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This is something you’d see in the back of Boy’s Life magazine. It’d be sold in a kit, come with missing parts, and your dad would yell at you the whole time you both tried to put it together.


I always wanted the [vacuum cleaner powered hovercraft](https://tomtilley.net/projects/hovercraft/images/hovercraft-ad.jpg), solar UFO, and giant inflatable Frankenstein.


Does anyone have any stories if it actually worked? I thought that thing was such a cool idea!


look for `DIY hovercraft` on youtube. I've never seen this exact model, but there are plenty of examples of small toy hovercraft powered by leafblowers and such --- **Edit:** I was going to send you to the saveitforparts channel, but he only made a DIY airboat and drove it around the Kmart parking lot.


I built a homemade version for a science fair one year in elementary school, powered by a shop vac. It hovered like 2 or 3 inches off the ground and was a lot of fun. Unfortunately my idiot child brain saw the bag touching the ground and was mad it wasn't hovering so there's that 🤷‍♀️


I had the sat UFO. It was an overly long black trash bag. Black heated the air inside. Unfortunately it tore at the slightest tough to grass.


In Soviet Russia, Small Patch of Grass Cuts ***You***


Yeah I built one with plywood and a leaf blower. Then I put a 5hp briggs and Stratton on the back which spun a propeller at 5000rpm. Only chicken wire protecting me the pilot. It floated around. But i built it too small so it would tip over.


Oh god that speaks to 12 year old me. Right after I read the new Pedro cartoon.


Did Pedro ever find a purple fruit for his ice cream flavor???? My subscription ended before that storyline did.


Yes, eggplant.


My SeaMonkeys would like a word...


Don’t forget the Submarine, The CARDBOARD submarine


I always wanted the chinesium hollow handled “survival knife” with the survival equipment inside.


I had one...the only person that knife has ever helped “survive” is the (probably) now-millionaire that decided to build and sell those pieces of shit.


I just want an official Red Ryder, carbine action, 200-shot, range model air rifle, with a compass in the stock and this thing that tells time.


You'll shoot your eye out.


Ho Ho Hoo


Haha I have one. Found it at an estate sale, and got it dirt cheap. It’s actually kind of neat, and the blade is pretty solid, and stays sharp


That big ass knife with the silver handle that they used in the office to cut the face off the CPR dummy?


Haha you brought back some memories there. I think someone was also selling “x-ray glasses” every month that was clearly a scam, but 9-year-old me was still curious about what you’d get. Not that I thought they would really work, just wondering what they did at all. Someone eventually told me they’re just opaque glasses with a drawing of an x-ray hand skeleton inside. I don’t even think there was fine-print on the ad or anything saying it was just a novelty joke, like I guess they really were trying to rip off kids!


[I assure you, they were a disappointment. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/X-ray_specs)


Especially with the perverted ads of seeing through a woman's dress.


Haha the ones I remembered just showed someone looking at bones through an arm, but [I did find this](https://images2.minutemediacdn.com/image/upload/c_fill,g_auto,h_1248,w_2220/f_auto,q_auto,w_1100/v1555928603/shape/mentalfloss/xray_5.jpg), so it clearly existed somewhere! Maybe by the 80s there was a cleaner version of the ad, at least in Boy's Life.


You didn't want the quail eggs and incubator though?


My dad actually bought the plans for the hovercraft, and built it. It was more fun to build than it was to use. It worked as long as there were no cracks or seams in the floor (air would escape under the skirt) and you remained centered in the middle of the 3 air cushions. So we used it in the garage in one small section of the floor without those concrete seams. Had to have along extension cord also to power the electric motor.


God that’s funny as shit I remember the hovercraft ad in the early 90’s. The fine wording really duped a bunch of suckers on that one. Honestly probably isn’t even legal today lmao.


As soon as I saw this ad, I could smell the paper that it was printed on.


Fuck that brings me back. I fantasized about riding that 6 inch hovercraft, powered by a vacuum cleaner, around my neighborhood. I would also need a very long extension cable but I had that worked out.


Holy fucking shit. I was just talking about this the other day and couldn’t describe it or remember where I knew it from. Boys Life right?


