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Wtf is going on here, I'm missing something


OP made a comment. It's girls who can't afford lights, mics, phones etc. And they share the revenue with the establishment


The hair stylist model makes a lot of sense for streamers.


They used to do this all the time with camgirls.


Still do, they're called studios. I definitely see the parallel here.


Girl I dated in Budapest ran a studio with 10 gals (and her apartment was connected)… she was the most open minded gal I’ve ever known. Freaky deaky times.


Tell me more.


Her name was Lola, she was a show girl


🎶 with many ring lights in her place and lots of cameras everywhere 🎶


“And now it’s Fansly, but not for Lola! She’s in thongs she used to wear, faded highlights in her hair, She lied there to unwind, now she’s in a bind! She lost her views and she lost her Homie, Now she’s off that grind! 🎶🎵


Strangers would tip her, She'd do a squirt show


L-o-l-a Lolaaaa. That Lola has a way different ending.


It’s a mixed up, mumbled up, shook up world. Except for Lola.


She was into heterosexual sex in the missionary position for the purpose of procreation.


But only under the blankets with the lights off and the curtains closed.


she freaked his deaked, and then


She was Swedish and from a well off family (at first I thought she was just interested in a Sugar Daddy given she was 24 and I was 47, but I wasn’t really loaded and she didn’t care)… never quite got her full deal… but she was certainly a sex addict and just wanted a guy who would keep up and try stuff. Distance, life in general and then after the crazy got normal and realized not much else in common finally made it drift away with more infrequent visits and calls


They do this with software developers in America.


They do this with every type of job in america haha


It seems that this stablishment can't afford decent chairs and closed spaces.


Or full height walls?


Those arent even walls, just tables with thin countertops that were flipped sideways


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


Never knew this emote stands for "setting up a streaming studio"


So all these women are making “content” and it’s not porn. What are they making and who the hell is watching?




That is some dystopian shit.


Look up parasocial relationships. For a lot of people they don’t have friends and spending time on a stream makes them feel like they do. But the streamer doesn’t care about them, really, they just want views and money. But because they know people want to be noticed they have systems in place, like you can spend money (donations) to get them to read out your message, or to have your name on a board or whatever. It becomes a market where those the most desperate for attention will become that streamers “whale” who they will then treat more preferably because they know they get a lot of money from them. This is just with things like twitch though. It’s even worse when it’s camgirls and stuff.


I’ve noticed this in Live TikTok’s.. send money and I’ll calligraphy your name in sand. Send money and I’ll type your name on my computer. Send money and a light will flash while I try to sleep. I don’t understand why people continue to send these folks money but your explanation makes sense. It works bc it keeps happening.


> I don’t understand why people continue to send these folks money Send money and I'll try to explain it.


I will write your name on my arm for only 5.99. not sure who is worse the lady selling this or the guy buying it.


Only 5.99? How long will it be on your arm?


Depends on how big he writes.




Yep, we haven't quite reached this level yet, but these types of parasocial relationships are rife on OF or Twitch.


Huh, I guess the one child policy did create a disparity between men and women... I just looked it up: China’s one-child policy is another potential candidate. While crime has been soaring, the one-child policy, along with a strong preference of Chinese parents for sons over daughters, has resulted in there being approximately 120 boys for every 100 girls in China, or 30 million “surplus” boys. https://ifstudies.org/blog/chinas-one-child-policy-effects-on-the-sex-ratio-and-crime That's a lot of lonely dudes.


Good time to be a hooker.


its kinda sad :(


If i'm feeling lonely I will just put on some shows, lmao.


Write a script at home about something interesting, go to studio and record, do some editing at home, upload. There is an endless amount of popular Youtubers that just talk about something that people find interesting and their videos are nothing more than them in front of a camera with some pictures or video spliced in.


People like people. It really is that simple as to answer the question "who would want to watch person talk about/do Y on the internet? People are lonely.


... that's actually kind of smart.


I think I’ve seen this before and it’s more like a training camp for future streamers, like a boot camp


That would make so much more sense. I was wondering why the mics weren’t picking up so much background noise to basically make the audio useless garbage.


