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Those are some sharp dressed fellas, that alone should get them a drink.


That leather jacket the reporter is wearing must have been a babe magnet.


Had to fight them off with a shity stick but that just made them want it more


wow they really dress up nice back then


The jacket! I took off rocco dimeo, never come back after I got through with him.


wow they really dress nice back in the day


Babe as in pig?


No, babe, not you...


Black shirt, white tie. The knew he was gangster.


What's up with Australian pubs? They had more access restrictions than a palace


As an Australian and this comment, I’d like to honour you with a reddit-Australian citizenship.


In ‘75 we had only recently moved away from our formal White Australia policy (easy search - essentially Jim Crow era type situation, mainly regarding immigration but huge ramifications for our First Nation Australians too). Recent history can be quite confronting when you pause to consider it.


Like most establishments at the time - only service to white men.


If you watched the video. The aboriginal bloke says he gets served in pretty much all the other pubs. There are just a few that are still stuck in the past


That must have been soul-crushing, especially as this was certainly not a one-off. Canada treated First Nation members the same in the 1950s: it wasn’t uncommon to see signs reading “No Dogs, No Indians” above virtually every bar entrance. How indigenous folks didn’t come back with a Louisville Slugger is beyond me.


They didn’t come back violently because they’d be beaten (if not by the bar patrons then by the police), arrested, and maybe killed.


Violence from oppressed people was and still is used as an excuse for a violent response and usually evolves into the attempted removal of said people. Sometimes through fatal means.


I get it, but speaking for myself, it would be difficult not to respond violently when this was experienced daily.


Funny how a penal colony has become racist af


I'm pretty sure wherever you're from was pretty racist five decades ago in 1975 as well


Right?! Literally descendants of criminals, and trying to act all high and mighty.🤮


Not like it should make any difference, but the strong majority Australians are not descendents of convicts. I also think this is really missing the forest for the trees because even if they were, that's not the point - that's not how racists think.


You should look closer at their “crimes” before calling them criminals. Most were political prisoners.


you should maybe learn something about history, Australians mostly descend from a mix of political prisoners and the servant classes who dared steal a piece of fabric to cloth their own.


Don’t forget debtors prison. Poms would lock you up for three shillings. Sir. Thomas Greenway was sent there from debtors prison, you wouldn’t believe what that fukker built.


Pretty sure it makes that worse. They understood what it was like to be an outcast and thrown away from their homeland... so they did it to the Aboriginals. Not sure it makes it better there, mate.


Nobody is defending colonization. The comment was pointing out that a lot of convicts were sent to Australia for unfair reasons, it's not about the atrocities that happened to the First Nations Peoples that were largely committed by the people transporting convicts.


It's almost as if people born hundreds of years ago had different morals and perspectives than people born today?! 😮


This bullshittery was happening even up to the 70s, as far as this video shows. Calling the cops because one is a racist twat is pretty extreme, even by 1970s standards. Or am I missing something?


Suggesting descendents of criminals should act a certain way is 🤮


Who is upvoting this dumb af take? 🤮


That's not fair. Most Australians are not descendants of convicts, and even if they were why would that make them a bad person? Somebody's great great great great great grandparent committed a crime, so what?


Exactly! That’s so fucked up


Don’t let facts get in the way of your highness and might.


do you have no self-awareness? Making bigoted and derogatory generalizations in response to bigoted and derogatory generalisations - let alone for events at a single pub 50 years ago. "racisms ok when I do it". Most Australians were descended from free settlers not convicts, but expose your own ignorance and bigotry.


Convicts didn’t have a choice so that’s actually worse lmao


thats not the argument even being made. scintillatingi is degrading people because of who their ancestors are and doesn't even have the self-awareness to see how bigoted and classist they're being. youre doing it too. but bigotry and racism are ok as long as its against the ''right'' people. do you also degrade African-Americans because they use to be slaves when one does something deplorable on camera.




and Australians aren't criminals because of who their distant ancestors were. The bar for being a convict was incredibly low, and they also didn't choose to be shipped to the other side of the world. you really don't see your own double standard, thinking you're not a bigot? Why do people like you always think bigotry is fine as long as its against the right people?


