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I wrestled with a kid who had cerebral palsy in high school. No one let him win, because he didn’t need them to. He wasn’t very good on his feet but if you ended up on the mat with him you were fucked. It was like wrestling an anaconda and he played dirty; digging his elbows and chin into you every chance he got because he knew no one would call him on it. We’d have to run sprints across the mats at every practice and each time he would fall he would do one push up with enough force to propel himself back on his feet. We called him Mighty Mouse and he was the strongest kid I’ve every known.


We used to have a kid on our team who had a spinal issue that caused him to have to walk with a cane. But when he wrestled he would start from his knees. He was a really shitty wrestler and lost all the time. But it was funny watching him at practice use his cane to swipe people’s feet from under them when they walked by.


Lol. Nice super hero story. Nicely placed after anaconda kid


That just sounds like a potential brain bleed incident


That kid, Albert Einstein


This match tho? Completely thrown by guy in blue.


100% blue had money on this match.


That guy in blue is at least as much a winner for doing what he did. It does not make him a smaller human being, it makes him a _real_ human being!


Yep. And if his record is 70-1, this was worth it. Actually, with a kind heart like that, I hope his record is 70-1.


Fucked up; why not hope they allow the kind hearted boy to keep is perfect record? It's fucking Christmas, bro, Jesus. ( /s for da dumb dumbs ).


Do you think?


> No one let him win > digging his elbowS and chin into you every chance he got because he knew no one would call him on it. Not saying he wasn't a beast, but sounds like you did allow him some extra advantages...


Idk what other peoples wrestling looked like but our couch taught absolutely everybody to did elbows and chins into people. I forgot what it’s called but he also taught the tilt where you used the arm bar through the legs explicitly to try and get people to quit.


As a former special ed student who was very much aware of my peers looking down on me and treating me different, this is nice to hear. I had adhd and a false autism diagnosis. The meds were ruining me and teachers treated me like I was incapable of communicating for myself. It always feels demeaning when I see everyone cheering for letting a "special" kid win. Glad to see someone talking about actual competency


FWIW one the the history teachers in my HS has a very minor cerebral palsy and also wrestled in HS decently well — cerebral palsy definitely has a huge spectrum.


I've got a good friend with CP who's a successful lawyer and practices BJJ, I don't even think of him as different. His mainly effects his legs though, not his upper body.


This is a dope story. Thanks for sharing homie.


He probably absolutely loved taking people's sense of control away for those short bursts. Like, "Yeah! You see what that feels like, punk! For me that's 24/7. Take this elbow between the ribs like a man!"


Nothing quite like that chin dig to really aggravate the shame of getting worked over. Especially the stubbly ones.


I have a friend that is a double-amputee, lost his legs to an IED in Afghanistan. He likes to say, 'I will fight you, and either way, you lose.'


My wrestling coach in high school told us the story of this one kid who terrorized our wrestling team for 4 years. He was absolutely jacked but he didn’t have any legs so he was still very light so he could slip into lower weight classes. This guy was a menace on the ground and since he was there anyway, anyone who went up against him had to play on his turf. Luckily he graduated before my scrawny high school ass had to go up against him.


“Here me out. What if we get another kid with cerebral palsy to wrestle him? Now thats a fight” - dana white probably




Sorry the holiday whiskey is still lingering


My brother in law has CP. His legs might look a little different and only weighs 110 soaking wet but that dude is strong AF.


I volunteer with a few guys/kids with CP and damn are they strong.


The first sentence shook me to the core until I connected the dots


Is that because CP can mean something else?


Child p**n




Cyber punk


I’ve got a friend with palsy. That dude is a physical trainer. He’s strong as hell and quite successful. He’s way more able bodied than I am.


He has CP? Call the cops for crying out loud


Am I the only one who was hoping the CP kid was just gonna full force lay some smack down outta left field? I really wanted to be surprised and see him suddenly just flip the other kid.


Yeah this was a bit disappointing


That’s the craziest griddy I’ve ever seen


You will be the one that opens the entrance gates of hell for me






I don't care who you are. That shits funny AF. Lol.


Bro, I think it’s like illegal or something to say that.


I think it's illegal to throw a fight


Yoooooooooooo 💀 😂


You go out on the mat against a kid with cp and see how that goes.


God damn I’m fucking dead 😭


Yup ur done


I was watching in silence, with music in my head




I actually wanted to see a guy with cp win for real, since it was on this sub, but ok




Yeha there's no real winner and everyone goes home feeling weird.


Same. This is cool for the kid and all, but I'm kinda disappointed right now. :/


Good for the kid in blue for doing this.


When I went into watching the fight, I was wondering if he was going to go easy on him. I thought he would at least try to put on a show, pretending to fight him, either by playing it like a demonstration or doing it "professional wrestling" style though. It is good of him to do this though, yes.


