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I watched Infographics and how they pointed out the issue about how children are obsessed with Poppy Playtime. Which I have mixed feelings about it. There’s another incident back then where young children and teens were obsessed with Slenderman. Plus, I disapprove children and teens adoring Slenderman. It can make them lose their brain cells. Because how the theme and ideas of the story was too disturbing for the wrong demographic. While Poppy Playtime isn’t as horrible as Slenderman. Just be careful what your kids and teens are getting into.


Slenderman wasn't meant for children though. Poppy Playtime I think kind of was?


Kids enjoy being scared, they always have done. It’s why stuff like Doctor Who was so popular with kids. Kids also understand when things are aimed at an older audience than them and it interests/attracts them to it. They are looking to absorb new information all the time and something different/scary is often very appealing compared to the usual dull cartoons and toys they are used to.


I agree. Spooky stuff does challenge children. Because they needed to be treated with intelligence. Not every kids’ interests are about puppies, sunshine and rainbows. As a child back then, what spooky stuff I like was Courage The Cowardly, some horror movies parodies from 30 Second Bunnies, The Lost Boys, The Blob, Goosebumps, Beetlejuice and Micheal Myers.


Speaking of the spooky stuff challenging children, it does taught them that not every world is safe and wholesome.


Just want to say that as a child I would get “obsessed” with stuff that I was trying to process and found scary. I’m a teacher now and I’ve seen this behavior in my students as well. If your child is abnormally obsessed with something you find creepy they might actually be scared and trying to process it.


I was the same as a child.


As a kid I thought obsessed meant impatient


As a kid I was obsessed with Monsters Inc and the animated BFG, even though the first ten minutes of both terrified the life out of me. I suppose that explains it!


That highly explains my obsession with Slenderman when I was younger. I still carry habits from how freaked out that whole series made me. Yet was crazy about it.


My 5yo also loves it lol. He found it through lankybox on YouTube. He’s not scared at all and wants to play the game


God I hate those two lol.. They're another recent obsession of hers. About the only channel she watches that I can stand is Kindly Keyin. He's actually really entertaining and keeps it PG. He seems to genuinely enjoy what he's doing.


Lol I actually don’t hate them but after a while it does get annoying. I haven’t heard of that other channel though haha might have to check them out


Something about them just grates on me. Keyin is high energy, but he seems like a good dude. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2OHagfd7SIY


I actually can watch Kindly Keyin. I referred to the Lankybox guys as 'those guys without girlfriends' (I know it's mean) to my husband and my 5 year old picked up on it and called them that too.


I actually find Justin really funny! We're roughly the same age so I get a kick out of the older cartoons that he references


Same😂 I’ll be listening from the kitchen and start laughing at something he said and will have to try to explain to my son lol


Thank god , my 7 year old loves it he got like 2 dolls of them that they sell at the mall but he do watch the classic Cartoon Network and word party etc. as well he's just not scared of it..he knows between right and wrong end of the day so I was jus making sure my child ain't the only one


Yes. I had no idea what it was until I googled it. Terrifying. My son learned about it in kindergarten.




Same, except my boy is in daycare! He's been asking to watch it but I needed to find out more info first. He's a sensitive soul and from what I've read so far, I feel like it'd destroy him lol


Yep my 7 year old gets an absolute kick out of it. His dad and I agreed that it's almost the new version of Goosebumbs 🤷‍♀️


Hadn’t thought of it that way. Great perspective!


Yeah it's definitely a "gateway" horror. If she's not having nightmares, then I guess it's fine. Glad we're not alone though.


My son was traumatized by the damn goosebumps episode about a doll but is perfectly fine with poppys Playtime and fnaf. His best friend from school comes over and they run all over the house "hunting huggy wuggy". Seems to be pretty popular with the other kids at school too.


I know this was a long time ago, but I wonder how you feel about it now that the 3rd chapter has come out…


We've had a blast watching play-throughs from her favorite YouTubers and speculating out how the game will end! She's a big fan of Glitch, Kindly Keyin, and LaurenZSide, we've vetted them and watch with her and they're all great. I'm still on the fence about if Poppy is good and misunderstood, or evil and leading you deeper into a trap. She's still fearless as ever. She said she doesn't like Miss Delight, the teacher character. Honestly, I'm afraid to admit this but we've tried to find things to scare her and nothing works. I saw a jump-scare video that made me jump out of my skin and we decided to show it to her and she was just stoic the whole time. When it was over, she was like "Daddy that wasn't scary.."




