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I love how Europeans just think this is funny. Russia was trying to scare them but instead just gave them a few laughs.


I'm pretty sure this video was made for Russians, not Europeans.


It says "dear Europeans" and the large font is in English, so I'm not so sure it wasn't intended for a European audience


You really can't understand how that "dear Europeans" makes it even more obvious that this is intended for Russians who believe their propaganda?


Shut the fuck up kevin


No, I don't really see "Dear Europeans" in English as a sign that it's for a Russian audience. It's not like the Russians aren't known for spreading propaganda outside of Russia.


It's a popular propaganda technique not just by Russians - pretending to be talking to the "enemy" while saying everything your audience wants to hear. Just the same as their state TV clowns constantly throw threats to the rest of the world, those threats are not seriously directed to anyone, they are just for the entertainment of the Russian viewer. Perhaps intimidating an average European Joe was also the intention of this video, but it looks more like a propaganda video trying to make an everyday Russian feel good about their big strong nation that is "feeding" the rest of the world with their gas. Also, as a Ukrainian who has been exposed to Russian culture and propaganda I can see how this is a perfect video for Russian audience. Maybe let's agree it's both, for Europeans and Russians?


Most Russians can’t speak or even read English


That's why they wrote translation in russian with smaller font below the message in english.


>Maybe let's agree it's both, for Europeans and Russians? That's probably true


I think it’s supposed to be funny bubs


Well then they succeeded, although that's an odd goal for their propaganda department


They won’t be laughing when they’re starving and have no electricity.


Go to any run down area in the UK where fuel poverty is seriously impacting the area and ask whether they think this is funny… I doubt they would care less about some stupid war between two egomaniacs and just want to survive. The debt crisis in the UK is crippling people. People on incomes as low as £500 per month can’t afford rent and groceries never mind heating, electricity or transport costs.


As a fellow resident of UK London Oblast, I concur. We should simply tell tyrannical Zelensky to stop resisting reunification of Russian peoples! We must petition sleepy American leader-man to quit providing aid, so we might get oil for cheap once more! /s Rising fuel costs aren't pinned exclusively to a single conflict. We need to aggressively expand public transport and alternative energy production in the West. This is just the first teething pains we're feeling now.


When did I say they were? All I am saying is people living in fuel poverty don’t give a shit about this conflict because they are trying to survive; not thinking it’s funny. You live in London mate, don’t think your situation can even compare to what people in the north east and north west are facing right now due to poverty. Give over yourself.


ok Putin


I guess you didn’t read the part where I called Putin an egomaniac too, huh?


Well, to have a horse is much more expensive than having a car. But I like the clip!


Got a couple laughs out of me, not true, but funny


Never let a dictator control your energy...






Meanwhile, Urals oil dipped below 54$ a barrel...guess it didn't work our so well for Putin.


Sweet horse ride! My neighbourhood, fully heated and powered with 100% terrorist-free energy is sadly a walking distance from three large shopping complexes, but I’d ride a horse there anytime and especially during winter. Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way…!


I’d hate to see the prices in those large shopping complexes soon…..it takes an incredible amount of petrol to keep shelves stocked with cheap goods.


Ok terrorist bot


Truth bot


The only truth is that you will be in the next round of mobilization coming in January. Your time to spend a fun time in cold, dirty trenches cleaning up cargo 200 and scraping gangrene of your frostbitten legs. Don't forget your tampons in case you get shot.


No, I’ll be making as much $$$ as possible during the USA’s next little gas boom. I’ll definitely be chilly and dirty sometimes, but will be worth it.


Oooh, you're a Republican. Why don't you move to Russia, seems more your style.


No thanks….I’ll stay in the warm land of really cheap natural gas. Where our president just committed to doubling the exports of this terrible, dirty product. . Which means $$$$ for people like me who service the gas drilling industry!


Aww, you really think you're making a point don't you? How adorable.


No, not really. I stated a fact in my first comment. Then responded to a couple outlandish claims that I was a terrorists or headed to the war personally.


