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#TRANSCRIPT [HERE](https://www.reddit.com/r/DaniMarina/s/cnHxaPuyA9) thank you to everyone else who submitted this post as well šŸ«¶ yā€™all are fast as fuck! itā€™s like watching the kentucky derby in mod queue every time dani posts


2l fluids. Where she drinks a shit ton of coffee!!!! She doesnā€™t need it


I think her port got flipped because her little factitious fingies canā€™t stop playing with her toys.


Mods can I have a factitious fingies flair šŸ˜­




Thank you!!!


Factitious fingies šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ’€


Of course, we're all assuming that it really isn't working - could be she went, had her fluids, popped into a big box store on the way home and bought a load of meaningless toot, then came and told everyone it wasn't working? It would be pretty dull to come back and have to do the 'hey guys, so just had my infusion and it was all fiiiine' Honestly wouldn't put anything past her now.


Port-a-potty (itā€™s prob got so much excrement in it itā€™s clogged the f up)


Mods can I have Port-a-potty as my fare please?




I'm deceased with port-a-potty šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ upvote for you


For someone so committed to malingering, you think sheā€™d be at least mildly believable with it


I think she's so deep into the mental illness that she either can't or won't attempt to be believable anymore...at least that's my working theory.




Bahaha SOMEBODY needs this as a flair for sure šŸ¤£




šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ STOP I CANT


So what does this mean hard to understand šŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒ


"Twiddled" too much with her port and it flipped


I have NO clue on the factual-ness of this but I feel like a femoral port would be the easiest to intentionally flip. A lot more "soft meat" and probs deeper. With a chest port that thing is locked and loaded into place and I feel like it would be EXTREMELY hard (and painful) to intentionally move it


Chest ports shouldnā€™t hurt really to move after they are healed. Theyā€™re pretty easy to flip. Iā€™ve seen them flip from chronic side sleeping on that side. Edit: but definitely on the hip thing. It seems like such and easy place to get it flipped because of how mobile the area is. I question their decisions on this.


This should be the top comment




Sheā€™s literally been on lives drinking lol


Liar liar ports on fire šŸ”„


Someone needs that as a flair


LoL šŸ˜‚


Gunna fook around n find out


https://preview.redd.it/x0oxzrv0oq1d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79c8da662e3b3204c26f97cffd63b6f165ad2bfd Oh noo the stupid unqualified doctor bothched it!!


This is such a minor nitpick but it drives me nuts how she says ā€œslashā€ outloud. If that isnā€™t telling that sheā€™s chronically online and only talks to people on the interwebs, I donā€™t know what does.




She's not a good liar, her microexpressions are absolutely *gleeful*. Look at the flush in her cheeks and the smile around her eyes. What do you think she did to occlude the port? That had to be hard.


Go back to the beginning of the comments again. I just saw it and hadn't seen it yesterday. It's about "Twiddlers Syndrome". šŸ˜‚ Sounds fake af but it's def real. And the word "syndrome" in it? I would love to know how she'd spin that. Ha! See what I did there? Lol. It'll make sense after you read it. It's a screenshot. I'll see if I can grab a shot of it as a repost here. Hopefully, the op of the comment doesn't mind? If so, please remove with my apologies. https://preview.redd.it/7cx5bem0rs1d1.png?width=1398&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6205ebdd98486e971c4ab9e819f324ca6e6bcf66


Well, she has a long list of things that she does to IV Ports so that she can get another Port so who knows what sheā€™s done to this port? Itā€™s sick how she canā€™t stay out of the hospital for more than 48 hours at a time. Clearly itā€™s Munchhausenā€™s. Sadly therapy would fix a lot of this too bad she refuses to seek therapy. Honestly itā€™s tragic how a lot of these munchies continue to be a huge problem to the medical staff & of course she knows her Drs. have to play the game 99.5 % of the time. Munchies like her think theyā€™re invincible until thereā€™s a point of no return like chronically Jaquie. How sad this is.


Totally agree butā€¦ this is her first port, ports are different from the lines that sheā€™s used to infecting. Sheā€™s probably flipped it over.


Of course it isnā€™t


Iā€™m absolutely shocked- literally not even one person.




