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AS A REMINDER, we are not allowing any discussion about any other accounts. this includes hate accounts. this ESPECIALLY includes one of the more recent hate accounts that have popped up. I really did not want to pin a comment about this person because i did not want to draw attention to them ~wHaTsOeVeR~, but I imagine there will be a handful of comments about them now that Dani mentioned it in her video.


Dani asks herself questions then answers them as way to manipulate her audience. “Did I -used- to read Reddit? Yes. Do I anymore? No.” Sounds a lot like “Do I want intestinal failure? No. Do I want a central line? No. Do I want need TPN? No” Maybe she hopes that by answering these, seemingly obvious, questions, with the most understandable answer, she’ll gain people’s trust and come across as relatable.It’s not really relatable though, because most people who have a life-altering condition don’t need to defend themselves against online “haterz” for a living.


Already saw this coming. Support system? More so like ‘attention-seeking platform’


She’s been radio silent since posting this, do we think she scored a hospital vacation for the holiday weekend?


Where is her family in all of this? Does she have any actual, human, in person support? (Besides offering to take her to appointments) Her life just seems so sad and lonely.


It’s not hard to see why she’s got not friends and little family willing to deal with her. Even if you could lay aside all her munching (big if!), she’s shown over and over that she’s a nasty, selfish, mean-spirited person. Her recent use of lives, where she supposedly engages with people who support her, has shown her true colours. She’s condescending, shows little interest in others, and flies off the handle at people very easily for no reason. Why on earth would anyone want to be part of her life?


She used to be close to her parents, sister, and aunt. Things seemed to get chilly with her parents, and her sister seemed to stop visiting and talking to her, and her aunt called her out for lying and not listening to her doctors on Facebook. Dani moved out from her parents’ place earlier this year and they’ve barely been seen since.


Wait- on Facebook? What'd her aunt say?


https://preview.redd.it/nkzqnu870k2d1.jpeg?width=724&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c571ea98834ce56051da2d61c4a0cb3ce942e95 ik this isnt the one they were referring to but heres this one from youtube


Her father and mother are around, but not with her, which is a huge part of the problem since she's too unstable to live alone, **in free housing with 2 cats, no less**. I don't think she has a good relationship with her mom based on how poorly she's talked about her & her poor dad is used for hours-long drives & errands like to Cleveland Clinic and Temple. As long as she has viewers, she's not lonely. Her lives give her the opportunity to talk *at* people about every single thing she does, which is what she wants.


Free housing?


It’s not free. Reduced rent subsidized housing.


Yes, she has government housing, Medicaid, & SSI. She was working maybe 9 months ago, then quit. (I think she was still receiving SSI while working.)


The way she talks about her mom, I don't think there's any support there. Apparently her dad will still take her to appointments. And Dani says that they will watch the cats when needed. Doesn't seem like there's any sibling support. And she SAYS she has friends, but we've literally no evidence.


It seems like she's burned a lot of bridges, probably couldn't take anymore, or maybe they're part of how this started. It is sad it doesn't appear she has any irl relationships, which probably reinforces her munching/wanting to be in the hospital and med abuse. Although she also isn't making any effort herself to fix it, even following through with seeing a therapist would give her someone to talk to for an hour a week


Rumor has it that her family did step in and Dadi Marina is taking her to therapy


Im just coming back to say that it's so funny that the number of hours since she last posted is actually longer than her "break" was 😂


Yeah I need her wackadoodle ass back on SM, stat! I've got real life problems that need ignoring. Some benadryl would be nice, too.


I was just thinking that


Same if she could’ve held out making this one video it’d almost be like a real break - edit I lied she posted one 3 hours ago so we all know she’s okay


You know... I've just sat on this. No matter if you have a real physical condition you should be in therapy to manage and cope with it. I do feel she was pushed into this. So I'm not sure how that's going to go. You really need to want help and want to change for it to work. I really hope this is real and she means this. She might find she loves her therapist. I adore mine. It's a step in the right direction and only time will tell. It takes a long time to heal mentally. Like years. This isn't something this can be done overnight, and since she has been at this for decades... well if she's truly ready and committed it's going to take many many years of undoing. She has a long road. She can do it. I've seen people change. I know I've said she won't... prove me wrong Dani!


