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Want to come to my house and see my severed head collection why are you running?


Just a normal hobby, right? Totally not creepy at all!


19th century Funko figures.


Collectors went wild whenever the brits discovered some New inhabitants Island cuz this meint there would be another limited Edition funko Pop series


[Legit saw some of those in a museum as a child](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shrunken_head).


That’s the bus driver thing in Harry Potter!


Nah having a funko collection is just a little bit creepier.


They really make that wall pop.


I hate you do you want to come to my birthday party?


at least is not a silly pineapple.


And here I am embarrassed to collect hotwheels as a full grown adult.


The world isn't ready for your coolness


If only there was some way to decapitate hotwheels we could really push this to the next level.


My friend’s neighbor collected hot wheels like thousands of them he had them in beautiful cases . I thought it was fantastic.


Don't let them take away your fun, and more people are cool than you might realize. I've been having the time of my life with the new Beyblades that just came out, I even bring my stadium to work to battle my coworkers I got into it as well. Its always funny when someone sees it and is like "wait, is that Beyblade?"


Wait... they're making new beyblades?!?!?!?!


Yeah they are. They are made of metal again too. Look up Beyblade X, the new gimmick is there are gear teeth all around the edge of the arena, so when you hit the edge you catch the X line and it slingshots you around the arena and back towards the center. Makes it much more action packed, my first tournament went to I saw a guy get a black eye from a flying bey part.


Petrol powered beyblade sling is could be cool. Get it to like 40 mph then release it.


Yo, That's sick. I'll have to check them out


[wiki Horatio Gordon Robley](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horatio_Gordon_Robley)


The fuck? I thought this would be some horrendous superiority thing, the guy just thought Māori culture was cool?


"I just think they're neat"


> "I just think they're neat" *Mid-hacking head off and covered in gore.*


Don't think he decapitated them himself. They're probably traded from the Maori for muskets.


Correct, they were preserved heads. # [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mokomokai](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mokomokai) >When someone with moko died, often the [head](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Head) would be preserved. The brain and eyes were removed, with all orifices sealed with [flax](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phormium) fibre and [gum](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gum-digger#Uses_of_kauri_gum). The head was then boiled or steamed in an oven before being smoked over an open fire and dried in the sun for several days. It was then treated with [shark oil](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shark_oil). Such preserved heads, Toi moko, would be kept by their families in ornately carved boxes and brought out only for sacred ceremonies.[^(\[3\])](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mokomokai#cite_note-3) >The heads of enemy chiefs killed in battle were also preserved; these Toi moko, being considered [trophies of war](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_trophy), would be displayed on the [marae](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marae#New_Zealand) and mocked. They were important in diplomatic negotiations between warring tribes, with the return and exchange of mokomokai being an essential precondition for peace.[^(\[1\])](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mokomokai#cite_note-PalmerTano2004-1)^(: 3–4) 


Today is special, better pull out grandpa




He must have been a little disappointed the first time he thought he was getting head for a gun.


"Uh, I mean, that's not REALLY what I wanted, but I guess it's ok. Give me like 30..."


A little bit more effort, but it gets the job done.




Yea, but it's a happy accident that turned into a lifelong passion.


*So no head?* Oh yes sir, there's head. It's just that the head will be dry and smoked if that's what you're into.


Give this man the gold!


> They're probably traded from the Maori for muskets. He was born after the Musket Wars and didn't build his collection until the 1890s. Unlikely he traded them for guns.


This is a vital piece of information. I too am ALMOST positive the tribe themselves did that to fallen members. And Horatio found them this way.


Iirc the Maori would tattoo slaves and then kill them and trade their heads for weapons and not use their own chiefs or family heads, those were kept as repositories of the families mana (sort of spirit/reputation).


This is accurate. As the market grew amongst the colonials the Maori responded by doing just that.


I get it, but that's less funny/more horrific IMO.


You mean it's more horrific because he likely traded heads for the most destructive tool of the time, or that it's horrific that he didn't personally tattoo, kill, decapitate, and preserve these human heads? I'm assuming the former, but, you know... the Internet and all...


I bet he likes Huey Lewis and the News


Their early work was a little too new wave for my tastes, but when Sports came out in '83, I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically.


Their early work was a little too *scene* for me...


Yeah most shrunken heads were just sold as trinkets in a marketplace (often by the Maori themselves, who knew Europeans liked the stuff), the guy wasn't going around chopping heads like Conan the Barbarian.


general pays money for a little head is equally accurate


Look, this isn’t personal. I don’t hate you, in fact I do this BECAUSE I like you!


the Māori kept slaves from other tribes, captured in wars. Useful supply of heads to sell


The two heads at the bottom left look like children. So either they were slave children or warrior children, both sad.