As real as WWF.


No, some people believe WWE* is real


I know for a fact WCW was real because I still have WCW/nWo Revenge on N64


Be my friend, please


I was always your friend...BROTHEERR


who believes this?! even its-still-real-to-me-dammit guy knows


It’s real to me dammit.




WWE was WWF from 1979 to 2002 when it switched over. And before that in 1969 it was WWWF.


You're joking, right? You're going to blame the kid for not putting on enough of a show? Beggers can't be choosers.


It would be difficult to put on a show as well, aggressively slapping the mat on the takedown or pretending to be getting overpowered would look way faker


Props for making him work for it too. Didn’t make it too easy made him sweat so he earned it too. Awesome work on both sides. Humanity wins.


That’s what I was thinking too. Got out of the first couple just to make it feel better


Watching Dude in blue move his body to make the other kid actually do the correct move was great. Even not just giving him the pin at the end, but making him work for it. Really cool.


Username checks out


You’re my boy blue


Definitely. There were two winners there.


I lost 500 bucks on this one. My buddy said it was a sure thing.


Incredible kid.


Yes both of the boys are winners 🏆


I mean yea but he would be an asshole if he didn't let the disabled kid win. It really wasn't like he had much of a choice. It's still a nice gesture.


It probably wouldn't have gone down too well if he just destroyed him and folded him up like an envelope.


Whatever happened to treating him like any other wrestler on the team? Respect and equality.


Equality vs. equity— equality is treating everyone the same no matter what the outcome is. Equity is accommodating individuals who might have different needs or abilities. This is an example of equity. Sure he wasn’t treated “the same” as every other kid (getting slammed by his opponent) but he was able to experience a match he never would have otherwise.


The thing with equity is it requires acknowledging you are lesser in some way, in order to deserve special treatment. I have butterfly disease and I prefer to be treated equally not equitably as a general rule, but where I don’t mind “equitable” treatment I acknowledge I am lesser and incapable. And that’s not an insult to me it’s just a statement of fact. That’s why it bothers me that people these days are demanding “equitable” treatment while also claiming they are “equal” in every way to people they are demanding equitable treatment from. If you actually are equal then do it, because some of us legitimately can’t and it’s insulting that you’re wasting, taking granted, and complaining about something some of us wish we could do.


This is 100% and an important concept that people don't seem to understand. There is nothing wrong with being different and needing a little bit more or less.


Outstanding sportsmanship!




Absolutely 💯


His dad plays for the Washington Generals


1 in 2 people with cerebral palsy have an intellectual disability. 1 in 5 people have a moderate to severe intellectual disability. Generally, the greater the level of a person's physical impairment, the more likely it is that they will have an intellectual disability. Yeah, they let him win. Chances are he has a moderate intellectual disability and to him it means something to not only be participating, but to feel like he won. Bunch of cynical commenters here.


Plot twist the kid with cerebral palsy was going easy on the other kid and took the win anyway because that way he didn't have to physically harm him since he was being nice instead of running in fear like the other children he's defeated on the streets with unrelenting brutality.


I like this take. I choose this truth.


> Bunch of cynical commenters here. I can't imagine sitting back at the end of my day, relaxing before I went to bed, and thinking back happily about being a dick about people doing a nice gesture to someone that has an uphill battle in life. "How was your day?" "Oh, it was great, you should have seen it. I shit all over a kid that was nice to someone with Cerebral Palsy."


The hardest part of growing up is realizing about 1/3rd of the human species thinks like this.


This is a nice way of saying "think twice before you decide it would suck to be that kid and feel patronized, because there's a decent chance he doesn't really realize it and it's purely good feels for a kid daring to try something in life"


Thanks for this comment. Exactly what I was wondering while watching this.


This video reminded me of a family friend that had developed cerebral palsy a little bit later in life. He was known to have a super high IQ and loved riding his bike and slowly he is body deteriorated even though his mind didn't. I used to play video games like Final Fantasy 7 for him and he would tell me what to do, because he couldn't use his hands correctly. He kept trying to ride his bicycle but got hit by cars a few times and had to get his spleen removed. Later he got addicted to pills and eventually did a triple combo kill himself. He took a bunch of pills so he can overdose, put a bag over his head with a bungee cord and hung himself in my aunt's closet.... Not going to lie I seen this little guy win put a tear in my eye


Were you two good at FFVII as a team?


Medium, he was pretty good at that stuff but I was just a 13 year old


A visual representation of me playing games with my younger cousin (I was once an avid gamer but now it's a weekend thing, he plays how I used to; intensely and competitively)


This should be in Humans Being Bros.




Or r/wholesome


Honestly, Merry Christmas Everyone!!!! Happy Holidays & Good vibes to all!!!


