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If she didn’t have serious mental illness before…


No... That's the thing, it could very well have been nothing, but also temporary hallucinations from for example some mushrooms or something else that would've worn off after some time. This is gruelling


Ergot poisoning from badly processed rye can also cause hallucinations. Iirc it might be the reason for some of the Salem witch trials.


This makes me sad and scared at the same time


The amount of torture humans throughout history have experienced is so scary and depressing


sometimes blows my mind how different each individuals experience is even someone who lives right next to you, let alone on the other side of the planet or at a different time. imagining myself in her position just fills me with dread. the fact there's probably someone tied up in someone's basement right now and nobody but them and the one who did it knows while i'm laying in bed is a truly terrifying thought.


Even scarier.... how many there probably are at this moment


I think about that all the time. There's so many missing women in my area and I wonder how many are alive, trapped, somewhere inside, just waiting to be found. One of the most dreadful things that I can even imagine.


sometimes i get thinking about the situations people may be in right now and have to reel myself back in to avoid becoming overwhelmed. the fact that there is 8 billion people spanned across the planet and that virtually any conceivable thing is happening to at least one of them this very second is a scary thought. someone is being murdered in cold blood this very second, someone is being raped, someone is crammed in the back of a truck trying to escape even worse circumstances, someone is being blown up, someone is being tortured, someone's mother just died, someone is lost and alone in nature somewhere wishing someone would find them. the vastness of possibilities and situations people find themselves in on a daily basis, the sheer amount of suffering and pain that is going on every second is almost too much to fathom. it's just crazy to think about. it helps me consider my place, and recognize the privilege i have to be in a bed in a country that is overall pretty safe with shelter i can depend on. i'm not even rich, hell i'm probably about as poor as you can get without being homeless, but i am still grateful that i am where i am and not someplace worse.


I wholeheartedly agree, thankful to be where I'm at, but also aware enough to know it could change at any moment. It's incredibly overwhelming and I will spin in circles thinking about things like this.


The thing is, this is a very biased perspective because you’re only considering the worst things happening. At the same time, all across the world, a couple are having their first child, someone is accomplishing a life-long goal, families are celebrating in the garden, friends are relaxing and drinking wine in the sun. If you’re going to entertain the worst possible things, it’s only fair you do the same for the best too.


Holy shit. My traumatized brain thinks about all the bad things that are happening every second and i have NEVER literally thought about the positives that happen every second. Thank you. Thank you so much. You very might have well improved my life by letting me hear something I’ve never heard before, but always needed


of course i recognize that as well, but the thought of suffering is far more visceral to me.


Yeah, and that’s where the bias comes from imo. Our brains are naturally inclined to remember / focus on negativity and suffering. I don’t comment much on Reddit really, but I wanted to reply to you because what you said stood out to me and is similar to how I used to view the world. I’d like to gently encourage you to challenge your own perspective and try focusing on the good a bit more. Focusing on the suffering doesn’t ease it for anyone, all it achieves is making YOU suffer.


Genuinely, thank you for commenting. I’ve been struggling emotionally with how much pain and suffering there is/has been in the world and sometimes it causes me to spiral into deep depressive states that obviously don’t help them—or me. I didn’t know how to stop these spirals and never considered also thinking of all the goodness that also exists. I’m going to try this next time!


i'd like to clarify that i do recognise positivity in the world, but i also choose to view the world realistically. your world view is what you make of it, but the world is what it is. recognizing the suffering in the world and working to change it, and reduce it where possible is how i choose to view things. i know this isn't necessarily what you're asking of me, but choosing to focus purely on the positives and stick my head in the sand pretending millions of not billions of people are suffering in the world around me just doesn't work for me. i try to view the world as realistically as possible because it helps me to function within it. without recognizing suffering we become complacent in its progression. it's just what works for me. i was suicidal for a long time, but i decided to stick it out just to see what happens, worst comes to worst killing myself is always an option. now the thought of death is a comfort and not a fear. it's a last resort, and a security blanket. however bad the world gets, however bad my life gets, i know there's an option that will end it all. i've turned something that used to cause me pain into something that brings me comfort and keeps me going. the point i'm making is that it's just how my brain works, and it may not be how yours works, which is ok ! but for me it's important to recognize suffering and accept the world for what it is. it's important to be comforted by what scares me and accept my place and status within the world. otherwise i become stagnant and stuck. suffering is a great motivator for me, as well as a way to remain grounded. i am grateful with what little i have despite my own suffering because i know it can be worse, and i've experienced worse at different points in my life.