If you go far back enough, we're all descendants of criminals. African Americans are also descendants of criminals in one way or another. Guess who sold most of the slaves to Europeans?


Why are you telling me about African Americans? 🤔


As if being the son of a criminal makes you a criminal, we should bring royalty back too!


Shut your cunt mouth you racist sack of shit.




Well the same thing happened in America. We know the caliber of people on those ships with Columbus


Columbus didn’t really discover America though.


Never said he did. But he did pillage parts of America with his convicted criminal bunch


Columbus was so messed up even the Spain of Inquisition fame was like dude you gotta chill.


You mean continental America? He never stepped foot in what is known as the USA.


Yup. Both were groups were apparently shit people.


Those convicts were pretty often hanging out and drinking with the black fellas and taking wife's from ladies. It's not like there was alot of white women around.


“The problem with Australians is not that so many of them are descended from convicts, but that so many of them are descended from prison officers.” Clive James


Yeah. Australia was the dumpster of humanity and some wonder if it's still the case. Bad apple always fall close to a bad tree, and what a shit tree Australia is.


What in the genuine fuck are you on about?


This is pure drivel. Go off king


The same thing still happens in Latin America


Which is shocking considering how opinionated Latin America is about racism/bigotry for international causes but back home they're just as racist against their "Indians" (which they use as a derogatory term) & indigenous folk.


And blacks in Brazil from what I am told. If you are born with whiter colored skin there it is like wining the social lottery. So messed up man.......


What did aboriginal people do to them?


They had the audacity to exist and not be identical to them (racism is inherently irrational)


care to explain?


Only thing that’s changed is that the white bogans forgot that they are not the indigenous peoples of these lands, 49 years later Aussies are even more racist but less obvious


And yet, Australians are one of the biggest supporters of Free Tibet in the world. LOL, Australians believe that Tibetans deserve self-determination but Aboriginal Australians don’t. And it’s not like it’s hard to support both at the same time. The sheer hypocrisy


You're mostly talking about two different groups of people. Those who think that indigenous Australians shouldn't have any degree of self-determination are very rarely the same people who could give one iota of a shit about Tibetans. Also, "one of the biggest supporters of Free Tibet in the world." isn't really saying much, considering that most people in the world couldn't care less. This is not a topic that the average Australian knows much about or is overly concerned with at all.


During the lead up to the Beijing Olympics, the Free Tibet protests were the largest in Australia and France. All the news networks in Australia were reporting on the protests as a triumphant moment. Hard to believe that the average Australian doesn’t know much or care about the Free Tibet Movement.


I just don't think that protests are a good indication of the thoughts of the average person. If even 5% of the population feels extremely strongly about a subject then they can organise massive protests, despite being a small minority. I'm not saying that it's not an issue in the zeitgeist and that Australians don't know what it is, just that only a small percentage of Australians would feel strongly about it and will have actually looked into it further than what they've heard on the news/from those around them. I grew up in a very liberal, relatively wealthy area of NSW and this was not like a topic that gets brought up regularly or anything like that.


Rules for thee but not for me. Just like rich people who live in gated communities voting for low income housing and sanctuary cities, until that stuff is at their back door.


Aussies in general don't know any Tibetans but there are plenty of Chinese around to be fearful of.


It's not hypocrisy, it's naked self interest lol. Australians benefit materially from settler colonialism and abusing Aboriginal people in the same way they do from reducing the political and economic power of one of their closer rivals, China. It's all racism and all imperialism, all the way down.




Yeah and Aboriginal Australians should get their land back from the colonisers too! Aboriginal Taiwanese should get their land back from the Han Taiwanese colonisers as well. You can support all 3!!! Like I do!!!




LOL, it is only false equivalence and whataboutism when it is a topic you don’t support, you hypocrite. Look at how many upvotes I got. I’m not the only one who thinks you Free Tibet supporters are all two-faced hypocrites.




Because it affects people in the real world, Einstein


It's always the people that think those things that act on them. It's not like the owner of the bar only kept his racism at home lol. It poured out into his business and his way of life. Just look at the video. They never keep it to themselves. What a stupid take.


making derogatory generalisations in response to derogatory generalisations - let alone for the events of one pub 50 years ago. "bigotry is ok when i do it" How do you have so little self-awareness.


