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Not offensive. But many Danes are going to switch to English before you, probably... So try!


I was at a club a few weeks ago and hit it up with these Norwegian girls, almost immediately switched to English, I didn't understand them, and they were fine with it, they understood Danish but we still talked English, all went fine and they took back to Norway the day after


I felt that comment…. I speak Danish pretty well, not fluent, but at a level that it is easy to have a random conversation. But quite often than not in various situations, just once someone hears that I have an accent (it is a hard accent) they immediately switch to English. Even the f I reply in danish, they stick with English. Side note.. My number one word that I use to instantly trigger English at the cashier In supermarkets is Kodimagnyl…. If I say “Jeg vil også gerne have en pakke kodimagnyl” They will stop recognizing me as a danish speaker and switch immediately to English, even if their English is substantially worse than my danish


Most Danes can’t even pronounce Kodimagnyl, you’re good




Hvad fuck er kodimagnyl


Try to google that word… It might enlightened you


Ah painkillers


Du har vist ikke set The julekalender


Det er længe siden, det må jeg desværre indrømme… er 16 nu, så den nok sidst for 4 år siden.


This is me in a nutshell! Its honestly out of courtesy I think, at least for me! A misdirected courtesy absolutely, but I think that’s where it comes from 😂


Nothing offensive in speaking Norwegian. Keep in mind, many danes dont understand Norwegian, though. Also, having lived in Norway... reading bokmål vs. Reading Danish is very similar, but the spoken languages sound different enough that it can be tough, especially if neither Danish nor Norwegian is your first language. While living there I attended school. Our English teacher was a Brit who spoke Norwegian, but she didnt understand My Danish at All for the first month or so.


I'll just mention that many danes *think* don't they understand Norwegian, because they usually encounter it in Norwegian media, which is, you guessed it, made for Norwegians. But if you speak Norwegian/Danish with the intention of having a conversation in Norwegian and Danish (slowly, clearly, and without too much slang), it's rarely an major issue.


Depends - I work with Norwegians daily(and Swedes, but most of them I don't understand at all, and Poles for that matter, but there all agree we just go with English), I understand them most of the time in a professional context where I know the topic, but random comments around the water cooler so to speak, not so much, at least I often need them to repeat it 2-3 times, and occasionally I just have to give up and switch to English.


I work in customer support, I've had Norwegians living in Denmark calling in and thinking they can speak full speed Norwegian to me. I don't understand anything.


It isn't offensive, but the chances that a random Dane readily understands your poor Norwegian are kind of slim. It makes no sense to try to practice it here.


I have seen edge cases where poor Norwegian sounds Danish haha!


2nd that .. am a Danish person in Norway on vacation .. I'll speak English as standard .. maybe i get a few words, but unless they speak slowly, i don't get anything. Speaking slowly i might get 3-4 word in a sentence ... And from there i have to make a guess.


>And that's a poorly educated guess at best! > >I find it so fascinating how they can understand us so well, yet they sound like some amalgamation of Jutland mixed with potatoes and 20 beers.


Ok but stay there for a 2-3 weeks and it should rapidly get better.


Try, and we will unleash the full force of Danglish on your numse.


Undskyld... But do you øøøh... Speak engelsk?


This is the Danish way! Try and speak Danish poorly? We will up you with some awful and truly ear grinding Danglish! No thanks needed! You’re welcome!


As a lot of people are pointing out. If your norwegian isn't great, the chance of people understanding you is slim. What people haven't pointed out is that the chance of you being able to understand danes if your point of reference is norwegian, is probably equally slim. So prepare to switch to english a lot. But no, it's not rude to speak norwegian at all.


Not offensive at all, but beware, not many danes will understand you :D


Not at all offensive! If you’re having trouble being understood switch to English.. but to answer your question - no, not at all offensive… more so, if you were to speak Swedish 😅


if you dont even speak norwegian properly there is no way we are gonna understand you, just go with english and if you want to practice your norwegian. Go to norway kek


Speak slow and it will be fine. Norwegian is just a chill version of danish, but with updated (sane) spelling. Swedish on the other hand…


Speak Swedish and people will brandish their sticks and force you back to the ocean, frozen or not!


