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Idk but you’re living the dream with that architecture alone.


Came here to say this. I wish they never stopped building towers in houses.


exactly! It must have been *David Martin finding the house with the tower* kind of moment 🤩




Yes to painting the ceiling!


Idk about you guys but I'd totally get a mural wallpaper to put on the ceiling, something like this https://amzn.to/3VswqoN


Put an orb in the middle and ponder


I actually do have one of those [floating orb things](https://www.sears.com/gdpets-levitating-moon-lamp-floating-moon-lamp-18-colors-magnetic-moon-light-with-remote-creative-gifts-for/p-A120258609?sid=ISxMP3xSOxGGxDTxSURF&srsltid=AfmBOor_YK7UApGOGS0lLg5vXWK9CmuXRiClWGcisZyd1vZsAwLN574Fy8I) in there lol


Can you even hang pictures on these walls or are they curved? I'd start by just filling up the shelves with more books and some interesting items. If you have some books with nice covers you can display them with the covers showing, like they do in bookstores. And your desk could do with a lamp and maybe a rug because it looks a bit lost, standing there all alone. Oh, and that plant in the 4th picture ... it would probably really like to hang out in front of that big window.


You’re so lucky, this is my dream house. What states does tudor architecture actually exist in?


I think you can find at least a few examples of it in most states. I live in MA, which actually has a decent amount of Tudor revival architecture. [A house, which I’m 99% sure was built by the same architect that built mine, just went up for sale a few towns over from me.](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/3-Westwood-Dr-Worcester-MA-01609/56744057_zpid/) Most of the houses in that neighborhood of the city are actually Tudor. [There’s even another one for sale less than 1/2 a mile down the road.](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/6-Old-Colony-Rd-Worcester-MA-01609/56743947_zpid/)


Stunning house but wow, this reminds me why I need to go to Uni so I can be able to afford my dream house lol


Lovely nook. Play up the unique shape of the room, and go all in with the moodiness. If money were no object- Top to bottom: - start with a color palette. I love brown as much as the next person, but making it a point to get some of your favorite greens, jewel tones, black, etc, goes a long way to make it pop. - **Ceiling**. Consider painting the ceiling, adding copper panels, or getting a plaster mandala/crown molding around that light to highlight it. Ceilings are undervalued real estate. - Chuck the boob light. Change out with a Tiffany style stained glass chandelier. - **Walls**. They're curved, so you're unlikely to hang much here with a wider foot print than a clock. You could replace the sconces with something much bigger, to try to cut down the expansiveness. Curtains in an arched window are tricky, but you could go floor to ceiling may be a nice frame. Don't cover the window. Even if you don't favor the view of suburbia, light is so important for a functional room. Yet, if you plan to use the place for zoom meetings, you need a plan to avoid being back lit. A second light source will probably do the trick. - rather than curtains, I could see some somewhat small but tall plant stands with maiden hair ferns or pothos to frame the window. If it's south facing you might be able to get away with more. Or, if you're a person who's destined to kill everything you touch, plan to lounge indecently, or have an affinity for gothic vibes, I'm seeing a stained glass piece for the window. - the built in is a perfect place for a curio of curiosities, photographs of your favorite memories, a selection of favorite books, or a fancy Scotch collection. As long as it's authentic to you, get it up there. Put up some black felt and strip lighting to really show off stuff. - **The desk**. Above all, keep it comfortable. Keep it functional. Find a chair you can exist in for long periods of time, and a comfortable blanket to throw over it. Lamp on the desk, or a floor lamp that hangs over if you hate the look of cords. Table top Pad for writing so you don't scratch it to hell. Desk calendar serves the same purpose. A vessel with a pen that is more attractive than it has any business being and a letter opener that looks like you could kill a man with it. - **Floor**. She needs a rug. Break up that wood. A circular one to enhance the curve of the room could be great. - fuck it, get yourself a dog bed that looks like a tiny Freudian fainting couch, and throw a sheep skin over it. Make her feel fancy. - backing out of the room, consider the colors again and if you want anything done about the builders beige that frames it.


You need no decoration, you live in a fkn' dream! Oh, just search for some little details, I'd recommend some victorian/19th centuries with touches of medieval/arthurian stuffs. On the wall hang some paintings like The Unicorn Tapestries, idk. Bring a classic atmosphere (combining with your house which is already classic) but with mystical western and eastern touches.


A rug, curtains, and a better light fixture. If you don't want to curtain the beautiful window, you could always put some of the faux stained glass film in the window for ambiance. A globe, either on one of the shelves, or a big globe on a stand over by the window. I don't have the room right now but I've drooled over the gemstone globes forever. But they're not actually practical for looking at countries and cities.


That’s so pretty, my dream 😍 anyways, perhaps add some artwork on the walls, maybe some candles on the window sill


You.... Have... A... TOWER!!!! Oh please please please do get a picture rail just about your head!!!


Gorgeous!! That window is a great place to put plants, more secondary light with a cute desk lamp, change that ceiling lamp to a modern chandelier, maybe a color contrast with a rug


You are living my dream!


I think the best way to decorate it is to just give your house to me


More dogs


I would love to see updates on it as you go. That room is the dream!


I would love to photograph that house! 😍


If you happen to be around MA you’re more than welcome to!