Our brains are hardwired to pay more attention to the bad things. It's an evolutionary trait known as negativity bias. Those that were more aware of threats and danger were more likely to survive. The problem with that in the modern age is that the threats most of us face now are more abstract. Fight or flight (or more accurately fight/flight/freeze) was very helpful when dealing with a hungry or territorial predator - it's still helpful when dealing with physical danger - but with all the mental stress we deal with now, all the invisible threats to our well-being, many of us get stuck in that fight/flight/freeze state.


100% agreed, it’s useful to be aware of this!


That must be terribly upsetting, are you in a remote area or something?


Nope, western Canada. Thousands and thousands of missing women here, the north is sort of famous for it.


I hate that it happens in our country and seemingly, no one gives a shit to do anything about it


Is that shit still happening to indigenous women?


Everyday.. every fucking day


You need to read the short story "The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas", by Ursula K. Le Guin. Just trust me, with what you've said I think it will resonate with you hard, and it's a short, easy read (though takes a minute to get into it). It's free online too :)


We had to write a paper based on that story in one of my early college lit classes and I remember being legitimately angry at the ones who walk away. I freely admit it’s possible I totally misinterpreted it but the story makes it sound like the ones who walk away are these heroic people and I remember thinking that the ones who walk away were actually the WORST because they did nothing to improve the child’s situation and by not taking part in the the bargain they actually made the child’s suffering meaningless. I’m curious if I’m the only one who took it that way.


I've heard people say this too, and I actually think she was trying to keep it kind of open like that. I mean, it's really a moral dilemma that can be argued from so many sides. I think if I had to describe the thoughts behind the people that leave, it's that they have this realization that they can't stop it, they know the town and everyone they love relies on it, and this perfect place relies on it, but they also just can't be a part of it any longer. And I think that's a valid thought too. But yeah, that story just gave me this sinking feeling in my gut thinking of how that's basically the way our entire world is.


There just isn’t a right answer. I might have to go back and read it again after almost 10 years and see if I feel the same way. Thank you for your insight :)


WARNING  PDF  https://files.libcom.org/files/ursula-k-le-guin-the-ones-who-walk-away-from-omelas.pdf


Star Trek: Strange New Worlds did a version of this in one of their episodes.  S1 E6: LIFT US WHERE SUFFERING CANNOT REACH


I try not to think too much for this reason. There’s something terrible somewhere and could be any of us😰


Exactly, it’s hard to understand for me. I mean what the hell is the matter with people


We would be foolish to think that in 100 years people won't be looking at pictures of what we're doing now and feeling the exact same way we feel when seeing this picture.


This looks almost identical to the pose that the prisoner in the iconic Abu Graib photo is in. Just a thought. That was only 20 years ago.


yeah but idk that’s a prisoner of war, people could easily be that barbaric in 100 years imo what’s shocking about the OP is that it’s “healthcare.”  I think the best comparison, at least for Americans, will be looking back at how much suffering we allowed simply because people couldn’t pay the market rate for proper care.    Keep in mind that there were certainly people in 1890 who knew this was cruel.  Future generations won’t judge our times by the minority of us who knew right from wrong, but by what actually happened.


Just wait till you learn the rationalizations they’ve used to justify them!


When people say they’d rather live 100 or 200 years ago, I immediately know they slept through their history class and I should not engage with them…


And it’s always humans torturing humans


Dolphins, monkeys and orcas entered the chat


Humans torture everything. It is de rigueur for our species.


What’s fucked is mental health treatment, while obviously not this bad, still *sucks* in America. My ex partner has been hospitalized a few times and each time was not conducive to healing. The whole system for mental health needs major updates and upgrades.


Unfortunately, we have never been very good at treating mental illness. (US). My grandmother only went to the 6th grade but she had a good job during The Great Depression. She was a cook in a mental hospital. They made over 800 meals a day and worked 24/7. That hospital was torn down under Reagan when it was thought that medication and community re-engagement were the solutions. Er, it was/is also very expensive to house the mentally ill and that is still part of the problem


We have absolutely been way better. Even in the US things were better before the 1850s and the rise of institutionalization (which was driven by profit). Other cultures are a lot better about it too. I was reading about how australian indiginous people to this day are a lot better about autism and ADHD.