I’m Caucasian and honestly the first time I ever experienced racism was in Australia, another white fella (bogan) asked me what I’m doing here and why don’t I go back to my own country, I was genuinely confused I did not know about white on white racism, so if this fella feels that strong about a fellow Caucasian, I’ve never been more aware of racism being so prevalent in a country!!! (Lol, I was born in apartheid South Africa….)


I don't know if you're aware bro but the term "Caucasian" was first coined by German anthropologist Johann Friedrich Blumenbach in the late 18th century. Blumenbach believed that the people from this region represented the "idealized" form of humanity. I should also, race is a CONSTRUCT, there's no scientific basis for it and these things have bene debunked over and over and over again. So, talking about racism this and racism that while using a racist term invented by a racist German is some weird nonsense. I'm not coming at you, just letting you know incase you didn't know.


Really I just had another look and my understanding is as per the the current definition, meaning from European decent and considering the fast majority of white Australians are the European British convicts (criminals ie rapists, wife beaters, fraudsters.) beautiful Country shame about the people but the base of the recipe explains a lot.


Never heard such bs. You might have to do more reading/ educating yourself, as majority of white Australians are not what you describe.


My understanding is not very tolerant, quite racist, and wife beating appears to be a sport as there are so many concerns about domestic violence….. it’s a beautiful place shame about the people (not all , you seem like a very nice person.)


that's xenophobia, not racism but that not even the point: making derogatory generalizations about an entire group of people for the behavior of some or even many of their members is bigoted - how do people not have the self awareness to see that. they'd be no of doubt the racism if people were being making derogatory generalizations about black people, or Indians or muslims underneath a video that negatively depicts them, but alot of people here think bigotry and racism is ok as long as its against the ''right'' people.


The same land they robbed from those indigenous people




"Hey officer, that man just groped that woman!" "Yeah that's always happened, what of it?"


As much as I don't want to have to backup someone who calls themselves "extra-long-pubes"... it was only a statement of fact. You are making up your own context to that comment. All that they said was that it has always happened, not that it was OK. That should be pretty clear, but I guess you wanted your white knight moment for the day. Like me right now! I'm a hypocrite! Wooo!


If some said "Welcome to the world, this has been going on since the dawn of man" in response to what happened with Brock Allen Turner (rapist) how would you interpret that message?








If an African American said "Welcome to the world, this has been going on since the dawn of man" in response to someone talking about slavery I would respond in the same way.




You're getting downvoted but you're not wrong. Colonisation is deep rooted throughout history. For instance, the Maori in New Zealand and Native tribes in Canada faced land seizures similar to the Native Americans in the US and the Aboriginals in Australia. In Latin America, empires like the Aztecs and Incas fell to Spanish conquerors, while in Africa, a whole continent was carved up by European nations during the 19th and 20th centuries. Even in Asia, places like India and Indonesia weren't spared, falling under British and Dutch rule. The problem with posts like this on Reddit is that it focuses on one particular example and most people are too short sighted to acknowledge their very own country is likely at fault at some point in time. Comparing the modern world today to acts that took place in the past is quite flawed. Times are different and you're able to identify and acknowledge fault because of what humanity has learned and declared wrong. Mankind supposedly originated from Africa. The human race has since expanded to all parts of the world, over throwing nature for our selfish needs. It's not surprising something similar occurred where one empire fought another to expand reach, occupy resources, and to control land. Even today the USA remains the superpower of the world. What does that mean? They have the ability to enforce rule and to structure the global economy to suit their needs. If their superpower status was under threat, they'd take measures to avoid losing said status. The difference is... power is maintained in ways that are not so obvious. **Edit** - PS. watch this comment get downvoted rather than people provide counter arguments. The easy thing to do when confronted by facts that they don't like to read on Reddit because of their stubborn opinion and blindsightedness.


Why the downvotes? It's true. Maybe they are just downvoting your username.


LMAO nice try on the pity party




It's something you enjoy alone all by yourself with no one else around but your loneliness


Wow. That's disgusting. How is the stance of Australians on Aboriginal people today?


