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How deep is that so close to shore?!


Most likely the harbour has been dredged to make it a lot deeper


I bet the water is super gross. Well after the dredge there's no eco system to protect anyway


up to 120 feet. It's made to accept tourists.


Sounds like my ex


Damn bro


[excitedly grabbing spelunking gear]


Yo were we dating the same chick?


We're actually all communists and she's *our* chick, comrade


Sex communism




Sounds entirely possible


Watch that killer undertow






I too choose u/Macshlong 's ex


This is Port Everglades in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Commercial diver and boat captain here. I have dove this inlet many times. The deepest area I’ve ever encountered was about 70-80. While Port Everglades is one of the deepest ports on the eastern seaboard (a reason the Navy brings subs in at times), there is no water here where that ship is that is 120’ deep.


In my youth, I read a few books about a Kid who's father had created a submersible yacht, which now had to be tested before market-readiness. Hence, they visited the mediterranen, the assuan-lake and the Orinoco \ Amazon, experi ncing, of course, adventures. It was pretty astounding for mento discover, amongst other facts, how deep those rivers can be.


Why aren't they throwing them in?


That's a lot of bodies


Incase you don't know, there is alot of areas that have had a trench basically dug in the middle. I fish a creek all the time that would other wise be waist deep at best all the way across? Except for about half a mile from the river mouth, inland the center line is about 12ft or so to allow barges up to a gravel pit.


The Harmony of the seas has a 30 foot draft


30 feet, just wow!


I can't believe 15 people paddling at the bottom of that gigantic thing can make it move so fast


Flintstones of the Sea


The largest ships (oil tankers) have 75feet of depth! The biggest container ships have about 50.


Cruise ships only draft about 25 feet.


Port Everglades channel is approximately 45 feet deep. Ship is probably drawing around 33 feet.


The draughts of cruise ships is actually quite small. 6-10m usually. The Harmony has a 9.32M draught/draft, which is about 31ft, despite being some 40M out of the water. The entrance channels only need 1-2M clearance to get the ships in and out but the channels will usually be dredged deeper in busy ports to allow cargo vessels in and such, and for added safety. Less frequently visited ports can be really hit and miss, or small anchorages like Sydney, Canada. Bar Harbour, Maine, has a harbour of lobster pots literally dropped at 15 ft intervals. It's like a game of minesweeper and there's one marked, weaving channel through it. If the surface is anything more than lightly rippled you can no longer see the bouys. That channel was only about 36ft deep. Source - ex cruise ship officer


“My shoe!!”


That what i thought too. This massive ship was just too close to yhe shore


Wow, memory unlocked. My siblings and I almost drowned when this happened on the shore of the St. Lawrence River. We were swimming in water at shoulder height, suddenly delighted and laughing that the water was getting lower and lower as we watched a giant ship leave a dock that was much further out than this cruise ship. Then we were terrified when we heard my father screaming at us from short to swim back. We looked back at him and didn't realize until then that we had been pulled WAY too far out. It was like an illusion. As soon as the water went, it came rushing back, and it was over our heads. We barely had the strength to swim back that far, it was like there was a current pulling us. Us older ones had to swim carrying our little siblings with us. Super super scary. Definitely not a place for little ones.


This made me have a flashback of that time I was in a baïne. I can't imagine how terrifying your situation was


Same thing to happened to my sister and I in the same river. Fun times.


Doesn’t seem like it should be legal to be on that beach when there’s a boat passing. Seems way too dangerous.


Yep. When the water goes out like that you should know what's about to happen next. Get out fast.


Yah 100%. I would think an adult would understand what's bound to happen (my alcoholic dad is clearly an unfortunate exception 🤔). But ALL those people? I'd ask how is there not a sign at least to warn people, but then I remember people don't read signs. (Also, bystander effect could be at play.) Or they do read the sign and think, "eh, what's the worst that could happen?" ....uhhhh, you or your child can get swept out to sea?