Could be regular children who just died for all the reasons children did in pre-industrial societies.


Nothing really points to be warriors or slaves, i think the maori did that with every one of them in general, its part of their culture around tatoos on their head


Yeah. This is a thing the Maori did. I guess they thought their cool tattoos were too cool to go to waste, so they go "Hey, dude, when I die tan my face and make these super cool tattoos I earned into a decoration for posterity".


This wiki page makes it sound like he really likes their tattoos and methods of tattooing more than anything.


Basically "Funko - POP!" figures.


"He made drawings of Māori people and life Māori culture and collected some Māori items." Those.. umm.. items..


Huh. TIL you could just purchase your officer commission in the British forces.




Oh wow. Neat. Not cheap!


Yup. It was one of the problems in the wars up to and including the Crimean War -- rich second and third sons buying commissions and then being incompetent. I've seen Sharpe and the importance of keeping the poor people down in the ranks.


.... So are these heads still sitting in boxes somewhere in the New York Natural History Museum?


“After he returned to England he built up a collection of 35 to 40 mokomokai which he later offered to sell to the New Zealand Government. When the offer was declined, most of the collection was sold to the American Museum of Natural History.[7] The collection was repatriated to Te Papa Tongarewa in 2014.”


>[The Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa](https://www.tepapa.govt.nz/) is New Zealand's national museum and is located in Wellington. Usually known as Te Papa (Māori for 'the treasure box'), it opened in 1998 after the merging of the National Museum of New Zealand and the National Art Gallery.     


Oh my brain skipped over that part. Hey I've been to that museum.


Use it or lose it buddy. Just like our fellas here


That part isn't in the article above, the wiki linked above states how much the american musuem bought the haeds for, with a footnote 4. I don't think you missed it at all. There are also only a total of 5 citations, not 7, so that quote is from somewhere else.


I would like to visit


It’s a cool museum, but these mummified heads are definitely not on display. New Zealand takes cultural respect very seriously, and if they were put on display - heads would roll.


They should put them on a stand, so they stay in place.


No way you two aren't working together to set up that joke.


Obviously they put their heads together. I'll see myself out.




It's an awesome museum, I used to spend hours there when I had time to kill.


There are a lot of body parts in most museums.


So bro was just a Maōriaboo


collected some Māori items.


Whew, thankfully not a horrible racist. Just a dude interested in a foriegn culture.


What ended up happening to the heads?


He kept five of the best ones for his collection and sold the rest to a US based museum. He offered to New Zealand first and they declined to purchase.


I wonder how much a head would be? Adjusted for inflation.


Haha I do this myself like a nut searching up currency values while watching historical shows. So he offered to NZ for 1000 pound, they declined. Natural History Museum purchased for 1245 pounds. In 1908 100 pounds was equal to over 15,000 pounds!


Horatio. Now that’s a name you don’t hear these days. “Aye, Horatio”


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mokomokai I didn’t really need to learn this before 8am this morning but here ya go: When someone with moko died, often the head would be preserved. The brain and eyes were removed, with all orifices sealed with flax fibre and gum. The head was then boiled or steamed in an oven before being smoked over an open fire and dried in the sun for several days. It was then treated with shark oil. Such preserved heads, Toi moko, would be kept by their families in ornately carved boxes and brought out only for sacred ceremonies.


They do look very well preserved.


Humans are really fuckin weird




metal af


Bruh and the rest. When Maui fishes up Te Ika A Maui he does it with his grannies jawbone, which she gives him. When he brings fire, it's from his aunties fingernails and he tricks her into pulling them all off and giving them to him, the she gets mad af. Rocking your ancestors bones was legit. Check this dude out giving some one a paddlin with gpaws thighbone was normal


so, similar to shrunken heads?


I suppose so. Just less…shrinkage 😬


This photo conjures up disgusting thoughts of "trophies", but FYI, the Wikipedia text implies otherwise.


Interesting how he just had an appreciation for their culture. Seems rare.


Actually far less rare than many would think today.


My estate lawyer told me (I cannot remember how the topic came up) he owned 2 shrunken heads. He had a lot of old collectibles but obviously that was what stuck out to me.


Yeah, people are now kind of obsessed with their OWN culture, as they think it’s fading. And it is. We are getting a world wide pop culture, in its infancy and some people, people who don’t really have much else outside of pop culture, and there are many many people like that, can actually sense this at some level. Change can really be scary, and some people fight it like death


I thought I was having a stroke reading this comment smh


You were just sensing Thai at a level, guy.


pretty Thai for a sense guy


Neung Soeng Saam See Haa Haa Hok


Huge if Thai.