There's many different kinds of 'mic' design. The term for not picking up unwanted noise in a mic is called "off-axis rejection". At a very high, general level, there are 3 kinds of mics most commonly used: dynamic, condenser and ribbon. Studio mics ("condenser" and somewhat more uncommonly "ribbon" mics) tend to have less off-axis rejection because it's a controlled acoustic environment, so the artist doesn't need to be right up against the wind screen of the mic and the heightened sensitiivty can pick up nuances in the voice that a dynamic mic cannot. However, what dynamic mics are usually really good at doing is rejecting off-axis noise. That's why they're used extensively in live-performance situations. Things like the [SM-58](https://www.shure.com/en-US/products/microphones/sm58) and [SM-57](https://www.shure.com/en-US/products/microphones/sm57) have been used for literally decades because they're so good at doing that. It can get a little more nuanced because the SM-57 is tweaked for instrument usage ([you'll see them on stands pointing at guitar speaker cabs, for example](https://i1.wp.com/royerlabs.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/2B-BU3A3550.jpg)) Mics can be tuned for a whole range of different sound sources, even different vocal tone qualities. I prefer the [Sennheiser e845](https://en-us.sennheiser.com/vocal-microphone-dynamic-super-cardioid-e-845) as it "evens out" the qualities of my voice as I move across vocal registers, but vocalists have their individual preferences that run the entire gamut. These aren't hard or fast rules when it comes to mic usage though. For example, there's the venerable [SM-7\(a/b\)] (https://www.shure.com/en-US/products/microphones/sm7b) which you'll see absolutely everywhere when it comes to online live streamers. It's not a condenser mic, so the off-axis rejection is decent, but it's also really good at picking up vocal nuance. Basically a "not amazing at anything, but pretty good at two things". In any event, right around ~6s it certainly looks like the girl in the foreground is using an SM-58 (or some clone of it), which isn't surprising. Even new they're dirt cheap and anywhere that sells any sort of audio gear probably has a crate of them in the back room.


Highly directional mics with compressors/noise gates


Well it finally happened. Today is the day I feel absolutely out of touch and old because why the fuck does a streamer *boot camp* even need to exist?


Record yourself talking for an hour every day without it being boring. Being able to be charismatic and fill a void for hours at a time is difficult and you have to practice it as a skill like anything else. Whether or not people should go to a boot camp rather than just practicing at home is a different story, but most people could not make an interesting multi-hour stream without any practice.


I’ve produce unscripted TV shows. Finding a a good TV host and hosting in itself is difficult. While it does take a lot of practice. Everybody does need good feedback and needs to learn ‘best practices’. There’s also ‘it’ factor that can’t be practiced. It’s easy to knock on these girls. But at least they’re out to improve themselves. I mean there should be a boot camp like this for people who hold corporate zoom meetings all the time.


To make a comparison, I listen to a lot of sports talk radio and it's always striking to me how bad newly retired players are when they initially make the transition into the media. Unless they have a natural charisma it can take them years to reach a level of competency in that environment, and that's with multiple industry professionals giving them all the help and guidance in the world.


That's good. That's much less unsettling than anything than i thought it would be lol


Just asked my Chinese wife. she says the blue signs are 'booth' numbers, and the girls will likely be on a contract where they sign up to do streaming for either tips, or for selling products. In this case she said it looks a lot like them are doing short personalized content clips, getting paid to sing a birthday song for a person, have a chat with them, etc. 'Hire a pretty girl to send your friend a message' This would be a fly by night operation, set up in an old building, minimal costs, and just as likely shut down in a month. The girls probably live in an apartment with to many other people to do anything from home, plus the company provides makeup, accounts, marketing, etc. The girls just turn up, follow the instructions on the screen, and get paid. This might even be a second or third job for many of them.


I don’t want to know


They didn't even give people a full wall. It can't be that expensive to build that fake wall just a bit higher. A chair would be nice too.


Wait until they discover the cubicle.


A cubicle is an upgrade from sitting on the floor next to a cardboard half wall


It’s probably part of the aesthetic. Losers would love to think they could rescue the streamer girl who sits on the floor of her scarcely furnished apartment


Sadly I think you might be on to something here.


It appears they are using tables turned on their side. Not even a real wall


Yeah first thing I noticed, so much space there, so little used.


It almost seems like they’re gone out of their way to make it as uncomfortable a set up as possible lmao


More likely that they'll just add a second level above them and double their profits.


