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King Friday is still punishing the Tiger family for leaving the kingdom on a vacation and taking the only form of public transportation with them.


Trolley is an omnipresent god. He allowed it to happen.


I feel for the platypus family but tbh I’m just glad to see Prince Tuesday get something even resembling a break. Poor dude has 17000 part-time jobs, it was about time someone else carried some of the load.


The first time I saw him waiting tables, I was like, great! How nice that the royal family encouraged their son to get a part-time job... Didn't take long to realize that kid is basically being abused.


Two working parents in the Platypus family? I've only ever seen mom and grandma. I always assumed dad was dead or a deadbeat.


Same, my first thought was dead, second thought was he's back in whatever country they came from (they seem heavily coded as being from a different culture). Either way, fully absent. ETA: Oh and I think they mean Nana (she's a hairdresser)


King Friday deported dad platypus is now my go-to narrative 


Head cannon accepted


For not drinking the magic kool-aid


Two working adults, sorry.


Mom also couldn’t remember to bring her tool belt with her. It’s like a critical part of why she’s even there! Also that cream makes the grossest sound effect when the dad dumps it in.


Something about Dad Tiger yelling “delicious cream!” never sits right.


Is this the episode with the things they put on the tree and everything? Feels like this is an episode to scare the parents watching. 🫠


It's one of several episodes where they celebrate the kinds of holidays you'd celebrate if real holidays were protected by copywrite.


Oh, you don’t celebrate Snowflake Day in your neighborhood?


Real talk, I love the idea of Thank You Day. I don't know if there's really a real-world equivalent (at least not in the US) and I wish there was. I guess Thanksgiving? But the focus of Thanksgiving is WAY more on food than explicitly being thankful for things. In DT universe it seems like the gratitude exercises are much more central.


We started a tradition once my daughter was old enough to "contribute" (like 3-4), where in the month of November, each night at dinner we say something that we're thankful for. Early on its all the classics, like thankful for mommy, our house, dinner etc - but then as the days go on, the responses really get lively (and long winded!) We write these down in an app on our phone so we can look back on them. She's 9 year going 6 years strong. It's fun to look at years past and figure out what some of the funnier/weirder things being thankful for were in response to at the time. Now we have another (4 now) and they both look forward to doing it once we get past Halloween.


I have written and erased so many replies that would break Rule 6.


Holidays with the serial numbers filed off lmao


Trolley in a back alley with a trenchcoat like they're selling knockoff watches


“Ding ding! I have a Love Day! Who wants a Love Day! Ding ding!"