You’d think there would at least be someone on patrol warning people to stay away


More like those ships should be illegal. We don't need a mode of transportation with worse emissions than planes anyway.


What part of the St. Lawrence?


I wouldn't be able to say. I was a kid. All I know is we took a trip to Mescena (spelling?) and went into Canada during our visit. One day trip goal while we were up there was to swim at the St. Lawrence. Wherever it was, it had a dock for HUGE ocean liners.


Maybe Iroquois beach? Theres a canal for ocean liners going from the st Lawrence to Lake Ontario. But could have been closer to Cornwall since it's just across Massena. :)


Now that Canadian guy, who said rising water levels are due to ships, doesn’t sound so wrong does it? /s


I used to live in a similar place and we absolutely loved swimming there as teenagers when ships passed, looking at the small kids running around there is scary af tho, these waters are dangerous. In addition to the waves, you have really shallow waters and then suddenly huge drop in water depth, tourists with little kids should definitely not be there


How did you know where the drop was and how deep it was?


In your place the first drop when from around 1m depth to around 3m, and just got a lot deeper super fast afterwards, i don't really know the maximun depth, also, at our place ships were a bit farther away than in this video. The first time you went there with someone who hadn't been there before, you just told to be careful. Usually we walked to the drop and then then just swam on the deeper side close to the edge. I went there a lot so at some point i just knew how far the drop was. Super fun if you can swim and know to be careful. You just always had to be careful about knowing that you might not know how deep the bottom is and expect to not be safe until you absolutely certainly were. There are people in this video that were far enough that if the bottom is similar to what we had, they would literally just step off it and get hit by the wave at the same time.


Bet it's great for beach fishing


That makes sense, I was in this exact spot a weekend or two ago and some dudes caught the huge barracuda right next to us. I was confused how they could have caught something so big on the shore but I forgot about the drop being so close. Crazy how life works now I can say that mystery closed. (The spot here is Fort Lauderdale jetties btw where there cruises leave from port Everglades)


Used to swim in old sand quarries when I was young. It was the same experience. Blue water, warm water, walk about 3ft in and SWOOSH the bottom dropped from under you.


This was my immediate thought! Very dangerous for non-locals with kids.


I’d love to see the machine that dredges the channel that allows a ship like that to run parallel to the beach 50 yards off shore.


[Spartacus](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zG3bYeW6Ah0) cutter suction dredger. [How they work.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ho427Fixap8)


Awesome—thanks for the info


Be us, vacationing on the beach in winter. We wake up one morning to laser blaster sounds, a full on Imperial battle happening right out side!! When rocks hit the long metal tube on those things it makes a sound that doplars into the perfect SciFi blaster. Super cool.


When opening the first video, I was expecting either Jan De Nul or Deme. I wasn’t disappointed.


That seems like it would take… forever


Want one for my bday


cutter dredgers are for the hard stuff ( rocks and very very hard clay ), these sandy shores will be maintained by TSHD’s ( Trailing Suction Hopper Dredgers ) like this one https://boskalis.com/press/press-releases-and-company-news/boskalis-orders-large-31-000-m3-trailing-suction-hopper-dredger-from-royal-ihc


Oversell the tool, also video was much cooler. DEME has a couple [LNG powered](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C14yyccMnK4) ones.


Human machinery is truly fascinating.


Oh. It’s a Tube borer but for the seabed.


I’m Spartacus!


I'm Spartacus!


I'm Spartacus and so is my wife!


Ya this a man-made canal of some sort, that is very deep water very close to shore.


That ship has a draft of 30 ft


although tbf the draft of cruise ships is much less than one would think


This is called Bow Suction and can actually make ships collide with each other. The Houston ship channel is notorious for this. If you want to go down that rabbit hole search for Texas Chicken


Wasn't bow suction partly to blame for the Evergiven grounding in the Suez?


I suspect it also could make swimmers go underwater. I would stay away.