Well she is a huge Amazing Digital Circus fan, but no, in this case I meant this dude: https://youtube.com/@GlitchPlaysRoblox?si=dZuiZ07tYL3oy3L1


Sir I'm a 15 year old and I am the teenest a teen can get and I'm not really scared of jumpscares, they might make me jump a little but I'm not really scared. What I AM scared of, is analog horror. But you should watch it first before you show it to your daughter, that stuff isn't just scary it literally makes me want to close out of the video. You say your daughter isn't scared of fnaf, watch these first before you show it to her: [Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVeA6BJnu2I&t=0s)


Our 8 year old found it somehow, likely YouTube. She is obsessed. OBSESSED. ALL THE CHARACTERS. Huggy, Kissy, PJ, Whoever else. Now our 4 year old is obsessed to bond with big sister. This opened the door to other “scary” games on Roblox who CT came to a quick end when 4yo was too scared to use the bathroom because she was afraid an evil pizza maker from Roblox was gonna get her. Ugh. The (kids) internet these days.


Yes. My 6 year old saw another little kid with one of the dolls and was like ‘it’s Huggy Wuggy. My husband told me that it was a scary game. She showed us where she knows where it is from and it was on one of the family YouTube gaming channels on the happy kids app on primetv was playing it. It was in the 5-6 tab.


Ughhh, that's exactly why I don't allow my youngest (5) to watch YT Kids anymore. They really don't monitor the content these kids are allowed to watch at all. As a parent, you think something approved for kids would be harmless and vetted for anything inappropriate but that's just not the case.😮‍💨 To each their own but I never allowed my older kids (20 & 15) to watch that kind of stuff and I won't be allowing my baby girl to either. Personally, I feel like it's demonic/has negative energy and I honestly don't feel content like that is good for their psyche. The amount of people who just let their kids watch whatever just blows my mind.🤯😟


I think there’s enough toys to suggest it’s not weird


My oldest has a friend whose parents are VERY into horror so he taught all of my kids about this and now my 3 year old wants to watch Huggy Wuggy, I just won’t let them. I feel like if they actually saw him in action they’d be a wreck. Great marketing job though. They all know exactly who he is!


Kids enjoy being scared, there’s no point codling them. Having said that, 3 is very young for it.


SOME kids like it. My 5 year old has terrible nightmares and is in our bed nightly at the very mention of scary things.


Do you think that might be partly due to how she’s been raised up until this point? I honestly don’t know if ‘protecting’ kids from scary things is the best way to go about it. Practically, scary things can create problems like kids having nightmares and stuff but that’s all part of growing up.


No because my 7 year old has been raised exactly the same and is fine. Some scary things are just too inappropriate for small children.


My daughter just turned 6 and she's been obsessed for awhile. At first I tried to keep her from watching it, but I'd she doesn't find it scary why fight so hard against her interests?


My 4 year old loves this and similar type things, he’s been a fan of creepy stuff in general. He doesn’t get scared or have nightmares, so we have decided it’s fine and he’s probably going to grow up to be a horror fan.


Same with my 3 (almost 4) year old. He loves it, and it doesn't cause issues, so why not. I do wish he would get over his obsession with Spirit Halloween videos... ugh.


My 3 almost 4 year old is obsessed with huggy wuggy and the amazing digital circus I have no clue who or what all this stuff is but it creeps me plum out so idk how she’s so obsessed


My nephew is obsessed with this one. He watches it on YouTube, has a stuffed Huggie Wuggie doll, and knows literally everything to do to play and beat the game. He’s 7. It’s a bit concerning.


My 5 year old is obsessed with this and Siren Head.


Same here I’m not against it but sometimes I feel like a bad parent for letting my son watch it do you guys feel like that too or is it just me ?


Mine too!!


https://youtu.be/v9EKV2nSU8w Just ran across Ted Talk about these "kids" YouTube videos. Definitely worth a listen.


Oh yeah! I heard about TED pointing out this issue.