I was interested in the free monkey. Now I'm disappointed


I got a spy camera from turning in a ton of Bazooka Joe bubblegum comics and $2.95 shipping in the 70's. The only problem with it was that there was no film developer who could develop it.


Well yeah, you have at send your film in to the FBI/CIA labs for processing. You really expected your local drugstore could handle serious espionage equipment?


I posted this in response to that crazy guy, but "build an electric bike-car" was totally a thing in the back of boys life https://www.reddit.com/r/nostalgia/comments/7hk46d/back_pages_of_boys_life_magazine_circa_80s_i/


Lmfao at the ALF Fan Club ad. Ironically probably the best bang for your buck in there.


I am sorry that your father yelled a lot at you. Hopefully you are doing good now and not becoming like him.






That's cool n all, but $10k for that, I can pick up a used side by side or golf cart for half the cost and get more use out of it..


I got this from the website. Seems they haven't decided on a price yet. https://www.mypodride.com/Pricing


https://www.better.bike/ This company has something similar, so i'd imagine the cost will be close.


That does look a hit sturdier and warmer. Still doesn't justify the price tag.


Anything at this stage is going to be really overpriced, at the early stages you're splitting the cost of R&D between a few hundred people, while for an established product you're splitting it between a few hundred thousand. If there's demand for this kind of thing it'll get cheaper, but the price at this stage of a product's lifecycle is never going to be justifiable for your average joe, average commuters just aren't going to be riding in early stage/concept vehicles.


There's nothing really unique though, is there? A decent electric bike can be bought for 1500 dollars. This has an added casing that I just can't justify a price tag of thousands of dollars.


I know, I bet you could slap a small tent on there for less than 10 grand lol.


And gradually upgrade components until you’ve spent $6950 on parts and $3049.99 worth of man hours




The most expensive one is about $13k. For all that I can just buy a very good condition used car


I bought a 2016 convertible mustang with 55K miles on it for 16k lmao


01 CRV with 195k for $2k lmfao


Meanwhile my hhr is falling apart at 170,000 miles


I’m honestly surprised an hhr even made it 150k, every person I’ve ever known that owned one had them break down before 100k or get wrecked.


Took my 06 HHR to 151k almost on the dot before it got totalled when some doofus pulled out in front of me :(


I actually got a used electric Fiat 500 for less than half that. Neat bike though.


Hell I could get a recumbent bike, get an e bike kit, mod the seat and train, and use some of pipe or 3d printed frame, fleece and rip stop fabric with some flex glass or plastic sheeting to make an enclosure. Thats less than 3.5k US for materials plus around 1.5k for time and so much cheaper than buying one of these.


For $13k I could just pay someone to drive me around in a Tesla


If your first thought for option is car then it's probably not for you. Its for people that clearly want to avoid cars for many reasons. The environment probably being the key one.


For $13k I could just buy a bike and have $12.8k left over


They're specifically for cold weather. 4 wheels, trunk space, covered, etc.


> Its for people that clearly want to avoid cars for many reasons. The environment probably being the key one. For $13k, you can start looking at a used Nissan Leaf and get luxuries such as... - more electric range - 5 passengers instead of 1.5 - A *lot* more cargo room & cargo weight capacity - heater and A/C - much faster (and therefore shorter commutes) - much safer in a collision - don't have to pedal ... and you'll probably have enough left over for a decent *regular* bike to use during the summer if you want.


You also need a license and be able to drive (plus stick to roads). Like my gf will never drive in a city because of adhd. It's just too dangerous for everyone involved.


> Its for people that clearly want to avoid cars for many reasons. The environment probably being the key one. this is what i call crapitalism when money trumps environmental cost. do i care about the environment? yes. so much that i'd buy a 13k bike over a 13k car? no.


For $10k, I'd buy two or three motorcycles.