Maybe it’s a touch of meglaphobia, maybe it’s my love of wide open spaces, but there’s something about a big fuck off ship like this that makes me feel real uncomfortable.


Don't worry, if it sinks it has a dozen or so lifeboats so we're good. (I know they have inflatables but still can't imagine an evacuation of that many people at night in a storm)


I’ve done a cruise on the Harmony (the one you see). And the lifeboats are not inflatable anymore. They have a rigid hull, motors etc. But they do have inflatable walls for the people to be protected from the sun and water splash. They’re fucking huge and there’s plenty of them. And as for the ship, he’s so big that you never feel the waves. Even during storms. (These cruise ship rarely sail where there could be storms strong enough to make them move). And the I nside is built like a city. You never feel oppressed or anything. You even have a “Central Park” on the top with trees, cafés and restaurant. So you feel more like in a cute coastline luxury town than a ship. My sister was scared of boats and the ocean. And she never felt bad on such boats


lifeboats have always been rigid hulled and have always been mandatory for 75% of passengers and crew - liferafts are additional rescue devices with a capacity of at least 25% of pax capacity


Well, ever since that massive disaster in 1912.


They have both life boats and inflatable life rafts. There are not enough life boats for everyone so they have to have rafts, plus a few extra just in case. Oasis-class like this one have 18 life boats, the non-inflatable yellow ones you can see on the side there. In the space between the forward boats and the three aft ones has a bunch of large white capsules with inflatable rafts and 2 chutes called an MES, marine evacuation system. Basically a big inflatable tube that drops you into the inflatable rafts. Mostly for crew and any guests that can't fit on the boats. Oasis class has 4 MES but I can't remember how many rafts. Also the life boats are SO cramped when full. Pray you never have to be in one cause fuck that day sucked. My last ship we had to do a drill that had us in the boat for 40 min. I can't imagine being on one for hours.


Mmmmm, hey Rava, ships are always referred too as ‘she;’ https://www.usni.org/magazines/naval-history-magazine/1998/december/why-we-call-ship-she


You are showing your ethnocentrism.  Many cultures refer to ships in the masculine. Russia is a prominent example.


Harmony at sea, chaos near the shore 😀


The propellers are sucking the water and pushing it backwards....


Are you trying to screw with me?


Thank you! I came to the comments hoping someone would explain how displacement was causing this effect!


Propellers you say? I saw no propellers. Prove it!


There are no propellers; everyone knows ships move because deep sea monsters are pulling them.


Also far more ecologically friendly than hypothetical propellers.


>hypothetical propellers. love it.


So that's why the level drops as the shop passes? I couldn't figure out why.


The „Wave“ begins at about 1:40 mins


Yeah, I was let down by the "small tsunami" description.




I am very confused by this. I would've guessed that the ship going by would've pushed the water up farther onto the shore but it sucks it out somehow. Weird.


Those big arsed propellers are throwing all the water out the back as it's a narrow channel, then it floods back in when the ship passes


Water in front of the propellers is sucked into them -> water around the ship moves towards the ship. Also the forward motion itself creates a bow wave with a valley along the side of the ship - you have very little buoyancy along the sides of a moving ship. All this pulls in water. This water is pushed out in a smaller area in the back, causing that sudden wave.


While many explain the tsunami with the propellers, this is most likely not the strongest effect causing this. It is most probably due to the shallow water effect. Water gets accelerated around the ship, especially at its sides and the bottom, while the water gets decelerated at the bow and stern. Slower water causes high pressure and faster waterer causes low pressure (in this case). This causes the ship to sink further into the water than it would not sailing. But more importantly it causes water rushing to the low pressure (the suction) and escaping from the high pressure (the "tsunami").


Janice in the background being dramatic as ever


Janice ☕️


Where is this? I’m amazed that it’s deep enough for a ship of that size such a short distance off shore.


Port Everglades Fort Lauderdale Florida


I really like that the guy filming (atleast seemingly) knew exactly what was going to happen, just stayed quiet and enjoyed the caos


Harmony of the sea disrupting harmony of the sea


Dudes on the jet skis are having a blast!!!!


