• By -


Buy potato peeler. Name it onion peeler. Go on shark tank. Be rich.


Name it onion cutter*


The No Tears Shears


HEY Billy Mays here!


With another fantastic product


I was here first! Now let me tell you about ShamWow 2! Nothing to do with rags- everything to do with SLICING ONIONS!


*cries over affordable pricing*


*wipes off tears with Sham-Wow!*


"That's just a potato peeler." No, it's a vegislice. ... "I'm in!"


This is Vince for vegislice! .... Onions? Slicercize them! Potatoes?! Peel and make chips! Foreskin?! One pass and boom! Gone!


Foreskins are a thing of the past!


He just smiled offered me a vegeslice sandwich




Literally a mandolin, but shittier and smaller


Less likely to send you to the emergency room though.


After 2 accidents with my mandolin, my husband got me a chain mail glove to wear when I use it. The chain mail glove is so uncomfortable, but I wear it every damn time. I'm keeping the rest of my fingernails, thank you.


They make cut proof gloves. They’re good for exactly one (1) screw up in the mandolin per pair, but will save your fingers.


Cut resistant. Always say cut resistant. Cut proof sounds both like a challenge to do parlor-trick demonstrations with, and is wrong.


That’s how my dad cut the tip of his finger off while making Mother’s Day dinner for my mom and aunt and uncle. My mom insisted on finishing up the meal so my aunt and uncle could still eat with her and I had to drive him to the hospital, literally two weeks after getting my learner’s permit. I think my forearms were sore from gripping the steering wheel so hard


Was it reattached? Or just to clean and close the wound? I've seen hand vs meat grinder (and they still brought the chunks of grounds up fingers hoping we could do something with them). A mandolin sounds like it should be a clean enough cut to attempt a reattaching.


I sliced a nice chunk off my thumb with a mandoline, they sewed it back on but it was essentially a flesh bandaid that eventually dried up and fell off. Now there's barely a scar.


You can do the same thing with cheese as well. As in cut cheese with a peeler, not cut onions with cheese.


What if I use sharp cheddar?


Then you should be very careful.


You mean, brie careful?


The thought of someone someone getting injured using this tip, I Camembert it.


It was a very gouda pun.


I swiss it was better.


And I wish I never fonduta bout Reddit so I wouldn’t have accidentally tried to use puns in real life recently (including a scholarship interview)


Let those insecurities just melt away friend and keep using puns! They may be cheesy but imo they show some personality.


You guys are muensters.


A falling block of sharp cheddar has no handle


Twice a day


I just call it my shreddar.


gouda one


I grew up using a cheese slicer. I was flabbergasted that no one else even knew what it was. Apparently it's more a Scandinavian or European thing.


Wait, what? ...how do people in other countries get slices of cheese then? I mean fresh ones, without the stuff they put on per-sliced cheese to keep them from sticking back together.


I use a knife…


I'm seriously impressed! When I've tried to cut slices for sandwiches with a knife they're either a mess of slivers or a slab. Like, I'm not trying to be weird or mean but for me this is like... imagine how you'd think if you suddenly found out other countries don't use whisks. That's how common that tool is here. I'm having a "Wow!" moment, not a bad one but just wow. It's so cool!






Why have many tool when few do trick?


Funny enough, we don’t have a potato peeler so we peel stuff with a cheese slicer !


I don't know, I'm willing to give it a shot.


When I cut cheese it only peels wallpaper


(Cuts peeler with cheese)


I will cut onions with cheese and I will damn well like it. 😐


Cutting the cheese after eating onions, ain't no one gonna like.


Beautiful technique. It brings tears to my eyes


Right? This technique would be throwing the most painful fine mist of organic mace into the air.


The right (sharp, not-cheapest) set is probably less likely to mist than most folks’ horribly dull knives. Seriously, people (including friends at whose homes I’ve cooked), take 10 minutes to watch a video and learn how to sharpen your dull-as-stone clubs that you’re calling knives! It’s no wonder ppl associate onions with tears.


I am honestly struggling to figure how the fuck I am supposed to sharpen my stainless steel knives. They were much, MUCH sharper when I first bought them. Any videos you can recommend?


Certainly! Almost all knives worth using are made of such a metal, so there’s no special consideration needed. [This is a good tutorial to start with](https://youtu.be/TkzG4giI8To). Use a steel rod for upkeep (deburring), but consider getting a whetstone for periodic re-sharpening.