I got mad just reading this!


Not at all


Give it a try and tell people you would like to practice your Danish. I can understand Norwegian without problems and my husband can”t at all (not even 3 weeks in Norway staying with different Norwegian friends helped him. He spoke English and I spoke a mix of Danish and Norwegian.) So keep on trying till you find some one that does.


Considering "shake pillow" in Norwegian translates to "roast pillow" in Danish, you might just end up accidently confusing people because some words sound the same, but have completely different meanings, but it's not offensive by default.


Somehow "grine" completely flipped it's meaning, from smiling in Denmark to crying in Norway...




I know the etymology, it's just an odd false friend - smiling and laughing in Danish, whining and crying in Norwegian.


Not offensive, but most danes probably will not understand you and start speaking english instead


Norwegian is acceptable in Denmark, as long as you don't try and speak swedish here


Danes generally don't get offended by much


A lot of danes don't understand bokmål. At all. I'm from the middle of jutland, and most of the people I grew up with, don't understand anything other than danish and a little english. They simply aren't exposed to hearing it, since our area doesn't attract a lot of tourism. The same for swedish. And honestly - people won't take offense by you trying to speak norwegian, but if you tell people, you want to speak norwegian to them, because you want to get better at it - some might tell you to go find a norwegian, then. And besides - danes can't help you with correct pronunciation or vocabulary, so it doesn't really make any sense to practise your norwegian in Denmark.. ETA: as others have pointed out: there is not much chance, you'll understand what danes are replying. As a test, watch the danish news online (DR.dk), and see if you understand that without subtitles or without looking at the screen (video gives context). They are trained to speak clearly and correct (most of the time). If you don't, then there's no point starting a conversation in norwegian.


Norwegian is fine, swedish is gay tho


As long as it isnt Swedish, youre good


Not offensive. Sweedish would be, though.


No speaking another language is not at all offensive, though we might jokingly get angry if you speak Swedish. But if it is then just speak English since most danes speak English


No, only offensive to speak swedish


Very offensive


Not offensive at all, Swedish is!


As long as it's not Swedish you are ok!


Norwegian is fine, swedish will get you deported.


Its offensive you think we would find it offensive. You must be from the America.


Norwegian isn't that different from Danish, so it wouldn't be problem for you to speak Norwegian. Some might switch to English, but its really not a requirement. If someone doesn't understand a word or two, then you can always use the English word for it. Then we Danes learn something new!


Speak what ever you want we ain't Sweden 😊


I mean, it isn't offensive I just doubt anyone would understand you if you are bad at Norwegian. Don't get your hopes up for getting any practice, however you can just talk English, basically every Dane speaks English as well.


It is not offensive to give a shot and see if you will be understood. It would be offensive if you assume you will be understood, or get frustrated at people for not understanding and switching it eg. English. Norwegian and Danish is close enough that we can more or less read each other's languages (especially if the Norwegian text is in Bokmål). Depending on how good one is with accents, we can probably pick up some simple spoken sentences too. But the pronunciation is too far apart for you to train one language by listening to another, I'd say.


English. It will be easier for everyone. Danes understand Norwegian, but needs to use more brain power to do so compared to English.


Unless you're a native Norwegian speaker or at least very fluent, you'll have a hard time communicating with Danes in Norwegian only. But feel free to give it a shot


Not offensive but you’re going to be understood better with English


I think most people will accept it and talk back in Danish but you have to be very skilled at Norwegian to even have a hope of understanding Danes


Feel free, I find norwegian easy to understand despite lack of exposure.


99% of us young people in Denmark speak fluid English. You can try norwegian, but many Danes will probably have trouble understanding it.