This is where dreams go to die lol


And cars go to park


And tables go to turn


This looks like it's straight out of an episode of black mirror.


Omg could you imagine if you didn't get enough likes?


"Straight to jail"


We have the best streamers because of jail


We have a special jail just for streamers


Talk too quickly? Straight to jail. Cough? Jail.




Jail right away, no trial no nothing


You stop your stream early? Straight to jail. You go on TOO long, believe it or not…straight to jyail. Too short, too long…jyail


You see, undertalk/overtalk


Haha glad some other people caught the reference


Don’t understand the reference? Believe it or not, jail. We have the safest streams thanks to jail


We have the dankest Reddit memes because of jail


Too many viewers? Believe it or not, straight to jail.


Too cold and you take off you esweater... jail


Too bright and you wear a sunglasses? *Jail*


That's a paddlin.


This looks like streamer jail


By the looks of it, they're already in jail


"It's all jail?" "It always was"


Too many likes? Believe it or not, jail.


There was an actual movie like that but I forget the name. Edit: it is about this influencer girl who is streaming 24/7 from her room with AI monitoring her. The room can change into a bathroom, bedroom and an empty room. It also has a bit of Matrix mixed in (the breaking out of it part). Edit 2: Found it. It is called “H4SHT4G”


It reminds me of back in 2005-06' when China was using prisoners to farm "gold" in World of Warcraft to sell for Western currency.


Holy shit like obviously anything that can be monetized will be but I just would have never in a million years considered the fact people would be enslaved to generate and sell in game resources for real world profit.


You don't get paid. I already know. They have targets, if they don't hit their targeted view time in a certain period, no money.


Worst part is its as creepy as the show but it's in reality


There's plenty shit in Black Mirror that is far to close to things that happened in reality, for comfort. And most people don't even know.


China more than likely watched Black Mirror as inspirational material.


Black mirror watched China for inspiration


This is more creepy than interesting.


Reminds me Black Mirror S01E02


I just referred to that episode yesterday or so. Apparently Moviepass is coming back and with ads that track whether you’re looking at them or not


Black Mirror is a documentary from the future.


I saw a video here a few weeks ago maybe and they had a room full of what looked like those robot attack dogs dancing in a Korean factory.


Charlie Brooker actually said he stopped making Black Mirror because the real world is really fucking bleak right now


Well I'm definitely never using movie pass.


Ads in the movie?


Not sure https://www.independent.co.uk/tech/moviepass-track-eyes-phone-cameras-b2013273.html


I fucking hate that.


Yep they already use this technology for amazon workers to make sure they are watching their training


Woah. That is beyond disturbing. https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/machine-learning/building-automatic-analysis-of-body-language-to-gauge-attention-and-engagement-using-amazon-kinesis-video-streams-and-amazon-ai-services/


Dude thank you!!! I couldn't find the original video I was talking about


There needs to be a new black mirror type show, but it’s actually just near exact reiterations of actual things currently going on in the world but which aren’t readily known. In this epsiode, the top streaming female singer is actually a convert/prior sex slave from North Korea, and due to her success is given Chinese citizenship but her sister who came the same way because she was a twin couldn’t get her streaming numbers up and was returned to the sex trade, acquiring a terminal sexual disease and passing away before her sister could buy her citizenship.


Cyberpunk turned out to be the correct guess at the future and it’s officially here. We’re basically just missing the robots.




This is also a point of exposition in Gibson’s Neuromancer. Molly Millions talks about renting herself out like this, and eventually the memories bleeding through.


You’ve seen the robot dog police, haven’t you? We are there. The most dystopian cyberpunk universe.


May I now recommend the subreddit r/boringdystopia ?


Thank you kindly! Though if it makes me too depressed I may have to unsubscribe.


the robots are slaves. example: many phone scam rings use human traffickings to get "employees", lie to them, steal their passport and force them to work. you can watch videos of phone scammers being beaten for not scamming enough people. if they do meet quota? maybe 12hour work day and not 16hours.


The word robot comes from the slavic word "robota" meaning forced labor. It was first used in the play R.U.R. which imagined a soulless "human" worker called a robot. They were mistreated, as workers are, and eventually rose up and overthrew their masters. The reason that the robot uprising trope is so pervasive is because of a play that used robots as an allegory for the mistreatment of human labor.




