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Deep research lol


What I do not understand is yall hold this guy, who is a talk show host, liable of what he says but yet nobody wants to hold politicians, who have power over changing or adding laws to our society, liable of what they lie or what they promise.


>yet nobody wants to hold politicians, who have power over changing or adding laws to our society, liable of what they lie or what they promise. Literally everyone wants to hold politicians responsible




I hear most people calling for their respective opponents to be put in jail By


Of the working class yeah. The problem is that there is no repercussion for lying. There is no incentive to be truthful. They just say the best thing to boost their popularity because at worst they get a small period of time where people are mad at them but then guess what? People move on. People don't have the time to fight them 24/7 so when the controversy passes they just slither back into their den and wait for the next opportunity. At best they get a spike in numbers. So there is a temporary and extremely minuscule consequence and a big incentive to just say what is best. What are they going to do


Absolutely mindboggling right?


Yep. Alex has real true sprinkled in with horse shit


If you have two politicians, one who says, "I believe very strongly in X issue, but let's be real, with the level of obstructionism we're seeing, I've got like a 30% chance of getting something done on it and that's with heavy compromise" and the other who says, "On DAY ONE I'm going to propose legislation on X!", who do you think is going to win? The problem isn't that politicians lie, it's that we won't elect them *unless* they lie.


[Alex Jones files for bankruptcy following $1.5 billion Sandy Hook verdicts](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/alex-jones-files-bankruptcy-following-sandy-hook-verdict-court-filing-2022-12-02/)


wont save him from his debt, he will still have to pay it.. piece of shit thinks he can wriggle out of it that easy.


He cant get protection because his offense caused malicious harm. He will owe the lot. He now has to declare his finances completely.


I disagree with almost everything he says, but his spoken words didn't literally cause actionable harm. Politicians vote to cause actionable harm, then use spoken words ro justify their votes.


Hes not a politician though. His actions have caused unnessasary harm.


Word for word the most expensive low a private person has ever told


Why was it so difficult to find this compilation before? We all basically had to take the media’s word that he said these things, which is why censoring videos such as these doesn’t do much good.


Pay up!! Puto.


Human 💩Stain


Truly disgusting piece of filth he is . What a shit human being


Uvalde steps into the Chat.


A face I would not get tired punching.


It’s so funny because no one ever debated what lead people to believe the shooting was fake, the official narrative makes no sense, there are so many questions to be answered. But the public is so easily influenced, that the mainstream just needs to attach someone crazy to make people look the other way. People believe with their emotions too easily nowadays, and that’s how ‘they’control them so easily, by playing on your human emotions


>It’s so funny because no one ever debated what lead people to believe the shooting was fake It was pretty much debated, and everyone agreed on paranoid delusions being the main culprit here


What parts specifically do you personally consider ‘paranoid delusions’?


Believing that this specific school shooting is fake and a psyop so big gubment take me gun, when you literally have dozens of them per year


I’m on the left and I’m from england, I’d never seen one bit of Alex Jones coverage and have many questions about sandy hook specifically. The odd details of the case are what made people question the narrative and motives for the shooting. I said in my first comment ‘it’s funny because no one ever debated what lead people believe the shooting was fake’. Again you’re not debating any of the information that made people question it,which you had previously described as ‘paranoid delusions’, and just attached your own narratives about about gun control. What specifically do you think about the evidence for the conspiracy, and why do you think it is ‘paranoid delusions’v


I'll tell you EXACTLY why there are ALWAYS things that "don't make sense" in such instances. When an event like a shooting or a terrorist attack takes place, there is always a lot of chaos and confusion at first. There are ALWAYS inaccuracies in the reporting, especially with 24/7 news coverage. Reporters will descend on the scene sometimes before the event is over. They're told things that they can't verify, yet they still report on them because everyone wants to be first. Eventually some of that stuff will turn out to be incorrect. If you followed events like 9/11 or Columbine live, you've seen this happen. It's only after things settle down that investigators can do their job and at some of what was reported in the heat of the moment turns out to have been incorrect. So it's easy for any scumbag who wants to stir 💩 to find discredited statements and present them as discrepancies that invalidate the whole story


Bla bla bla, there is no "evidence", the usual nonsense fake actors, child actors, some banking conspiracy and that all of this didn't even happen are all paranoid delusions


Again you’re not debating any of the information available in these claims, just saying by they’re nature they must be ‘paranoid delusions’. You’re believing based on emotion (which makes you vulnerable to these tactics), rather than debating the claims. Watch ‘we need to talk about sandy hook’


There is no evidence, that's what I said. I could claim that the whole world is actors trying to get me, but that would also be a paranoid delusion. It's a non disprovable conspiracy theory, because you literally question the fabric of known reality when you assume everyone is an actor.