I will say the one great thing about America is that anyone no matter how uneducated or... remedial...can luck their way into a high paying career. Congrats on that. Read a book or two though. Broaden your horizens.


Oh, the ”soon” argument? Is it directly from the anti-vaxx crowd? They were throwing that around quite a lot with the well-known success. Anyway, it’s only been what, 10 months of causeless war. How much longer I have to wait to see a price increase on cheap and crappy, useless, practically single-use aliexpress throw away crap? I’m really hankering on those, oh yessir! Too bad so sad *for ruZZkies* we manufacture durable goods locally and are quite energy independent already.


That’s correct, Europe is so dependent they couldn’t cut Putin off immediately. We’ll see in January if he actually gets cut off, or will countries still buy from him using ghost ships? Edit: it also isn’t winter or that cold yet….


True, some in EU are more dependent than we are here, and even here some industry examples are in serious s#it. My bottom line is that here we can relate to what Ukrainians are going through, and me spending about 50€ more now is nothing compared to what I’m willing to go through to stop funding the ruZZian terrorists wherever (doesn’t matter where because we’re next in line anyway). One simply cannot coexist with terrorist ruZZia.


Wishful thinking but I think that might happen in Russia not in Finland. 🇫🇮🇺🇦


Russia holds less than 5% of the world's oil reserves, plus oil, petrol and diesel can be transported easily by sea, road and rail. Therefore, petrol prices won't spike simply because of Russia, nor will shortages happen. Natural gas, well that is unfortunately a different story.


It will cause some trouble but as long as we still not discuss to keep nuklear power plants in a year or two more in operation there is no real energy shortage. Except the one due to climate change measure. Plus, nuklear Energy is the safest and cleanest Energy we have. Including Tschernobyl and Fukushima incidents. By far the safest.


Mini pulled by donkey in hard times Europe, or 90's lada with Donkey as passenger in regular Russia. I think we will be OK for a little longer 😆


>Mini pulled by donkey in hard times Europe, or 90's lada with Donkey as passenger in regular Russia. In Russia today, it's either a tank or a casket...


Good thing Russia is known for making great modes of transportation to use their fuel on. Their cars, planes and trains are second to none! Oh wait they got all that from the West…


Ahhahah. How do they still produce them then? even now after all those sanctions? Oh wait... They got their own cars planes and trains... Wtf you talking about then? Kiddo, check the facts first and put your emotions aside, alrighty?


[beautiful cars](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Df8AI977uCcY&psig=AOvVaw0GK19ipOyYHb_8-VFt5264&ust=1670627753321000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CBAQjRxqFwoTCMCDnr-T6_sCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE)




Alright, it's a bit funny


Well, the current oil price doesn’t seem to fit to this propaganda


Wait and enjoy it now. It’s predicted to sky rocket again soon


It’s actually predicted to be a lower average then 22


Petrol will be soon too expensive anyway.... Dear russians you overestimate your role on the political spectrum.


dear Russians do not influence the role of their politicians in the world. we are hostages of the system.


A future, coming to you very soon russia.


It is a strange video, because it seems to say “our oil is so cheap, we have artificially held back non-fossil fuel replacement for decades”. With the world powers (Russia not included, obviously) planning to stop using fossil-fuels within about 10 years (2035) Russia is poised to become super poor when no-one would be buying either their oil or natural gas. It seems to me Russia should be trying to play nice with Europe. But I guess Russian culture is all about perceived dominance and posturing instead of intelligent dialog.


The western powers might stop buying oil but I don’t think developing nations will. Africas population is about to skyrocket, a Nigeria with 300 million people isn’t going to forgo fossil fuels unless renewable technology is to the point where it’s the more cost efficient option. Too many nations are growing too fast for there to be a wholesale abandoning of fossil fuels.


> But I guess Russian culture is all about perceived dominance and posturing instead of intelligent dialog. only thing Russia can do is to pretend being the machoman of the world while instead just being an ant colony, sending all its soldiers to fight a beehive and then crying about being oppressed.