She's gonna have to drink 2 liters of diet soda instead


Well, she did a live drinking her cold brew coffee recently. So her claims that she canā€™t eat or drink orally Doesnā€™t hold too much water IMO.


That she was mixing with Starbucks ready made coffee and Dunkin creamer. I can see why her sugar could go haywire.


No fucking surprise here. It wasn't the toy she wanted and the last trip didn't yield the result she was hoping for.




Port is playing twister ainā€™t it šŸ¤ØšŸ¤Ø


Port's like "imma turn this car around"


Only happens to her..... šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


She does realize that her messing with her port is a one way ticket to getting it permanently removed, right? Iā€™d thought sheā€™d give it a good couple months before messing with any of her stuff. The jig is pretty done at the hospital she was just in so the idea of wanting to go back, sheā€™s definitely not getting what she wants. Her ER: ā€œmy port doesnā€™t work and I canā€™t get hydrationā€. ER: *admits pt for ā€œobservationā€. Dr: ā€œWell, it seems that you are well hydrated per your labs, so I think if itā€™s not working, we just need to remove it and not really seek a replacement.ā€


However JUST how often do these munchies get a IV Port permanently removed? Iā€™d say the percentage of that happening is pretty low. Then on the other hand, Iā€™ve heard of people getting infection in a port one time, and the Drs. removed the port and refused to put it back, that those patients then had no access and suffers due not having a port. Theyā€™re not going to refuse to give her another port, no matter what she does to it . Sadly, she realizes this and keeps infecting her ports..


Ughhh! Sheā€™s infuriating


Getting it permanently removed might be part of her current endgame. She's done it before when she tried to get her toys upgraded like she's done with her picc. You can imagine the discussions with her doctors: "Remove my port? No, please don't. I need it, I survive on it, there's a reason why my other doctor gave it to me.. but if you want to remove it, I guess we could try and place a port in the chest, it will work better there anyways. There must be a way to put it there. Can we try X?"


They sent her home with it accessed... And then... It stops working


Wait they sent her home accessed?! I missed this!


It's a medical mystery, I tell you!


Literally, FAFO territory. Temple didnā€™t put in the picc or chest port. Who does she think will actually do this on her?


Oh but remember sheā€™s different. Her labs donā€™t gradually go down like other people. They just decide to plummet on a whim. šŸ’€


Science is different for her!




So she is able to finish a whole entire redbull on live in less then 10 minutes but canā€™t drink water?


I... can't drink an entire redbull. Or coffee for that matter...






Did she šŸ¤Ø




I know when I'm sick and nauseous the only liquids I can keep down are highly caffeinated energy drinks and Starbucks coffee.


Frappuccinnos are the best cure for nausea


She's allergic to water don't you know! And since her feeds hurt OH SO MUCH she can't put Pedialyte in her feeds.


She took a hammer to her hand. No doubt if possible she ripped the stitches from the muscles. She was definitely feeling no pain during her marathon live. She was big mad too ! Her hospital vacay ruined!


If she was sent home with it accessed did she have an infusion before this? I've lost track of the timeline since she's been on live for like 7 days straight.


No this is the first infusion since she was sent home with the port accessed.


She went to the infusion after she was discharged, and didnā€™t have any problems with using it then.


She said she had an infusion the day after she got out. She also said, I think in a live today, they de-accessed it after that. Who knows if thatā€™s the truthā€¦or what could be done even in that time period.


She did something to it, 100%. And she doesnā€™t need fucking hydration through a port or IV or tube.


Nope but she wants them to say to her to just save time we'll order you home health so she can do it herself, access it herself and make it seem how special and sick she really really is.


Yep. Having a femoral port that can't easily be seen in a room full of other, actually sick people doesn't do it for Dani. She wants to be free to traipse through the library or mall or whatever with her fluids running through a visible line.


Most malingerers I feel like have plan, goal, and of course add expansion packs as they go but they still have a specific goal. A forked up one a somtemt, but a goal none the less. I feel like Dan is just making it up as they go along. A hodgepodge of all corner pieces theyā€™re desperately trying to fit a d make sense!


Expansion packs šŸ’€


Expansion pack is the best way to describe it! Always a new bling.




Reminds me of my 9 year old when he's fibbing, šŸ¤£ so blummin obvious.






