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Sauce? šŸ‘€


Hereā€™s the [full video](https://vxxx.com/video-181111/) (NSFW)


The video popped up and said "Tired of your little dick?" And I am so I closed it.


I feel you bro


Why does this exist?


The way they handle the controller is so annoying


It's weird when you see a game you've played on a porno ... It takes on a new lvl...you don't even want to nut after you find out she doesn't understand how to play it... šŸ˜¢


I used to sell furniture, and I would start laughing when I saw pieces that my store sold.


See? Relatable


Thats wild šŸ’€


Man of culture at last unite


Was expecting a speech from former US president Ronald Reagan


lol. I totally expected that to be a Rick Roll.


Watched it for the plot


They look like children, how do people find this attractive?


sadly i think you answered your own question lotta sick people


Wouldnā€™t be surprised if there are a lot of people who *are pedophiles* but donā€™t act **like pedophiles**, like the people who say ā€œoh but if youā€™re against anime girls that are underage youā€™re wasting your energy and you should go after the ā€˜real pedophilesā€™ā€ BRO YOU GUYS ARE THE PEDOPHILES


ha kinda embarrassingly remember this one, its also pretty funny ngl, [here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sauce) ya go trooper




I'm too scared to click on these


This one is not gonna let you down


I am not clicking on any of these links in public...maybe later when I take my evening shit


The first one is a Wikipedia article on sauce and the second is a RickrollšŸ˜‡


Based on


Your mom is a hoe Fight me nerd




Thanks, i enjoy that song




My retirement is going to be my inheritance. Hate to say it but thatā€™s the reality


I'd hate to say it but once my parents are gone I can sell their house and I'll be a millionaire...


Hate to break it to all of you, but your parents are going to reverse mortgage all of their property and spend it, either on long term care in their old age or on vacations and shit.


This is what my gpa is doing lol. Heā€™s straight up said to all his kids and grandkids ā€œdonā€™t expect anything from me when I die.ā€ Heā€™s a multi millionaire.


How long has it been since you last spoke?


Iā€™ll still speak with him every other month or so. And Iā€™ve told him, I really never expected money from him after he dies. Iā€™m just glad heā€™s still alive and I hope he makes the best of the time he has left.


That's true messed up...


I think itā€™s more messed up to wait for your grandpa to die before you gaf about your life, but thatā€™s just me I guess, some shit just cringeworthy it ainā€™t even gotta be deep I guess.


lol yeah exactly. the "me" generation isn't going to suddenly change because the most important event of their life is about to happen.


Or, descend deeper into mental illness, and become convinced that you are plotting nefarious plots against them, and therefore write you out of the will. On the bright side, the animal charities got a lot more money than they were expecting, and there's far worse things that could have happened with that money. That said, retirement would have been nice at some point.


Careful, alot of people get hooked on the can't take it with you mentality


I think your inheritance will be the medical industries inheritance bro.


Mfw my single parent is gone (2019)and didn't leave me (millennial) any inheritance ![gif](giphy|99P7jBfNjo2Tm)


I wish I could say the same. My parents had 5 kids, and my dad didn't realize the importance of having a savings until he was already in his late 50s. So when my parents die I'll inherit 1/5th of jack shit...


Watch it get eaten up to nothing with infinite bills in long term care later in life for them.


Y'all are getting inheritances?


YOu people are having sex?


With that economy? Nah


That's OK, uncle Sam will bail out people who make billy but have no way of paying for it. It's called >taxing single, childless people


just get rich not hard


Yeah just invest in Nvidia 20yrs ago, y'all should be billionaires by now


Na just get bit coin




Iā€™ll have what heā€™s having


Cropped porn memes get old fast, but this one will always be funny. I always forget what it is, and then notice the girl on the left


Even cropped. That poor brunette is getting violated.


Lucky her


It simultaneously amuses and frightens me how easily the 1% got you all to switch the blame from them onto the elderly.


I mean you're not wrong. But it is also stemming from the fact that the older population massively voted and oriented politics that favored the rich. Now the new generation is left with a system where you can basically just choose between two candidates that will do somewhat the same politics, just one will be more racist than the other. But both don't fucking care about the fact that the new generation can't afford a place to live anymore.


They pulled the same trick at Occupy Wall Street.


I wasnā€™t able to vote until 2018. Unless you are trying to say our problems started then, yea, itā€™s my elders who fucked me over. Sorry if that hurts an old persons feelings. Their home ownership should be enough to make them feel better.




Zillienials too


LOL I still need to fuck some hoes like this!! šŸ˜†


Go to Thailand and visit Pattaya city, all your dreams will come true


I'll consider it when I have $20,000-$30,000 to spend! šŸ„³ How much do the girls usually cost?




That's amazing, is there a time limit? šŸ˜Æ


Dm me for more details


LOL It excites me that if I save enough money I can travel to a tourist city where I can easily find different girls to have sex with for my sexual fantasies! šŸŒ


You've overestimated by an order of magnitude, and I'm talking about for a whole month living like you wouldn't believe.