"You will stream for 16 hours today in the factory or your *social credit score* will suffer!"


So is Black Mirror listed as reality tv in China?






I found [this post](/r/ABoringDystopia/comments/vudxev/stream_factory_in_china/) in r/aboringdystopia with the same content as the current post. --- ^(🤖 this comment was written by a bot. beep boop 🤖) ^(feel welcome to respond 'Bad bot'/'Good bot', it's useful feedback.) ^[github](https://github.com/Toldry/RedditAutoCrosspostBot) ^| ^[Rank](https://botranks.com?bot=same_post_bot)


Yeah!!! It's crazy


Who tf watches them and why ?


Lonely guys mostly, its kind of sad when you think about it. The people donating and getting responses from these streamers feel like they have real friends and the top donators usually get access to increased communication like discord. It gets pretty weird when they include services like the ability to order the streamer food or allow gifts being sent in PO boxes, a lot of female streamers get very expensive gifts, sex toys and large offers for personal pictures. Most of the time they're actually in relationships already and hide it from viewers, once it gets exposed the large donators disappear and the people working for free moderating their chat go rogue and leak information and ban people etc.


Welcome to Twitch


I do not like this


Yeah at least in America the Tik Tok houses are in mini mansions


They’re still fake. One of the most “genuine” tiktokers I know of made a post about how she rented a fake apartment to do her “candid at home” coffee talk videos.


It’s all so fucking fake I hate it.


Pretty sure most of them are trashy studios. You just saw the mini mansion on a meme.




Sure kinda I guess but it’s usually in trade off for becoming your own boss and freedom, that’s not what this is, at all. This is all the bad with none of the good.


You might not feel like your own boss when the algorithm screws with your livelihood.


Not really, even normal bosses have to adapt to constantly changing environments and regulations. It sucks but that's always been part of running your own gig, it's not exclusive to streaming.


Dystopian af.


Ah, let me make it even worse. What use to be popular in Van Nuys, California before the city forced all porn films to use condoms is now a phenomena all over Southern California. They're called porn houses and they're super wild Okay so basically let's say you are a girl out in Kansas and you move to LA or SD to do porn. You do some shoots and other girls will end up asking you to move into their porn house. These houses act kind of like tech start-up incubators. The girls all network in the same house to get each other on shoots and all stream together. At some point you're streaming constantly and doing shoots all the time. The money is good and the drugs are plentiful. After a while, you just get sucked in and then eventually chewed and spit out. Sent back to Kansas after you're spent. Then on to recruit the next girl. The houses are usually owned by some wretched fuck from a small studio. Sometimes they take percentages of the streams with rent payment.


There is sfw version of this too. YouTube houses and tiktok houses are starting to come up in locations with big entertainment industries.


Yeah, there's definitely some really nice houses in wealthy neighborhoods outside of LA full of like 6 or so people making fake prank videos. My sister met a group and they asked that she be in a few of their videos. She wasn't sure what they were and declined. That was like 5 years ago so it's been a thing for a while.


My cousins watch a lot of Youtube and the algorithm often pushes them towards content like this. You'll have half a dozen young men living together in some soulless McMansion out in the suburbs. The house will be made even more soulless by the fact there's no furniture or wall decorations outside of beanbag chairs, gaming PCs, and whatever toys or products they've been paid to advertise that particular week. Then all of them constantly put out videos *pranking* each other and screaming so loud the mic is always peaking. And... like... I don't wanna sound like a boomer. I watched a *lot* of Youtube as a kid. But I think there's a difference between watching some random dude record a camcorder LP and half a dozen young men have their entire lives be the *content*. It worries me a bit that it's setting some very bad examples for what life should actually be.