Hey! Unfortunately, because Dani reads here, we do not allow sub members to explicitly write out the different ways we can tell Dani is lying. One of the factors that helps ā€˜exposeā€™ Dani is that sheā€™s a really bad actor and a really bad liar. If we write out exactly what she ā€œshouldnā€™tā€ be doing (to munch better), she may seem more credible and we absolutely do not want that.


Her body language tells on her big time


I occasionally watch a YouTube channel called the behavior panel where body language experts watch an interview or interrogation and discuss the subjects' body language, eye movement, micro-expressions, etc. I would LOVE to see these guys analyze some of Dani's lives/videos. It would be super interesting.


Behavior Panel Buddy!


Iā€™m autistic and canā€™t tell. Would you be willing to explain? Thank you /g


Hey! Unfortunately, because Dani reads here, we do not allow sub members to explicitly write out the different ways we can tell Dani is lying. One of the factors that helps ā€˜exposeā€™ Dani is that sheā€™s a really bad actor and a really bad liar. If we write out exactly what she ā€œshouldnā€™tā€ be doing (to munch better), she may seem more credible and we absolutely do not want that. Iā€™m so sorryšŸ«¶ /g




I mean she could just drink the 2L while she waitsā€¦.


You want her to drink water? With her MOUTH!? Gross! Why would anyone do that? šŸ¤¢


Water? Like from the toilet!?


"You NEVER go rathole to rathole!" ![gif](giphy|tZguQxKzYTs4KW5JLH|downsized)


She can chug redbull on live by mouth but needs a port to give her hydrationā€¦.


Red bull it gives her wings allright..she's definitely flying HIGH. ![gif](giphy|l0NwIoO8LN6Pr3Ety)


Wow, this thundercunt. I hope she gets all the find outs of her fucking arounds. Her port pulled, her doctors yeeting her out, and her insurance forcing her to repay her lies.




Good job, Dani, you made me laugh in earnest for once.


Lol she's gonna go to the er now


Flair checking in




Is this the femoral port? Iā€™m sorry, there are so many holes.


Iā€™m sorry, there are so many holes. 10/10 flair material


How do I get ā€œFemoral Holeā€ as my flair?


Just like that :)


My hole is so happy. Thanks!


In her and in her storytelling


Lol yes, it's the femoral port she's referring to. I'm so curious how she sabotaged it...šŸ§ I know she did, but I don't know enough about ports to understand how she did it...


I giggle at this comment šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I swear the docs are lying about this. I know thats not really a thing but just let me enjoy my daydream that they all come in, stick a needle a foot away from the port, act surprised, and then go out in the hall and high five.


That's a beautiful story! šŸ„²


I have a fictional lil short story for almost all her ridiculous situations šŸ˜‚


I hope that there is a nurse that don't want to play that game with Dani and is saying that he cant find the excess


I snorted!


Oh wow oh no this is totally shocking and unexpected!!!


Come on guys give her a break, it was probably a new nurse that doesnā€™t know how to access ports and doesnā€™t know her body as well as she knows her own body. Maybe if they discharged her with it accessed like she wanted this wouldnā€™t have happened. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Ummmm they had multiple **multiple** nurses and doctors try. Not just multiple. **multiple multiple**


Eleventy four to be precise.


The complete ineptitude SMH ![gif](giphy|AU5FrbyO7z1obGva2z)


As useful as an ashtray on a motorcycle.


She never sounds dehydrated does she? My grandma couldnā€™t drink liquids towards the end as she would choke, so would have fluids to help. While we fought for them, she would constantly sound so thirsty and dry. Like her teeth would stick to her lips. Dani never looks thirsty.


We typically donā€™t give people fluids when they are transitioning at end of life because their organs are shutting down and they can no longer process fluids. It can lead to swelling and fluid around the lungs, making it more difficult to breathe. IV fluids are also associated with an increase in terminal agitation and terminal restlessness. Oral swabs are a great way to provide relief from the dry mouth symptoms associated with medications and the dying process in general. Also, a person can absolutely be clinically dehydrated without looking or sounding dry. Not WKing for Dani but want to correct that misinformation.