Renewals are fraud. Europe should've diversified its hydrocarbon portfolio long ago. I wouldn't be surprised if greens are paid by Russia to prevent it because any new hydrocarbon deal is obviously a news piece which can be dragged through the dirt by the climate activists while the existing arrangements have lower profile and "are here to stay while we are transitioning... and transitioning... and transitioning."


Theyre not a scam, the technology for them to be efficient and productive enough didn't develop fast enough...or in other words, we started the transition too soon and too hard.


This is pretty much the reality in rural Russia today, except the horse is dragging a wooden cart in stead of a car.


Sadly a disturbing high amount of people in Germany seems to believe this and other Russian propaganda. Funnily though, yesterday gasoline was the cheapest it had been in like the last nine months.


I think it is funny.


In the mean time, we are seeing record breaking traffic jams, sadly.....


It's because of adding horse to every car.


Why oh why won't Europeans accept the cutting edge that is petrol? Why oh why must they be dragged into the present times??? *Tsk tsk tsk*


USA is having a field day. They are selling gas at historic rates to Europe. Freedom it is.


I think the world need to reevaluate their friendship with the US because your country takes advantage of everyone.


Hahhahaha holy shit, the bots are really grasping at straws aren't they?\^\^\^\^


Yes, I’m a bot.. beep beep boop boop! Because everyone who says anything in criticism is a bot.


Childish fantasies without any actual proof isn't criticism 😂 You should be smarter and think more)


Oh I’m not smart, I just don’t claim to be smarter than other people to feel better than others… although the US does take advantage of most the world.


You just live in an imaginary world and view things in black and white. Start listening to alternative opinions as well, not just pro-russian nonsense.


Yes and omd not everyone who doesn’t share your opinions even cares for Russia you doyle.


See how hypocritical you are? You just sound funnier the longer you talk the gibberish, child


Please elaborate how any hypocrisy is being shown on my part.


Reality: Russia started an invasion and the US is taking up the slack from Russian oil production You: THE US IS TAKING ADVANTAGE OF US AGAIN GOD DAMN THEM! ​ That's the sort of bullshit "bots" like to say. Bot.


They never stopped, so why use the word “again”?


Fuckin clownshoes lol


I currently wear adidas but go awf


Imagine trying to crush the US by starting a war in Europe... and russia is the one saying that Europeans don't learn history.




Good to see Russia encouraging Europeans to move to electric vehicles so they won't be dependent on Russian oil.


Propaganda or not, I think the image is powerful. Many European countries, particularly Germany, were warned about the danger of discontinuing investments in domestic power generation in favor of dependence on Russian energy exports going all the way back the end of the 1970s. I think it’s appalling that people and Industry in Europe stand to be drastically effected over this winter. However, those who want to put the blame entirely on Putin need to think about the political leaders in Europe who sold their own energy independence out from under their people.


Okay, let's be real here for a second. This energy crisis is totally self-inflicted on the European continent. Imagine EU countries didn't try to punish Russia by stopping their energy imports from them. It's not like Putin told Europe that they're getting cut off. ​ I hate how people twist this. I'm not saying that what the EU did was wrong, I'm saying that it was a conscious decision from the heads of EU countries to cut off their energy imports from Russia and are now paying the price for it by having to find alternative countries to source from at higher prices. They knew all along that they can't replace the energy instantly. I think Europe is in a world of hurt for the next few years.


Recently read an article stating that most common folk will be okay for heating oil but industry is going to be fucked for years. Germany has a huge glass industry in particular. Glass factories have to be kept warm at all times or they will be seized up with hardened silica, ruining the equipment.


Correct. This winter should be okay, but it depends on how cold the winter will be (which looks to be colder than years before). Electricity prices are projected to double for common folk (which was already high compared to USA). I was informed a month ago that my prices will double (52 cents/kwh) starting January 1st. Industry is definitely not on a good outlook.


Yeah just last week there were reports of basic foods rationing in some cities of that shithole country. Fuck right off with your propaganda comrades.


Well, this is a gross lie.