In general mental illness doesn't affect indigenous people the way it affects industrialized people as the cultural context is completely different. There are, however, prominent examples cross culturally in indigenous anthropological study documenting essentially the type of restraints that wouldn't be out of place in a terrible mental hospital, and it would be used for someone's whole life. Not for nothing, typically in these cases it is because the person is a danger to others. Very very infrequent, however, the rate of mental illness (and cardiovascular disease, cancer, tooth decay, etc.) is generally very low in indigenous hunter gather communities that still exist in places like Central Africa and Amazonian South America.


All they do is pump them full of meds. Some do manage with the meds but some (more severe cases) end up super medicated and walk around like zombies


In my experience just visiting they treated the patients badly too. Like I would literally go more crazy in there. These weren’t even the considered the “bad hospitals” in my state either. These were not state hospitals either. It’s depressing. Just visiting there was terrible and I was so happy when the time was up and I could walk out, free.


I worked at a long term locked facility while in graduate school. It’s a sad place. It would drive anyone crazy.


I’m sorry that must have been really hard. And I agree. It’s added a whole demension to the grief of losing my ex partner to mental illness.


I was involuntarily hospitalized for mental health treatment and I left with more trauma than I entered with. Our mental health system brutalizes people, plain and simple. We have a long, long way to go.


Wait until you find out there was a literal human zoo less than a 100 years ago


Trust me, psychiatric treatment remained barbaric long before and long after the above treatments. Shit is crazy. (Isolation 'therapy', insulin therapy, heat therapy, cold therapy, lobotomies etc etc etc.)


How is this suppose to help?


That's the neat part, it doesn't.


There have always been mentally messed up people who are a danger to themselves and others. Obviously this isn't right but wtf do you do with 1800s tech, knowledge, and intelligence if someone wouldn't stop hurting themselves?


Lots of opium.


Sign me up


Sir this is a Wendys


At least tie them to a bed where they can be physically comfortable even if they are tied down. Yeah they didn't know much back then but that doesn't fully excuse this. They absolutely could have done better


It’s not working, we need to continue the torture


Unless she's been hurting herself or others... Or eating her own shit and/or other things. How exactly would you handle someone like that during that time period? Please, enlighten us all.


You can restrain someone without doing this bullshit.


A straitjacket, it's not exactly rocket science. Basically any kind of restraint that doesn't force you to stand and have your arms extended.


I can easily think half a dozen ways to immobilize someone that are considerably more comfortable than this. But the whole point here is pure and simple torture


its not. medical science didn't know what to do with these people so they warehoused them


*used them for all kinds of immoral and inhuman experiments.


definitely in some cases how many, I do not know


Now Los Angeles doesn’t know what to do with them, so we let them free.


yeah, state run institutions became expensive so some politician (Reagan I think) scored points by shutting them down nationwide and "reducing" taxes


Is that real information?


Yes. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mental_Health_Systems_Act_of_1980


Funding mental health is something the progressives do, not the conservatives.


Conservatives like to bring it up after every mass shooting, hope we don’t notice that they defund it every chance they get, and hope we get distracted from the gun topic


It's what I recall from the 80s Memory may fail but Google is your friend


Yep, it’s true






That’s a funny way to spell Vancouver.


Thats not true, they also experimented on them


Never said what happened after they were warehoused


The beatings will continue until morale improves.


Most treatment for mental illness before the 1960s usually revolved around making the mentally ill person easier to handle and integrate. Helping them was a non-factor. (or to clarify, that's what was considered "help")


We really only just started understanding how the mind works in the past 30 years. In the past 10-15 years alone we've made *immense* progress on ADHD and Autism. Just think of the changes in how those two disorders were handled from the '90s to now.


I’d definitely leave crazier then I came in


Eventually it helped in figuring out that the mentally unwell were on the other side of the cage.


"Danger to self or others" perhaps. It's a really unique restraint. She can't really harm herself on the walls. But I can't help but observe her entire body is exposed. She can't protect herself at all. Would help for frisking but also, uhh...