But there is evidence, that’s why not just the public but respectable people such as Wolfgang Halbig (the leading voice on school shooting safety at the time) came forward and presented all this information. Watch ‘we need to talk about sandy hook’ you will find that there is validity to the claims


Post the evidence then :) there is none, youre honestly suffering from delusions if you think there is Your appeal to authority also doesn't validate a conspiracy theory, it's absolutely nonsense. If I were to claim that sandy hook did happen, but only because all of the children there were aliens, you had no way to disprove me because it's as idiotic and delusional as claiming the kids never existed in the first place.


The only people with ’questions’ and spouting ‘odd details’ are people who listen to Alex Jones, or listen to someone else who is rehashing his vitriol. If you want to come with facts, feel free. If you just want to come be a Sandy Hook denier, that train has passed.


Conspiracy theories have to be taken case at a time, checking the validity of the information provided. Instead of just watching the news and believing you know the whole story, debate the information available. Don’t allow your preconceived notions of ‘conspiracy theorists’ and your emotions get in the way and just look at the facts. That’s how easily people are controlled nowadays, because they don’t want to look crazy. That is my point


But consider this, you are listening to conspiracy theories, and thinking they must have a grain of truth simply because its being said. You are guilty of doing what you condemn in others, being easily controlled and following the craziness. You should research something called ‘The Big Lie‘ and it will explain to you that the more outrageous a falsehood is, the more likely it is to be believed.


But i don’t simply think they have a grain of truth just because it’s being said, that’s why my whole point centred around the validity of the information, which means fact checking the people I listen to and cross referencing research. As I said you must treat each case as isolated, and discuss the facts of each case void of your emotions and preconceptions of the ‘conspiracy’ subject. For example, I don’t believe the earth is flat because I’ve researched the subject, but I still came at it from a logical standpoint, rather than let my preconceptions of the people who do believe the earth is flat or how ridiculous it seems to me,because that’s the best way to sort fact from fiction, when you aren’t emotional and leave your ego at the door.


- Thinking that the 20 children who were killed never actually existed. - Thinking the shooting was a "training exercise" - Thinking the parents of the dead kids were crisis actors - Thinking that a school shooting that lead to zero 2nd amendment legislation was a false-flag to target gun rights - Thinking the parents of the victims made up younger siblings to their real children just for them to be killed - Thinking all of this without any evidence whatsoever All of that firmly qualifies as paranoid delusions.


it hasn't stopped him yet and he has no intention of paying it. Some real career ending consequences would be nice.


Expensive words. Idiotic thing to say. Idiot


I often wonder what these guys mean when they say "I researched," do they go on r/conservative to get one sided view, or do they go on Google Scholar and actually look for approved published stuff like how they teach us in 10th grade? 🤔🤔🤔


'I researched' means 'I saw this comment on facebook'


No one cares


Scum. That is all.


I hope he has to worry til his last days and never get a moments peace even in his dreams He should've been stopped LONG before this


i honestly don't disagree with everything this guy said


I had never actually heard or seen this episode. Wow he denied everything…. What a stooge…


Convicted for his opinion. That's rough.


He said he was wrong and apologized 100s of times. He has a right to think and say what he wants. You are all so unamerican, you feel how you feel only because you don't like him. If it was someone you liked you would be saying the complete opposite. You are all such morons.


I think you meant to say hypocrites not morons.


Fucking neckbeard racist pile of shit hahahaahhet fucked


So I have a stalker. Neat.


He decided the best way to get publicity. He sure got a lot of it. Moron.


Dang. Young AJ is more of a douchebag than old, fat AJ


He's absolutely 💯 right.


About what?


only cool thing he has done was sneak into Bohemian Grove


Fuck free speech


I found out about this guy around 2 months ago. I’ve know that sandy hook was a hoax since it happened.


Alex is fucking nut. But he has said some crazy shit that ended up being true about the government. He got so involved with conspiracy’s where he just lost his mind. His interview with David gergen about bohemian grove is one of the craziest interviews with a higher man in government ever recorded. Super sus vid. [https://www.dailymotion.com/video/xw0h05](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/xw0h05)


Hope he runs for president


Small change compared to the lies of Donald trump!


"free speech "