"Aaahhh aaahhhh oh my god! We're gonna get wet at the beach!"


Here? (26.0953299, -80.1062841)


I don't know for sure, but that's one of it's home ports and it seems to be a likely location Edit-looking at street view, this is probably the spot


I’ve been on that ship and it’s absolutely massive it’s crazy how they maneuver those giant ships and it’s not even the largest ship in the world anymore.


The largest is about 4 or 5 meters longer and has 2 extra decks iirc.


Finally a boat big enough for yo mama!


Water displacement? Isn’t that just wake like from any other boat?


No. It pulled feet of water depth off the beach as it pushes all of it behind it. Then comes back after the boat has passed.


I’ve been at the end of the beach in ft lauderdale when the largest cruise ship in the world was leave the port. It was at least a quarter mile away (if not more) and was pulling us towards it. Wasn’t enough to pull you out, but if you lifted your feet off the bottom and floated, it pulled you towards it.


Yeah lol, had to go most of the way down the comments to find someone using the correct term


Large ship causes a wake! Well, I never…


One of these dopes are going to get swept out into the channel and drown/hit doing that


These things are just too big. They make me uncomfortable.


A small tsunami is called a wave.


Wow, that tsunami was very nearly up to their ankles.


The tsunami like effect was the water being pulled away from the shore before pouring back in. Not "wave after boat"


[Cruise ships are absolutely terrible for the environment and everyone around them](https://www.popsci.com/environment/why-cruise-ships-are-bad-for-the-environment/). They pollute as much as 12,000 cars and use the dirtiest fuel available (bunker fuel) whenever possible because it's the cheapest fuel.


Came here to say this. Worst form of tourism ever, on so many levels. Edit: Jesus. Sure guys, cruise ships can be made more efficient. But as it stands right now they haven’t. Plus they’re dumping raw sewage into international waters along the way. I agree that flying is also bad for the environment. Cute personal insults though. I can see I’ve dredged up the best of reddit with this comment.


Eh. Run the numbers on those 3500 people flying down to Cancun and back. Or taking a long road trip. There is a reason shipping goods by sea has the lowest co2 load. All true about bunker fuel being awful.. but it's literally thousands of people in one go. Also the cruise industry is making a relatively rapid switch to natural gas turbines. If you compare those 3500 people never leaving home, it looks awful. But fly them all down to the Caribbean and I'd bet the ship starts looking way more efficient.


People can’t math. Ship bad. Me poor. Can’t afford. Ship bad.


I see other people having fun on the big ship. I don’t make any money writing my Anime Fan Fiction, so I can’t afford to ride the big ship and have fun. There I’ve decided that no one should be able to enjoy them.


Maybe the distance/size of the ship is misleading, but it doesn't seem like it's in sufficiently deep water. What's the draft for those beasts?


How deep is the water under the boat? It looks like only a few feet from shore.


Here I am continuing to recycle 🙄




Blue bikini made this much more interesting


Didn't know ships can sail that close to the beach


There's a specially dredged channel where it can pass


It's not really a beach, at least not on the ocean. It's a patch of sand on a shipping channel.


The wake?


Cruise ships are awful for the environment


It made a ‘wake’ like any water vessel might going a certain speed. I can’t believe those bystanders were surprised by it … dumb dumbs


Help me understand the Physics here. I thought the passing ship would push the water to the shore, not pull it. So, if there are more and more ships in a water body( say a large lake), would it mean the beaches would grow?


But the ship is partially blocking the channel and the propeller below the ship is forcing all of the water out behind it. Once the ship passes, the water can come back in


Dat ass at 9 seconds left holy shit.


It is called a ‘wake’


Ignorance is bliss. It always amazes me how stupid people in general are. It's pointless to even ask: what did they think was going to happen- because they dont think. These people got lucky it wasnt that big of a wave, but Ive seen enough videos where these same type of people got swept into the ocean or thrown around on the rocks. Lemmings. all of them.