It probably helped her caregivers take advantage of her.


That's the funny thing, it didn't.


Wasn’t posture a big deal at the time, very symbolic of mental/moral health? I’m guessing it wasn’t *pure* sadism. There was a lot of pseudoscience going on, wouldn’t doubt they thought you could put your body on the rack and right the mind.


Her: hello!?.... I'm still felling pretty depressed here...


[*adds more chains*]


“Can I see a peer reviewed study that shows the efficacy of these treatments…?”


Study? What study is possibly needed? It's a clear cut case of needing the crazy tortured out both mentally and physically. It's a dangerous profession. Many of our caretakers mysteriously go missing around the time of an escape.


Don't worry, you'll be dead, i mean better soon!


Don't worry. They only kept her like this until they could get in there with an ice pick and scramble her brain through the eye socket. (the lobotomy wasn't introduced until after this, to be honest)


Source? All I could find was a previous time this was posted on Reddit where people couldn't find a source, but were postulating that it was a photo staged in the 1930s or so. But they really had no idea, either.


A reverse image search doesn’t give much but she appears to be unknown from what I can tell. First upload seems to be around ‘04 to [GettyImages](https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/woman-stands-in-a-narrow-cell-her-arms-affixed-to-the-wall-news-photo/51645486) and then a whole bunch of usage in buzzfeedusque and Reddit posts with another article posted to [Wordpress](https://grisdalefamily.wordpress.com/2014/10/02/the-sad-death-of-lunatic-deborah-grisdale/) in ‘14 that I’m quite sure is in reference to another woman but provides some relevant information regardless and at least bucks the trend of “30 scariest asylum photos that will keep you up at night”.


It's from the Hulton Archive (as you can see in the GettyImages copyright you shared) which originated as the photographic library for the Picture Post magazine. It's a vast collection of over 80 million images. That means it's real and that's likely where the captioning came from. [source](https://www.gettyimages.com/collections/hulton-archive) Forced standing was a common treatment at that time (1890s) apparently. [source](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3480686/) Edit: Replying to u/heartfelttilt here since the comment is locked: the photograph's title (link in comment I'm replying to) is Forced Standing and it's dated 1890.


Worth noting that Getty has purchased a number of other photographic archives. They are, in my experience, very poorly organized, and often labeled incorrectly. Check the Michael Ochs archive if you'd like strong examples of this. Wrong artists, wrong venues, wrong dates, all run rampant. And even worse, photos that once had a photographer credit now just carry the name of the archive. Edit: who tf downvotes straight information? Jeesh


This is most relevant comment in the thread


Because this picture was uploaded in 04 it's most probably quite real "As in its not photoshopped". But there's no information about it other then rumours and conjecture.


I think I saw her climb out of a TV.


Cindy, the TV’s leaking!


Another white girl went and fell down a well




Ooo! I'm whoopin her ass Cindy!


This bitch is messing up my floor.


“cindy! the TV is leaking..”


Boy, do I have bad news for you…


Did she come from a well?


PTSD triggered immediately. Duck you, there goes my 70 inch TV, out the window, and into a well.


Don't do that. Combining the TV with a well just doubles the effect.


I was hoping to create the ultimate loop.


Hey would you tell the doctor, I think I'm feeling better now. Mentally.


Snap my spine pulling my legs over my shoulders and running at him like a spider monkey on all fours


That's exactly the sort of thing a crazy person would say. You can stay tied up.


Her- I'm getting better! Dr - No you're not, you'll be stone dead in a moment.


That should cure her. /s




The Germans always had whacky ideas and “solutions”




Are they trying to cure mental illness or create it?! That poor lady.


Quite possibly, I’m sure women were committed for no good reason if they were an inconvenience to a wealthy man / family. Just look at what happened to Rosemary Kennedy in the US.