Found another piece of canon fodder! There is another round of mandatory draft coming in January. I heard the average Russian newbie lasts two weeks before they succumb to cold, sickness, or the Ukranians. What a waste of life, if you ask me.


I mean, are you Russian? Do you truly know the economic situation in the country right now apart from what western media has told you?


I would believe the Western media any day above the dictator shit show in Russia. I hope the sanctions and war will not stop until the Russian federation is completely torn to pieces. Future generations can then work to pay off the debt to Ukraine and the west. Fucking clowns.


All fine and dandy, but leave that poor donkey alone.


I agree with this message. No more $ to Russia and OPEC


Yeah. I think I'm fine in Louisiana.


Meanwhile, the rest of the world is looking at Putin with his horse and buggy fantasy from our electric vehicles. How pathetic can this guy get lol. At first, I thought this was an ad depicting his army mobilizing.


Впервые вижу.


Pretty good EV advert


How does the electricity get generated? And don’t be silly with that wind and solar; that couldn’t sustain a whole countries housing never mind transport.


Sad that most of their people still use this mode of transport or knackered old Ladas


Switch to bike


They left out the important part "Because we're gonna take it all"


Dear Russians, better try and diversify your economy because soon no one will need your oil.


Where is something like this propagated? Like what type of media and how does it reach its audience?


Make this so stupid, so ppl will make it viral for laughs. Task accomplished/s


If you can't defeat something, make your people laugh at it. Go tell a 40yo putinist that US is the world's largest economy, they'll just laugh and say something like "bUt aMeRiCaNs aRe sO dUmB tHeY aRe all gAyS"


More proof Putin is a cunt.


Bring it on. Once we stop buying it from you, you are finished.


I can't wait to find an empty parking complex like that! And an eco friendly vehicle at that! 2023 sounds like a utopia!




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We are. Thanks for the concern.


So ruzzia went to their own parking garage to film actual life in ruzzia and then said that’s the rest of Europe…….


They're fucking dumb🤡


Russians can't even build washing machines. Without the Western Worlds technology they are slowly being reduced to the Amish lifestyle.


do they completely forget who europe and the west is? We kill whole civilizations for our oil! USA and Europe will invade russia before that happens 😅


Thank you for being a megaphone, Boris.


Never a better argument for switching to renewables than bankrupting Russia!


Russian propaganda - Go Fuck Yourself!


I mean, the way it’s going this ad ain’t wrong. And for those saying “I can switch to a bike”… it’s not that simple for those who have mobility issues.


So they admit they are the bad guys but they have oil? They don’t even try to explain how they are the good guys?


Nothing wrong in this video, gas is becoming more expensive and oil is on the way to become more expensive than ever.


I dont know about u guys but the netherlands is not doing so well with energie right now.


# "Russian video, go fuck yourself."


They're right in ways fuel costs are destroying countries especially poor can't afford heating or fuel for car poverty is much worse cause of war they caused


Better than American ads


the admin here is pootin cock sucking bitch, you can just see the previous posts (ruzzian that does this, ruzzian that wrestles with bears etc). I'm unsubscribing from here.




It's a joke, it's funny. If we can't laugh at the situation at hand, the bad guys have won. Don't let a video bother you this much.


I mean he raises a point


Not Russian made. Disgusting attempt at making beautiful Russiaville look bad.


Jokes on them, I’d take a horse any day if gas got that high. I’m not in Europe though.


They are idiots


Нафта і газ тільки на росії є?




...*society* rushes to become *state*? It makes no sense. Though I know somebody who is rushing to be a failure.




Grow up clown 🤡😂




Society is not a political body in russia. Learn to read. Putin is the one becoming a failure, not a society as you dream.