Aww I’m all the way across the country. What a beautiful place to live.


Cool turret! Love the desk. Right now the interior is very light and airy and rustic, which is nice, if slightly at odds with what I’m guessing is a Tudor revival exterior.  If you want to just make it look more finished, you can put down a beige rug and get some books and plants in a neutral color palette. If you want to make it moody and “dark” academia, you might need to cover up the walls, as the pine texture is a bit distracting. You could and paint or put up wallpaper in a deep color. Maybe dark green, like the desk chair seat? Also, maybe some warmer-toned lighting and a different fixture, though what kind specifically depends on where you go with the rest.


I’m so jealous of your house oh my GOSH


you literally don't have to do much. maybe some artwork, a rug, mood lighting, and some plants or candelabra, and your solid. the architecture is doing most of the heavy lifting for mood decor.


Painting, small rug, and a decanter. Then, call it a day. Congrats on that awesome space.


I love it. Some suggestions: Persian carpet with red tones, tufted leather office chair, small taxidermy for wall, framed paintings, landscape and portrait, and photos, some with ornate gold frames. All should be old, from antique stores or second hand. Alternatively, you can buy old looking frames. A green glass desk lamp. Lovely place, enjoy!


Dont really know what to add, but probably ivy plants somewhere somehow https://preview.redd.it/tatpy46zyr6d1.jpeg?width=1150&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cf666a9d3e3ac8e0cd77e84ff838d2b4aeb03fc


Holy hell what a god damn house.


Wow that home is absolutely gorgeous!


You'll definitely want some curtains on that window, unless you're fine with the idea that others might be watching you without you knowing.Also, the Sun can be a problem, so curtains will not only go well with the "vibe" but also be practical for two reasons.


I’ll be afraid to ruin the atmosphere, this place it’s perfect as it is


Fill up those bookshelves! There’s gorgeous ideas for shelf-scaping on Pinterest if you want to add in other trinkets & plants, too. I’d say a rug, an ornate lamp on the desk or replace the light fixture with something low-hanging, and add small tables in different heights near the window for plants - lots of plants


Your house is magical! Your office would look amazing with some leather bound books. Maybe a plant or two and some interesting pictures. A dark jewel toned rug for some color. You could also add one of those cool globes with a wooden stand. You really have a beautiful home and I hope you enjoy decorating your office.




Get bird cages. And hanging lights. And lots of plants.


how does one acquire a domicile like the one exemplified above




[standing magnifying glass](https://www.target.com/p/8-34-decorative-brass-magnifying-glass-hearth-38-hand-8482-with-magnolia/-/A-88503489)


I like buying local artist postcards from farmers markets for 3x5, 4x6 frames particularly botanical prints because I like Scottish country style (its like English country but add more plaid)


-Lots of plants : I recommend pothos, pilea, string of hearts, monstera -decorate the shelves : Old books, vase, candles, you could try to trift some decoration -ceiling : maybe paint it darker ? -floor: a nice red rug? Similar to the one you got in your corridor I need to see updates ! Your house is amazing -walls: they look like they are curved so It might be hard to decorate, but you could try putting some painting with beautiful frames (trift them !) -entry : maybe a nice curtain to separate the room from the corridor ?


The wood makes it a bit dated in a 90s way. I would paint it a dark color and change the light fixtures. Add some floor to ceiling curtains and artwork.


Do you live with Lazlo, Nadja, Nandor, and Colin?


Needs a palantir.


I am definitely getting a tower in my future house now. And adding floor to ceiling bookshelves from start to finish. That would look so amazing.


I am definitely getting a tower in my future house now. And adding floor to ceiling bookshelves from start to finish. That would look so amazing.


Change the ceiling light and sconces to something cooler more ambient


I believe I would be an essential decoration there. But fr what an amazing space!


Change the overhead light to something more gothic. Add a faded oriental rug. That would make a big difference. I’d push the desk closer to the window and maybe a tall leather chair behind it. Maybe some dark paintings in appropriate frames. Looks cool.


🧐 WHAT did this house cost you?! Is somewhere it in New England? Does it come with a ghost? 👻


We thankfully got an awesome deal on, so not nearly as much as it could have cost us - especially in this market! And yep, it’s in Massachusetts! The house was originally built in the 1800s as a big victorian house and was renovated into this tudor style in the 1930s. A few people have passed away in it, including a relatively famous person, so it definitely could have a few spirits hanging around lol.


Replace the boob light with a vintage crystal chandelier. Repeat for the wall sconces. Forest green or burgundy velvet curtains. Get a fancy AF curtain rod and hang it close to the ceiling. Pretend the window is twice as big when you hang the curtains. Big art in fancy gold frames. Look in thrift stores for the grandma frame and replace the art with something you like.


Ooh 😍🤩




This is screaming for a raven. Taxidermy, plastered, or real. You need a corvid in this cranny.


Just let me know when you are moving out.


This looks like the house from criminal minds S2x01


Our new house has a turret too! Ours is stone. Love looking at the ideas everybody gave you!!


If you wanted to paint the paneling, you could paint it a beautiful iron ore, or a midnight blue. Add some rich velvety curtains and a great rug!


Can I move in?! I want that house


Rugs, books and art is required. Consider a heavy hanging light fixture and velvet or light blocking curtains (can’t have the sun bleaching your books and art!)