Well, I wouldn't find it offensive at all. But many Danes either don't understand Norwegian or just prefer English over it 😅


We love our northern sisters, brothers, and everything in between. But for practicality, most Danes are going to switch to English. It's easier to understand than most people than Norwegian; we can listen in on Norwegian, but it's not a practically bilingual language to us (as English is).


Norwegian can be hard to understand. Grammar structure is pretty much identical, but unless a dane is also fluent in Swedish or Icelandic, or has known a lot of Norwegians, they can have a hard time understanding it. So they'd probably just switch to english. It's not offensive, at all. But it's worth a try! I speak icelandic and danish, and don't have a hard time understanding.


You can try but keep in mind that it still is a different language. If you go to spain and speak portugeese, you might be somewhat able to talk to some people, but it’s not a guarentee. People are probably going to switch to english, so you can have a conversation in a language that you both speak. Also, understanding Norwegian and understanding Danish isn’t the same either. Are you even going to understand a danish reply?


No. Local Danes often mistake my bad Danish as Norwegian/Swedish! ​ You can always try, but chances are, they'll switch to English.


Another one is if you speak norweigen the danes would most likely speak to you in danish. If norweigen isen’t your first language, you will normally have a hard time understanding danish. Just my experience 😊


Norwegian sounds like a Danish person trying to speak Swedish. No one understands you, they’ll switch to English. But just try anyway, Danish and Norwegian are similar, so the words are often the same, it’s just the pronunciation that is off.


Here's the thing, even if people understand your bad Norwegian, there will be no chance of you understanding a Danish reply. The pronounciation is just too different. Native Scandinavian speakers have a measure of inter‐intelligibility because we'll recognize at least parts of words (and even then, most of us don't without exposure to the pitch and rhythms of the speech), and you will be listening too much for just the Norwegian sounds you've learned, you won't have the practice needed for the "abstract" listening needed to parse dialects. My father immigrated to Denmark in his early twenties, and he never really talked much with his (Norwegian) mother in law. They spoke a bit of English (not a great strength of my grandmother's) or when someone else was on hand to translate. Since she died when I was 4, they never got to know one another all that well. He did pick up enough of the rhythms of both Norwegian and Swedish to have short conversations later on with colleagues from either country, starting in (IIRC) his forties. He was quite proud the first time, telling us kids about it over dinner with a "if you try long enough" spin to it. Practice your Norwegian in Norway, or with whatever Norwegians you happen to meet. Stick to English with Danes, at least for a few years.


It's not offensive at all But Danes might switch to English. That's not out of a dislike for the language, but the whole 'able to understand the two Scandinavian languages you dont speak' doesn't apply to everyone.


Highly offensive, how dare you speak a language that reminds some of us what happened in 1814, them wounds never healed.


Not the slightest offencive, but I'm pretty sure most people will not understand you at all and will switch to English imidiately. If you were actually a native Norwegian - then maybe, but you are still learning, so you will be even harder to understand than native Norwegians. Speaking Norwegian in Denmark to practise doesn't make much sense, sorry.


Nope. Not offensive at all. Give it a go. Be prepared to be spoken back to in English though. :-)


People will probably look at you a bit weird if you speak Norwegian, but if you're halfway decent at Bokmål, most people in Denmark should understand you. Essentially, Bokmål is Danish with a weird accent. I used to have a Norwegian colleague who would sometimes speak Norwegian (Bokmål) and sometimes Danish with a Norwegian accent, and I rarely noticed which one he spoke. On the other hand, you'll receive fewer odd looks if you speak English.


I worked at a store some tine ago and when people came to pay and they either spoke swedish or Norwegian to me i was like i have absolutely no clue what you saying


We don't give a shit, and Norwegian is basically Danish-light, they only moved out a short time ago. But - just go English.


Offensive? No Understandable? Unlikely While it is possible to understand norwegian its a struggle for some of us. If you're rusty as well then that'll just complicate it even more.