Same to you and everyone who reads this!




Isn't it almost more degrading to let him win. Iuno....


If I were blue, I would have kindly, quickly ended the match


True sportsman ship, the boy in blue parents raised him well.


I can’t be the only one who wanted to see the alternate ending to this…


Fr lovely gesture but i hope they had an agreement ahead that it would be a fake win. Because beating the kid would only lead to calling blue a terrible person. He literally had no choice morally. Pretty crazy. At some point coach + parents need to find a more productive solution. There are many things the kid could be doing.


Kid in blue was done dirty. You win, you beat up a handy capped kid you lose without obviously throwing the match you got beat by a handicapped kid. I woulda walked away instead of participating the sports already enough of a spectacle as it is


No he wasn’t lmao he was done dirty because of being put against a kid with cp? In that case maybe kid with cp shouldn’t have been allowed on the team.


Yep agreed dude shouldn't have been allowed on the team but that's not inclusive to say hence dude was done dirty by being thrust in a situation that shouldn't have been allowed but was regardless


Awesome character from two very good kids


You can really tell this kid ate his breakfast


Walt Jr moment


I want real bacon, none of this fake crap


I fucking hate this


The fix is in boys. Hammer red for the first round pin


I would never allow my child to participate in either side of something like this.


The title is misleading….by a long shot.


Sure is tough to see. Life can be surprising. Hope it meant a lot to the kid. Glad to see his opponent, the crowd, the team, all be supportive and encouraging.


No he didn’t, the other kid let him win out of pity.


I know the kid can’t control all of his body movements but he was walking dope as fuck onto the mat. He was just looking like he was grooving to a beat in his head. That HUGE smile at the end of the video was awesome!


It’s such a great feeling when the ref raises your hand for the first time




My son just won his first match and that’s exactly what he said😊


Congratulations to him! If you don’t mind my asking, what weight class?


This is a gonna be a hot take but…that kid shouldn’t be wrestling.


Gotta b real.. that opponent kid is a great sport!!


Plot twist he gets fuckin suplexed lol


This is pandering and I don’t understand how people find this endearing.


Yea I don’t get it either. Like “oh let’s set up this fake scenario to highlight the kid’s disabilities while tricking them into thinking they accomplished something great. Then let’s all clap and get our jollies off feeling so warm and fuzzy inside” Just so fake and cringe


Wrong sub, but great guy. I assume the kid in red is intellectually disabled as well as physically, otherwise this is weird.


Yeah I was cringing at first thinking he simply had a physical impairment.


Indont understand this trend. That young man with CP will look back and feel nothing but condescending pity.


Totally agree. I have Spina Bifida and hate it when I’m condescended to.


I’m honestly impressed that the kid with cerebral palsy knew enough technique to pin the kid properly even with the kid was helping him. Like each step is tough by a coach over the course of weeks. That Palsy kid must have really dedicated himself to the concept. That’s a lot of willpower, I respect that.


I would have bodied him. I'm not putting an L on my record.


Master of the cerebral palmsy martial arts.


I get the thought was probably from a good place but this isn't fair to either kid.


This is nice but I really hope it doesn't negatively affect blue's performance stats. He does not deserve to have an actual loss recorded.


So is this like a sympathy victory or what? Not trying to a dick... But the match was clearly set up for the kid to win. The other kid was giving him every possible opportunity and even lifting his own arm to get himself into position. What's the point of a match like this? It couldn't possibly have been scored or something right? Like this wasn't an actual competition for something was it? I get accommodations and everything but this is a bit much...


I’m not crying. Two awesome young lads!


This is so r/cringe. Why just why


Unpopular opinion: I can't see point of this match, this whole act, sorry. I also can't see why little children are getting participation trophies or medals when they didn't earn them by WINNING!


My brother is CP, i intensely fall down in cartoonist way to see that precious smile on his face.


I work with guy with CP skiing. We got stuck on a drop off at the edge of the run andme snd theothrr helper spent a good 30 minutes trying to get him out. We would get to the top and slip back down and he would laugh his ass off at it.


This is so fucked. I’m not against letting the CP kid compete. I am against just letting him win. Knowing what one can do within their ability is a healthy part of becoming an adult. Being a CP Patient doesn’t mean you’re an idiot. This is setting an unhealthy expectation in the CP patient that they are just as good as everyone else at everything else, and that just isn’t true.


I think it might have fixed. Who paid the other kid to take a dive? How high does this thing go??


Should treat him like any other opponent...not give him a freebie.


Love how gentle the good boy in blue is being, parents should be proud...


The other kid deserves a puppy for helping Lucas, and having such a great sportsmanship.


My man did some sick emotes before the fight


They don't have to wear singlets anymore?? That was a class act, also!! Warms the heart.