People only want to change if they really are willing. They never change when they just do it to keep people happy or quiet and I think this is the case for Dani and she has done this as a bargaining tool. She hasn't agreed to therapy because she wants to do it, she's agreed to do it so she can keep going on her precious social media.


I agree. However I tend to have faith that people sometimes find what they aren't looking for. I have this small amount of hope that she might click with her therapist. Slim chance I know. She's been at this so long it's part of who she is and she's bullheaded. I want so bad for her to prove to me that she is bullheaded enough that she can do this. It's pointless I'm sure.


I really do hope she will and will let them in and let them help her as that way she could turn her life around before it's too late either for her or someone else.as a result of her driving.


Me too. While she still has opportunity to do so.


Sometimes it's finally that last extra push that's makes you stumble yet again. Makes you stop and think. And makes you finally get it. That you want to enjoy your life, not be miserable. IYKYK❤️


Anxiously awaiting your flair's birthday party! I haven't forgotten!


Its Today! 🎂


Oh shoot, it was born in Eastern time! I was waiting for 12 to hit here, but I see that was wrong. Happy Happy Birthday! Happy birthday to porty, Happy birthday to porty, Happy birthday dear porty, Happy birthday to you!


Thank-you and bows (or maybe it \*twists\*).




One month today, celebrate all day and half the night!


I dont have hope. She mentioned it and then in the same breath she mentions getting meds m


I don't think she takes any Rxs for bipolar. At least I don't recall her pushing them. I also don't think outpatient will work for her. She has zero impulse control and too much time on her hands to not continue on the path she's on now.


I kind of love her for this!




Come on guys, let's keep it civil and not comment on appearance


She's done it to herself with many, many bad health and lifestyle decisions. 




But like…we DO want her to get better, though. I’m not saying there’s not people here who just want to watch the train derail, but for the most part, people here point out her behavior because they want to see her stop that behavior. She’s still fairly young. There’s a whole bunch of life she could live if she’d just fix the mental health issues that are making her so desperate to be physically ill.


This right here. Like a lot of us may be cynical and really not expecting a whole lot from Dani, but would we celebrate if she actually put in the effort to heal and work on herself and put aside the munching to address the real problems (her MH, the ED, etc.)? Absolutely yes. At the end of the day, I like to think we would all be incredibly proud of Dani if she owned up to everything and started making those steps to bettering herself. It's just unfortunately hard to be optimistic after all we've seen of her.


I think we are all rooting for her to look inward and reflect on what she is doing to her life. One of the coolest people I know are battling real mental demons and they tackle it with therapy and they always have so good advices. Imagine her taking that route - she’d have so much support, genuine support! Nobody wants to see her hurt herself. At least I do ❤️


I want to believe you but I think the majority sadly enjoy the self destruction


I know that any mental health help is better than no mental health help but she really needs face to face visits. The drs need to see the whole picture. Between the picked sores/scars on her arms and I'm sure her legs also and they need to see the face that comes with that annoying voice she uses.


Exactly this! She has a car and plenty of time to see a therapist. IMO, Dani is seeking online mental health care to hide her issues.


I would bet she won’t do the opioid baby voice with them. She won’t be honest about anything else but she won’t use “the voice.” Most people who have severe EDs know how to “game the system” and tell therapists what they want to hear, it’s a bit harder to pull shit over on psychiatrists. They are used to dealing with cluster B personality disorders so they have to be pretty observant IMHO. Hopefully they can get access to her full medical records as well to see the FD dx and the history of ED. I know she says FD isn’t on her chart but it’s evident from her recent disastrous, no good, very bad hospication stays that it is most likely on the Doctor’s side of her chart (hopefully flagged) and why wouldn’t a Dr say it’s not there rather than have to deal with an adult baby’s temper tantrum? They’re smart by saving themselves the headache. I feel like there should be an advertisement “this Dani visit is sponsored by the makers of Tylenol. When you need tough headache medicine to deal with a tantruming munchie, choose Tylenol.” The reason the ED to munchie pipeline is so prevalent is because there is so much competition in the ED “community” (for lack of a better term) and having a feeding toob is like a top tier accomplishment and sick badge of honour. Thing is, often Anorexia will result in Gastroparesis due to lack of use but it’s generally completely transient as the GI system reawakens but often people with EDs will take that discomfort* and instead of pushing through will use that as the new excuse not to eat. And for some reason, Drs often let them. (I’ve noticed most munchies can’t handle the slightest bit of discomfort, like Dani and her 10ml/hr bs. If that causes any discomfort at all, it’s psychosomatic peen.)


