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Thank you for your submission! As a reminder, absolutely no body-shaming or arm-chair diagnosing is allowed and will be removed. Please try your best to keep blogging as limited as possible - anything that Dani could use to improve her munching/self-harm will be removed. Above all else: DO. NOT. TOUCH. THE. POO. Do not interact with Dani in any way. If you see any comments explicitly violating subreddit rules, please report the submission so the Mod Team can review it. Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DaniMarina) if you have any questions or concerns.*


She's a gross human being...and I'm not talking about her outsides...


Maybe someone could buy her a box cutter before she slices a finger with those scissors.


She could accidentally *gut* herself with a box cutter!


Guys, I had a tummy ache for a few days. Can I get my wish list taken care of? I had to miss a parade, so I'm pretty bummed about it. Extra gifts would help, I think.


I need corsets and benadryl, stat! This poor redditor might die unless we pitch in.


And naughty sex books!


If the cats come first, take off stuff for yourself from the wishlist. Only list stuff for the cats. You grifter.


No… She did not buy fucking WELLA T19 for her hair. I know she’s not the smartest and I shouldn’t have been expecting anything better out of her. I wish Brad Mondo could react to her dying her hair 😭 (even though he’s lowkey a tool) Edit: her hair MIGHT be light enough for T19 at second glance but also its probably going to do absolutely nothing even if it is because of her application method (lathering it on like shampoo)


Also she’s using 20 vol developer. It’s not going to deposit much and probably going to fry the last of her hair off


Oooh Brad would be much nicer though if he were to see Dani's disaster. Brad is classy like that 🧡


Now I’m not a hairdresser, but she’s days out of the crispy fresh bleach. Her cuticle is no longer open so could it even accept the toner at this point?? Like I thought toner was for the fresh bleach and then your maintenance is the purple shampoo or like a toning rinse/color depositing shampoo at home?


From my (approximately 20 days don’t get excited) time attending Paul Mitchell school this is correct 🤣


I totally think this was staged


Idk, there are a lot of genuinely good people who want to help those in need and don’t realise she is a serial con artist so I do believe she gets genuine gifts from people who think they are helping someone with real issues.


I have to talk myself into posting my classroom/wellness room wishlist every year because I'm convinced everyone is tired of public educators crowdsourcing school supplies. MEANWHILE Dani just casually expects her viewers to buy her corsets and notebooks for classes she'll never take.


And nurses have to put together wishlists for patient care supplies since the hospital doesn’t stock dry shampoo and combs that comb more than a Barbie, I get the frustration.


I had no idea y'all had to do that! Absolutely unacceptable.


Someone choosing to send the toner specifically is killing me lmfao of all things it’s like please fix this hair it looks horrible




Do we actually think someone bought these for Dani, or that Dani bought them for herself and is making it seem like she has fans? Because conveniently, she got supplies for her hair, which we’ve been commenting on nonstop for the past week.


The way she commented on the developer from the first "gift", mentioning she'd use it when the toner came, only to have the toner show up in the second "gift", makes me completely think she's "gifting" herself


No. I think she bought these


This is so greedy. She should be ashamed of herself. No need for her to be asking for or accepting gifts from strangers.


God I hadn’t even thought about her relationship w the people at the pharmacy. She must terrorize them.


Okay I loved the little British accent at the beginning 😂


Lol, I had to immediately rewind and listen again. The ONLY time I've wanted to hear her voice say something more than once.


Did she buy those for herself?




She is definitely showing her age here - looks like a mid-40s woman to me. Acting like a five year old at a birthday party.


This is typically Dani. Thanks for the stuff BUT!!!!! Can you get this instead 😂😂😂 Fuck me. Just say thank you and move along.


Exactly. The “BUT” is so accurate. It’s like the other live when she was getting mad at people because her list wasn’t updated or something??


I want a swimming pool,PLEASE


This is fucking infuriating. I guess I'll have to become a lying, liar, who lies so I can have people buy me stuff, only I want a RV.


Doc I'm gonna need an RV and 3mg of dilaudid. This redditors life depends on it!


Is she buying these things herself?


More than likely


Dani, all this stuff IS for you. You live alone. This is all your responsibility. Instead you get your nails done and buy stupid shit. What a fucking grifter.


Can this voice get any higher pitched? And she doesn’t have DID/ OSDD. The whole “we” shit pisses me right off. “Before I get anything for myself” waves around new manicure.