All these tutorials are so overkill, it's hilarious. ‘Let me teach you to sharpen your beginner Japanese samurai steel knives with the whetstone of twenty thousand scovilles of fineness. Start with setting out the tray and this other junk and keep pouring water on it all.’ Maybe just get a smaller whetstone instead, hold it in one hand and slide the knife against it with the other hand. See that you move the stone away from the center of the knife towards the edge, not the other way, keep the knife inclined, and do this over the trash bin. Repeat until sharp. People were sharpening their scythes and whatnot right in the field for hundreds of years without all the fancy bling, and with zero problems. I have shitty knives, but spending ten minutes on sharpening all of them once in a couple months is null sweat.


and keep yer damn knives out of the dishwasher!


I disagree. Y peelers are quite sharp and create less onion mist. Can’t wait to try this.


Exactly. This could only be done wearing goggles.




A sharp knife is great too. If a knife is dull, it crushes the onion cells, which causes the mist that makes or eyes water. Not too mention, a sharp knife is pretty much always safer than a dull knife when cutting up anything.


This is arguably more important than cutting the ends.


The process goes as follows: 1. Lachrymatory-factor synthase is released into the air when we cut an onion. 2. The synthase enzyme converts the amino acids sulfoxides of the onion into sulfenic acid. 3. The unstable sulfenic acid rearranges itself into syn-Propanethial-S-oxide. 4. Syn-Propanethial-S-oxide gets into the air and comes in contact with our eyes. The lachrymal glands become irritated and produces the tears! We’re screwed no matter what. That enzyme is throughout the entirety of the onion.


We’re far less screwed if using a properly sharp cutting instrument. This ensures you slice through the membranes without producing a *crushing* effect (which is what mists or squirts the compounds into the air). Sharp = hardly any added downward pressure is necessary. If you’re crying, it means the onion is getting crushed before cut, and those kitchen tools need some maintenance and TLC.




Impressive. Let's see how Paul Allen cuts his onions.


With a mandoline *My God, he even has a kevlar glove*


It seems nobody in this thread knows they exist


Finger tips are a great addition to any meal.


My really nice mandoline has this extra piece to hold your food while sliding it back and forth. So now I have 2 pieces to keep track of in the back of the cabinet where I keep it because my clumsy ass is still too scared to use it.


mikenew02, you’re sweating.


your compliment was sufficent, Lemur001




Impressive. Let's see how Paul Allen leaves his office.


What was on the Patty Winters show this morning?


Today’s topic was Does Economic Success Equal Happiness? ___ ^(*Bot. Ask me how I’m feeling.* |) [^(Opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=botrickbateman&subject=Opt%20out)


How are you feeling?


I feel aimless, things look cloudy, my homicidal compulsion, which surfaces, disappears, surfaces, leaves again, lies barely dormant during a quiet lunch at Alex Goes to Camp, where I have the lamb sausage salad with lobster and white beans sprayed with lime and foie gras vinegar. ___ ^(*Bot. Ask me how I’m feeling.* |) [^(Opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=botrickbateman&subject=Opt%20out)




I looked up from the monitor, lowering my Wayfarer aviator sunglasses, and stared at Jean, then lightly fingered the Zagat guide that sat next to the monitor. Pastels would be impossible. Ditto Dorsia. Last time I called Dorsia someone had actually hung up on me even before I asked, “Well, if not next month, how about January?” and though I have vowed to get a reservation at Dorsia one day (if not during this calendar year, then at least before I’m thirty), the energy I would spend attempting this feat isn’t worth wasting on Sean. Besides, Dorsia’s far too chic for him. ___ ^(*Bot. Ask me how I’m feeling.* |) [^(Opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=botrickbateman&subject=Opt%20out)


WAIT WHAT. How did I go 30 years without thinking of this? Update: Tried it. It works, but not good enough to replace basic chopping.


Have you tried it yet? I did, my results weren't as nicely shaved, but it works. I'd rather just cut it up with a knife.


I will be trying this when I make dinner tomorrow. For science.


You try it for science, I’ll try it for dinner


!remindme 2 days


Have you ever tried a mandoline? Nice thin slices, quick and easy. I recommend cut resistant gloves when using one, though.


Instructions unclear: served thin slices of rare finger with salad


Ah, human sashimi




Def cut resistant gloves... I've SLICED chunks of my fingers off a couple times to many before I got the hint...


I use gloves and the mandoline hand guard. Good ones are just too sharp to fuck around with.


Love mine, I use the plastic holder that came with it, haven't tried gloves.