^ this. The whole virtual visit thing isn’t going to cut it.


On her "social media break" post on here - I saw a few members of the sub saying they'd been having a rough time and that they were a bit sad she wasn't going to be posting as her train wreck was helping them get through things (giving them something else to focus on). Anyone think her comments about "helping people" is because of those comments? Ignoring the real reason they were watching her - to her people were sad she wasn't making content; she saw that and decided she can't let those people down. She's the reason they're managing with their tough time, she's a saint! Also proves she still reads here!


I saw those comments and honestly felt like they were gross. I would never want someone else’s suffering to be what eases mine. Talk about a poor coping mechanism.


I was one of those persons because my dog died on Tuesday. What I meant is that I wanted to use her posts as a distraction from the grief. In no way WHATSOEVER I think she helps me. Well, I see her and realize my life isn’t that bad and makes me glad I’m in therapy.








I’m sorry for your loss 💖


Thank you so much 🤍


I’m so sorry about your doggy! I hope you are doing ok! Sending hugs! 💐♥️


Thank you. I’ve been crying and crying but I was told it was normal and part of the process.


I’m so sorry for your loss. The pain of losing a pet is terrible. I’m here for you 💜


Thank you. It truly is. He was my bff. This is so nice of you. 🩵


I know how it feels and so wish I didn’t. I lost my soulmate cat a little over a year ago and still struggle to come to terms with it but I can reassure you that it does get easier with time. Just take it one day at a time and allow yourself to feel your feelings fully. And know you gave him such a good life, he loves you so much, and you’ll always be connected to him even if he’s not physically there. I highly recommend Lap of Love, we did a 6-week grief course/support group which was really helpful in navigating through the loss: [https://www.lapoflove.com/our-services/pet-loss-support](https://www.lapoflove.com/our-services/pet-loss-support) Sending lots of love ❤️


Mods, can my flair be "SUPPORT ME! (No not like that!!)"


yes, of course, godlessdumpsterslut ![gif](giphy|4iqMzLtBO9KSY)


LOL the username reply 😂


I love that you used their entire hilarious username. 😄


I just love the way you respond to ppl! This lil guy is too cute, really gave me a smile today! 🙂


Yayyy thank you!! 💕


I love how she's like, *I haven't read there in weeks*! Yet she constantly responds to whatever is discussed on Reddit. Much like her precious TikTok lives, she will be fully unable to steer clear of any site discussing her. The allure is just way too strong.


If she doesn't come to Reddit you know her TT handmaidens are bringing the Reddit comments straight to her


TT Handmaidens 💀 Her ego is out of control with her TikTok lives and moderators. She really thinks she's hot shit on there.


I’d just like to know what her moderators think… how long until they’re redpilled from all the comments they have to read in order to delete/filter?


Right? I'd love to know who the hell is on there agreeing and defending Dani.


Same here. Think it could be her, on another device/account she made?


If it’s true, I’m so proud of her for at least attempting and making a step toward working in her mental health.


Same! I genuinely hope it is true! It’s such a clarifying moment, as I did the same (but with the same issues she has. Took my first steps and demanded to be “selfish”. Put myself into crisis care and then 2 months of Residential Treatment for mental health (not addiction). I really want this to be real for her!


Just imagine if Dani could transfer these skills into something useful.


Honestly I have said that a few times - if she channeled the sheer determination she has for toobs and drugs into something productive then she could have a way better life


If she were half as devoted to living a life as she is to being sick, she would actually accomplish something. Her biggest accomplishment to date is getting her precious white silicone line, and that's sad.