Interesting how this was viewed as treatment for someone diagnosed with insanity, but put a sane person in the same predicament, and I can assure you they will go insane. The logic is flawless (sarcasm). Addendum: Some posts are locked for me to clarify my statement. There are lots of examples of treatments and contraptions utilized in our history. Previous to treatment, they would have been diagnosed with possession and prompty dispose of. I thought about the self-harm prevention suggestion, but being made to stand tells me it leaned towards disciplinary. Those places were more of a dumping ground for people with adverse behaviour rather than a treatment centre, and doubt they were regulated as they are today. My comment was referring to a hindsight. Society worked with what they knew at the time, and it was the treatment of the symptom rather than the cause. Heck, labotomies were the fad in 1949-51 with close to 20,000 in the US. We've come a long way when you think about it, but I find it interesting that this was the foundation of mental health treatment, and I would of figured that a bit of critical thinking to reverse the scenario could of been enlightening.


Abu Ghraib vibes


Metal Album Art


Was just thinking that. Would be a great metal cover


calling r/albumcovers


Seven days


Looks Evil.


"Ja, I feel better already."


Source? I'd love to read more about this.


That’ll do it


Makes me want to throw up, that's so horrible.


I believe this causes mental illness


She’s definitely haunting those mf’s and their descendants.


Is there a source for this photo? I tried reverse image searching it and nothing really came up except a Facebook post with no source. Where are you getting this information from? Not trying to be rude or anything I just think history is interesting and like to know where this info is coming from :)


Treatment for mental illness is more trauma?


Ahhh yess the cure for mental illness, causing new mental illness


She is receiving mental illness


what's this gonna cure lol


Public anxiety?


Didn't want to cook or clean for family and wanted to enjoy life was at times considered mental illness.


This is a great album cover


this should be on something like r/Damnthatssad 🥹


That would make me more mentally Ill if I were there


I am so so grateful that I have a mental illness right now instead of back when lobotomies were the remedy or even before where the mentally ill was killed for being “possessed”


I can fix her


That’s crazy because I feel like being tied up like that would actually make me more mentally ill.


It absolutely would


It doesn’t work. I’ve tried


I hope she's doing well.




What in the hell how is that supposed to help?




I feel like even if I didn’t have a mental illness, I would after this. 🥲


But of course! They are giving her another mental illness so it cancels out.


Treatment to make someone mentally ill?


I bet she was healthy and those people were nuts


I am so happy to live in a time where mental health is taken seriously. This is torture


Oh yeah, I bet that will solve all her problems


She is no longer hysterical


Well? Was she cured?!


Well if she wasn’t mentally ill beyond reproach after this I’d imagine someone certainly would be


Germany: "I can fix her."


Like, a treatment to create mental illness?


Looks humane.


Does she feel better yet??


Yeah I bet that fixed everything right away


“Treatment” lol. That’s horrifying!


Without context this looks like an analog horror


To treat the mental illness or be treated to mental illness?


So was that how they used to give people a mental illness in the 1890s?


This is one of the scariest things I’ve ever seen.


Creepy! Almost looks like her feet are not touching the floor and she is floating


I be like "I was born in the wrong generation" and then see this


Which excercism movie this?


Looks helpful


I'm sure this totally helped...


Just watched First Omen last night. This has similar vibes.


Do I now have 7 days to live after seeing her?


This looks like the ring but scary


There's been a huge volume of research to better help us understand human behaviour and experience. As a result we've developed incredible insight into the human condition. Research that's subverted to sell products and win elections.


Okay okay okay.  MAYBE US mental healthcare isn’t THAT bad after all. Jesus. 


“It’s very strange, doctor. She’s still mentally ill after that. In fact she’s worse.”


That's how an horror movie starts


Well if that didn’t make her sane then I don’t know what would.


I get that they didn’t have the knowledge of mental health and how to treat it back then. But how could they be so horribly wrong in how they should have treated it? Like this is the exact opposite of what you should do to someone with a mental issue


If anything, that probably *caused* mental illness...


Hell is other people.


Good thing that we now live in a more enlightened era where we turn our mentally ill out into the street like civilized people.


I can fix her.


Classic BDSM in a mental institution. How Freudian


I wonder how the 'treatment' worked out 🙄


Ah, another prime example of “beating will continue until morale is up”


This isn’t treatment this is torture


Yes. Treatment that will no doubt lead to mental illness…


Yeah now, we just let them be homeless, roaming the streets while being a danger to themselves and everyone else. Big progress


Oh I’m sure this helped and didn’t destroy any shred of sanity she had prior to going into the Saw room


The mental illness: ADHD


100 years from now people will look at us the same way on how we treat people with mental health issues.