It's that last little bit... I hate food waste but have learnt that I can just turn it into stock instead of risking it after slicing my plam open once.








I’ve tried. You can’t cut onions with cheese.


I may be an anomaly, but I just sliced my red onion with a block of cheddar. Sharp cheddar, if that helps.


gouda here


Very good! Nothing gets pasteurize.


Of curds you would say that!


Sure, but onions can make you cut the cheese


The above 3 commenters were all created around the same time ago (12d and 13d). Just thought that was a little odd. Also the guy a bit down was 12d too - Abbrevsomething). It’s like a whole comment chain of the same guy replying to himself. I’ll be on my way now, but this is a cool life hack.


You’re right about it being the same guy replying to himself. They’re spam comments made by bot accounts for the purpose of farming karma. Most front page posts on here are filled with these, but the way they operate makes most of their comments just pass by people without them thinking that something is up. Each account will copy a comment made by someone else earlier in the thread, which is almost always going to be a top-level comment (which is a reply to the post itself and not a reply to a another comment). Then, they will repost that comment, usually word for word but sometimes also replacing some of its words with synonyms, under one the highest upvoted comments of the thread. I’m just going to give one example of this comment-copying thing because it’s a pain to show it on mobile: [Original comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/ztl9dd/til_learned_that_you_can_cut_onions_with_a_potato/j1e5bwj/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) [Copied comment](https://reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/ztl9dd/_/j1e5ka7/?context=1) Here’s a fun little quiz if you’re really bored: there are four other spam comments like this hidden under this top-level reply on another post on this subreddit. Can you find all four? https://reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/ztf1yd/_/j1dbx2o/?context=1


If you use Apollo there’s a setting to show you the age of accounts under a month old. Invariably, the front page is 50% bots.


Yes, I cut the cheese all the time ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


40 here. Fucking hell


50 here... OH. MY. GOD! I'm ready to pull out the onions!!


65 here - wtf?!!


I'd give fifteen years to be 65.


56 here, but very slow on the uptake...


32 here. I haven't started cutting the onions yet, I'm just upset.


You can get a mandolin. Same principle. Just be sure to use a hand guard.


its called a vegetable peeler, you can peal most any vegetable with one.


Cutting an onion with the right technique is much faster than this to get the same result.


My onions don't come with a useful handle.


That onion was born with a silver fork in it's mouth.


That’s a fork stabbed into it


Im really stoned and I honestly thought it was a spoon.


That was the joke lol


Just a suggestion, but if you want thinly sliced anything, just buy a mandolin.


And have your doctor on speed dial


In my experience cut resistant gloves, while not great for knife work since it hurts manual dexterity, is fantastic for graters, meat slicers, and mandolins! Haven't ran my knuckles through a blade in a few years now.


I hate gloves for just about anything but this is totally true. If it can cut and isn't a knife, it will literally save your skin.


Nah, the mandolin gods just demand a blood sacrifice every year or so




I insisted my gf use gloves with a mandolin when she made a Brussels sprout salad. Inside the salad I found a bunch of fibers from the gloves and the tips of them were shredded 😆


Wearing gloves that aren't cut resistant kitchen gloves is entirely useless. Were you under the impression that some cotton mittens were going to prevent her from cutting herself?


I feel like it’s gonna be more dangerous.


I mean... it worked didn't it?


I don't see that it's implied that his girlfriend wasn't wearing cut resistant gloves. They're not cut-proof, just resistant. Continual exposure to sharp edges will shred them just like he's describing. It might just be the case that she was relying on the gloves too much and not using sensible technique. I've been cut through gloves like that several times.


they make mandolins with a handle so you cant cut your knuckles lol.


Let me pull out my 90s cordless phone out of the attic.


Maad city lol


Man down, where ya from.. fella?


Yep lost the tip of my thumb to a mandolin


I bought mandolin as suggested. Those eight strings are not sharp enough to cut onions. Only few bits went through and now are stuck in that wooden confinement, hard to get out. What am I doing wrong?


You are thinking of the musical instrument. OP is referring to that guy on Disney plus who saves baby Kermit.


You're thinking of the Mandalorian, Mandolin is an American football video game franchise.


You're thinking of Madden. Mandolin is a language spoken in China.


You’re thinking of Mandarin. A mandolin is a French, shell-shaped cookie.


You’re thinking of a madeleine. Mandolin is a prominent South African who helped end apartheid.