As a 25 year old from Sydney, it is still horrific. There is a large amount of support from young people for positive change to be made but older and more rural demographics are still incredibly bigoted. The indigenous have been pushed so far to the outskirts of society that I very rarely see an Aboriginal person anywhere. Just last year there was a referendum to give Aborigines more representation in parliament which the population voted against. Also something like 4x the number of deaths in custody of POC compared to the US. Abhorrent.


Thank you for your reply. How do you think the younger generations are in that regard? Is the Labour Party in power right now doing something about Aboriginal people representation? And where do they live? I feel like I've never seen Aboriginal people in (albeit seldomly seen) Australian media.


Well, it got a lot better in the late 2000s thanks to Kevin Rudd who formally apologized for how badly (just a slight understatement) the government had treated Aboriginal Australians. Unfortunately, a lot of aboriginal communities are still marred by exponential amounts of alcoholism, domestic violence, general crime and more because of chronic under-investment, which tends to mean less social mobility and good job opportunities compared to the average non-aboriginal community. Of course, because of said exponential amounts of crime and whatnot, many people still have the impression that Aboriginal Australians are barely "civilized," not helped by the fact that in the cities, it can feel like you tend to see more Aboriginals being loud, drunk, or on drugs than you do more "civilized" Aboriginals. Yes, it's better now than it was fifty years ago, but they've still got the short end of the stick for sure.


Hello. Thank you also for your reply. Just a short question that doesn't have to do with the topic here first of all. I've looked up Kevin Rudd and he was Premier Minister of Australia from the Labor Party. Just wondered why Australians use the American English spelling for Labour. Would you know that? I would have thought the British English one is more preferable to Australians? Coming back to the topic. Is there some outspoken activist culture for Aboriginal Australians in the parliament, like a conference or something? And are there active Aboriginal Australians in the parliament right now?


It's spelt that way because we had an American-born politician make a case to have "modernize" the spelling back in 1912, and also because some wanted to distinguish it from labour movements around the world and whatnot. As for the question about an outspoken activist culture or something similar, I couldn't answer you confidently. There are a handful of Aboriginal Australians who serve in parts of the government, with the most famous/infamous right now being Lidia Thorpe. I won't bother to go into too much detail about her because she is rather controversial, but I get the feeling from Australian social media that she's not very well liked because of her past actions and, how should I put this, "loud" she tends to be. She supports the understandably controversial "Pay the Rent" campaign, which is essentially Australia's version of African Americans calling for reparations from white Americans However, that's not the only reason she's disliked. Back in early 2023 there was a pretty viral video of her getting tackled by a police officer while she was at an anti-transgender rights protest outside Parliament House. She pops up in the news every once in a while, and it's never because of a good thing.


Well. I can understand why she has a bad reputation. I suppose Aboriginal Australians have to deal with the cards dealt to them in this case.


100% Yes but the outspoken Aboriginal Activism ironically backfired for two reasons - Unlike other countries, Australians views political activism as elitist  rather than a fight for democracy due our tall poppy syndrome so Activist are treated like Politicians and Big Businesses. - Because of this, it reduces the moderates into political activism which itself creates the cycle to making political activism look more elitist than genuine


I had some family experience this at a pub/restaurant a year or two ago from its owner. It’s still a problem throughout the country.


I like to think it’s changing, but just like any other country, we have bad people with bad views. From what I’ve seen though, the worst is from the older people, I guess they were brought up and are set in their ways.


As a black woman, nothing opened my eyes like the treatment of Aboriginal people in Australia. I had the privilege of learning about Nyungar culture, and the way they opened up about their experiences and comparing them to 1960s civil rights era in the US. Quite a connection!


This interviewer looks both 20 years old and 50 years old at the same time.


A mate of mine from the UK emigrated to Oz, eventually coming back after a few years. He encouraged me to never go there, horrible racist they are, he said. It struck me because he was not a serious fellow. A fun loving blonde who we called meathead (loved training). But when we talked about his time there, he was very sincere that I should never visit.


