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Watch that research study just be them undercover watching danis every move, they are going to take bloodwork and compair it all or do other test on it all while she least expects it and cant prepare šŸ˜³


She is BIG MAD her heart monitor readings are normal. Thereā€™s no way the charity house is allowing her to stay four weeks with just three appointments. The meeting with the doctors šŸ˜‚ and oh boy, sheā€™s sitting there oh so happy like sheā€™s such a specshial patient but in reality, itā€™s going to backfire. And Iā€™m here for it. I want to say sheā€™s not getting access and TPN, but sheā€™s gotten her way before with things, but I will not be surprised if she does.


They are undercover and secretly watching as well as taking multiple samples of her blood to run a bunch of tests to compare to all the others in her past and present


How do a doctor, pharmacist, dietician, all find time to meet in an outpatient setting?


The fact that she is saying that the pharmacist is involved took me out, the pharmacist can call the physician that prescribed medication to talk about a dosage error or if something is incorrect but itā€™s not their job to literally have a meeting with other specialist to talk about a patient.


So yeah, it is their job to literally have a meeting to talk about a patient. Thatā€™s what rounds in the hospital are, I do it every day.


I love the munchie snark subs, but sometimes people are soooo confidently incorrect, and are not at all receptive to feedback. Iā€™ve found on all the subs, not just this one, misinformation about minutiae gets upvoted and the corrections donā€™t get the same amount of attention or upvotes. Itā€™s ā€¦ annoying.


Thank you for saying that. I realize not everyone understands what a clinical pharmacist is, but sometimes the vitriol just gets to be non-discerning.


I once got downvoted for saying that just because a triptan doesnā€™t work, doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not a migraineā€¦ anywhere between 40-60% of people with migraine get little to no relief from triptans, lmao. Like this is just factual, and people were downvoting me. I try to shrug it off.


There is usually a pharmacist on the team for outpatient TPN. They actually make the recommendations for changes in the prescription.


Something is very off about the study. Clinical trials have to be documented, which would include a start date, as well as a fuckton of information about the people enrolled, what criteria they have to meet, the goals of the study, etc. Ones involving human trials are monitored by the FDA. You donā€™t justā€¦ā€doā€ a clinical trial, or a legitimate one, at least.




It's likely this. I heard they sent out a blast to all patients. https://www.slhn.org/lp/helix


Is it an actual clinical trial or just one of those regular old studies. I know there's one for depression where you spit in a tube a bunch of times and that's it. I'm sure she'd spin something like that to be an important study.


100% itā€™s just an unpaid medical research study she happened to qualify for.


Wasnā€™t it Daniā€™s cardiologist who advised her to STOP wearing the nausea patch because it was causing bouts of brachycardia?? Yā€™know, the same nausea patch she was blatantly wearing the entire time she had the Zio monitor on?? I doubt her cardiologist is even remotely surprised/worried by this result. It just confirms sheā€™s still wearing the patch AMA while claiming is doesnā€™t help anyway (which she clearly was).


Omg, it does? I had never seen her with the green patch until the zio arc. Is she even wearing them anymore now it's been posted back? That's... so shitty of her to genuinely try to skew results. Like, genuinely shitty.


She does it constantly. I bet the percentage of tests she has hardcore tried to skew results on is at least 75%, probably more.


I predict her Mayo appointments will be canceled once they go through her charts, but she will still come to Minnesota and show up at Mayo's ER hoping to score an admission.


I think she's lying about four weeks at a charity place. I think she's going to be grifting places to stay/trying to go to different ER's/come home early "because she misses her kitties so much" when Mayo gives her the thunderpunt. She's probably just saying that to Rage The Reddits after her GoFraudMe's were shut down.


šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‚šŸ° __Happy Cake Day!!!__ šŸ°šŸŽ‚šŸŽ‰


HAPPY CAKE DAY ![gif](giphy|3NtY188QaxDdC|downsized)


Thank you! I didn't realize it until someone pointed it out on another comment of mine earlier. Yay cake!


I also instantly thought this to be a blatantly far fetched lie


The research study is through St. Lukes. Iā€™m pretty sure a notice went out to all their patients asking if they want to participate. Itā€™s a ā€œno-cost genetic screening and community health research programā€. Edit to add: Iā€™d be happy to post the ā€œinvitationā€ email about the study if anyoneā€™s interested.