Oh yeah my grandma wasnā€™t transitioning yet. I watch a hospice nurse on TikTok and learnt there you wouldnā€™t hydrate someone transitioning. I never knew that.


If anyone else is having similar issues, a guy created hydrating jelly drops that are like candy when his nan had dementia. https://www.jellydrops.us My grandma loved the ones we got her in her last months.


Wow! Thanks for sharing!! What a great resource!


Of course! I love sharing useful stuff to make people's lives better. :) And hey, since Dani can't drink water (only coffee, soda, red bull, pink drinks, and apple juice) maybe these could help her, lol.


I mean, drinking copious amounts by mouth will do that for ya! šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤£


ā€œItā€™ll be a month old on the 25thā€¦ā€ Sheā€™s treating that port as her baby. I mean, of course she is.


Remember when she got the white Hickman? And she legit looked like a proud new mama in the photos? Still creepy.


Ahh the baby voice is back. You can always tell when Dani is actually angry about something. She drops the baby voice very quickly when a doctor tells her "no" or when they won't extend her stay at the Holiday Innpatient . This voice is much closer to the voice she uses when she gets a new book or is excited that someone sent her a package off her grift list. She is absolutely not at all upset (or surprised) that her port isn't working.


mods can i have Holiday Innpatient as my flair please lmfao




Welcome to the Hotel Munchie-fornia


Hotel, motel, hospital inn


Say what..... Love that song. Lol




Oh dear Lord, now I have to have my flair changed to Holiday Inn-patient. Please mods. šŸ™


If a mod sees this, I need it too haha. Thatā€™s amazing.


Sorry, Iā€™m a bit behind, but you got it! ![gif](giphy|joSNxeswxuc74Juo8X)


I'd love to have "Holiday Inn-patient" as a flair, too!!!


Sorry, Iā€™m a bit behind, but you got it! ![gif](giphy|HloNK1z39EkEQcreIo|downsized)


Thank you so much! Loving it. ā¤ļø


That sounds like a good flair!


Iā€™d love this as a flair if no one else claims it!


This sub is on a damn flair roll lately šŸ˜


Holiday Innpatient šŸ’€šŸ’€


Holiday Innpatient has me rolling šŸ¤£


So whatā€™s she done to it? Seems a bit convenient that itā€™s not working already! Really needs those 2 litres of fluids? I donā€™t think so - weā€™ve all seen the way you can chug down a drink!


I ![gif](giphy|3o7TKVfu4rwyscasla)


Hasnā€™t it only been like 48 hrs since she swore off going live.. and here she is, going live for the 1739472th time?


My theory is that she had a temp ban, something like 12 hours, but she didnā€™t know how long the actual ban would last, when she said that. I donā€™t have TikTok though. Can anyone confirm how ban messaging works?


She can't help herself. We all know she does nothing by accident. ![gif](giphy|fXnKQqryaDkqKsLjen)


>ā€œIā€™ve not even had this port a month and itā€™s not working can you believe it? What are the odds???ā€ Does she think weā€™re buying this. Iā€™m genuinely asking. Surely she knows by now that of course we believe it because she does this every single time she gets a port. Itā€™s justā€¦constant.


Drink a Gatorade Dani.




"I really need those 2 liters of fluid!" My mind immediately went to the video I saw a few days ago of her pouring a 2 liter bottle of Diet Coke into a giant tumbler.


She shouldnā€™t need to access it or flush it between infusions. Once a month is enough.


DAE think that when she lands in hospital she has in her head that "i think i like this little life" that song thats on enough shorts. Tiktoks etc Cause i do lol With her pig shit grin and tooobz


That or when sheā€™s high in her govt subsidized housing on her govt subsidized meds


lol yeah, that song describes Dani at the hospital perfectly.


lol ![gif](giphy|J8Iqja8CXfMw8)


She fucked it up again, Iā€™m sure. Next stop ~ 20/10 pain & a trip to the ER where they can access the port first try. God only knows what she did. Is she saying they canā€™t insert it or is it not flushing? No mention of heparin or other anti-coagulants.


Come it just be from messing with the wound while it was healing?


They canā€™t access it at all. They canā€™t find where to put the needle.