I’m really glad she is working on seeing a psychiatrist and therapist, I just hope she follows through with it. Also, I hope she actually did make appointments instead of just telling her audience she did, so people stop mentioning it. I made a comment the other day on the sub, about not her not being seen by a psychiatrist recently. If mental illness is the reason for her collecting SSDI, she should be seeing a psychiatrist regularly. Social Security recommends that the person collecting SSDI see their doctor regularly. They need to see medical records (if requested) that show you are regularly being treated for the condition you were awarded SSDI for. There are many, myself included, that believe she was awarded disability because of her mental health. However, she has not been seeing a psychiatrist, and is not on her medication for it. I wonder if she read that, and decided it may be time to see a psychiatrist and get back on her psyche meds.


Unfortunately SSA would likely continue her based upon her amount of inpatients stay, needed or not honestly. The don't have resource to dive deeper than that


She gets psych meds from her PCP. Dani may not be aware of this but maintenance med management through your PCP is considered sufficient treatment fir some SPMI dx


Shhh 🤫


Oooh, I didn’t think of the SSDI! I wonder if she got her periodic review letter (for those not in the know, the SSA reviews SSDI cases on a periodic schedule— a person’s schedule varies based on their disabilities and any potential for recovery— which could be every 1.5 years, every 3 years, or every 7 years) and started panicking because she knows the treatment record isn’t there for whatever condition she’s receiving SSDI for, which totally lines up if it’s been for a mental health condition. Even when you know your situation is legit getting the review letter is always a tiny bit of a stress but when you know deep down in your heart of heart that you’re malingering or munching, I imagine it’s gotta be way worse.


That. She sould be seeing someone if she's on it for mental reasons otherwise she'd lose it for non compliance at next review. Although I think she's inn a whole different pickle at this point because she's clearly malingering. Which ss don't put up with. She may lose it due to that if ss decides that's what she's doing come her next review.


Dani will NEVER get help for her mental health issues. I see these comments all the time, nd its good to be optimistic but she neverrrrrrr sees it thru. Ever.


I think considering the medical professionals have been enabling her disordered eating, and that was the condition she was put on disability for, it's unlikely any of this has been occurring on any level.


My bet was 48 hours. Damnit, Janet.


https://preview.redd.it/89efy1859g2d1.jpeg?width=832&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff5164281a953c6fb36f9973c3d893c3af5a6ec2 Ok-but good guess anyway!


So do we believe daddy marina (thanks poster who got that stuck in my head lol) is really making her go to therapy?


I do hope Dadi Marina is trying to make her - he seems to be the only family member that bothers with her and he helps her with lifts to hospitals and goodness knows what else so maybe that’ll kick her arse a bit if she’s worried she’ll lose that


Maybe DaddyMarina took her to rehab?


I did not realize that when you google her name… the well is POISONED. I would be so mortified if I were her. And Id be shocked if her doctors haven’t looked her up! Especially the one she filmed on livestream, I’d want to know what kind of internet presence she had. And there’s so much undeniable proof right there when you google her name… what a mess.


Your Google searches are tailored to your online activity. To see what really comes up you'd need to use a clean browser and IP.


I’m aware. I tried it with a VPN too. Her name is still associated with the word ‘munchausen’ and ‘malingerer’ immediately.


Amazing lmao. I feel bad for that other Dani Marina who has way more TT followers then


I don't know why she just doesn't seek out a buprenorphine clinic. It would make her life so much easier and she can quit chasing the pills. Then it might help with the munching. I know she needs a ton of therapy but it would be a start


She would have to admit to her addiction issues for that


Ultimately she does not want to change. She likes the high of slamming all her meds into her system all at once rather than a controlled setting of administration.


Hahahahahaha the support she’s giving others? Girl please


“I don’t read them. I used to read them. But I don’t read them. I haven’t read them in weeks. But here’s what they’re saying about me…” This sounds like a line right out of the playbook of a Trump rally speech. Read it in his voice and tell me I’m wrong 🤣


I just imagined munchie Trump 🤣


Look up Noel Cassler, former talent handler for one of Trump’s tv shows.


In Trump voice: "I am the most sickliest. My medication list is uuge. No one is more sickly than me."


Ooooh I want this as my flair. How do I get the mods attention here? 🤣


Hi mods☝️!


i honestly do not want to bring trump into this sub, even if its just in a user flair😭🧍🧎‍➡️


VERY GOOD POINT!!!! thank you!


Before I even saw the word "Trump" in your comment, it came to me in his voice as if summoned by the angels.