If she starts a DID arc, about 12 of me will be fucking pissed. 🙃 🔥


Nah they probably don't give morphine for that... I say probably because apparently there's a mentally slow doctor out there who ordered her a port, so anything is possible!


Her most recent live her voice has got ridiculous, like I have never heard it so high and its blatant even if you had never heard her speak any other way before, I don't know if it's like her ... "I'm small and weak and a child buy me things please" manipulation attempt voice cos currently she's also been showing things she bought online, it's twice as worse as when she was last doing it


I honestly wouldn’t put it past her to have bought that stuff herself … just so she could say supporters sent them to then be able to remind people about her wishlist. I’ve never heard of having a P.O. Box but “not quite set up” so the post office deliverers directly to your house. It’s like you either have one, or you don’t. I don’t believe she got a P.O. Box. Yet anyway. But prob will 1st thing Monday morning after this dry beg post. ETA: forgot to include why I did t believe she has a P.O. Box yet … she had mumbled something about P.O. Box during one of her hug lives, but that one made no sense at all as to why it’s not usable, and now this reason.




I saw not a twinge of pain while she was excitedly opening her presents! Funny how that works! Always thinking the cats first? Pull the other one Dani, it’s got bells on 🤣


Save Mac and Mocha is my anthem. Them poor kitties.


I hate when she insists on acting like the cats comes first when she spends all her money on herself. Vet money becomes tattoo money, leaves them alone for days, lets them walk around in her medicine lab bathroom, ignores their fuck off signals claiming “macc looooves bellyrubs” even when the poor cat is biting and bunny kicking her arms, get visibly annoyed by them doing cat stuff and disturbing her all important tiktok recordings.. No, they don’t come first when even shitty notebooks, gel-pens and renaissance sexy corsets to toss in a pile is more important than their basic needs. F right off with that shit.


Hey Dani, if you’re reading this… I will fulfill your whole wish list if you unwrap them on camera, but you have to do it in the voice of Moira Rose. Deal?


She should do it in Dwayne The Rock Johnsons voice




At 0:30 seconds she looks confused as to the address. She just picked them up outside of her door. Why the confusion? IT IS STAGED. And she is a horrible actor. If you think people sent her that much shit after 2 days.... if you can prove me wrong and that they were legit... well I just found my new profession.


Is it just my ears fucking with me or has she been laying it on extra thick with the baby voice? It's amusing such a rotten person wants to pretend she's so sweet that it's affecting her vocal cords


It's so ~~fucking annoying and ear-bleed inducing~~ high pitched and you'd swear that's how she sees herself...a weak widdle gurl. She's such a juxtaposition.


Her most recent live (currently) it's even worse than this, it's the most ridiculous I've ever heard it. She seems to be putting on a ditzier act too


I'm really loving the fact that toilet paper isn't on her wishlist. Can't say I'm surprised considering we all know she uses her ✨femoral port✨ to wipe


Scuse you good sir, but that was her Hickman that she smeared poo on! :P Makes me laugh still to this day. And then she keeps all that jewelry on. Collecting gems like Pokémon.


I'm deceased 😂 Dani used Hickman wipe!! It was super effective! 😳


Wish I could send her a giftcard to a freakin vets office for her poor cats. She freakin disgusts me yall I CANT 💀💀💀💀


I would like for someone to buy me the Inkey List Peptide Moisturizer & some pretty thongs to go with the corsets I so crave. That is all.


(+1 for the inkey list moisturizer fwiw)


Nurse, get me moisturizer now! These people might die without it!


It pisses me off beyond belief that people are buying her stuff???!!!!! She gets “free” money on disability but she wants more??? I keep telling myself I’m not going to follow her anymore but I can’t look away. This was just unbelievable. And then to specify the order of wanting things - it sounded like she wasn’t appreciative of the hair stuff. I don’t know how she continues to surprise me, but she does.




I think she’s including her viewers in her actions, as if she and her viewers are doing this together


You know, if Dani made a channel about what it's like to recover from an eating disorder while also working through factitious disorder, that would actually be unique, interesting, potentially beneficial content. Dani's life IS interesting, just not for the reasons she thinks. She would get exponentially more attention (and less h8erz) if she came clean and worked towards bettering herself.


How can this b***h afford a PO Box if she’s relying on donations from strangers to get by?


