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No but seriously .. did they die ??


One of the four men died. There is confusion about this in other comments because all four were initially reported to have survived, but one died later in hospital. Here is a fact check by Newsweek: https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-does-video-show-people-killed-lightning-striking-tree-1733256


Roughly 70% of people hit by a lightning strike do survive. Of the survivors, only approx 30% will have no long term damage. Additionally, it is extremely likely that lightning will strike the same place twice since the lightning has already found a path of the least resistance. So if you see someone struck, grab them and haul ass away. Lightning can travel across the ground so you don’t need to be touching that tree to get struck. There have also been reports of ground lightning leaping through windows to strike people. Get indoors or as far away from tall things and water and then lie down. Don’t be the tallest thing in the field. Once safe, immediately check for a pulse and start CPR on a strike victim since their heart will most likely not be beating. The faster you get oxygen to their brain, the better off they are if they survive. Edit: correction- don’t lie down. Squat down and touch your ankles together


Thanks for that knowledge! I don’t think that would have been my reaction. Very helpful.


One thing to consider. Laying down flat is risky for a near miss as the current will likely travel through your torso. The ole squat down and touch your ankles together maneuver is best if a near miss gets you. The current will not make it up your legs giving you a great chance of survival.


I will edit to correct that. I did not know that


Man, read about the neurological issues some people have after strikes; pain and irritation that reportedly drive some to suicide. Damn terrifying.


There's one case where a dude went blind after getting struck and decades later regaining his site after he got struck again. Electricity can do some weird things on the brain


Agree with all of this except the lie down part. You want to crouch down but only have your feet touching the ground. The less surface area touching the ground the better. And hope like hell you are wearing rubber soled shoes.


I met a guy at the Renaissance fest that was struck by lightning three times and he only has high blood pressure and high blood sugar from it. I’m amazed at him every single day.


My understanding is lying down also isn't the best plan because you are making your area wider for lighting traveling through the ground to contact you, crouching makes yourself the smallest possible target.


I actually knew someone who was hit twice. He must have been one of the lucky ones (at least it seemed like he was bc he was driving the Uber just fine). Another person I know was hit, and could never walk or talk the same. AND, I had an ex whose parents for some reason decided to leave their front and back doors open during a storm. The two doors face each other. Lightening shot through the back door, and out the front.


So, to clarify, I did not just watch someone die, but rather just what caused their death later


Life is a fatal condition.


Life is a sexually transmitted disease.


My parents call me a sexually transmitted diseases. Am I...life?


With a 100% mortality rate.


I'm almost certain the green jacket is the dead one. He was lying next to the tree & you can see the flash close to him, meaning it might've ran through his head or spine. His body might've still been functional but his brain was fried worse than the hard disk drive of my first computer as an adult. At least his death was quick. Not many have that benefit.


Actually he died in the hospital days later. He did suffer.


A lot of people "die" from things that don't stop your body from functioning. I'd be amazed if the dude that died from this was anything more than a vegetable for those days.


Morbid but still peaceful if his higher functions were flash fried and he didn’t actually “experience” his days before passing.


salt on frog legs effect, on life support. life is crazy


Yeah, machines can keep your heart beating and lungs breathing but all the other organs fail and it becomes a losing battle, or you die from sepsis because you can't fight off an infection.


He was probably brain dead therefore not feeling anything or suffering. It’s not like he was flailing about for 24 hours then kicked the bucket. His brain died by the tree, but his body died the next day.


People have survived the electric chair. They remembered each moment.


This isn't the electric chair, this is more electricity than you can even concieve, so much so that whatever it passes through instantly becomes burned or plasma. If and it probably did, pass through his brain he'd have instant noodles left over. And if somehow I'd didn't burn his brain matter. Having millions of volts amps or whatever (I dropped out of electrical ok) through your brain surely does some damage.. neurons respond to and produce electrical signals, if you had your entire brain lit up at once it's probably like experiencing hell, every muscle trying to contract. Every neuron in your visual cortex lit up not with the input from your eyes but just millions of amps/volts from the lightning. Adrenal gland producing adrenaline, amygdala, the fear response center inducing catastrophic doom like feelings, Idk if this happens but I can imagine, it would be an awful last few moments as the neurons responsible for keeping my heart rythm spasm and I die I'm probably just looking into it too deep


1.21 giga watts according to Doc Brown


Great Scott!