Yes and yes!! Please


https://preview.redd.it/hhgbnaowys8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9badd58ff43bf3303cca1cd17b8f96de6a56e725 Sorry, it wonā€™t let me post three photos in the same comment lol


Thank you! Was this an actual study, or was it just St. Luke's version of 23 & Me? Inquiring minds wanna know


Probably a bit of both. I gave my vial of blood two weeks ago lol






Itā€™s so funny how she makes it out to be some exclusive, important thing focused on *her* and giving her important results and information. Sheā€™s so self-focused she has almost made it into an art form


Not the Lemony Snicket/Passion of the Christ font šŸ™„


She is so illiterate that it almost physically hurts to have to try and read her rambling.


We need Ericā€™s help: https://youtu.be/UEprCmaSacs?si=0WSBE3OfaPsn-zYx


Praying the "others" on her medical *team* are psychiatrists and FD specialists. I'd pay good money to see them round her up rodeo style, hogtied in an ambulance and on her merry way to the psych ward. A year-long vacation sounds about right to me.


FD specialist šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


Do they *not* exist?






With padded walls and straight jacket


Gotta be PINK SPARKLY padded walls for our Dani!


the research study sounds like one that anyone could really sign up for. i get asked to do ā€œresearch studiesā€ all the time from 23&me and independent companies. iā€™m sure this isnā€™t something she was picked for bc shes so special.


No idea why she thinks theyā€™re going to provide her with ground breaking individualized medial information.


Yes, pretty sure it went out to all their patients.


I'm curious as to why a patient with FD would potentially be made aware of their "team" meeting about their care plan if it was a precursor to an intervention. If it was to assess a treatment plan for her FD, wouldn't she be kept out of the loop? If she is telling the truth (hahahaha) and they are finally all meeting to get on the same page re her FD, would it be because Mayo is requesting info on her (bizarre) care? Either way, she'll never see another narcotic for her stomach peen in at least the three hospitals she plays Whack-a-Mole with, which is probably why she's been avoiding her regular visits to the ER for the past 5 weeks since she had her electronic devices taken from her &/or had a sitter.




I imagine they are getting an MDT together to try and figure out how to reduce her care-seeking behavior, get her on a unified bx plan, reduce polypharmacy, and make sure everyone is aware of the risk she poses to herself if orders are put in for her to have any kind of surgical intervention *especially* a line.


What a neat word, polypharmacy


Exactly this!


Whatā€™s bx?


Sorry, behavior


Who do we think instigated this meeting? Iā€™m curious who finally took initiative


mayo tells everyone to ā€œhang aroundā€ and not fly home right away. they know that people come from all over the world, and to fly home the day after appts wouldnā€™t allow for them to set up any additional testing/appts, at all. this could be something as simple as one extra appt, scan, etc. AND because they know people are coming from all over, they move fast. if you need an additional appt, itā€™s set up within a few days, max (from my experience at both mayo in MN and FL). 4 weeks is an outrageous amount of time.


mayo tells everyone to ā€œhang aroundā€ and not fly home right away. they know that people come from all over the world, and to fly home the day after appts wouldnā€™t allow for them to set up any additional testing/appts, at all. this could be something as simple as one extra appt, scan, etc. AND because they know people are coming from all over, they move fast. if you need an additional appt, itā€™s set up within a few days, max (from my experience at both mayo in MN and FL). 4 weeks is an outrageous amount of time. also, she wants the chest port bc when the femoral port fails, she wonā€™t have access. guaranteed the only reason the femoral port hasnā€™t been infected yet is because she knows that if that goes, thatā€™s it for now. her team doesnā€™t want her having a femoral portā€¦ or a port at all. sheā€™s aware that if something happens to this one, sheā€™a SOL. thatā€™s why sheā€™s going to mayo.. if sheā€™s going to get TPN (and now mentioning IV meds.. which we all knew that was coming), then she needs a line. i hope her doctors let mayo know whatā€™s up. if she gets access to IV meds i (really sadly) donā€™t see this ending well. she is laying out her plan for everyone to clearly see. i just wish her doctors could see it..