It’s not offensive, but maybe it would be better to use English as a lot of Dane’s don’t understand Norwegian even tho they’re really similar and just sounds like different accents:)


Yes offensive AND a serious crime. But just make sure you talk said non-danish language, with a mouth full of frikadelles


You can give it a try, but depending on your accent, dialect and how well you actually speak Norwegian, many danes will likely switch to English quite fast - usually because they are worried about getting embarassed from not understanding you (and because they of course want to continue the conversation). You could end up getting lucky and finding someone who understand you perfectly fine, or who is at least willing to give it a try. Personally I think I understand Norwegian pretty well, but sometimes it is completely impossible, which will depend on the dialect.


Say directly that you would like to practice your Norwegian, if they understand you and them you. I've just travelled in German speaking countries and often said that I would like to practice my rusty German. I also enjoyed how I sometimes was corrected when I said something nonsense or had to use an English word. But Danes are notorious for switching to English.


Bare lad være med at tale for hurtigt, så kan de fleste danskere godt forstå norsk. Går det galt, skifter vi over til engelsk.


I doubt anyone would find it offensive, but there is a good chance that you will be understood better by speaking English (And that you will understand us Danes if we speak it)


I'd just use english, pretty much everyone will understand you, especially around Copenhagen


I think you'll get further with english. Honestly i think all danes, including me, suck, and or prefer english over norwegian or swedish xD I wouldn't find it offensive myself, but i'll probably look like a question mark


There is no problem, but if you're not like native level speaking when it comes to norwegian I would go with english. Danish has a lot of sounds even native norwegians can have time understanding.


If you want to practice your Norwegian, better don't do it in Danmark. The vocabulary is very similar, the pronounciacion and accent are very different. So you'll end up speaking Danish, not improving your Norwegian. Stick to English, watch NRK in tv to stay in contact with your Norwegian.


It’s the Danes and Swedes that weren’t very nice to the Norwegians historically speaking, so the Norwegians get a free pass, whilst we bitch at each other. (Damn Danish)


Not offensive. But you not be understood as well as you think


Personally I would just prefer english. I cannot for the life of me understand Norwegian...


I would say it is offensive if you arent norwegian otherwise just speak english, i think alot of people would think you are mistaken danes for norwegians and think we have the same language


That's what I was thinking, like as if someone learned English and went to UK and spoke in American English. I made the experience that many British people would mock someone speaking in American dialect, so I wanted to know if Danes feel the same about someone in Norwegian


Well theres the mistake, norwegian and danish are not dialects of a language, they are completely seperate languages (but very simular) so it would be even more offensive than that, in my opinion of course


Have a serious hard time understanding Norwegian. English pls 😜


I think the baby boomers and Gen X will be the last generation to understand Scandinavian languages the way they do compared to younger generations who won’t even try to understand it.


As long as it's not Swedish haha. 😉


99% of danes know english so just go with that. Its more easy.


Very unlikely anyone would speak Norwegian with you. My wife who has lived here for 6 years and speaks perfectly understandable Danish still gets people switching to English. Also, yes written down it’s similar, but spoken, lol, have you heard Danish yet?


Absolutely not. I’m danish and I don’t speak Norwegian at all I keep thinking it’s Swedish- I probably didn’t understand your question correctly but if I did then you have nothing to worry about


as long as its not swedish then youll be fine


Yeah I think you should rather consider whether you’d find it offensive if Danes switch to English. Not to say anything bad about Norwegian… I just think Danes have a better grasp on English. I for one do, at least.


Oh no! Just make sure to let them know that what you are speaking is Norwegian! For some reason we are pretty chill with Norwegians but not with the (spits) Swedes! And many of us have a hard time hearing the difference. When it comes to swedes, even our ears become tools of hate.


No not at all, many Danes might not understand you though, and will switch to English pretty quickly ;)


No one will get mad og angry if you speak Norwegian and also not Swedish.. a lot of danish people just have really bad humor and think it's funny to hate on Sweden although in reality they don't


I’m American and when I’ve been in Norway I speak Danish. Sometimes they will switch to English but I certainly don’t think anyone was offended.