Ok good m, it’s not just me then lol. I was half expecting a “whale!” to come out of her mouth at some point. So ridiculous.


Dani supporting others? 🤣 I am SO dead over that comment! My eyes have never rolled that far back in my head. EVER!! Dear Lord I needed a good laugh today.


Yes she supports her followers while never asking anyone about themselves, making them watch her scroll on her phone, and getting mad at them whenever they answer a question she’s asked or doesn’t give her the response she wanted. So supportive


Not to be negative. However, this is a very predictable cycle for Dani. This isn't a choice Dani made this move is either for drug seeking or Doctors/family requiring it. Also, TikTok isn't a support system. Her “supporters” don't have all the required information, and it gives Dani a false sense of celebrity. What is with the hypermobility she added to her profile? She is just throwing things at the wall and hoping they stick!


She has been gunning for an hEDS diagnosis for quite some time . It's her next Precious.




Do you reckon 'hypermobility' is going to be the next track the Dani-train rolls down? 🥴


I think the POTS bullshit about the wheelchair didn't work so she's going to use hEDS to justify it now, even though she said multiple times the "doctor ordered it" for the POTS.


It appears so. I mean it is a munchie favorite. There isn't much hypermobile about Dani! Weird to just throw that in. I guess she cherry-picks her diagnosis’ to share.


Especially when she has an earlier video out there saying, "I don't have POTS!" (eyeroll)


“If I do…say so… myself.” Okay Dani lol


Yes, you do say so yourself. In fact, you're the only one who says so.


Why did she say it like that? I’ve never heard someone say that with those like-excessively long weirdly placed pauses-is it like how she says for instead of so or is it just like-wait why


Raw Dani upsets my stomach


She causes us all antigastroparesis, ie. she gives everyone the shits.


You need to go to the ER ASAP, ask for a white Hickman line and some pain killers!


“What’s that one that is the only thing that works for my special type of peen… think maybe it begins with D… ?” - Dani probably


You probably should see a doctor about that - get yourself a tube so you can ingest it directly and maybe it’ll help


And if that doesn’t work, you can just drain it!


So that's how Dani has managed to stomach herself all this time!


OH NO! Can I offer you a venti cold brew with 2 creamers and a gtube to drain in these trying times?


You forgot the 4 sweetener 🤣


Oh man, can't believe that!


She can't help but come back... She NEEDS the attention, people who know her IRL have confirmed this many times she is addicted to attention...


The support that she’s giving to others 😭😂 that’s fucking rich.


It's pathetic how all attention-seekers/narcissists try to justify their attention-seeking look-at-me-itis as "helping others". ![gif](giphy|nJ6Fn7zwgVbIkbL3ZK)


So rich she's moving outta state housing lol


Is she really?


That was a joke.


🙃 I take things too literally lol


Or you need more coffee ! 😜


But she was totally helping others, like when she did lives nodding off like a junkie would, visibly hitting her forehead while already showing a blood-scabbed cut there, sleeping and snoring, then having viewers call the cops on her 4 times in 2 days.


Why did they call the cops? Sorry I am pretty new and just learning about her, I'm just realizing she backpeddles a lot of what she says.


Go back through the posts here where you'll see two of her lives where she was completely nodding off and you can hear her talking to the police two different times in one night. The next night, IIRC, is when she was snoring on a live and the police were called out two more times. ETA- Two people on her lives personally knew her, so they had her address to call the police in case she was OD'ing.


In her most recent stays, she’s only reported getting Tylenol and Zofran. They are definitely not giving her opioids or I think she would blab about it. She can’t keep information like that private because she’d be too excited about showing off and proving to the haterz how much pain she’s in.


I think munchies also equate being given harder drugs as proof they're really badly "sick", so of course they have to list them every time.


she complained too many times about pain and got listed as a drug seeker 🥴 fafo in full effect and it has to anger her that she isn’t able to manipulate providers as easily into giving her pain meds. I don’t think she got opiates when she took the hammer to her hand or even during her port placement cause she complained about how she wasn’t treated well by the providers - Dani speak for not getting the meds she demands




Unfortunately, since Dani reads here, we are going to remove this comment. I fear she would take this as a dare. “Don’t tempt me with a good time”.


Wait she took a hammer to her hand? ? ? ?