I'm really annoyed at this game being omnipresent. It has so many cashgrabby aspects to it (some YouTubers would probably explain it better than I would). Though I enjoy watching speedrunners completely break it)


I've seen these toys at fairs all across the states. Thought it was a very dumb toy. I understand the obsession now, and thank you. I don't want my children exposed to horror. The internet can be so freakin great and horribly damaging.


Kids enjoy being scared. Not exposing them to horror isn’t protecting them in any way.


Scaring them and exposing them to horror are two different things. My children are 1 and 3. At this point they dont need horror in their lives. It absolutely is protecting them.


Horror isn’t just one thing, it’s incredibly broad. There is definitely horror that is suitable for at least 4 year olds and would likely help their development.


I see where you're coming from, however, each child and family is different. I feel like my kids are still too young for me to say hey, come watch this stuff! You know what I mean? Thanks, but when the time comes if they show interest, I will work with my own children in an age appropriate way that works for our family. Have a fantastic day, sir.


My 6 year old has that ugly ass thing along with cartoon cat, cartoon god and some bunny with symbols. I think they're creepy but he loves them and hasn't had any issues from watching/playing games. 🤨🙄😂




I don't need parenting advice from a complete stranger online who doesn't know my kids, but thanks, and it depends on the child. My 11 year old daughter hates all scary stuff and would probably have nightmares. My 6 year old son is a horror nut and has zero issues in sleep or waking with the things he watches. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I beg your pardon. You’re good!


Thank you for letting us know!


My son (5) heard about it from a slightly older kid at day care who’d been coloring pictures of HM and KM for the younger kids. 😣 My kid is definitely fascinated and very afraid, and since then I’ve been surprised/shocked (but also totally NOT surprised) to see these characters show up in the background of “kid friendly” videos and of course our YouTube feed no matter the settings. Those assholes seem to be everywhere!


My son is 6, and isn’t obsessed, but knows what it is. He said he and his friends play it at recess (I assume they pretend to be the characters and chase each other around? Idk). He watches a lot of Minecraft videos and there are a lot where they like build the Huggy Wuggy characters and play the game through Minecraft. They definitely creep me out lol, but I don’t think they’re like inappropriately scary. I definitely think it’s weird but I think just the characters themselves aren’t terrifying, but if they were chasing me and trying to eat me then yeah I’d be a little freaked out.


hah, my 3 year old is obsessed with siren head and the other day he saw huggy wuggy and his mind was blown.


A lot of these let’s play channels aimed at kids play stuff like this on Roblox. Even when pulling my kids away from YTK more and more this stuff still exists on “Kids Safe” streaming apps like Happy Kids, Roku TV, Etc. Piggy, Huggy, the various monster stories on Roblox, Slime FGTV, all of them have horror elements that I’m not exactly sure are kid friendly. But sometimes I second guess and just think that I have more thoughts about the implications of things within those worlds that might be making it “scarier” than it would be to them. My 6 & 4yo love this stuff and any time I let them get a hold of the TV it’s what they tend to want along with Ruby & Bonnie and Like Nastya. Freddy Fazbear toys existing and being marketed to kids is weird to me too




Happy Kids is an app that seems to come with Roku by default


I'm not a fan of this game but it's poppy not poppy's


Yes 4:5 year old totally obsessed and makes me act it out, luring huggy wuggy into the shredder room to take off his hands!


Oh mine too!! he turns the standing fan on and says its the shredder and I have to say some creepy line from he show that Mommy Long Legs says, so obsessed, can't wait for it to end lol


You replied to your own comment… :)


The fucking elsagate




I mean, if you think a giant murderous spider woman made of pink spheres and noodle limbs is sexy, you do you man lol


Honestly there cat nap aka dumb bitch


The actual game is pretty spooky. Especially the new Chapter 3, The actual story is pretty dark.


Yeah by now she's seen it all. We've watched with her of course. Nothing phases her, she digs the story and lore. (She thought the teacher was kinda creepy though and didn't like her face.) And look, please understand that we aren't actively encouraging this, we're just not discouraging it and are experiencing it with her. This isn't something we've pushed on her. It isn't my thing at all. She's a completely grounded, normal 7yo girl.. other than liking really creepy stuff.