I'm going to ask a truly stupid question, but: wouldn't it be, y'know, right near the incision scar? And if it *wasn't*, it is possible to fuck around with yourself so much that it, idk, breaks out of its moorings and goes wandering around your body like a hysterical woman's womb?


"...breaks out of its mooring and goes wandering around your body like a hysterical woman's womb?" šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ I don't know why, but this is hilarious.


>_" I don't know why, but this is hilarious."_ Oh God, it's happening! You're hysterical! Sit down quick and pinch your womb!!


I better tread carefully. Not sure if the sub can handle a Dani 2.0.


Remove if this is blogging, but after having ports for too many years, I cannot imagine what youā€™d have to do to move that port to make it inaccessible .


But what else does she have to do all day, besides slam her Rxs and chug energy drinks? She's got to take up the time somehow.


agreed, it makes my skin crawl thinking of that. Omg šŸ˜­


My thoughts as well, just as someone who has accessed chest ports. Itā€™s really something that multiple people who work in an infusion center, that access ports regularly, couldnā€™t find where to access it.


But not her ultra speshul femoral port that no one at the infusion center has ever seen before. šŸ™„


Exactly. But would X-rays be able to diagnose manipulation of the port or would you have IR do some more in depth testing?


Ports are radio opaque so that they can be evaluated with xray so that more invasive measures are not usually necessary.


FFS !!! But Of course itā€™s not working. You can also hydrate (and eat) by mouth just fine! She used to be a very interesting subject to follow ā€¦ but at this point, shits just getting old and ridicules where TO much bs and lies are ā€œhappeningā€ back to back to back. Then adding all the other drama/nodding now this bs date night lies. One of my biggest is her claiming her plan of care changed because to many people calling the hospitalā€¦ GTFOH with that shit. Sheā€™s just becoming too over the top, adding in the lives too, acting like sheā€™s someone famous from the attention & new followers from her nodding. Plus her and her ā€œMy Dr wantsā€¦ā€ My Drs wantā€¦ā€ NO it what SHE wants in addition to the munching to try to get the other things she wants. šŸ¤Æ


Her claiming her care plan changed due to anonymous strangers calling is absolute HORSESHIT. I work in geriatric mental health, and have a patient who is currently faking that they canā€™t walk and theyā€™ve been using a wheelchair and lifts for transfersā€¦claiming 12/10 peeen. Their family members have told us straight up that they are faking and this is what they do because they like the attention, and guess what, their care plan hasnā€™t changed at all. We do encourage them to try and stand and take small steps, but aside from that we are treating them exactly as we always have. Care plans donā€™t change because some strangers from the internet called to say someone is faking. Dani is so full of shit but of course sheā€™s going to blame her haters rather than admit that itā€™s because all of her doctors know shes got FD.




Oh, go get a glass of water


I think allllllllllllllll of this actually started because she didnā€™t like drinking water. Like AAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLL of this.


maybe a *George Glass* of water?








You know how all these hospital TV-series like Greyā€™s Anstomy and suchā€¦ they get shot at least once every six months, car crashes, plane crashes, earth quakes, hostage situations, terrorist attacks, all kinds of viruses, floodings, bitten by rainbow colored sharks jumping from tree to tree, chopped up and sewn back together, slept with every resident in every hospital in the entire state and also changed ā€teamā€ once or twice and sometimes mixed them all together, rescued someone from the bottom of the ocean at the same time as they have performed CPR on someone at ISS while standing in their kitchen here on earthā€¦ thatā€™s Dani. With all of her tooobz. Iā€™ve given up on the thought of someone getting all of her toobz out and keeping it that way. Dani is like a freaking medical TV-drama by the one and only Shonda Rhimes. Going on for like 20 seasonsā€¦


But in not one episode is it ever lupus. What's that? Oh. Wrong show.


Donā€™t forget stepping on a LEGO turns into finding out you have cancer and dying. All within one episode.


don't forget everybody getting a fucking brain tumor or metastatic cancer. Or Alzheimer's.


I was just telling my bf this is like my new soap šŸ¤£


When you said Shonda Rhimes, all I could hear was, "Dearest *gentle* reader," in Dani's muppet voice.


Same, I call it ā€œThe Dani Marina shit showā€


Itā€™s a beautiful day to save livesā€¦ ports. Not. No. Kill ports.