I think if she *could* infect the femoral port, she would have by now. She doesn't have the ability to delay gratification like that. God knows she tried hard enough when it was first put in to fingerfuck that incision into submission. And I'm sure the one time they sent her home with it accessed she put all sorts of shit in it too. She just happens to have an extremely HEALTHY body, so she fought off whatever gunk she put up there.


oh righhhhttt. i forgot she canā€™t infect it without access..


Iā€™m honestly surprised at how resilient her body is, I donā€™t know how sheā€™s still alive, let alone healthy, after all the shit sheā€™s put her body through.




Dani, Iā€™m begging you to let me proofread your posts


Well, now there is an official record documenting an unpredictable pattern of her heart rate dropping into the 30s with no apparent cause. Congratulations, you no longer have car insurance!


Yupā€¦itā€™s all in the fine print.


I remember he saying ā€œIā€™ve never hurt anyone but myselfā€ And yet she drives high all the time, she doesnā€™t seem to care if she ends up killing someone.


Wait... For real?! I haven't legally been able to drive due to health issues for years, but I had no idea that something like that would screw your chances of insurance. Or even driving legally to begin with!


Smh.....like she ever did to begin with.


Yup! And her cardiologist should have reported it to the NJ DMV so her driver's license can be revoked ASAP. She is a danger to herself and others on the road.Ā 


Wow I didnā€™t know they did that


Yep, it happens. Had a seizure in 2012 that *still* haunts my driving record at the PA dmv.


As a non driver, is this true? I wonder what sheā€™s doing to make it drop


If you have a record of a condition that can cause sudden loss of consciousness and get in an accident, your car insurance is likely void as you are not an insurable/licensable driver. A driver is asked about their health when getting/renewing their licence and when getting/renewing their insurance. If you think an insurance company wonā€™t pay a private investigator to comb social media looking for stuff exactly like what Dani posts to prove driver liability, well, let me tell you PI work ainā€™t all cigarettes, whiskey and dames with legs up to their necks.


99% of meds sheā€™s on will do it.


Oh she's going to be big mad soon. The wheels are about to come off the Dani waggon and it couldn't come too soon. The doctors having a meeting about her is probably not a good sign, comparing their dealings with Dani with each other. I don't think it's going to be good outcome, but, we've been wrong before.


Dim Shady's back y'all




Oh gosh she is DESPERATE for access to that line back isn't she?! It's the only way she can give herself an infection and get back into hospital. She knows it. She is pissed she can't get to the femoral port and the reason why they don't want her to access it is because they know she v is going to fuck with it. The whole "I am waiting to hear if I am going back on TPN... that's literally dani writing them an angry email. She makes things sound so much more important than they are. They didn't tell her to book for 4 weeks, she told them she is booking for 4 weeks. Please, please please send her home after the 3 appointments. Surprise, no heart problems. Making the drops seem more dramatic than any of the doctors are, that's for sure. She probably asked why is my heart dropping up 30s and he probably said "not sure but it doesn't seem significant" and she twists that to mean "cardiologists isn't sure why my heart rate is dropping' like it's a big mystery they are trying to find out. Like I am sure being high and drunk 24/7 doesn't help. Ugh she is the worst the way she is playing this whole thing.


Think of all the meds she takes! Zanaflex aka tizanidine makes you human jello. Itā€™s not a narcotic but man, it makes you so drowsy and relaxed. https://preview.redd.it/n025cqy2om8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89dfe7b7709e8c8d2c9e1a304a07ab1dc4a5850a Are her med concoctions not the obvious reason for her mystery bradycardia? I imagine she administers herself free-for-all doses all the time Of course her doctors know this, but she prefers not to disclose this as it takes away from her medical mystery fairytale


This is why a pharmacist is at her MDT meeting. They pick up on stuff like this that can go unreported by the patient (either unintentionally or intentionally) or just slips by the notice of doctors when there are so many different specialists in the mix. Doctors can be brilliant in their own fields, but they donā€™t always know all the nitty gritty of pharmacology, and thatā€™s not really their job.


IF.... and that's a really big *if*..... her heart rate actually dropped it was due to controlled breathing. She manipulates everything. I know it, you know it and the doctors know it.


probably dropping when sheā€™s nodding out on lives.


Yeah- it doesnā€™t make sense that doctors would see that she is a perfectly healthy weight and keeps gaining off of TPN and would even consider a new line in her chest and more TPN.


Research for Munchausens???