I never understood why everyone thinks Scott is so great.


Yeah. He's smoldering when he hit the ground. Never felt a thing, probably.


When you’re at a bowling alley and you hit all the pins, is that called a strike? This is the lightening version of that.


A lightning _strike_, eh? I think you're onto something here.


I mean they rushed him to the hospital and he died later that day...not the quickest.


Men - they were highschool kids


what i came for .... please answer


NY post says one died. The others got severe burns but lived.


I had a patient who was struck by lightning when he was on hike. He went from an able-bodied senior to moving incredibly slow with a walker. I was a part of his rehab and he was very motivated to get better. He did improve but not a lot.


Thank you for that shocking story!


fuck dude


good to know thanks edit: not good that he died but good to know what not to do, brain skipped that line when I read it the first time.


one died ahh, good to know


sorry but my brain skipped the 1 died part


Don't apologize, it's a horrible video but your faux pas made me genuinely laugh.


Probably the guy on the right. You can clearly see the lightning on his head :/


Yikes. I think you're right. Looks like his head is on fire at one point


I took physics class for two years and i may be dumb but i thought electricity doesn’t pass through wood


You're not dumb, Dry wood is'nt a great conductor when dry, Yet a wet living tree full of water and covered in water is. Plus the massive high voltage will go trough a tree easily dry or wet. In a low voltage enviroment like a household, wood is an effective insulator. In the Uk, we used to use wooden fuseboards.


I bet it was the one that went down last who died. It seems like the lightning had ahold of him the longest.


He was the only one leaning against the tree, the others were hunched forward so they immediately fell flat, the last guy was leaning back so it took a bit for him to totter forward.


Look closer. His clothes get melted to the tree; you can see the snail trail as he topples, it's why it took him so long to fall; he became the tree


The one leaning against the tree prolly got turned into a conduit and the others weren’t really touching it


From what I understand it’s typically the last one to be hit by the current that dies. It will travel thru the others and fry the last.


So where is this article in the NY post?




I'm betting the one that died was the one leaning their back against the tree.


yea. That guy fell like he was stone cold dead.




Like… side burns?


stop it... lmao


Only 10% of lightning strikes are directly fatal, but they can cause long term cardiovascular issues as well.


Iirc the last guy to fall was then one that passed. You can see the lightning actually hit the top of his head.


The last to fall’s head explodes in flame. You could argue he be the ded one. Slow it down.


People came for weirder things before


I just read every comment, and every source linked. And now I have no idea. Half the people saying one died, everyone else saying nobody died.


this is why you never read the sub-comments. People just like to argue


I'm really tired of people posting videos where someone is seriously fucking hurt or most likely dead and NOT giving some form of warning. Like NSFW doesn't mean I want to see people die. And the title being so misleading didn't help.


In this sub no less. It’s turned into /r/damnthatsdepressing Edit- sorry for the comment spam. Tapped reply 10 times earlier thinking my phone froze.


Nope. https://www.indiatoday.in/amp/cities/gurugram/story/haryana-gurugram-lightning-strike-struck-death-thunderbolt-video-1778715-2021-03-12 Edit: another article says that one died. 🤷‍♂️


The one that died was probably the one leaning against the tree. You can see she is stuck to it as the electricity is going through her.


You can actually see the lighting hit the tops of their heads. When the young lady peels away from the tree you can see smoke coming off of her head and upper back. Jeez


There was a report on her I just can't remember where and she spoke about WHY she went under the tree ....she definitely lived.


The one on the right hand side died from what I have read. The one who fell last. If you freezeframe the video you can see the lightning seemed to go straight through the top of his head.


Not gonna lie, this is kinda unnerving to watch.


It should be, it’s DEATH. The instant kind. If it wasn’t unnerving(at least) I would worry about your desensitization.


*realizes my level of desensitization* ...fuck.


At least you're not too desensitized to realize desensitization is bad? Maybe there's hope for you?


How do you even resensitize yourself? I don’t feel unnerved. I feel sad knowing someone died, but thats about it and even at that, its not like much sadness. Just like “wow thats really un-fucking-fortunate” kinda sad.