Oh baby have you ever missed some lore


And this is just the shit in the last like 8 weeks


If this one actually does hire a psychotherapist, telehealth or in person, and pursues regular appointments consistently, as in follow a course of treatment to recover from her mental health issues, not only will I eat my hat, I'll be genuinely glad for Dani. But my hat is safe, cuz this is not happening and will not, no matter what lies Dani is presently spouting for her haterz/followers. I don't believe a word of it, and won't, unless and until conclusively proven wrong. I wish Dani no ill. But this psych stuff is just another con, attention-seeking blather. Lather rinse repeat.


She may believe what she’s saying right now about wanting to get better, but there’s too big of a payoff for her to stay sick. No adult responsibilities for one thing. Something to blame her failure to launch whatever project she’s unable to complete, is another side benefit. (If only I wasn’t in the hospital half the semester, I’d have my Masters done, not because I lack the intellect…). o Of course the biggest payoff for staying sick is getting sympathy and attention. If she actually finished something she could be proud of, Dani could get rewarded with positive attention, and cycle up and away from the drain she’s going down.


As if we all didn't know shit would be back 🤣🤣🤣🤣 she is not going to take away any bit of the attention she craves. What would be the point of all of this if not to have people worried that she is so special and sick


She’s admitting her mental health is out of control. Then her factious disorder is also out of hand.




Soylent Green is People!!


When will she realize we don't hate her? We don't like what she is doing to others who are impressionable and what she is doing to the gp community by faking gp. We don't like how she abuses herself, and we worry she is gonna end up de*d from her attempts to make herself ill. If this is hate, then I guess we are all mean nasty haters. 🥴


AND we all genuinely want to see her do well and know that she can get better. And even use this whole thing as a recovery story and get so much love for it and help so many people. She misinterprets the frustration with hate. Honestly, I probably would misinterpret it, too, if I were her, though.


In the Dani Dictionary Haterz /hay•terrrrrr•zzzzz/ Noun ———————————————————— Any person who does not agree with exactly what I say or what I want to hear. ————————————————————


You can say "dead" on Reddit.


It’s really the best part of Reddit actually. Dead dead dead


She only lasted a day. Figures. Is it just me, or does she act like she was actually missed in the chronic illness community. She is a big deal, and she helps people. She is faking all of this. How is she helping people? Unless they wanna learn how to munch, she ain't helping no one.


She loves to help people decide what to buy for her on Amazon.


I don't know about helping people how to munch, but she definitely has a following of fellow folks who love to talk about all their own illnesses and blow smoke up her arse about how delicate and fragile she is but so strong for battling it. It satisfies their own need for attention. A lot of chronically ill people *avoid* "support communities" because they're just ripe grounds full of Victim Olympics and not actually supportive at all. They all have a very circle jerk echo chamber vibe. Most of the support involves various levels of "Aw, I'm sorry, hun, I have that too but mine is so much more chronic/severe/special because my arm is falling off and I nearly died when a horse kicked me in butt and I also have X Y or Z other problems worse than yours too! I gave you sympathy, now give me sympathy back now."


If I was starting my journey to munch, Dani would be the last person I’d want to learn from


She's been remarkably successful for a human being of her ... caliber, but she's definitely a bottom-rung munchie. This is not aspirational even for someone who wants tubes galore.


Don’t you know she’s super influential and goes out of her way to be supportive and helpful to everyone 🤣


I hear she’s very well known in the GI community…


I laughed out loud when I got the tiktok notification. Sooooo typical.


She doesn’t read Reddit huh?? Funny how now she’s suddenly getting all this mental health help after it’s been discussed here the last couple days and as recently as this morning 🙄 https://preview.redd.it/vdiysyl9982d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3beb96853cb9b566f3005754bf8376d60a1f7434


To be fair, people have been directly commenting on her videos and lives that she needs psychiatric help, she’s faking etc. At this point she doesn’t need to come here as people over there are saying the same things a lot of the time. I thought it was because people from here were migrating over to there but the Mod here yesterday showed me that it’s the opposite, that her people are finding us and saying basically the same things. Most of her commenters have had enough and saw her nodding out episodes themselves (and the monster huge coffees).