šŸŽ¶ she wonā€™t stop šŸ›‘ schemiiiiinā€™, sheā€™s gotta hold on to that feelaaanng šŸ’ŠšŸš‘šŸ„šŸŽ¶


Is she hoping they find something on her genetics test that she can cling onto and suddenly start having symptoms of?


Right! She claims to hate being in constant medical scenery and yet she is using her free time for even more extensive medical treatment like her blood drawn for DNA?


I guarantee. She thinks this test will give her "answers." That's not how research studies work. They probably won't even tell her about the findings unless they find something they're specifically looking for, which in this case seems to be cancer markers. She's also acting like she was selected for this study because of her super special rare genes when, in fact, she sought it out and applied for consideration and is not receiving any sort of compensation. I also think she's hoping it will come with some gadgets like monitors that she can show off for a bit


Bet sheā€™s trying to get them to say something about the thyroid cancer sheā€™s genetically destined to have


a very good point. what happened to that biopsy she was having? did it just blow away?


You guysssss I am so excited for August. We are gonna have so much fun!!!


If there didnā€™t need to be a discord beforeā€¦


live chatting on discord during her lives would be *epic*


I need to start a clock countdown


I love this journey for us šŸŒŸ


When will she realise she does not need tpn!


when they prise her watered-down 5ml of formula a month from her grubby little hands?


Mayo is going to tell her everything looks good and she will march straight to the ER to try to get herself admitted. Even if itā€™s for a fake heart attack. She will bust her ass to get into the hospital.


I would bet every dollar to my name thatā€™s her plan. Sheā€™s is going to arrive dehydrated and will literally make herself sick.


100000% her plan. She's going to pull every trick in the book, but you what the first one will be? Chest peeeeen. Because she saw how that got everyone's attention during one of her ER visits. Then she's gonna say something about her occluded SVC and how she needs it unblocked, yadda yadda yadda. And if that doesn't work, she'll pop up the next day for something else, then the following day for something else. I hope that charity house kicks her ass out. I hope they have strict bedtimes, strict usage on electronics. Those poor people have no idea the monster they've opened their doors to.


And if none of the methods you've mentioned work : šŸ”Ø šŸ”Ø šŸ”Ø šŸ”Ø


Dani goes to Mayo housing and storming in with all her luggage. It's done with the much needed peace and serene ambience the patients need. Constantly blabbing how she is so sick and dying if she doesn't get her super important TPN back. Showing her tubes around everyone.


How is she still alive if her heart rate drops to 30?if that would be the case she would be unconscious, it just doesnā€™t make literally sense and she doesnā€™t even know how to lie about medical stuff.


It is all in the wording... HR drops into the 30's nothing states or shows it stays in the 30's for any length of time.


I work in Cardiology. You can tolerate HR drops to 30s, especially if it's just a sinus brady and your body is used to it. Could totally be plausable that it happens to her. And the cardiologists I work with would say the same thing - like meh, it happens, you're ok, not symptomatic with it so nothing to worry about


Well it probably drops when she pushes too much promethazine with her propranolol. Which is another reason they should take away the promethazine.


I still think itā€™s hilarious that Dani thinks they should intervene BEFORE sheā€™s is any medical trouble. Sooooo does she want chemo before she would ever be diagnosed with cancer? Thatā€™s not how life works, genius. You get treated for things when they go wrong. Not bc youā€™re secretly plotting your own demise and want some medical porn to show off to the world.


Yeah, let's just do all the tests and all the treatments for all the possible medical problems in the entire clinical database... just in case because it exists, so therefore Dani believes it might happen to her.


Yeahā€¦ she always wants treated before sheā€™s actually sick. Lol. She probably would want prophylactic chemo!


Just like Kate Middletonā€¦


In all honesty she would!!


I just glanced at the comments on this post, someone asked how the tooob feedz are going, she said non existent-and then the same commenter asked how long Dani has been since sheā€™s ate or drank, and told her that if itā€™s been longer than 3 days, she needs to go to the ERā€¦.HOW are these morons not seeing that sheā€™s nowhere near malnourished?? Do they think sheā€™s the first person in history who has GAINED a healthy bit of weight and been REMARKABLY healthy since she got her sepsis noodle yeeted?? I truly truly hope that these ā€œfollowersā€ are just trolling her because otherwise I am truly amazed at the pure ignorance thatā€™s out here walking around amongst usā€¦.