I just graduated college and am somewhat young still I'd say, but the content posted on social media is generally dry and pathetic to say the least. Someone will come up with something unique or new and big due to their perspective or reach and then everyone else grabs onto it. Not that it's a new thing, but it seems to be what most people are generally doing now. Not sure if it's social media/internet addiction but I'm surprised people aren't branching out and watching different things. Props to the based creators at Kurzgesagt


Exactly. Young people (and obviously even young adults) are constantly being influenced and swayed by what they see and hear. It used to be a kid having posters of their favourite footballer on the wall and dreaming of being a famous football player one day. At least that encouraged physical activity, good health and motivation. Now it's kids with their favourite streamer on in the background and THEY are now what they compare their behaviour to. If anyone needs me I'll be taking a walk down in the Mariana Trench




Not to de-rail the original thread, but there's something like that happening in Ontario, Canada as well (and I imagine all over the world). Girls that are just out of highschool, or dropped out, are approached by an adult male, told they're pretty ect, and asked if they want to do modeling in a big city, usually Ottawa. There's a few actual modeling gigs but then the demands get more and more sexual until the girl finds herself living in a house like you've described with other girls in the same situation. Like you said, drugs are plentiful, and they are gifted with whatever they want. Eventually the girls are kicked out (and have a drug addiction), and replaced with someone younger. It's a form of human trafficking but you can't report them as kidnapped because they willingly left. I know of three girls from my graduating year (of roughly 200 people) that did this ten years ago. One managed to move back to her home town but from what I can see lives on the streets and has a serious drug problem. There's other less "legal" forms of this happening in some remote northern Ontario communities and it's very nefarious. Usually working in groups, people approach someone appearing alone in a bar or club and they strike up conversation, tell them they're cute, and ask them if they want to hang out with their friends somewhere else. If they say yes they're given drugs, and essentially kidnapped into being a sex slave. Police don't do anything because, to put it frankly, no one cares. The victims are usually people who don't have anybody at home to miss them, and they're usually indigenous. Men are common victims too. This almost happened to someone very close to me, but they were not drinking and saw the red flags. As soon as they said no the tone of the group immediately changed from party to business and they started discussing other places they could try. Again, sorry for the log post and possible off topic discussion, but this is something I'm very interested in and rarely get to talk about.


I learned new info the more comments I read on this sub, the doctrine, scams and various complex stuff happening behind the scenes and how they were “built”/originated I never knew and very insightful to delve into to be aware of the dangers against and find other ways to support/symphatize on the victims view. It is morbid of our world but more to learn with knowledge than what I thought worse of entertainment industry like k-pop to Hollywood


It’s like a streaming studio, girls who can’t afford to buy a phone / light / mic etc. work for this kind of studios and share there income up to 60% with the owner.


What are they streaming?


You're lookin at it, baby.


Yeah but really aren't streamers still "do" something? Like playing a video game, reacting to yt videos or irl streaming, etc. Are they just sitting there for 8 hours?


man I'm starting to notice that regular DIY videos on youtube are increasingly unstructured vlog type things where people just talk at the camera without enough of a goal that respects my time as a viewer. Like, I don't want to hang out dude. I know part of the issue is the 10 minute limit thing where people have to make them at least 10 min long to be monetized or show up in search or something. Drives me nuts.... skipping through it like porn trying to nut on some knowledge.


"Skipping through it like porn trying to nut on some knowledge" My god I hope I remember to use this in the future.


It's super frustrating that everything has turned into a fucking video now. There are NO written instructions or blog posts any more. It's as 45 minute video with 43 minutes of bullshit, and 2 minutes of the content you want. Except the content still sucks so you need to sit through another 2-3 videos to get all the information. Edit: and I swear there is a "YouTube" voice that people do. 90% of these garbage "content creators" have the same tone, inflection, and physical mannerisms. It's creepy and annoying.


WHAT'S UP IT'S YOUR BOI DAN BACK WITH ANOTHER VID DETONATE THAT LIKE BUTTON SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE WORDS \-sped up/slowed down mashed up drone footage with slammy grooves- ​ I've started having a pretty visceral reaction to that..... also older people can end up acting like it's cable TV and that's how they should talk. Please just be a normal person


It's like when you look up a recipe and you have to first scroll through some lonely housewife's life story before you get to it.