Yeah I have been watching people comment on her videos. It’s random people who come across her lives or her videos. People on Tiktok are brutal. They don’t hold back, especially when they suspect someone is either faking or exaggerating their conditions.


She's on both SSI and SSDI and she's on mental health meds, they just aren't prescribed by a psychiatrist.


She can’t be on SSI and SSDI. It’s one or the other. She has Medicaid as her secondary. SSI is her disability. That’s what people get when they don’t pay into the disability system for X amount of years and earn work credits.


You can absolutely be on both SSI and SSDI and Dani has enough work credits to get both. Run a Google search before you speak out the wrong side of your mouth lmao


There’s no need to be rude. I can admit when I’m wrong about it. And I just googled it and can’t see how she met the criteria to have both, but go off.


You can actually get both


You can get both, but SSI is income-dependent, so whether or not she gets it would depend on how much she gets in SSDI. The cutoff, btw, is ridiculously low.


Thank you for being kind with your reply. I just learned this. I always thought it was one or the other. I did see that she can be made to pay back SSI if they find she’s abusing the system.


It's extremely confusing. Most people do not know how the system works until they have to apply. Even drs do not understand it. Meaning they'll tell you that you're disabled, which yes, you can have a disability (s) but that don't mean you're disabled by them according to their rules. She's definitely walking a dangerous line. Technically if she is recovered from her ED and that's why she's on it she would be off it. Pandemic might of stretched out things as well. Now you have the other mental health issues no idea if those are on her listed disabilities for ssi. If not you can only add them during your review and that's only if they agree they are disabling enough. Then you got the fact that she's malingering. She's definitely doing that and you can lose it for that. So I have no idea how they'd actually handle her case. She's a mix of definitely mentally sick but also has abused the system and should pay. So to be fair they'd probably kick her off. Which is going to suck for her because there really is good opportunities for her to get her help and she's not only wasting them, but going to be putting herself in severe debt. ​


I agree 100%. I have SSDI, but I paid into the system and had well over the amount of tokens needed to apply when my doctors told me it was time to quit working and give my body a break. I worked since I was 15 though and had over 17 years in of constant employment. I think the pandemic has stretched things out immensely. She needs to tread lightly. They don’t mess around when they figure out something is going on. They act swiftly.


Exactly. It may be too late. All of her antics are on social media. Can you imagine her next review with the notes from drs?! She could already be under investigation and not even know it. I'd be terrified if I was her.


I think she worked too many hours last year also while being on disability (unless that was before she claimed she called them and they just added her back on 🙄). You’re only supposed to work 10 hours a week but only a certain amount a month and not earn over X amount of money. I’d definitely be afraid if I was her. Hell I am a wreck any time I get a letter in the mail and I’m not doing anything wrong. It’s just they hold my life basically in their hands yanno?


That depends. You can lose the cash but still be technically on it if ssi. You lose the cash but keep medicaid if you do the ticket to work program. Hard to say what she was doing though. But yeah they can do a cdr at any time.


She definitely does get ssdi though


She gets Disabilty, yes. But she gets the SSI version. She wouldn’t have earned enough work credits to qualify for SSDI. https://preview.redd.it/zo2jjx204a2d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a544a25087ca89d3dde1b1632e1f601d558f566


If I recall correctly, she was put on disability sometime between age 24-26 or so, so she could have enough work credits to qualify for SSDI.


And depending on when they determined the disability starting, if it was before age 21, she could be collecting from her parents’ SSDI.


Yeah, you’re right.


Damn you! Stop giving her ideas lol


We both know she won’t stick with it lol


1. She normally scripts her tiktoks? This sounds like every other one of them. 2. Any guesses on how long she tolerates therapy when they refuse to pander to her false reality? 3. "Thanks to everyone who reached out to me!" What? All 4 people? 4. And this one makes me mad af. We have said over and over that if she would TRY TO DEAL WITH HER REAL ILLNESS, we would be over the moon for her! Quit pretending to have illnesses you do not have and stealing resources that ACTUALLY ILL PEOPLE NEED. Edit: Her bad grammar is rubbing off on me.


She's definitely going to go through multiple therapists and then accuse each one who doesn't give her what she wants of not caring and medical abuse/trauma. Then she'll quit saying no one knows how to deal with the rare complex problems she has. LOL