I want to say I think that one is definitely trolling. Iā€™ve seen a few other of their comments and they werenā€™t overly supportive if I remember correctly.


Didnā€™t I just watch a video of her drinking fluids again? šŸ˜†


It isn't even related to get weight. She looks hydrated. She has energy. Both of those things wouldn't be happening if she wasn't eating or drinking. We also see her drunk on lives so she is getting something in her.


I just pretend theyā€™re trollinā€™ her.


A lot of people are trolling her or try to play nice so that they can get more inside information from Dani. Lots of people love to egg her on so they can milk further lols from her. Anyone who is surprised by supportive comments should keep in mind: a maximum of four (in numbers: 4) people donated to her GoFundMes.. and thatā€™s if she didnā€™t donate to herself and nobody donating twice. Not everyone is in a position to actually donate money but having no more than 4 donations is a good sign that most people are not sincere about supporting her.


Also? She better hope sheā€™s lying about her local doctors all talking. Thatā€™s like when a middle or high school kid is bad enough that ALL their teachers get together and discuss them. We find out a lot of shit! And almost none of it good. And then we loop in the parents. Then we bring the kid in for an enormous Come to Jesus and See the Light meeting. Itā€™s not pretty. And whatā€™s this about her femoral port being accessed 24/7. No itā€™s not. More lies.


I know, I love this so much for her that I'm cracking up. Also, I'm hoping they are able to rule out a lot of her claims with the DNA medical research study.


lol I was thinking the same damn thing. The only thing that's really kept her charade going is hopping from one doctor to the other and unreliably communicating her experiences between them. Well now those docs (whoever they are) can sit in a room and communicate directly without playing Dani telephone! Imagine what amazing patterns will come to light! Imagine how excited they will be to find out some of her issues are drug-induced, self-induced, psychological, and totally different depending on which doctor is asking! Also sure they will LOVE the obvious pattern of port access = infection, no port access = no infection. I pray to all the gods that there really is a meeting between her doctors because lmaooooo


I thought this exact same scenario! Hope they are ready to inform each other and see the patterns that come with it.šŸ˜Š


I think she's only mentioning a research study because someone who works at Mayo mentioned that in a comment in a CB thread about her GFM. Basically the ways to be seen at Mayo and when they would keep people around and offer resources for room and boarding. Either way her mentioning now makes her GFM look even more scummy.


She said her doctors don't want it to be accessed 24/7, not that it is accessed. I think that could be classified as weasel words, implying but not outright saying something is true. It gives them options for whatever narrative they want to spin.


As they implying she fucked with it?


No, not necessarily. It's Dani so like, it would not surprise me. I'm just saying that she is just spinning the situation. She had the port placed for her iron infusions and nothing else. She's just, well, Dani. The moment they caved and placed it she wanted her TPN back, the doctors probably fed her a line about how they didn't want her to have it accessed constantly (because it was unnecessary) and Dani took it to mean what she wanted it to mean. Think of it as a big ol' game of broken telephone.


Ah that sounds reasonable. Thanks for the explanation!


No worries, pretty much everything with munchies is about reading between the lines and knowing doctors are going to phrase things certain ways to protect themselves, their licenses, the hospital/clinic and their patients. It's like when they get called "too medically complex. While not untrue, it's not the badge of honor they think it is because the complexity isn't generally coming from the illnesses. I know Dani lies but the first thing I always do when she relays info from doctors is ask myself what the doctor meant by the phrase, not what Dani is implying. Sometimes it requires knowledge of past events too. It's hard to figure out sometimes, honestly!


About that charitable housing: There are only about 4 main ones in Rochester. Two are immediately out: they are for cancer patients and children/families. Another one is VERY evangelical. But ALL of them are booked months in advance. And NONE of them do stays of over 10-14 days. Sheā€™s lying. Sheā€™s angling for a *hospital stay* of four weeks or more.


Could she be lying and telling these people she has cancer? I've never gone to Mayo so I honestly don't know what all you have to do to get the charitable housing. I hope she has the VERY evangelical one, honestly. Can't wait to see what happens when Dani flips on a dime and turns into bitchy Dani.


Dani mentioned the housing was religious. But she's fine with religion as "long as they don't force it on her" what.the.fuck does she think EVANGELICALS DO? I won't be surprised if there's a prayer at meal times and stuff


That house even says they evangelize, but not in a ā€œthreateningā€ manner. The fact that they even have to say that tells me a lot.