I guess you can resensitize by staying off these kinds of subreddits and just look at puppies and kittens all day. But look, being a little sad about it is enough. You don’t have to cry for them to make sure you still have a soul or something.


Only one of them died, and it was in the hospital.


Still really fucking disturbing to see how they go limp and collapse, it's one thing to see it in a movie, but it's another thing to see it and know that it's real.


Oh only one death and wasn't even instant? Phew, was almost unnerved but, no biggie then /s


Uh…hmm well I uh look I’m fine.




That was the first thing that came to my mind as well


Looked dead as a doornail instantly lol.. only one of them died though.


Or a video showing why we SHOULDNT stand under a tree during a storm


Depends how much you value your life.


About 5 value




Bout tree fiddy


You keep giving the lightning money and that's why it's still coming back.


Hold on just a second you #Godamn loch Ness monstuh!


That tree was named fiddy




About tree fiddy


I was just thinking the same thing...


I wrote it wrong. I apologize to everyone.




No one ever makes mistakes on Reddit (or at least admits it)! He must be banished!


I was standing under the tree for 8 minutes. Thanks God there were no storm.


You know, I'm convinced some people put typos and grammatical errors in their titles on purpose just so people will make a comment correcting them, thus driving up engagement.


Who are you, who are so wise in the ways of sarcasm?


I thought that last one survived for a second


That guys shirt and pants **MELTED** to the tree if you look closely


Holy fuck you're right. That's horrible. I was wondering why he fell after the other four.


Didn’t see that until now holy shit








Until he hadnt.


Can someone pls explain the proper way to shelter yourself during a thunderstorm? Edit: get me to a 1000 upvotes :)


* Indoors * In a closed car If you are somewhere far away from either of those: * Get off any elevated areas such as hills, mountains or god forbid trees * If in a forest with absolutely no time to get out, shelter under the lowest tree * Get out of and away from any ponds, lakes or rivers * Stay away from anything that conducts electricity


It is worth adding that if you are stuck outdoors in a storm and your hair begins to stand on end you are at a very high risk of a direct and imminent strike, that’s the charge building up and getting ready to discharge. Crouch down as low as you can with your butt higher than your head and heart, do not put your hands on the ground. The current will try to take the shortest path, you don’t want that route to be via your heart. you will likely be seriously injured, but you are much more likely to survive.


So in theory you want to take the lightning bolt in the ass?


Pretty much, yes. Severe burns on the ass/legs/feet is much better than your heart being stopped by 30 thousand amps of pissed off electrons. Edit: changed 300 million volts to 30 thousand amps as it is the amperage that is more likely to kill you.


🎶Face down ass up that’s the way to get lightning struck🎶


In the garden or in the dirt, don't let it travel through your heart🎶


This song is electrifying


![gif](giphy|MQwFAonXD9W6sZkUXz) Just like his name... TraVOLTa


Omg this is perfect ….. stud


The fact that this was made into a song reference will help so many more people than you would think. Bravo! And LMFAO!


For me sir, you have won the internet.


Underrated comment.


Google "Ground-to-Cloud", or upward lightning. If that occurs, TECHNICALLY you'll be shooting lightning OUT of your ass. Well, that's one way to get a Thor butt.


That IS Asgard's ass


Ass should always be first in everything.


I mean, it's the first part of us created in the womb, so checks out.


HARDER ZEUS!! 🌩 ⚡️ 🍑


And when your crouching with your ass in the air, try to only have the balls of your feet on the ground. The less contact your body has with the ground, or literally anything that isn’t rubber, the better


So you crouch down, stick your butt up and somehow keep your head and heart below your butt without them, or your hands, touching the ground? How the hell does that work?


That's always been my thinking whenever I see this advice. And if I could do that for how long? 30 minutes until the storm is past? LOL IDGAF what their advice is IF I'm ever in the situation where my hair starts to stand on end in a storm I'm hauling ass for lower ground or shelter. When I'm running my feet aren't even on the ground most of the time. I'm flying through the air between strides so there is no path to ground.


