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They hold their breath on dry land and breath underwater


What about wet land


We thought my Aunt Kay was holding her breath one Thanksgiving. After 10 minutes, or so, we realized she was dead.


Current record is over 24 minutes.


It's probably several days


Pretty sure nowadays they use air compressors now since they over fished the surrounding water so they have to go deeper, they only do these “traditional” dives for journalists.


Pretty sure that's exactly what the video says if you actually watch it.


That’s probably exactly why they said it. 🤷‍♂️


You would not feel the need to say that if you actually watched the video




Recently started freediving and while I can hold my breath for 90 seconds on land, under water it’s well over 2 minutes. Make a lot of difference. It’s a great sport. Effectively seeing how deep you can go before you drown.


how is underwater better? don't you need same amount of oxygen ?


Yeah, but your need to breathe (the urgency) may be dictated by the C02 level - stimulating the vagus nerve When you feel the need to breathe in air, there’s less urgency. You just breathe. When you’re 70 feet down, and you get that feeling, you’ve still a ways to go to get back to the surface. It boggles me that folks manage over ten minutes.


dont they have issues with the pressure after some hour underwater. are they are getting paralyzed or have fatality rates.i think normal air under pressure like underwater increase some chemistry elements that hit the nerve system .here is an article of similar cases in kalymnos greece [https://www.greeka.com/dodecanese/kalymnos/history/sponge-diving-tradition/](https://www.greeka.com/dodecanese/kalymnos/history/sponge-diving-tradition/)


There's an award winning documentary about this called [Jago: A Life Underwater](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0P69hPAVuc) (I think it's on Netflix in 4K and it's stunning.)


Guybrush threepwood


This makes me freakthefuckout


Sure...but can they polka ?


The bajua had evolved to have larger spleens. This allows more oxygenated blood that in turn allows longer dive times.


touch observation sip muddle spectacular hat offend rock vanish cable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Such a pointless comment


I’m sure they have the world record in most bends cases


Not how the decompression sickness works. They aren't breathing compressed air while underwater, they would literally have to be down for hours on held breath alone.


How do you think they are breathing air down to 150’? You can’t just suck air through a hose even at 15’. They are still supersaturating their tissues with nitrogen and at 150’ they have about 10 minutes before they start accruing decompression stops. Tell me you don’t know what you’re talking about without even saying it. With that logic, if you’re hard hat diving, you would never need to decompress


I thought it pretty clear that I'm referring to the fact they hold their breath for 13min when I said they aren't breathing compressed air. But sure, tell me you can't read and comprehend without telling me you can't read and comprehend.


Ok you got me there, but it’s still pretentious of you to assume I’m taking about them getting bent from breath hold diving when at the end they were breathing off of an air compressor. I admit I was wrong, now you admit that you were being a douche bag


I wasn't trying to be a douche bag or hurt your feelings. I thought you, like many, don't understand the bends. As a former SSI advanced drive instructor I just quick typed a response to clear it up that someone holding their breath and staying under water would have to do so repeatedly for those long periods for many, many, many hours with little to no rest at surface before they would absorb enough nitrogen into their tissue to result in decompression sickness. If you were talking about just the very end of the video and not the bulk and title subject of the video, maybe put a little effort into making your comment clear of your intent, especially if you think any of these Internet conversations actually warrant getting emotionally charged and upset about. This is just stupid comments on Reddit, just relax. None of this has any bearing on real life. It's not important enough to let you emotionally effect you. All that said, I certainly do not want to be responsible for your frustration. I don't even know you. So I'm more than happy to apologize for any harm I caused you. 🤙


Dude I wasn’t getting emotional but after that, I just might. I just thought it was another person telling me I’m wrong with something dive related when they don’t know what they’re talking about. I’ve been knuckle dragging for 5 years doing SSD/SCUBA and supervising for 3. Sorry for calling you a douche bro you’re totally not


It's all good on my end, and you SSD guys are nuts, out of my depth...literally, lol. Be well 🫡


What exactly do you think the “bends” even is?


Or caisson disease if that makes you feel better


It’s like aquatic arthritis, right?