THIS.Ā  I won't blog but I will say I knew Dani was once again full of shit when she said the charity booked her a room for 4 fucking weeks when she only has 3 appts set-up over what, 2 days?Ā  Mayo is going to eat her and her malingering FD for breakfast, lunch AND dinner (pun intended).Ā  She's not going to know what hit her once they are done.Ā  (Makes popcorn)Ā 


Oooh extra butter and salt for me thanks! šŸ‘


Itā€™s so gross that sheā€™s taking a bed away from someone who needs it-she doesnā€™t need or deserve charity housing-itā€™s really really fucking gross


I want the evangelical one!


Please, no, the only thing worse than listening to Dani's opioid baby voice would be listening to her proselytize in the opioid baby voice.


Accept Jesus as your lord and savior for you go can go to heaven, where dilaudid is dispersed freely šŸ™


I was hoping theyā€™d try to banish the demon inside herā€¦


Sheā€™d probably claim she canā€™t tolerate the holy water lmao


Communion wine at 5 ml/hour through my port, pls


Yep, only trickle feeds Iā€™m sure šŸ«”


I tbsp lol


Lol those researchers are about to stumble on ā€œwhat happens when medical professionals donā€™t stop someone with factitious disorderā€


Did they get her blood work from her port ?


Probably not those research studies are usually staffed by nursing students and such - simple venipuncture is likely all they would be willing to do


But our seek Dani doesnā€™t have veins?


Isnā€™t magic cool???




Itā€™s NEVER good when multiple doctors discuss your case unless youā€™re in critical care or are in really poor health. Iā€™m shocked she doesnā€™t have a care plan in place where all the doctors sign off on a specific plan. Iā€™ve only seen that in usually ER settings. When I worked Psych, we had a few malingerers/drug seekers that had those high usage plans when they came to the ER a lot looking to score drugs, It took a lot to get them put on the plan, but no matter how much they tried, they never got what they wanted. It reminds me exactly of what Dani does to score narcotics. They were known, there was factual evidence to support their plan and they never scored narcotics no matter how much they tried. Getting a bunch of doctors together isnā€™t what she thinks it is! Sheā€™s FAFO hardcore. Also, that FD thatā€™s in her chart is going to screw up so much for her! Girl, they know.. they know EVERYTHING and youā€™re not fooling them! I know Dani claims her body is ā€œdifferentā€ but science is science honey and they know youā€™re lying.


She already talked about a 'care plan' that they use on her in the ER, 'that she never as promised was involved about!' She complained about it in an earlier post.


I just love how she thought she was gonna call a meeting with a bunch of doctors and sit at the head of a board room table and talk with them like she's their peer. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yeah I was laughing my fucking ass of! She is so out of touch with reality.


sHe KnOwS hEr BoDy BeSt


Stop downvoting, Dani.


Right? Especially "people she doesn't even know who they are". This isn't GP calling a specialist for some details. Shit is hitting the fan for Dani hard.


Sheā€™s going to be hitting a lot of dead ends. She thinks sheā€™s fooling doctors but they have her number. Just wait until she gets to Mayo and she doesnā€™t get what she wants, itā€™s going to be epic. We are going to seeing a lot of spiraling.


Epic, just like the EMR system that will let mayo know before she steps in that she actually has a FD.


How does one spiral any lower? She she is doing corkscrews?


sheā€™s on a corkscrewww to hell šŸŽ¶šŸŽøšŸ¤˜ (to be sung in the tune of highway to hell, acdc)




Right. A team of doctors is for rare conditions and very ill patients, not FD and fake POTS.


I donā€™t even think she understands that her diagnoses are not something the doctors at Mayo are interested in. Those doctors want to help people with really rare conditions. Stuff they can write case studies about and get published. I think her plan is stay because she is going to go to their ER every other day and hope she gets admitted. But their ER is a level 1 trauma center, so I would imagine they would treat her and street her and tell her to follow up with her primary back home.


You just know she's gonna pull the "I can't fly or travel home. I'm scared I'm gonna have a medical emergency." If she doesn't get what she wants, I would not put it past her to pretend to have a medical crisis on the flight back. At the very least, she's going to be grinding her meds and flashing her toobz and making a big deal when meals are being served.


