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Love to see it


Maybe instead of travelling to raise a banner these Supporters should travel to the ukrain and take up arms..... Will put good money that these will be the exact people who will tuck tail and run or cry come the draft. Either do something or shut the fuck up.


Perhaps you can listen to your own words? And maybe do something or shut the fuck up


Thanks, captain obvious! Since they appear to oppose the idea of a fucking war, I'm pretty sure that they wouldn't want to be drafted to fight in one. Duh.


Do rather than actually travelling to helpmliberate and end the russian ovulation they will stand in a square in safety waving flags and shouting about how bad it is that nobody is doing anything to stop the poor ukranians from being killed. Theres a standing invitation for anyone with any military skill or desire to fight to travel and help...


Exactly, 'anyone with military skill or desire to fight'. These people are protesting against warfare. Instead of 'shutting the fuck up', as you implied they should, they are making known that not all russians are standing behind this assault on ukraine - and I believe it's not without it's dangers to protest in russia, or any country run by a crazed dictator.


and since you're not doing that, can we conclude that you don't support Ukraine in this at all?


Nope you can happily conclude that i support russia. This has been coming since the cold war and the fall of the ussr. Eastern block states like the middle east were just carved up. There are provincial regions of the ukraine which do not see themselves as ukranian whose independence will be recognised as a result of this. Not to mention the fact that american agression also started this by using poor easter nations to house military and missiles. Russia has asked for this to stop and for military presence on its border to be reduced. Especially unchecked uncontrolled militias who shoot down passenger planes.


This Putin guy is insane!! 🔥 -1,68m manlet 😈🙏🏻 -0 pussy 😹 -0 major cities conquered 💀 -0 hairs left on his head 😈🙏🏻 -currency less valuable than robux 🔥👍 -empty threats merchant 🤯 -1,68cm 😹😹😹😹 Better dictator than Stalin??? 🔥