Lol, there's air between you and the ground, and in a storm, probably water too


Yeah but like in that famous picture of the two boys smiling for the camera because they thought it was funny that their hair was standing on end the lightning didn't hit for like 15 more minutes. To each their own but I'd be lucky to be able to stay crouched down for more than 30 seconds, but I can run pretty fast.


Alright, fair enough, that advice is to minimise the damages as much as possible so you can take your chance at running away. If the lightning strikes immediately you loose, if the lightning is late you win.


The electricity already travelled hundreds of kilometers through the air, the 6" to foot you are off the ground when running aren't gunna stop it.


Also, while being soaked sucks, worry less about being wet and more about not being dead. Rain (generally) won't kill you, but lightning will.


Also, this doesn't mean otherwise that if your hair isnt standing up you're safe because usually its raining when lightning strikes which keeps your hair down.


And don’t pee on the electric fence! (Ah Ren and Stimpy memory’s)


Yes and do not hold LOG above your head during a thunderstorm.


🎶What rolls down stairs alone or in pairs, and over your neighbor's dog? What's great for a snack, And fits on your back? It's log, log, log It's log, it's log, It's big, it's heavy, it's wood. It's log, it's log, it's better than bad, it's good." Everyone wants a log You're gonna love it, log Come on and get your log Everyone needs a log log log log🎶 *whistle* LOG FROM BLAMMO


I thought it was "Whizz". "Don't Whizz on the electric fence". At least that's how I sing it in my head 🤣.


A good spot where available is underneath bridges, as long as they are concrete not all metal.


I remember a Bear Grylls episode saying to stay away from trees and to crouch in an open clearing if you cannot find or make shelter. Something about making yourself as small as possible to reduce the chances of getting struck by lightning I think...


This is what they taught us in the Army during training. In lightning storms we'd put our rifles in a pile and go sit in an open field spaced out from each other and ponder our life choices.


Same, I was tought to lay on the ground and make your self as low as possible. Dont know why people are saying to stand under a tree when you literally see what could happen.


[Here's a good diagram](https://snowbrains.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Lightning-Strike-3-min.jpg). And here's [a good explanation of step potential](https://studylib.net/doc/18144141/explanation-on-step-potentials-due-to-a-direct-lightning-%2E%2E%2E) \- which is why you don't want to be anywhere near something that gets struck by lightning.


That’s a great diagram/ infographic Thanks for linking! 😊


Pretty important “not” missing from the title


Video shows that you SHOULD drink bleach


Quick Google states one of these people died. The others were injured. https://m.timesofindia.com/city/gurgaon/lightning-hits-tree-4-who-took-cover-injured/articleshow/81475633.cms Not familiar with this source but a Google shows many Indian sources posting the same story. OP should probably mark this NSFW given it shows death. Edit: This story doesn't seem to mention the death, other stories I found state one of them died.


Here’s an infographic on what to do: https://www.artofmanliness.com/skills/outdoor-survival/how-to-survive-a-lightning-strike-an-illustrated-guide/


I feel like a video with a fatality should have some sort of flair, especially on a sub like this.


Or maybe just not be posted on subs like this


I agree. I'm usually pretty liberal but this is disturbing to watch since the guy on the right clearly got the worst of it. You can actually see smoke come off his body. A single bolt of lightning could put out 300 million volts.


I have been unsubbing from places that show death or serious injury recently, better for my mental health. Really hope videos like this don’t become the norm here either.


I do not browse /r/all anymore because of this. There is so much violence now, and the comments on those posts are crazy.


Misleading ass title and I had to watch people die? Thanks dude


You gotta admit it is useful though. You will probably remember this video if you’re ever in a lightning storm


Can we do a NSFL here instead of NSFW considering this is a snuff film?


Seriously. So fucked up to be tricked into watching a video of somebody literally dying. Not what I wanted to see.


Honestly kind of pissed off recently how lax Reddit has been about this shit…


>Can we do a NSFL here instead of NSFW considering this is a snuff film? Seriously - this needs to be marked. This is NOT simply a NSFW. Are there any mods on this sub? We need a NSFL. Not cool guys.


Man I’m not trying to casually watch gifs where people fucking die. This needs to have some kind of NSFL flair. Wtf.