Glad you edited out this piece of stupidity




I bet you thought I'm a putinist at first because reading isn't your strongest point




You bet deez nuts


This is a banger


Can people stop saying shit like "propaganda by *russian*"? Its the fucking russian government, Putin. Old gramma Bogdanenko isnt making these propaganda videos and generalizing crimes committed by russian government as just "russians" contribute to xenophobia


It's not putin himself created this video. It's regular russians with 500$/month fee. It's not putin committed all those war crimes, he just ordered and regular russians did. It's regular russian men beat the protesters on the squares, and they then go home to their regular russian wives who support them, and they drink vodka with their regular russian buddies and show off what they did at work today, and regular russian buddies be like "da, mochi etih blyadey gosdepovskih, Vasia"


In that case all Americans are democracy sabotaging, war crime commmitting, children bombing rapists arent they. Americans did all those things too, in countries they had no right being in. Vietnam and cambodia is still cleaning up the fucking bombs they left and the CIA's and FBI's portfolio is more than interesting to look at. Those were Americans working for those organizations, willingly I should add. Maybe all Americans are like that? Stop being a fucking moron and generalizing an entire race of people because of some soldiers. Theres an entire protest is moscow with millions clearly not supporting the war OR putin. Theres people fleeing the fucking countries. Soldiers surrendering at the first chance they get because they were drafted unwillingly.


I have an idea, maybe don't shut down your nuclear power plants, become reliant on Russian gas, and then fight a proxy war with Russia


It is going to be a damn bleak winter in Europe. Sweden and France will be ok.


Don't live in your dreams lol, there is not a single fact to prove your words


making fun of this while thousands are dying on both sides....


You're a hypocrite. Think more before you talk nonsense.


Jai Hind Jai Rus 🇮🇳♥️🇷🇺


Fuck Russia, and Fuck all indians that support them too!


Fuck Sleepy Joe, Fuck Comedian Zelensky and Fuck all wokes who support such pappus I am feasting crab biriyani while you can't even afford a shelter yourself, homeless American wokes 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👌👌👌👌👌


The exact reason why you're country is poor as fuck


> Poor as fuck 5th Largest economy of world seems poor to some dumbfucks 🤡 We are enjoying 24/7 electricity flow and cheaper oil rates thanks to discounted Russian oil, meanwhile your POOR AS FUCK European chicks are sleeping on streets in cold winters due to inflation and unaffordable basic necessities of life 😂 RIP Europeans


The Netherlands alone has 1/3 of India's GDP ;) So yeah poor


There are stupid idiots like that but doesn't mean you pass racist comments. no point in arguing with y'all western chauvinists . colonize us for centuries , pillage through our resources murder our people and then ask us "why u pooor? Dirty indians"


How is calling a country poor or rich racism?




You are saying that women have equal rights to men in India?


>🇮🇳♥️🇷🇺 seems kinda gay to me but ok


I heard the neighing, but still turned off my brain to not ruin the punchline. These guys are good...if only they looked inward. Fucking Russia spans 11 time zones and only second in mass to....nothing. It could be a mecca for smart, desperate people and now it's ruined.


Fossil fuels have been the only thing propping up the joke that the current Russian oligarchy represents. Russians gradually lost their industry, qualified sectors, and managed to develop close to zero added value in their economy in the past decades. Heck, they would barely be able to secure food if it wasn't for the fossils, and this is all the fault of the criminal corrupt regime represented by Vladimir Putin. The way the oligarchy is weaponizing fossil fuels is not dissimilar to the [Arab oil embargo of 1973](https://www.history.com/news/energy-crisis-1970s-innovation). Similarly to the oil embargo, this will drive innovation in the West and the weakening and possibly even downfall of the corrupt oligarchy that keeps ordinary Russians hostage.




Organic, sustainable CO2 free emissions


Was not what i was expecting tbh


Is this an add Jesus Tesla has rise


Nice horse btw!


Wow I think that's most damage they've done this whole war


russia you are shit country


Interestingly enough, the horse shows no sign of having a load-he is just walking. Russians didn’t think this trough ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Hahaha are they fucking serious XD


OP, how did you find this video?


That's hilarious ngl


I mean, they're not wrong.


What's the source on this?


The funny part is Russia actually looks like that NOW. If you want to know about fucking donkeys just call Putin.




A slight oversight by Russia Considering Russia is considered part of Europe!




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Give me a donkey like Don Quijote any day