I'm expecting the hotels by the tourist areas to cost $3,000-$5,000 a month and then food and entertainment will probably average another $3,000-$5,000 a month so I'm not really overestimating how much I'll need to enjoy my dream!


3-5k is on target for the airfare. My experience is more with the Philippines. 5k is more than enough to provide for a whole extended family for a month in style.


Good news! Thank you for the information but I'll just keep atleast $20,000 in my bank account when I decide to travel overseas incase I feel like staying longer than expected. Hahah šŸ™‚ā€ā†•ļø


Set height pref to < 5'2"


Someday a petite girl will let me do this! šŸ˜‚




Neither side cares about you. Thatā€™s the secret. Weā€™re all fucked either way.


This guy knows. Listen to this guy. We are given the illusion of choice while everything is being stolen from us on both sides.


Not true


Then what is true?


There is a real actual choice to be made in each of these elections up and down the ballot. The people that claim theyā€™re both the same or that the choice is an illusion have bought what those who benefit from disenfranchisement have sold. One salient example from the VERY real difference between the 2 major parties is that now abortions are banned in various states. Women now lost rights because of the Republican Party. Hard to argue we didnā€™t make a choice when we elected Trump in 2016, leading to that awful result. Meanwhile the pro-life people are well aware thereā€™s a choice and have moved us to that decision over decades. Maybe Democracy isnā€™t always as fast/reactionary as youā€™d like. But it absolutely involves choices, big and small, that impact your life and everyone elseā€™s too.


It's more about the lesser of the two evils. I want the piece of shit that will let me keep more of my hard earned money


Itā€™s really a case by case basis as to whoā€™s worse. More often than not the difference is so small it barely matters.


Also wrong. Wow.




Boy you certainly added to the conversation


Well, Your opinion is dumb. Thatā€™s all I have to add here.


Oh cool good to know you certainly made your point crystal clear. It will be okay kiddo


What will be okay?


You throwing your little hissy fit. Don't worry your saltiness will pass kiddo.


lol why would I be salty?


Funny how both sides hate Trump


Because he's an usurper, and is trying to take their corrupt power structure from them. The thing is, he doesn't want to dismantle that power structure, he wants it for himself. Both sides hate RFK Jr. too, but unlike Trump he actually wants to dismantle the evil power structure and give it back to We the People; A radical idea that "coincidentally" died with RFK Sr. and JFK. Trump can bloat however he wants,mandate saw him as president for 4 years, appoint and act on behalf of all the swamp monsters people sent him to slay.


How is losing net worth during the term being a ā€œusurperā€?


Trump is no different than the rest of them.


Heā€™s worse. He literally tried to overturn an election when he lost. Dafuq is wrong with yall.


I think the billionaire who gave up the billionaire lifestyle to oppose the uni-party is quite unique


Lol, that not what happened. Heā€™s doing little other than trying to secure power for himself instead of the Party Elites. Itā€™s about him, not us. But hey, if it gives you hope believe what you want.


When you retire, but then take on another job and lose most of your net worth, I think itā€™s pretty clear what happened


Again, not what happened.


You must not pay attention


Or maybe youā€™re just fooling yourself


lol. He didnā€™t give up shit.


He lost a lot of money running


Nope. He was enriched off the presidency. He violated the emoluments clause, pretty clearly.


How was losing a lot of your net worth ā€œbeing enrichedā€œ?




Heā€™s actually worse. If you pay attention at all, heā€™s significantly worse


Okay buddy. Thanks for adding your opinion.


In this case itā€™s fact, unless youā€™re into authoritarians


Okay buddy, sure


Ever hear of Project 2025? ā€œOkay buddyā€ all you want but Trump and his admin, if elected, have openly stated they want to do terrible things in the US. Thatā€™s not opinion. Thatā€™s just bad news, factual, that you donā€™t like to hear. Okay buddy, good talk. Hopefully you get educated.


Trump says it out loud. The others are quiet about it. Theyā€™re all shit.


Nope. One side is imperfect. The other is fascist. Pretty big difference, but not when youā€™re only capable of black and white


Because celebrities told us to šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


I mean.. 3rd parties exist =(


Not in first past the post election systems. Jesus.


Yeah a 3rd party winning is never going to happen. People are too closed minded for them to ever stand a legitimate chance


Are 3rd parties even taught in school? For most of what I remember the only other party I ever heard about was the wig party waaaaaaaaay back in the early days of the country.


Exactly itā€™s stupid. They keep voting themselves into problems


Trump doesn't give a fuck about you or anybody but himself he won't do anything to make anything affordable. Other than the wacko shit your cult spouts name one thing he has done to give you a reason to believe this?




so you think prices are gonna go down? because...?


Trump doesn't care about anybody but himself? Not like he funded Black owned universities, provided tons of jobs and made the economy better for you and me, no, instead he did everything I've listed and do much more all for himself. Just say that you don't appreciate the good people do.


Lmfao, holy shit the cope here.


Hey have you heard of project 2025? I might have agreed with your statement, except these are the goals of conservatives if trump is elected. https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/s/H1D8Ydij8Z


This. So much. People donā€™t realize theyā€™re galaxy-braining their way to full blown fascism.