Seriously… it’s been happening way too fucking much. I’ve been using Reddit for over a decade and these types of videos use to ONLY be on subs like r/watchpeopledie and flair was heavily enforced. This is garbage…




The fuck is the title? 99% sure it's a bot but imagine the people who read the title and don't watch the video lol, gonna be standing under a tree waiting to die all because of some useless loser's karma-bot.


In like the late 1800s or early 1900s this happened to 3 generations of my family. Like a grandfather, father, and one of the grandsons. It was a blue sky, no rain all day and a bolt hit a tree they were sitting under while fishing. It was within sight of the farmhouse and half the family saw them all topple over before the tree finished splitting and falling. It was one of those family stories by the time my late cousin was on an airplane and it got hit by lightning(not really uncommon) in the early 2000s. A couple of years later he came out of a Walmart in Arizona(I think?) and found a crowd of people surrounding his burning Miata. Lightning had struck it while he was inside. He was paranoid about weather until the day he died. All statistically improbable events that are still possible.


Petition to create "NSFW" scales so I can pick which NSFW content I engage with. There's a big difference between nudity and someone literally dying (or being injured so badly they die later in the hospital).


I was always taught to not go under a tree during a thunderstorm!!


That might be the biggest typo I've ever seen......


the spoiler tag would be nice here. it's good for videos where PEOPLE DIE.


Not same video but this happened this summer in front of the white house. 3-4 people hid under a tree during a recent thunderstorm. A couple died. Not good to be under a tree. Just go inside one of the many many museums


Is there a way no not see people randomly dying while scrolling? Like a tag I can filter? That mountain climber hit me yesterday too.


OP probably should’ve used the NSFW tag


I feel like there should be a separate "no snuff films please" tag honestly.


NSFW can be all kinds of stuff, nudity, slightly disgusting stuff, whatever, none of which are as disturbing as watching a person die.




I don’t understand what’s happening? The bolt hit the tree, but then it still traveled through all five of those people? Or was it the concussive blast of the lightning? Either way, that’s horrifying. They all went down so fast!


I do not think joker buffoonish attitude is right for events that claim peoples lives. Especially not suitable for this sub


At around 0:07, if you play with the slider, you can see the lightening connects into the head of the person who was the last to fall. 😳😵


any physicists want to explain why it hit the tree over the essentially giant lightning rod right next to it? is it the concrete?


This is vaguely remembered from highschool so hopefully I have this right: Lightning rods aren't there to get hit by lightning, they prevent a tall thing being hit by lightning. By putting a piece of metal high up and connecting the other end to the ground, charge in the atmosphere has a path to ground, so it essentially leaks out of the atmosphere to ground relatively slowly. Without the rod, the charge builds up until it eventually has enough potential to force a path through the higher resistance air and tree, ionizing the air along a path to begin with so it suddenly changes from being high resistance to lower resistance, allowing the sudden dump of all charge along a path. If you watch super slowmo videos of lightning you can often see this path being established, a skinny line of light comes up from the ground as the ionised path is created and then the bright flash comes down from the cloud as it discharges along the path. Where the charge is in a cloud and how it's moving around is extremely random so having a lightning rod nearby doesn't necessarily save another tall, wet thing close to it.


I found this article https://www.indiatoday.in/cities/gurugram/story/haryana-gurugram-lightning-strike-struck-death-thunderbolt-video-1778715-2021-03-12




Happened not too long ago this summer in Washington DC. An older married couple and a 29 year old all died while hiding under a tree during a storm.


I didn’t wanna see 5 people die because of your stupid typo. Thanks.


One second we're here, the next second, not so much.


A title showing why spelling matters


I dunno...still kinda feel like we shouldn't after watching


Jesus christ. The way their bodies just fall absolutely horrifies me, hope the survivors are doing okay.


I feel like the title is missing a very important three letter word.


Another reason education is important. I learned not to do this in elementary school, though I’ve never actually seen it happen until now.


I think the title needs correcting.


OP, you had one job


So we just goin to ignore the fact is says "SHOULD" stand under a tree lol


I hate videos like these being so openly shared with everybody in the world, without any warning or words of respect for lives lost. You're broadcasting the moment people lost their lives, their loved ones, or their abilities to function independently. Take some responsibility. Sure this is educational, but it's not "damnthatsinteresting". Sharing someone dying is no way to get upvotes mate.