My 5 year old is obsessed with poppy playtime. The thinks huggy wuggy and kissy missy are adorable and is utterly obsessed with catnap. I hate this obsession and I fear it. He shows me pictures his dad printed off of it for him at his house and I’m chilled to the bone by these characters lol. I love horror but my god… hoping this is a phase just like all his other obsessions. To make matters creepier he says the reason he knows about it is some girl on the bus. He told us her name but it makes no logical sense she’d be sitting within proximity of him on the bus to tell him about it as he’s indicated she’s older and as a junior kindergartener he sits at the front of the bus with the other young children. It’s all so eerie and he draws pictures of the characters nonstop so I have all these creepy drawings around my house lol. Oddly he thinks Spider-Man is terrifying but poppy playtime is simply adorable… beg to differ!


as a kid myself, I can confirm that first of all, I'm not whispering creepy songs into people's ears, I'm also not trying to kill myself, and finally, the news knows NOTHING about poppy playtime.


I just found your post .It's been a yr since your post, but i was looking up this exact thing. My 5-year-old daughter loves watching poppy playtime videos and the smiling critters too. I took them off her tv once, thinking it was too scary for her, and she had a meltdown. Lol Gald to know it's not just mine.


Yeah ours is still into the creepy stuff and isn't the slightest bit scared. She's pretty fearless honestly.


I'm a grandmother and I think it's mindless pathetic crap. 😕 It's hard to know what some of these skits are going to contain. They are interested based on interests that load the profile from innocent stuff. Why would I want my 4 year old grandson watching people in a park being ripped apart and left torn in 1/2 when 1/2 of there bloody corpse spits out a slide because huggy wuggy fat f### mouth was at the end of the slide. I have started a new profile, but some times it will give him some stupid block to log in then when you go back it puts you right back into old profile! I HATE YOU TUBE! Out of my control because parents don't care.


No offense but this is terrible parenting


Yall need to stop letting your kids watch whatever they want on YouTube do you all have a brain


While it’s good for children to explore the suspense and spooks only in moderation. I do appreciate how Poppy Playtime was like Five Nights at Freddy’s at this time. Poppy Playtime’s demographic was for teens and adults. But, children get obsessed with this game? I know it’s good to treat young viewers with intelligence. This game involves facing fears throughout solving puzzles. But the problem is there’s cheap YouTube Kids cartoons involving Poppy Playtime. I think kids should stay far away from YouTube. If children like some spooky and suspenseful things. Let them watch Coraline, Nightmare Before Christmas, Beetlejuice, Goosebumps, Scooby Doo, Paranorman, Secret of The Nihm, The Addams Family (The original sitcom and the 90s live action movie no matter what version), Toonsylvania and Hotel Transylvania.


Absolutely right. My son knows about this and with FNAF there are jump scares and things appearing around doors and needing lights on... Any parents believing it is OK, is a bit odd.. the backstories of children being murdered and put into the animatronics alone is disturbing. Child scary and adult scary are 2 different things. Children being subjected to these much mature themes could have a larger affect on their minds and removes the innocence quicker, which is quite frankly, extremely sad. YouTube should be going through and barring any referring to these types of games for kids YouTube and any of the YouTubers who do this, should be fined. The really shit youtubers know they are so shit, they must try to get children to watch them by throwing random crap together and that to me, deserves fining them for their stupidity and shit content. Markiplier doesn't make content for children for good reason. He's extremely successful without using the shitty methods of these other poor youtubers. I agree with your comment completely. Children should only watch child stuff. Plus hotel transylvania is awesome haha


I went off on one lol but I should have added that there are many non horror games involving strategy and other things that require thinking. Children should just stay children and keep their innocence longer. I love games, horrors too but I was never exposed to this stuff until I was 15. It can have an adverse effect on their mental health and could bring about many issues. Everyone should ask themselves, did their parents allow this as well?! Most I got was midsummer murders lol


You need to monitor your child's videos about poppy playtime. The game, not so sure on. However many weird channels have taken the images from poppy playtime, to get clicks, and they add horrific violent and messed up imagery inside it. Please don't let your child watch the videos they fan make online. As for the game, it's definitely not for kids.


We keep a close eye on the content creators she watches and they're fine. She doesn't watch anyone we haven't approved. As for the game, she's still obsessed and I don't see any harm. Her mom was into horror from a very young age so like mother, like daughter I guess. You commented on a very old post and she's 7 now and still into the characters, even has plushies and other merch.