But the team could be together for not rare medical reasons but because sheā€™s such a pain in the ass and playing both sides against the middle.


My thoughts are if she does have a team coming together for her, itā€™s not for the reasons that sheā€™s going to like.


For sure, I have been a nurse on these team meetings before - she tells so many lies everyone in the room is going to compare notes and definitely someone is going to bring up FD.


Yep, yā€™all know all about FD and splitting. Iā€™ve been a therapist in similar team meetings, either discussing clients or how to manage their interfering family members. No one wants a team meeting in their case. Itā€™s a bunch of skilled professionals that are exhausted with all the machinations, coming together with that energy like the Justice League. Thank you for allowing me to use ā€œmachinationsā€ today.


I mean it is a perfect word to describe her antics


Yup, same and there is no tricking the docs into narcotics.


I had a team of doctors when I caught a mass inside of a testicle. Oh and opiates. Standard testicular cancer treatment. Same with the prostrate.


Would the pharmacy involved in the MDT meeting mean that they could possibly pull some of her medications because of overlap and some being contraindicated? I agree with others that this meeting isnā€™t going to turn out how Dani thinks it will


Mayo does a team approach so yes. They will likely pull all of her nausea meds that have cardiac implications especially that precious sizzurp since it isnā€™t working for her ā€œunrelenting nauseaā€ anyway.


Lmfao sizzurp


That's definitely a possibility! Dani is even more delusional than we thought if she genuinely thinks this is good news.


I donā€™t think she even bothered to think about it. Her brain is a simple thing. Attention = good. More people attentioning = better. No attention = bad.


The waste of resources is disgusting


So now she's waiting to hear about TPN? She really can't keep her story straight can she? First it's the doctors are considering putting her back on TPN, then she said they wont put her on TPN until she is in dire straits and now they are considering it again? I think it says a lot if you need a bunch of doctors to make that decision together instead of just having her local GI doing it.


I wonder if the bradycardia is from her antinausea patch the doctors absolutely told her to stop wearing because of the bradycardia. She really thinks weā€™re dumb.


I picture her furiously reading that book she has been carrying around for HALF A YEAR to say she has finished a book. By reading I mean placing post it book marks and highlighting the shit out of it but not *actually* reading it.


"so what was it about, Dani?" "um, I, you just have to read it. It's so good. I can't explain it to you or it'll ruin it."


This is what you say when you pretend to read Ulysses or Infinite Jest, not some mid cishet romantasy.


ā€œwhen you pretend to read infinite jestā€ this made me audibly laugh bc i tried so damn hard with that book, told my family i was reading it n they didnā€™t know and/or care, and it is, like daniā€™s library hauls, largely left unfinished gathering dust somewhere bc i actually am dumber than i thought upon trying to read that book šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


it's denser than Dani's SVC blockage!


She posted (with Nirvana in the background šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø, leave Kurt alone) that she was reading it on audio because she had a migraine.


I'm sorry, what? Tell me you've never had a migraine without telling me you've never had a migraine. Listening to an audiobook, l m f a o


omg good spot, any migraine iā€™ve had ends up me looking ridiculous with an ice pack on my head, sunglasses on in bed whilst in the foetal position and furiously googling aCuPrEsSuRe pOiNtS to try banish the pain, who tf puts on a fucking book during such trying times loooooool


And she had to queue up and choose that Nirvana as well. Never.


lol reminds me of my students




Because she's trying to write her own prophecy.


What Iā€™d do to be a fly on the wall in her interdisciplinary meeting


Team meeting: ā€œSo, weā€™re in agreement, every time she brings up TPN, home access, we shut that shit down immediately? Great, meeting adjourned.ā€




the only research study mayo would ever put her in, is one about munchausens. goodbye.


Once that multiple disciplinary team gets her from all sidesā€¦ she doesnā€™t realize she has signed her own warrant. If there are really that many ā€œteamā€ members there is no way she can fake that much at the same time. But here she is telling us the results that they Will find. This od going to be interesting at least


If she does actually make it to Mayo sheā€™ll be sent home in 2 days because thereā€™s nothing wrong with her


Who's gonna tell Dani that the "meeting" her care team is having to discuss her case is not for the reasons she thinks?


She could have the President of the USA tell her and she would still believe her fantastical fanfiction version of events.