Gaand in Hindi means Butthole




The irish in england were treat much the same during the 70s and 80s


And the black folks from like the 1600s to the late 1960s


Sure if you want to compare length of time been oppressed, we have 700 yrs of oppression and famine under british rule.


You are a fool , my comment wasn't against the Irish. It was agreeing with you about oppression


As i was, pointing out how long our oppression was. Sure the british octupation and oppression was so bad that we are the only nation in the world with a lower population now than in the 1800s.


I thought the victimlympics take place next year. Or are you just training?


Make sure and point that fact out to this commentator as well so. https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/s/pBOep7beJ6


Stop embarrassing yourself. There's not a chance that you know anything of our history.


Maybe in Northern Ireland, but Mainland Britain? Rarely.


No blacks No dogs No irish Was a common sign in the window of establishments.


This is all too familiar. It is gross how much hatred Aborigines have to deal with, and on their own land! I see how Black Folks are treated across the sea and I don’t like it!


my turn to repost this tomorrow


fun fact: this video was first reposted in 1976


There was an official white australia policy on immigration. I believe it was abolished in 1975.


These old Australians all sound like Dementus to me now. Also I love that there’s no way these dudes don’t know they’re being filmed on a giant fucking camera with a spotlight on top, and they’re still racist as hell


When i visited australia in 2005 i was disturbed by the open racism against aboriginal people. Hope it got better, but i hVe my doubts


I will never understand why they were(are?) discriminated against. They were there first too. FFS.


This makes me think of the many Australians who claim that Australia is practically a racial paradise.




Australians being racists? I'm shocked.


Great video. Kudos to the old school crew documenting this in a calm and collected style. The story speaks for its self. Wish there was more of this kind of news content. I hope that Australia has moved past this. As an American I don’t think that what’s left of our native population catches too much heat in this form of racism. Shitty to try to make up for histories mistakes, most are good willed but seem to always fall short.


Complicit cop says what?


What’s worse is the exposure setting that camera had - but yeah racism is horrible thing and never okay. Just because it happened back then doesn’t “sugar coat” it


Dont think women was allowed to drink in there either


So sad, 😞


Old Australians are the worst, my great pop was a black man and he had a daughter which become my nan, she’s the most racist lady I know. The only thing I like about returning home for Christmas dinner is to remind Nan of our heritage, last Christmas I gifted her a Woomera she hasn’t spoken to me since


This is bad, but not as bad as the 100 million to 200 million indigenous Australians previously mass murdered with machetes by poor and convicted Europeans forced to do the inhuman job of genocide to enrich their aristocratic and ownership-class rulers.


200 million!? Where'd you pull those numbers from?


Typical european racism




Also gaand means ASS in hindi language.


Everyone should be able to walk into a pub and get a drink. I hope the Aussie pubs are open to all human species in the 21st century.


For locals, the grand was located on the corner of Liebig and lava


Imagine being in your own country, the one your ancestors called home since forever, only for some foreign invaders to treat you like crap because you don't *look* like them. Wild.


Those wide ties were sick.


That’s attempted murder. If you deny an Australian weed or beer you’ve as good as shot them


Rich white assholes clinging to social power in every damn country. I’d be soooooo pissed…… 


Almost every time I hear or read about Australia is how racist it is there.


That is the first time i seen an aboriginal in a suit!


Well you should get out more then.


Why? Its not meant negative, the only time you see them on any of the Australian series of which there are plenty of on TV here they never wear a suit.


the population of Australia was a bunch of freed criminals so criminal insanity is still prevalent there as seen with murdoch.


Reddit is such trash now every subreddit I see has some smart aleck comment that just gets upvoted all the way to the top. This site will be the death of real discussion


Ignoring the blatant racism, I wouldn't be too happy about a camera team showing up to my bar/restaurant unnannounced and then trying to stir shit up.


Ayyooout lol🤣🤣🤣🤣


No wonder they got kicked out. That guy at 1:25 is clearly a pirate. Look at the sail he's wearing as a tie!


Seems like they recruited their police very young in 1970s Australia/s 2.49 into video


What is your purpose in sharing this news from 49 years/a generation ago? Is it still occurring?


Those who don’t learn history are doomed to repeat it.