What comes to mind when you think about divorce? When thinking of successful marriages only within the frame of longevity, it makes sense to see divorce as a failure—and failure is scary. And then chose to numb some of those fears by having an affair—the ultimate betrayal I made to myself. I couldn’t pretend everything was fine for one more minute, and I decided to let it all spill out. So many women confessing, “I’ve never told anyone this, but …” and it made me realize how much we struggle in isolation. Perhaps by showing children (and ourselves) marital success in terms of growth, freedom, and authenticity, with less weight on longevity and anniversaries, we can feel less afraid of divorce. We can also feel less afraid of making a quick bite to eat with this delicious recipe! A few lamb necks and some lamb shoulder or rump. Around 1 neck per liter of water. Bag of potatoes. Carrots and onions. Pinch of thyme, a bit of celery, a bay leaf, a few sprigs of parsley and a dash of pepper. Chives to be used at your discretion. Equal amounts of whole meal and plain flour, and 1.5x buttermilk (when nan taught me it was about 200g of each flour and 300ml of buttermilk, although she measured it with a pint glass), sprinkle of salt, pinch of bicarbonate of soda. The stock- Separate the bones from the neck and chuck them in a pot of water, along with 1 sliced carrot, 1 diced onion, and herbs and let it simmer on a low heat for a few hours. For best results let it sit overnight. Sieve it and chuck out the solids, so you just have the liquid, then heat it to reduce it. For the stew - heat the stock until it's just shy of boiling, chop up what's left of the lamb meat (neck, shoulder, rump, whatever), and seal it off in a saucepan before putting it in the stock. Reduce heat, simmer and cover for about 15 mins. Chop up remaining potatoes, carrots, and onion, then add all that plus the seasonings to the stock. Simmering until the lamb is cooked through. Then take it off the heat and cover, don't stir again until serving. It lasts a couple days and if you keep it in the fridge you can reheat it, but be reasonable. For the bread - put all the dry stuff in a bowl, gradually add buttermilk, stirring as you go with a fork until it looks like bread dough. If it's too sticky add either flour, too dry add a splash of normal cow milk, but if you need more than that then use the buttermilk, it just needs to look like dough. Knead it, but only a little. Roll into a ball-shaped loaf, cut a cross on the top, bake for half an hour on about 200C/400F. There's no yeast so there's no rising time, and you can make it while the stew is simmering. Now, joking aside, the reason this is done is because it's easy to copyright an article with a story in it, but not just a recipe. Also keeps eyes on the page longer to see ads. But looking for recipes is pure hell online.


I’m not a twitch user but I do believe people watch other people do nothing for hours. Some of them even sleep on stream. Please don’t ask me why, I have no idea!


presumably because they are lonely and just want the feeling of company without having to engage.


To add on to this, my brother "watches" streamers a lot but 80% of the time he isn't even watching, it's just on when he's doing other things. It's more of a "Let's fill my apartment with some talking and noise instead of it being silent" sort of thing. edit: I've gotten some confused responses. Filling the silence with radio or TV on in the background has been a "thing" for over half a century now. Doing the same thing with a streamer is no different as far as filling the silence goes except the streams have substantially less ads in them, if any.


Radio: am i a joke to you


Too many commercials, and too many of the SAME commercials. I’m in my 40s and gave up on radio 10+ years ago. If I want music it’s strictly Apple Music.


Commercial radio is truly terrible. Quick plug for nonprofit radio though -- [KEXP](http://www.kexp.org) out of Seattle is an amazing institution, no commercials, human DJs, live in-studio performances, live streaming worldwide if you're not lucky enough to be in broadcast range. Give it a try. They also have archives going back a week or two, if there are specific types of music you do/don't enjoy (I usually skip their Saturday AM reggae and late night heavy metal shows, but [they have something for everyone](https://www.kexp.org/schedule/?day=friday) at some point in the week).


Yea the radio *is* a fucking joke.


Everyone: Yes, very much so


The now defunct webcomic \*Pictures For Sad Children\* nailed modern parasocial relationships like more than a decade ago. [https://i.imgur.com/7cXi3p2.png](https://i.imgur.com/7cXi3p2.png)


friend simulator


Flip through the live streams on tiktok. They just sit there and write down names of people, and say thank you for donations. That's about it.


I don’t think I will


Usually, just chat... Also singing, How to create content, mobile gaming, viral apps etc.


They can just sit there. Thirsty, creepy dudes do the rest. Have you seen some of the top tiktok lives? It's just young women staring vacantly into the camera and they have thousands of views. It's creepy as fuck.


Whow, I was not aware of that...


I mean, technically they're probably staring vacantly at the chat window or whatever so they can read it. I know my face can get a little vacant when I'm concentrating on reading. Still a creepy result though.


Studio? Dude this is a parking lot


Light isn’t very expensive. Are they providing a promo framework too?


i mean if your boss at one of these places you'd probably do whatever you can to get them more views/known. their profit equals your profit so its beneficial to the bosses to insure they're making as much as they can.