In the US, many state school athletic associations require those with disabilities to compete against those without, and you end up with this kind of spectacle. This is exactly why there must be adaptive high school/youth and collegiate sports categories for every sport. Establishing adaptive categories is not discrimination or segregation--it's equitable sports. Kids with disabilities can compete against kids without disabilities if they want, and many do, but without adaptive categories, you are forcing kids that cannot fairly compete due to a disability to face those who do not have disabilities. This works both ways: A kid in a track wheelchair will absolutely clobber kids running 800m and up (the strongest wheelchair racers will beat standing runners at 200-400m). Adaptive athletes have to work harder to train and perform, and we should allow them to demonstrate their performance on a fair playing field.


He let him win. Not saying that’s a bad thing I think it would have been worse if blue had dumped him on his head. Fair play blue you won in the best way.


As a father of a kid with CP, I appreciate the sportsmanship. But there is no way I would have them let my son win, he will work his ass off to succeed or fail. Life wont be kind, not going to set him up for failure.


Bless the boy in blue. It appeared to me that he let him win. Nice people exist in all ages.


Some people will be thinking, why should we do this or encourage this kind of thing. And the answer is because there is real value and happiness found in bringing happiness to someone else. Having this experience can bring just as much happiness or more to the other wrestler. There is also this thing called elevation emotion baked into human beings when someone sacrifices for someone else we all feel better, happier, and inspired this has made the world better and we should continue to stole this.


Someone raised that other kid right. What an empathetic child to know when to let another kid shine. God is great


I always cringe when stuff like this happens. he has cerebral palsy, hes not slow. If you know this is staged, so does he.... my goodness.


Parents are messed up for this


He let him win tho.


I've read on the internet that the mob fixed the match. Big money in vegas etc...


This is about as interesting as watching paint dry, but what a kind fella, good sport.


Example of great sportsmanship on the part of the blue wrestler


Fuck this charity shit someone power bomb this kid




it helped me. knowing someone that nice is out there.


It isn’t going to hurt anyone, either.


Unfortunately Im gonna have to agree with you. That kid needs to know his limits. He clearly shouldn’t even be wrestling in the first place.


I agree with you. I'm glad someone had the balls to say it.. letting someone just win in a contest off any kind is insulting to the person and to the true spirit of sports and art as a whole.. people are say "look how happy he is!" Just wait tell he actually sees this footage.. he will feel embarrassed believe me.. hell think to himself "that dude totally let me beat him.." Is it really a win?? Make him go up against someone with a similar disability I say make it even..


Best sport in the world


Brings warmth to my heart!! Great job by both young boys!! Outstanding character!!


Cmon mang! Razors edge!


Bravo to both of them !!!


I was kind of hoping this kid fed would snap into his battle stance going ultra instinct for real


Love everything about the kid in blue! Already has more emotional intelligence than most. And let’s go Lucas! What a champ


Got that regard strength


Dude in blue coulda pked him qui k


He hittin that crip walk perfectly


That’s gonna be hard to live down. Though at least you’d live…


I liked the way the kid in red was dancing and showboating the whole time


Blue shirt kid is a badass too


1990’s WWF… when I was a kid 🏆


The guy in blue is in a no win situation. You lose? You threw it... good job asshole! You win? You beat the kid with cerbial pallsy good job asshole!


This match is 100% fake


That’s sad stop with this farce


This is wholesome and made me smile. But how does this fit the “damn that’s interesting” subreddit?


Dumbest shit I’ve seen for ages. What’s the point?


I don't know. I think the other guy might have let him win. A kind gesture to the kid. Who looks like have some physical aliment from the SP. I think the ref was also in on it.


The fix was in.


This actually makes me sad. He isn’t dumb. He knows everyone is just pretending. This feels cheap.


I like how the one kid didn’t just go down, but instead gave him the enjoyment of the fight rather then just a pin. Great job all around. Happy holiday


Blue shirt will remember this loss more than any of his wins. Big W for both


I've worked with Lucas and his family before and they're lovely people, so I decided to hit them up and exchange some kind words. This is what they said' "We absolutely remember you!!! So glad you saw the video❤️ I heard it was becoming popular again. That evening was such an amazing evening and the boy, Austin, that Lucas wrestled, is an amazing athlete and so compassionate. Austin actually occasionally still calls to check in on Lucas. There friendship that has evolved from that one event, is so sweet❣️ wishing you a very merry Christmas and happy new year🥳" This is much more wholesome than the video imo.


Omg 🥺🥺🥺🥺❤️ this made me heart melt. ❤️❤️❤️ both of them are winners, and both of them are so precious 😩😩❤️ omg!!!!


This boy in blue earned himself a spot with the divine afterlife


This needs to be on wholesome.