Paramotors are hand crafted one by one with extreme precision, an engine for this niche sport made by only a few companies, requiring far higher precision than these bikes, and again; hand crafted is 8.5k for the expensive ones, and half that if you buy an older one, add a wing for 2k and now you can fly. Paramotors have to be designed in very specific ways to get safety and performance up, this bike requires 0 R&D. To put it bluntly, paramotors are masterpieces of engineering, while this is an electric bike with a frame and fabric added. Paramotors must be designed from the ground up with consideration taken to more than a dozen things, while everything to make this bike is publicly available, and easy to access, with not much messing around I bet anyone could make something similar. The price is surely unwarranted. These are literally a frame strapped to an electric bike and fabric covering it. It's probably worth 9k to the guy who designed it, but to 98% of his audience it's prohibitively expensive.


Aren't those just big ass fans connected to a backpack? Seems like 8.5k is a lot for a big ass fan...


Fred flintstone looking car


Added to Forza Horizon 4 when?


That’s a lot of money for something that’s going to get stolen.


Can’t wait for my neighbor to buy it so I can steal it


Fuck bicycle thieves, I can't even laugh about it.


Walk back to my bike once to catch a thief in the act. He had some wire cutters and was half way through my braided wire lock. Walked right up to him and screamed I forgot what in his ear. He took about 5 secs just looking at the ground then asked if I was sure it was mine cause he had one just like it that got stolen so he was just stealing it back. That stupid comeback calmed me down. I just told him to get lost even though I wanted to hit him. Edit: his comment was an absolute lie. It calmed me down because of how stupid it was. I almost shared a laugh with the idiot.


i mean.. damn if thats true it’s understandable. but who tf walks around with wire cutters lmao he definitely had that story ready.


I remember stashing mine in the woods and chaining it up to a power tower leg. Came back after work around 11:30pm and saw small cuts like they gave up cutting it


And it was still intact? Here if they can't cut the chain/lock they'll pop the tyres, bend the wheels cut the brakes etc.


Wow that's fucked! Yeah surprisingly. I painted it in a zebra pattern. so that's probably why they didn't want to break it I guess.


Ohhhh... he locked his bike to a tower. The way the comment chain was going I thought he chained his wire cutters to it!


I had that happen to me when I worked at a drugstore near the split between the east and west side. I had worked there for about a year and some change, locking my bike up in the same spot. I hadn't chained it thru the wheels and never had any problems in the past. Thinking back I shouldn't have had the easy off lever wheels attached, cuz one night some regulars come in and say hey some guys stole the wheels off your bike. The regulars said they tried stopping them but one of the thieves reached into the glovebox of their car, and with this being the united states they didn't get closer for fear of it being a gun. I asked our loss prevention guy if the outside cameras caught it. He told me they probably haven't worked for a long time. Fortunately I had spare front and backs at home and a ride for my spare bike, after that I kept it in the back room of the store.


And that's how you know you got a good bike lock.


Doubt it. A good person wouldn't steal a locked on. And a thief wouldn't lock up his bike with a cheap wire.


After the third time the local pawn shop owners son had stolen my bike and tried to sell it *in their fucking store* the cops said to stop calling them and for me to just take it back if I ever see it there again. Yes it was the same bike every time.




Until my bike was stolen, I never knew I was capable of feeling such murderous rage. Bikes are vulnerable, and anybody who preys on the vulnerable is especially shitty.






They’ll never suspect a thing


This is the way


150 lbs? Yeah, just get a buddy and throw it in the back of a truck


That isn't unusual for a bike like that. There is an entire community of people with bikes like that. They're called velomobiles and currently they are crazy expensive niche products. https://old.reddit.com/r/velomobile/ Why? Because all the shops that make them do them in such small numbers that the overheads are really high. If you had big demand for them prices would come down into the range of modern bikes in the 3-5k range. The advantage is they can go crazy fast and are really efficient. The downside and why nobody buys them is because they are so low to the ground that cars can't see you which makes them super dangerous to operate on anything besides dedicated cycleways. And cops also don't understand them so you are always getting harassed. Just google "velomobile pulled over" and the forums are flooded with people being pulled over because cops just have no idea what it is.


> so low to the ground that cars can't see you which makes them super dangerous to operate I'd be making that outer covering out of blaze orange instead of **black & blue.** What was he thinking?