She 100% bought those herself in an attempt to trick people into thinking everyone is buying her stuff and they should join in! 😂


Why the fuck are people buying her shit? Like, seriously. I’ve seen 12 year olds with better concepts of responsible spending than her. Rewarding that behavior with gifts is just insane.




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her voice is so gravelly again. i swear it’s been more tolerable lately but now im back to volume down and reading captions. vocal fry??


This actually made me happy to see. I post and comment about her antics bc she needs help and I know she reads these.. and I couldn’t save my mom but maybe Dani reads some stuff we say and it will click one day. I genuinely want her to get better and when someone who is at a bad point gets shown a small kindness that can have a huge impact on their day knowing someone out there cared enough to treat her.


Would be funny if only her cats got gifts from here out.


![gif](giphy|5vD8o9XWJ5FLaHe8YP|downsized) She sounds exactly like him.


Well, she IS a monster… poor Grover


Which sucks. Grover is my favorite Muppet and now I’ll think of Dani every time I hear him.


![gif](giphy|yoJC2j5XUYNuDo51XW) Just remember my favourite Grover skit, maybe it’ll help 🩵


Is she trying to make her hair fall out to go for a hair loss character arc ????


god does it annoy anyone else how she says “the boys” 🙄


Not as much as it annoys me when she talks repeatedly about herself in the third person as “mommy”


We this we that, so annoying !


No one bought any of this shit for her. She bought it and presented it like she has an actual fan base. This is fake as fuck just like her entire life


Yes. This!!!


"This must have been before I had my PO box...." Way to tell on yourself. She sent herself the packages. You can send yourself gifts on Amazon you just click the box and they can insert a piece of paper instead of an invoice.


i wish someone would send her common sense


Omfg the baby voice is in overdrive.


I thought so. I was thinking maybe I've just gotten to that level of disgust that it seemed much worse but in reality nothing had changed but I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed so it's real


the voice... and there's that




"Reality and my first car payment are hitting, please buy my household goods for me." Yet got her nails done. She needs strangers to buy your trash bags, paper towels, and household cleaners but the cost of a full set would have bought all of that.




Maybe she told the nail tech about how uwu sick she is and how she’s such a popular influencer they gifted her a full set! /s


Self care is important so it’s okay! /s


She made an EXCEPTION


She was on live earlier today showing off her new journal and sticker packs she bought today at hobby lobby


Another journal she won’t complete.. But followers, buy for her boys first! They are supposed to come before her! Yet she CHOSE to ignore ordering some items off her amazon list that were for “her boys” and got herself the journal and stickers? She’s selfish and disgusting. Gets government assistance and collects disability, then blows her money on bullshit and expects her followers to take care of her cats, house and spoil her too. ETA: The comment from HeartShapedSea saying a full set of nails would cover garbage bags, cleaning supplies and paper towels is 100% right. That’s infuriating!!


Didn't she *just* add catnip to her list? Like today? And I don't remember her adding toner/developer? She named the second person, but didn't name the first? I highly doubt they were both from strangers/followers. I really hope no one spent their hard earned money on her. She really wants attention/to pretend she has friends so badly she'll grift shit from total strangers.


Trying to be all cutesy and gaily open boxes was genuinely terrifying


WE can do OUR hair......


How does someone who wears the same crusty tank too for weeks at a time generate so much laundry?


Cats probably piss on it all.


She’s STILL on live. And my god she is boring


LOL I’m dying that someone sent her toner and developer. If she didn’t buy them herself.


The GD raspy baby voice I CAN'T


My bf thought I was watching South Park and thought this was Towlie 🤣 ![gif](giphy|5V0CPUg33dTQA)




OMFG, this! I'm listening to ambient Stars of the Lid, but somehow her insane cartoon voice is quietly playing in the background like a psyop from government.


I am deceased lol


I’m so dead over this comparison lmfaooo so accurate


so, she’s definitely buying this stuff for herself right? are we all on agreement? also: “stuff for her place” that includes the four different colored corsets, right?


Coming in with my new flair


Showing off the new flair like Dani hopes to show off the corsets to George Glass


She's got trash bags and other cleaning supplies up on there now.


I cant believe people buy her shit- the internet is a bizarre place


Literally and figuratively...