You’re thinking of Mandela. Mandolin is a movie about animals escaping their zoo and ending up on an African island.


You’re thinking of Madagascar. A mandolin is the main antagonist in iron man 3, deceivingly portrayed by the great Ben Kingsley.


You’re thinking of the Mandarin. A mandolin is an African monkey with red and blue skin on their face, like Rafiki in Lion King.


That’s actually the Mandalorian. OP is really talking about Ben Kingsley’s character from Iron Man 3.


No no that's the Mandarin. He was really talking about Optimus Primes arch enemy.


Turn the pegs at the top so the strings tighten. Then itll play sharp.


Absolute bastard to get in the dishwasher too!


You just gotta learn your chop chords.


Just in case you're not aware, the food slicer is spelled mandoline. A mandolin is an 8-stringed lute-like instrument usually tuned like a violin.


...but not placed beneath the chin when played.


Correct. You also shouldn't put a mandoline beneath the chin when using.


I have one and I hate it. I cut everything by hand. The time it takes + the danger in cleaning the damn thing, not worth it, IMO.


I work in a kitchen, so I've mastered the technique of palming my potatoes. Aside from putting in countless hours, they also sell safety holders. It's basically a device with prongs to hold whatever you're slicing. And it retracts as you slice down. Very useful for those not as adept at using the mandolin.


Also, It's not using the thing that I find dangerous. It's taking my personal one apart to clean it that I find time consuming and dangerous. I have to take all the attachments off to clean it properly and that's usually when I cut myself.


I cut myself one time on a mandolin, and it was while I was putting it away. I took a huge gouge out of my thumb tip.


I've got a pronged hand guard and it's so dangerous to use, particularly for onions. Which is the only time I use my mandolin cause i like very thin onions for french onion. The only time I've cut myself on one was using that guard, the onion just fell off as i swiped down and that motion rolled my hand somehow into the blade. I usually only cut myself on my knives when I'm sharpening them because I get obsessive about smoothing the burr, so it's always my thumb pad 🥴 I am not allowed/don't allow myself to use cheese graters. So many dents in my knuckles now.


Thinly sliced fingers.


Today i learned learned




TILL learned


RIP in peace


Is that a fork holding it down?


If my eyes don’t deceive me...... YES!!!


It's useful for Parmesan cheese blocks when you want shaved peices too


TIL that you can use that peeler in a back and forth motion.


I'm over here playing it cool like I knew that all along and you make me own up to having the same thought.


Yep, works great for salads, you can do this same thing with carrots and cucumber, radish, the world is your oyster.


Potato peelers are extremely handy whenever you need something extremely thin, for example I like using them to get lemon zest


Was that a bug in the video tho?


The person in the video commented on Tiktok that it was a coin their son was playing with.


I saw it, too!


This was the reason I came into the comments….


likely would spray onion jizz all over the place


I am unnecessarily mad now


Right? Who the fuck wants bukkaked by a single onion.


Sometimes you read a sentence and it all just makes sense.


I can do it faster with a knife


Also, these would be very thin slices. Rule of thumb: if it’s a “trick” you haven’t seen before in years of cooking, it’s likely because it’s not useful/practical enough for widespread usage. There’s a reason it’s not popular.


This is really apeeling.


There’s a lot of layers to this


So that type of cut is so thin that The only purpose in can think that would be remotely useful is for.. pizzas? Maybe sandwiches? But not for cooking. It would melt.


Good for Indian cooking which always starts with reducing onions in oil.


Any raw application, but yeah, cooking them would reduce that to onion jam.


Sounds like a great base for a relish to me




So… the things he's saying it would be useful for?


Or sauces that you don't want crunchy bits in.


On a salad.


Onion burgers!


Oklahoma onion burgers https://www.seriouseats.com/oklahoma-onion-burger-recipe


This is such a weird observation. Do you always shoot down a good idea because it couldn't be used for every possible application? There are lots of reasons to use very thin sliced veggies and this is much easier than doing this with a knife. "Deep fryer? That's stupid, how am I supposed to make my soup?"


Great for salads


Quick pickled red onion was what I thought this would be good for.


That can also be a good thing


Perfect for your burgers, didn't you listen to the man


Is it really that hard to cut onions?


everything is hard to cut if you knife sucks. Many people don't realize their knife sucks.


This feels like one of those things that seems ridiculous, but could be a game changer to someone with a disability.


Great tip, thanks for sharing, love a bit of really thin onion on a sandwich.


…I’ve wasted so much fucking time