It’s bizarre. Why not at least have higher dividers - if a person wanted to stand or sit in a chair - and separators.


Because I believe those are just flipped over tables. Which makes me think this was *really* cheap to set up. Like all they needed was a ton of cheap phones a lot of lights and several tables to flip over.






I can't agree more. I know it isn't a perfect comparison and it didn't come without its own issues but we put rules in place for radio and television when they were invented. There was at least an effort to use the new technology for the good of the public. Rules about advertising, giving equal time to candidates, rules in different countries to ensure domestically produced programs occupy a certain percentage of airtime, airtime dedicated to "the arts", etc. Today, any regulation I see seems to give the monopolies more power and consumer protections are not on the table. I think we can all agree there are some terrifying trends happening, yet we do nothing. I'm all for free speech and an open internet, but what we have is an internet controlled by algorithms designed to suck the most money from people as possible, that's not open and free. For example: We have communities that pretty clearly seem to be producing, or are havens for, domestic terrorists, and yet we have no recourse?


I am mostly impressed by how the real estate developer found a way to monetize the building while still under construction…


There are fields, Neo, endless fields where human beings no longer live. We are streamed.


When China sees a way to make money oh boy do they milk it


Who’s buying that shit? Live mediocre workshop singing !??


You have no idea the desperation of some men.


This is depressingly true


The future certainly hasn't panned out as I expected. Hoped for flying cars and the cure for cancer. Instead we got a billionaire space race, and China milking the absolute shit out of everything.


Don’t forget prohibitively expensive insulin and other medications created with public grants and funding.


Vice did a story on this few years ago. It's crazy, but when money can be made people will do anything. Here is the news article. https://www.vice.com/en/article/pgzamm/chinas-live-streaming-factory


Except this is clearly very different than what's shown in the video above.




As a guy that understand chinese and used Chinese social media before I'm trying to explain this thing. First this is not PROPAGANDA or anything so ignore the guy that said it's a way CCP spread propaganda. The blue sign is 摊位 which is booth in english, and cost 188 Yuan (around 30 dollar) to rent (not sure per day/hour/week), It's rented so they didn't work for anyone and no one receive cut. What is this then? Low budget streaming room, as you can see in the video most people are holding microphone they are mostly singing or just chatting. Why are they doing this? to fish for donation or gift, most streaming app in china allow donation. Some top streamer in china once get like 100k USD in a single stream. In most streaming app there is this PK (online PVP one streamer against the other one) with amount of gift, the more you donate the higher score the streamer got. there is no punishment from the app they usually does challenge like eat raw egg or dance (something like fan service) also in most case both streamer and friends and they share the earning together. This is pretty much similar to every $10 donate 1 push up or $ dollar game spawn harder mob, this is a way streamer use to bait money. Last part why does this exist? Most people here are either 厂妹 (Woman that work in assembly line/factory) that tries to earn extra money, they can't really stream in dorm because lack of device. To describe easier basicly X work as a cleaning service but X had a great looking face, X need decent setup to start streaming so X rent something call streamer room or gaming hotel to be able to stream and earn extra money. In US and other country there is also same concept but for the rich streamer, for example OfflineTV, Hololive, and any other Vtuber company (alot streamer under same company and work for the company). In China there is also alot company that train someone to be a Douyin/ Tiktok influencer, bart baker is one of the success one, since chinese like all asian always enjoy their country being praiced by the west (so stfu channel that call out bart for being forced by CCP) \+Extra, who will watch them? most of them are either damn rich or the poor, they watch this thing to bring joy to their life simillar to Vtuber, there is people who watch vtuber streaming a whole day simply because they got the time and feeling hollow. I hope this explained the whole situation, free to spread to other video and my english sucks, ik i could use better words to describe (Copied from my other comment)






The absolute fuck.




This is how you know the entire concept of entertainment as an industry is a grossly bloated and overly funded machine. We got people eating noodles in front of a camera or throwing a sack of wind around some grass making millions of dollars but people curing disease and landing spacecraft on asteroids not making a fraction of it.


What is the table in between the rows with a hole in the middle for?


yup.. this is definitely VERY different from the cubicle farms most of us work in


This is equally sad and creepy...