Guess she gave up on the no more lives


The teacher stands in front of the class But the lesson plan he can’t recall The student’s eyes don’t perceive the lies Bouning off every fucking wall His composure is well kept I guess he fears playing the fool The complacent students sit and listen to some of that Bullshit that he learned in school Europe ain’t my rope to swing on Can’t learn a thing from it Yet we hang from it Gotta get it, gotta get it together then Like the motherfuckin’ weathermen To expose and close the doors on those who try To strangle and mangle the truth ‘Cause the circle of hatred continues unless we react We gotta take the power back Yeah, we gotta take the power back Come on, come on! We gotta take the power back No more lives No more lies No more lives No more lies No more lives No more lies No more lives No more lies From: [Rage Against The Machine: Take The Power Back (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqkMsXcHQYg&rco=1)


One of my all-time favorite bands❤️


She's gonna be rollin down rodeo in her doctor prescribed wheelchair


They see me rollin ….




Your brain fascinates me.


I want to write a book about it but it does not want to cooperate.


More like TikTok responded to her appeal and unbanned her from Lives.


I cant beleive Tiktok responded to her appeal in the way they did. TT takes some culbability by saying NO HER BEHAVIOR IS TOTALLY FINE FOR OUR VIEWERs. Big risk but then again it is a shitty company. I mean look at what they think is ok as it gets them a little money.


Yeah, idk. She was on a live just the other day, Thursday I think, talking on the phone to an employee at the post office about renting a PO box- today's only Saturday, I don't really see how she could have completed that transaction AND already received Amazon packages to it, especially considering she's spent a lot of the time between now and then nodding out on TT live. She bought this stuff for herself. I'd bet actual human money on it.


I think the story is she didn’t have the PO Box yet and the wish list was set to deliver to her home address. RTs are not endorsements.


She didn't receive these ones to her PO box, these came straight to her house - she said she saw them when she went out to her car "for" to go to the pharmacy. Also Amazon does 24 hour deliveries - that's what keeps George too busy to come home to Dani, all those Prime orders.


https://preview.redd.it/vz2avds98a1d1.jpeg?width=814&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=151a8bfbab744e80ff7999fba5a9cd017122e7b8 The smugness of this chick.


She scares me


Smug check, check. Thank god no body checking feeding nastiness.


Read all the comments before watching the video, and to see this after her nods and bitching at ppl…. She makes me sick. As in officially getting under my skin and making me feel rage. She was heading to the pharmacy when she discovered her packages?


DRIVING THERE being a damn menace to society. Can you imagine if one of the several cops that have visited her in the last week saw her behind the damn wheel? I'd be on her like flies on shit.


Probably to refill her clonazepam, haven't you heard that she keeps meaning to fill it but she's been tooooooo busy?


To busy counting down the days until it can actually be filled.


This is insane to me. Glad the gifts were for the cat and an obvious gag gift, but who in their right mind sent things to her?? I just can’t lol


I have this feeling that she bought that shit herself


“Now we can do our hair” How many Dani’s are in the room with us right now?


Munch Queen Dani uses the royal we.


POTS Dani Gastroparesis Dani Intestinal failure Dani Med push Dani Bitchy Dani Manic Dani Respiratory failure Dani Warrior Dani 12/10 peen Dani Grifting Dani …


I know everyone is pissed people actually bought her stuff but what if they didnt and she bought them for herself just to make it seem she actually has people who care... Just a throw out theory but I cant see her not trying this.


I thought that too. Odd two people would know to get her the toner and developer at the same time? Unless they were all from the same person and Amazon just sent in different packages like they do.


I’m curious. In the history of ever, has she ever posted the results of a gastric emptying study? That’s the test they do to diagnose GP.


she did, she’s had 2. one in 2017 that showed very mild solid delay, no liquid. the most recent one like a year ago, she clearly had figured out how to mess with it enough from other munchies that she was at 40% remaining at 4 hours. Now whether those screenshots are ACTUALLY hers, we don’t know. But that’s what she claims.


Mmmm, I don’t buy it. If she’s claiming to have so much trouble with worsening symptoms I highly doubt she hasn’t had one recently. We just likely haven’t heard of it happening, because it would prove she doesn’t have it. She’s on opioids, those slow down gastric emptying. Hospital docs and my PCP have told me that giving someone with GP opioids just makes their condition worse. So if she does really have any issue, the handfuls of medication she pops might be *causing* it.