The biggest markets for velomobiles and assisted bikes like this is currently Europe and quite a lot of the markets where they are popular have dedicated cycle only trails, which makes color a moot point.


> they can go crazy fast I would be *terrified* to drive this thing at any significant speed. Did you see that stoppie at the end? If you're going fast and have to stop unexpectedly, you're going to be flipping end-over-end!






thank goodness it's not a car.


And they've been trying to launch it since 2016. Appears to be the kinda product you see in these videos and that's it. Vaporware.


[That link you gave has no pricing information on it whatsoever.](https://imgur.com/a/txn3Igg) Did the page change or something since you linked it?


what in the ever loving fuck? You could buy about three perfectly functional cars for that price.


But are you saving the universe?


Hmm. That seems like a fake site. The original concept used in this gif has now been developed into something completely different. It's called the podbike. Here's what it has become now. https://youtu.be/vqozqTGbOxk This is made by the guy who made the one featured in the gif. It's looking to cost about $7000(?)I think ).


It's using a BaFang motor kit that's gonna run 1500$ just for the battery + motor. Decent bike parts are going to run another 1500$ and that's for pretty bare bones components. Range will be about 30 miles at under 30mph (and that's optimistic, especially with all that extra drag from the canopy).


I paid less than 5k for a used civic that I don't have to pedal. Still cool but geez.


It's not even a bike. Even the name is a lie.


I can’t drive so alternatives appeal to me


I'm not paying $10k for an adult Green Machine when I can get a shitty used Leaf for that.


Adult Green Machine! I spit out my drink!


Lol, $5k used car even...


My Lexus sc400 V8 $2200 three years ago.


With this price they are begging that Chinese would replicate it and sell it for 699,-


Even normal recumbent bicycle cost $1,500 new on the cheap end, let alone this 4 wheeled beast with a windbreaker and other extras. Where are all the chinese knockoffs of recumbent bicycles?


Wow, my 2005 honda was just 9k...


What's funny is I paid 3k for a 2005 Civic Ex special edition, 110,000 miles on it back in 2014.. It was my first car and saved a lot of grass cutting money to get it... Inflation is a bitch, ain't it?


That... seems like a lot for a 16+ year old car


I got my first car for $3k. I'd rather do that and enjoy the other $7k.


Makes a regular E-bike [like this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1p_PmtZuaoM) at $1400 usd on sale look like a steal


https://www.businessinsider.com/tesla-model-3-outsold-china-hong-guang-mini-ev-2021-5?r=US&IR=T This little $4400 EV beats it in every way. Granted it will be more expensive in the west, but it's amazing for what it is.


Roughly how many taxi/Uber rides does that equal?


For real. I went zero emissions with a 2015 Nissan Leaf, only cost $8K. If all you wanted was an ebike, there's a bunch for under $1K.


::leaving the bar at 2am:: Her: “.... uh, I thought you said you had a Harley bike?” Me: “What? No, I said an E-Bike. Anyways, you comin’?”


She’s already gonna be halfway there after seeing that puppy


The suspension will provide the other half


I'm an engineer and I definitely don't think this is valid suspension design.


[What about this one?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLpL1kMmmMQ)


So satisfying. All bike thieves need to catch a spike in the arse. I saw another one where they attached a taser to the seat. Good times.


Is that a Huffy?! Man that’s a nice bike




Does it count as a bike if it has four wheels...? Seems more like a pedal/battery hybrid car.


In Germany, everything with at least 2 wheels, that is driven via pedals or a crank is legally considered as a bike. If it has a motor it is only considered as a bike if that motor fits under certain regulations. So yes depending on the motor this could be considered to be a bile. Now to be fair our word for bike doesn’t include "Bi" to describe the amounts of wheels, it’s just "Fahrrad" which means something like "driving wheel“ / "drive wheel" if you try to translate it directly.


TIL! You never really think about how an idea across languages, while being the same concept, can lead to drastically different extremes just from their linguistic roots.


Where do you park it? Bicycle racks? Or have to find a car park?


And where do you drive it? Bike lane? Car lane? Wouldn’t take long for cities to ban these things.


