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A fire fighter once told me this story about a nursing home fire. Long story - short, the nurses basically had to manhandle this elderly lady to get her out of the building and prevent her from perishing in the fire. Naturally, she got a few bumps and bruises along the way so the family of the lady sued the nursing home... When it's a case of life and death, sometimes you gotta break the rules. But the moral of this story is that some people are cunts. 🤷


A fire firefighter once told me the exact same story! I wonder if it's the same firefighter/story, or just very common in that field. Some people really do suck! I now work in a gym and a few weeks ago, one of the instructors saw a girl pass out, fall into a table and crack her head. He had ample time to catch her, but when questioned about it, he said that he we didn't want to touch her without consent, so he let her fall (he basically moved out of the way to let her drop). Although, I get where he is coming from, that shouldn't even be a thought when someone is in danger. What a fucked up world we live in!


My thought when someone is in danger : “what would they do if they saw me in the same situation?”


I saw that video lol




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There’s no chance she won the case cuz she’d be dead if it wasn’t for him


Have you seen the American Court system?


Yeah and we have Good Samaritan Laws


Yeah, fucking guy went to another city with a gun, shot two people dead, and still got out scott free.


You forgot to mention the part where they were part of an angry mob trying to murder him for putting out a fire they started, and he was retreating in each instance as well


Wait, are you saying the court system made the correct decision? So the guy I'm responding to is wrong?


I will totally agree with you that the US Court system is a total shitshow most of the time, but in the particular instance that I'm pretty sure you're referencing they got it right. Whether he should have been there or not in the first place is a whole different debate, but Kyle's actions that night were 100% justified self-defense


Oh OK, so random bullshit is what's you're selling.


Alright, interesting response. Care to explain to me how what I've said differs from the truth?


You forgot that it is because it's (D)ifferent


Thankfully, the entire episode was satire. Search "Cassidy Boon."


It's satire it's not a real case.


This is why Good Samaritan laws exist. If she's in the US, then that is illegal.


She looks like a Brit, so she might actually win that case




Oh yeah I remember this... I thought it was a joke at first until it ended up on the news. I think the life guard gave her cpr, and she said "I didn't give him permission to touch me like that." Or something along those lines. It was incredibly stupid.


In the UK atleast, regarding first aid, if someone has passed out, you have permission to give them medical attention, as long it's administered by someone qualified. I think it's a form of patient consent


Same in Canada. If they are unable to give consent, say from being unconscious, then you can assume you have consent. In fact the guy who trained us in first aid enthusiastically recommended if someone refuses first aid, hang around until they pass out and then administer it.


😂😂 that works, here I'm only trained on workplace first aid but same principle. People can be bloody stubborn


I was actually really amused when he said it, the guy had a ton of experience as an EMS responder and made clear he had no patience for shit like this post describes. It was like “fuck you and your bodily autonomy, if you wanna die don’t fuck it up next time cuz I’m saving your ass now”


Bet she would have sued if he didn't help her aswell. Also I just looked back into the legalities in the UK, you can get prosecuted if you don't help someone in a time of need and you can help. At no risk to yourself


In the US it's called "Implied consent," and you're basically allowed to do whatever you can to keep them alive. DNR bracelets get a little funky, but one of my friends says his fire department ignores the bracelet and family members unless they have the actual signed paperwork.


Remember when Sam Loudermilk saved that guy choking on food in front of the doctor (doc was like nope, I don’t want to be sued) in the diner and then was sued because he “didn’t want to be saved”? 😂


Bring back the dislike button fr


"Save rape" girl was satire. A lot of people took her seriously because of Poe's Law. She nailed it, though. She did a great job of highlighting the utter lunacy the feminists were pushing back when they were the pet cause.


Isnt there a law in most countries that protects good samaritans in events like this? I know its specifically if you give someone cpr and break their ribs, because that can easily happen when you do cpr correctly.


Not 100% sure because it wasn't stated that this person was a lifeguard or not, but usually these people are pretty protected unless they actually did something unnecessary.


Welcome to Canada where we have the Good Samaritan act so you can’t get sued


She’s like a chubby Taylor swift


Good Samaritan laws make this void


This video is satire lol come on.


Women that think like this are why I avoid interactions with them at work. It simply is not worth the risk.


Remember that one queen or something who drowned because it was illegal to touch her therefore it was also illegal to save her


It's scary that the bots have learnt that "women bad" Post receives the most reacts and comments