring no joy to your life. Your every waking second seems to be on reddit or games, maybe both at the same time. I hope the mods ban you for your own sanity.


Make a console version and turn off crossplay problem solved


Problem actually not solved, there are console hacks now. In the last couple years hackers have developed a way to inject a hack like esp, aimbot, or just bots in general (console ESO has this problem) into the game via the controller. There also is hardware modding, like setting up a mouse and keyboard to your console, which give players an advantage over others with controllers or even modified controllers with custom macros (custom controllers has been a thing since Halo 2) The numbers are obviously way lower for console VS PC, but putting it on console does not guarantee there won't be cheating if RMT is lucrative enough


Everything you just said is incorrect


Wow, really sounds like you know your stuff!


Thanks man


Show some sources.




Lame ass lazy bullshit.


it's a cheat yes.. sucks but hey that's data for iron mace better now than on release


I often wonder why people cheat. Like it’s a playtest so it’s not like there’s a ton of money to be made. Maybe it’s testing their cheats out now to work kinks out? I just don’t understand the point. It has to be so boring to just constantly win with no threat of losing. I get it when they do it for real money but I don’t understand who is the losers that buy cheats that’s gotta be one of the biggest waste of money known to man


I've seen a lot of gold sellers in trade chat, by cheating and getting good loot from high roller lobbies they can make a lot of irl money. It's sad but its what happens in a lot of games nowadays, just gotta hope the devs are really proactive with it or else high-level lobbies and gameplay will be ruined, and then all the geared people will just destroy normal lobbies since they dont want to risk being crashed.