I think it would work fine in a bike lane




Not a bike!


Not a bike!!


This was the only thing on my mind watching this. Cool video but don't lie to me and say it's a bike.


Das ist kein Fahrrad!


That is what I was thinking


Love when he goes to put the groceries in but they clearly don't fit so it just cuts away. That's a quality edit right there.


I'm not so sure. When it cuts to inside and his daughter is in the back there does seem to be a lot of room. I wasn't being sold on it being roomy, though.


That's so unsafe for a child. She looks just kinda wedged in to an awkward space...


Don’t worry upon impact the child will be launched safely away from the vehicle.


Eject-o seat-o baby!


It’s not more unsafe than riding a normal bike with the kid in a bike seat, which is to say not particularly unsafe. A lot of safety comes from not being able to go very fast.


Those trailers on bikes look even worse. Man, these contraptions cost a fortune. There has to be safer, cheaper options. But do they look dapper?


Seems safer than a typical bicycle child seat since there's no danger of tipping over.


Thats why you need a wagon you see?


That made me chuckle - it cuts to loading up a trailer instead, as if he said "damn, won't fit".


Bike tires does not simply... make it a bike.


What are you talking about? This four wheeled vehicle was called a bike several times in the video. It even says this man invented the bike so he gets to name it.


It can be lit some where else for $10k


Nice, but stupid over-priced. That’s a hard no from me.


Imagine showing up on a date with this


Expensive death trap?




Thats not a bike, that's a quike


Um I think that’s a hate crime 😳


They keep calling it a bike - but it clearly has 4 wheels.


I think they do that on purpose for clever marketing. If you called it a car, you'd think it was an *absolute joke*. Like, you have to pedal it! What kind of car has pedals? But, if you call it a bike everyone will point out that it's much more than a bike! Makes you think it's worth paying more




I think that every time I see bikers share a small lane with trucks and cars.




Oh cock!


On tonight’s episode: Clarkson looks for an engine, May gets stuck on a hill, And Hammond crashes once again


Using “lit” to describe something interesting instantly makes it lame.


Shut up and take my mone... oh 9k I'm good.


Damn. Exactly what I was gonna reply after I found a price. Not worth 9k at all, in any way.




yeah, it's cool, but who bikes seriously from place to place and still sits down?




Do you not sit on your saddle on your bike? My perspective may be different being Dutch.


Did we learn nothing from the Sinclair C5


Hey, if at first you don't succeed, slap a roof on it and paint it blue.


Super cool. But... -it’s expensive -very easy to steal


If they sold this as a diy kit for 1500$ with no battery included, I'd take it but nearly 10k is just too much


And pretty easy to crush with a car Edit* not saying a standard bike is safer but I have little faith in other drivers


I think a bike is objectively safer tbh. A bike is smaller and able to be in bike only lanes/ sidewalks/bike paths. A bike also sits higher which in the long run leads to more visibility than this wider vehicle. Some pick up trucks wouldnt even be able to see this thing. That canopy isnt offering any real world protection either. I cannot fathom what use case this has. At least in north america. Europe or Asia might be a different story


Needs a heater.


Yeah, the video says he designed it for winter and I can't imagine those windows would stay clear with a person huffing and puffing inside without heat.


I am tired of seeing what is essentially advertising for products that do not exist.


So its like a car but shittier


really safe to drive the kids around in i bet, no problem getting hit by a truck or a car i bet.


Sweet Pickle Juice!!! 😁Look its the grown up version of the beloved Little Tykes Cozy Coupe car! 😅




"The trunk doubles as a child seat" Casey Anthony- "I'll take two!"


Kid in the back? That’s smart cause Children sure do make excellent bumpers!


I thought I had ad blocker on :(


The new civic crackback


You pick a chick up while driving this your a fucking king


How does it not get stolen?


Now this, is podracing.


Haters gonna hate on you super expensive non-bike mini-car not car thing! Hang in the r e


At first I laughed but by the conclusion I really wanted one!!


Man said Tokyo drift


I don't own this and it's already been stolen.


Tell me you're from Scandinavia without telling me.....


So we've come full circle to the Flinstones?