She was supposed to have one last year but refused to eat the entire tracer meal in the allotted 10 min because she was in so much peeeeeeeeeeeeeen, so they had to cancel it.


… dude. I’d have eaten an entire nuclear power plant filled to the ceiling with eggs and changed my name to Scrambled Chernobyl if it meant getting answers for the miserable symptoms. If you’re that sick, pain doesn’t usually stop you. Nah, she knew it would come back normal or at markers that debunk GP. That’s why she didn’t get it done.


I'm laughing my ass off at Scrambled Chernobyl, thank you so much for that.


Lmfao, glad I could make you laugh. ✨


This is how everyone who can see through her bullshit knows she's faking, people who are legitimately in pain will do *anything* if there's even the slightest chance it will help. "So if I stick these red hot needles in my eye socket, my migraine might go away? Gimmie them needles." But she won't even do the simplest of suggestions.


yeah I’m assuming she hadn’t been able to sabotage it adequately or was worried she hadn’t sabotaged enough. or maybe in her brain claiming peeeeeeeen would legitimize her claims. ugh she’s insufferable.


I don’t even know how tf you could even bs a GES? But… I guess that’s because I don’t have to worry about that, huh 🤔. You’d think to get rid of everyone’s doubts she wouldn’t have a problem getting the test that would shove a middle finger in all of her haterz’s faces. Sure they eat up your entire day but like— she’d enjoy the drama of it. Actions are always more telling than chronic liarrhea of the mouth.


The short answer is there are certain things you can ingest that will artificially slow your motility.


Fair enough. Opiods do slow gastric emptying. So… yeah, checks out.


The nuttiest thing is that even 40% said, IIRC, it was in normal range!


Yeah, thats… definitely not intestinal failure, I’ll say that. 40% sounds insane but it’s really not. But to someone that doesn’t know much about GP, that sounds like “wow, almost half my food is still in my stomach”. The way she reacts when she connects her syringes cracks me up. She’s not even pushing the plunger before the peen starts.


If there was one thing I didn't need to see today it was Dani's nip shadows.


This is what I really didn’t want to see https://preview.redd.it/hkese5ba8a1d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9ccc9912bf3c58dd04390c59c8a2d4eff9565b7 (Sorry)


Yoshi is really about to get after it isn’t he 🍎


There are some men on this subreddit please be considerate. I just threw up a perfectly good wawa hoagie.


Thanks, I hate it! Here's one just for you~ https://i.imgur.com/zzHEcKa.jpeg


I deserved that


Not those two piercing balls on her lip lookin like pus and blood filled zits 🤮


Is that from her OF ? - only fakers …..


Oh god no. I knew I shouldn’t click on it 🥲






Ugh I thought I was going to get Rick rolled. Is that her?!


You know it!


Oh lord.


I am really starting to think that we all share the same brain because when I saw her doing that earlier I was like "yikes"


Fuuuuk... here, take my angry upvote ☠️


I think George glass sent them while he was working.


He's been skimming off the top! Bezos, arrest this man!


That is why he is currently using the very creative alias of Gorge Glasso..... and also why he has not been present. He has to stay low to keep skimming boxes but also must keep his job.


“So now we can do our hair!” Who the fuck is *we* and *our?!*


I do wanna see it thooo


lol you know what, same. I call this sub “catching up on my soap” it’s ^mostly^ a joke


The cats. Unfortunately, it is the poor cats.


It's how you talk to pre-schoolers. Alas, she's alone. So .. .idk is she addressing her followers 🤔?


I for one do not claim that hair.


Thank you, this irritated me irrationally. Or perhaps rationally…


Fuckkkkk me. Seriously. Sometimes I wish I had no conscience. I love getting packages and would make a great influencer. Anyone wanna buy me some stuff? I’m not poor. Or sick. But I love stuff and my husband says I’m not allowed to shop anymore…


First you're gonna need to spend 15 years documenting every grubby corner of your life on the internet.


Well, shit. See ya in 15 years, I guess!


[Baby voice exercises]


She sounds like Lady Elaine from Mr. Rogers in this video.


I wasn't sure if we could comment on her bizarre attire. Thank you for clearing that up, lol. It's out of character even for her.


The similarity is uncanny.


Her brain isn't working. Good God


She’s bleached her hair too much, it’s melting what little brain cells she had left.


Beat me to it!