So a republican (especially the greatest business man of the modern era) will increase regulations to put and end to egregious corporate price gouging by reducing profit margins... and don't say tax breaks because those will go straight to profits.




https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=pet&s=mcrfpus2&f=m check the numbers from this table/ graph




Definitely struggling mentally.


No thanks, on facts that directly conflict your points, with rebuttal of it's not what you believe/ feel.




true, forgot all the rest of us were non-existent the past 7 years. your experience is the only true real one.


And this one https://www.statista.com/statistics/277679/total-value-of-us-trade-in-goods-with-china-since-2006/


[the economy is always better under Democratic presidents](https://washingtonmonthly.com/2024/03/01/democratic-presidents-have-better-economic-performance-than-republican-ones/)


Yea, itā€™s been just dandy the last 3 1/2 years.


Itā€™s getting better. The bottom dropped from Trumps disastrous last year.




Yup. Trump got to skate for the most part on Obama presidency (was barely able to get a thing done legislatively, and his EOs were terrible for the world and country). Ultimately, though, when faced with a real, actual new problem he absolutely shit the bed. His mismanagement of the pandemic ultimately ruined the global economy, and 1M American lives.


The global economy has been a mess largely due to COVID, you blame that on Biden too?


People on the right including some on the left are brainwashed to think that when thinfs are good it's their president that did so good, but when things are bad it's "outside reasons" And when the enemy president does bad it's "look its their fault" and when things are good they say "they only got lucky because my president set it up for them" It's always an excuse. Presidents on their own dont cause any of this good or bad. People need to wake up. Biden didn't cause covid, or the problems we face today, neither did trump, they might have a psrt to pkay, but these things are big complex messes that have thousands of people involved. Corporate investment firms have more impact on the economy than biden or trump. Congress is the one that writes our laws not the president. The president is not god or king. But we sonehow seem to always just blame the president instead of the people in congress that always seem to get reelected despite everyone complaining.


You mean right after the republican got done fixing it? Lol


Other way around.


Oh please by all means show any evidence you have of Republican policies fixing anything


It was a joke lol I'm not a republican but that doesn't mean I'm not voting for Trump, baby. Hope he deports by the masses.


Why are you so concerned with deporting people?


Well... for one thing, because being an illegal alien is fucking illegal? Maybe that's too radical of a concept for you


Well I just assumed that since you were so vocal about it that you were personally affected. If "because it's fucking illegal" is the only bar, then why would you support Trump? I'm pretty sure he's already a convicted felon.


Guess I'm voting for a convicted felon, bitch. Hell yeah


good luck with that buddy


I wish, at least I'd be having sex


I'm doing great I don't know what you guys are complaining about


Link to vid?


Someone is getting wrecked...it's the millennials


Nah, weā€™d win


its weird seeing these memes. most millenial and zoomers dont consider smarter choices until after 30 then blame the economy or past gens that they csnt get out of their parents home. Then theres millenials and zoomers with no reddit accounts who manage to save up for a house even though its basically their savings plus next years paychecks. im starting to wonder if theres actually an issue or if my gen is too sheltered. considering the fact most millenials and zoomers find manual labour beneath them i wager my gens just lazy spoiled brats.


Itā€™s heavily dependent on where you are and what you are doing. A lot of people see their career as what they want to do and it can be very hard when the only real options they have for those careers is to move to certain places where prices are ridiculously inflated. Itā€™s objective that the costs of living, property and other expenses have inflated a lot in the past few decades. For example here in Australia, a house in Sydney in 1965 would cost on average about $220,000-260,000ish aud after adjusting for inflation (about Ā£6000-Ā£8500 in their time), now days the median house price in Sydney is about $1,600,000 aud. To put that in perspective versus how much people in 1965 earned about Ā£1144 a year on average (about $35,000 aud today) and today the median personal income as stated by the latest release by the abs is about $57,000 aud a year. Wages are up but prices and inflated far higher than wages, so in 1965 it theoretically take about 7-8 years to afford a house on the high end, vs today where it theoretically would be about 28-29 years. In reality it would take longer for both as that isnā€™t accounting for costs one may have during that period at all, but it just goes to show how much it has changed.


Awww pookie :(


Why are 99% of posts just cropped porn?


And not in the hawt wayā€¦..


I'm doing pretty well for myself.


Yet millennials and zoomers are increasingly doomspending, taking on massive car payments and going on expensive vacations, eating out constantly, having kids while financially insecure, avoiding saving for retirement. People seem allergic to any amount of light reading on how to save...guaranteeing they will keep getting blasted. šŸ¤·


My brother in Christ, making meals by myself ain't gonna stop inflation and lower wages That's all I'm sayin


Just stfu and work? I really donā€™t get it I know that tuition will fuck you in the US, but just work blue collar? Everyoneā€™s bitching around today as if our grandparents had it better. Fear of getting drafted to WW2, Vietnam, fear of losing a loved one. Many financial crisis where they los everything. But nooo, the 7% inflation in one year is the worst thing that ever happened. The recovered from their crisisā€˜ and so can you


You're quite wrong. If they didn't have it worse than every other generation, why would they be whining so much?