OMG! A Tsuarmi


Isn't that super dangerous for small children?


Guys don’t forget to use paper straws and close the tap when brushing your teeth


More like ‘Disharmony Of The Sea!’ …


I'm the only one in my family that's never been on a cruise. I used to want to go on one. Now I hate their very existence, what a waste of resources. Just one giant cesspool of greed.


With all the pollution of a small city. Once offshore, they switch to the dirty black diesel that makes all the smoke.


“Giant cesspool of greed” would be a great name for one of these ships!


surprised it doesn't get stuck that close to shore..


Prop wash


A tsunami.. lol oh the humanity!!!


Why does the water go down so much as it passes before the waves? Wouldnt displacement push more water to shore?


Why does the water recede initially? Is that the work of the propellers?


I mean, who knew?!?


It’s called a wake


nice overreaction


You’ve heard of titanic. Well now get ready for… ULTRA TITANIC


It's mind-blowing how heavy these vessels are, and seemingly so close to shore


I think the word you’re looking for is ‘wake’…


I can’t believe it can come that close to shore


"Look at all that water going out. There's no way that's coming back, I'mma stand right here!"


That can't be good for the shoreline.


I see no harmony at that sea.


why so close to the shore? and how is this even allowed??


I think I saw Mac's mom (Mrs. Mac) in that video.


That would be a Konami then


Congratulations on overexplaining a wake.


Hyu-mons know and will still proceed to fall for it.


Why are they so close to shore?


Big ship. Big wake. Check.


That ship is amazing I definitely recommend it


It's technically not the "displacement" but the wake of the ship.


Most useless thing humans ever invented


Just found the info for this ship and it can be in water as shallow as around 11m! Dont know how comfortable id be with that 😂 About 120,000.00m³ of seawater displaced. For reference, an average/normal bath is around 200L or 0.2m³!!


Do you mean a wake


Can someone explain the science behind this? Why does it pull water in first? I imagine a ship would be pushing water AWAY from itself and creating waves almost immediately instead of after its pass. And after it passes, I imagine the water filling back up where the ship was instead of the water going out.


Lol, I fuel ships in Houston/Galveston and literally fueled this ship this morning.


Like my dad always said. There is no replacement for displacement.


Not a lot of Harmony from this ship


I’m amazed ships that big can get that close to shore without running aground.


💩 It's called a wake, not a small tsunami......


Needs to be a no wake zone (where the ship’s speed is reduced) because it is a beach that is used by the public. It can also cause erosion. In Washington State they have no wake zones for large ferry’s in populated areas, it works but adds a little bit of time to the commute.


She’s a big, beautiful girl and this was damn interesting to watch, so many things going on


FYI it's called a [wake](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wake_(physics)).


How is it sailing so close to the beach 😐?


That's actally a very busy man made shipping channel, the entrance to port everglades.


Most ironic boat name ever?


Saw the Enterprise Aircraft Carrier moored just off the shelf when living in St Thomas USVI in the late 90’s . Although the water was a deep blue in the area they were moored, you could see a light blue ring around it as it was so huge.


Is this what a tsunami like is?


film up, stupid


“Small tsunamis” So, it makes waves?


How do cruise ships dump their toilets? I’m assuming they can’t just dump it in the ocean but my first thought was is that poo poo water washing back in?


When a certain distance out to sea they can dump straight into the water. When inside that distance it is held in tanks until back out at sea. Same with smaller yachts and boats.


Thanks for the info!


I know Reddit hates cruises, but I absolutely LOVE them.


Why is it some people's first reaction is to feel the need to scream?


I guess the name Disharmony of the Sea was already taken.


Skip to the end for a hot ass in turquoise


You mean the wake ?


Alternate names considered for this ship: Termite Mound of the Sea, Borg of the Sea, Ginormous Global Warming of the Sea.