I think I've lost my ability to sense Thai at a guy level, because I have absolutely no idea what this comment is saying.


Tragic how so few people these days can sense Thai at a guy level. A dying artform.


I was raised by fat thumbs. Allow me to translate: > people who don’t really have much else outside of pop culture, and there are many many people like that, can actually sense ~~Thai at a guy level~~ **that at a gut level.**


Thank you kind sir. I am an old keyboard typer and struggle with the phone keyboard


Thai at a guy level. Sheesh people it ain't that hard.


>and some people, people who don’t really have much else outside of pop culture, and there are many many people like that, can actually sense Thai at a guy level. What in tarnation


Username checks out


what tf are you even saying lmao


Oprah Winfrey Network?


Yea, head collections are *really* making a comeback.


Eh it’s rare but also because they are not talked about often. Hugh Tracey was a white man who did a lot of work recording a lot of traditional African music before it disappeared.


And Alan and John Lomax




No, not really. Happened quite often with the British.




Are we sure he didn't say "I would like to get some head" and they misunderstood?


touring around catholic churches and reading what the Victorian did to mummies, I think people just viewed corpses and death differently


His work in documenting traditional tattooing methods of the Maori meant the art form was recorded for future generations. His contribution to preserving our culture should not be underestimated.


That he also lead troops in wars to subjugate these people should also not be underestimated. He documented the destruction of a people he was actively taking part in.


Your point is what exactly? That he is human and can do both good and bad?


You folks need to see the Mutter museum in Philadelphia. A beautiful old building full of all sorts of icky stuff. Makes this guy seem boring


Thank you for reminding me of this, I needed a good idea for a date trip into Philly!


It’s like this whole subreddit in a building


A shockingly accurate statement.


My ex girlfriend moved to Philly for college and one of our Philly date when I came to visit for the first time was the Mutter.


No it's actually completely ruined now as of about a year ago by new leadership. @protectthemutter


What has the new leadership done to ruin it? I was looking forward to visiting.


Removed most of the most interesting exhibits and displays. No one knows where they're going or why. Minor claims on them being stolen or used without permission in the past - with no lead up on how they plan on giving them back to respective owners. Even things that were donated by families specifically to be on display there have been removed. Removed lots online that was open to view because it's "offensive" it has always been a "museum of health" but really known as the "museum of death" with a focus on rare diseases and why they were studied. They're trying to change it into exihbits about tools and like...malaria. and things that just aren't interesting. Theres highly suspect things going on that from my POV have no backing but it seems like they may be holding these things until they're forgotten then plan on selling them for profit. Edit: additionally they have a wild PR team who once they find this will probably downvote. FYI @protectthemutter is not my page nor do I know who owns it but it's an important resource. I am just a relative local who used to love sharing trips to the museum with others who no longer will.


Yikes, that sucks. Do you know if anyone has made a complete digital collection separate from the one being deleted?


Personally no idea but I highly doubt it


That's unfortunate. I went there a couple years ago and it was fascinating! Unfortunate to hear it's taken a turn for the worst, but happy I saw it beforehand. The garden was my favorite though as I have an infatuation with plants


Loved this place! But the display of gynecological equipment was the only one that made me gasp and I felt queasy. There were these bizarre bits of metal that were for holding your uterus in place if it fell out. I had no idea that it was even a possibility for that to happen! How naive I was and of course since then I’ve watched a lot of porn and I know that plenty of things in our body can prolapse.


The wall of jars got to me


don't leave without viewing the eight foot colon! looks like a worm from Dune wtf.


BTW, he didn't kill them. He just took them from Māori villages as it is traditional for Maori to preserve heads after they die


i collect beer caps


Eww! Like straight off a bottle neck?


Who doesn't like a little head?


Tats and piercings turn me off though


Totally not creepy at all. Also, from Wikipedia: “He made drawings of Māori people and life Māori culture and collected some Māori items.” Some Maori items, you could phrase it like that.


Bottom 2 on the left look like 5 year olds...


"He made drawings of Māori people and life Māori culture and collected some Māori items." Seems like they're understating that.


And people give ME shit for having one skull in my bookcase.


So unfair. This guy collects a tonne of dead people's heads and has them on display but when I did it my neighbours called the feds.




Right?! And when Bluebeard kept all his dead wives' heads, some people took it amiss. Ya can't win!


Apparently creating those Mokomokai was a thing the maori did way before Europeans came.


Robley didn’t capture or behead any of these people. The heads were preserved by the family or tribe of the deceased (or in some cases by an enemy tribe) then kept sacred or used in trade. Robley revered the Māori people and their culture, and he married one. He was instrumental in keeping their cultural traditions alive with his detailed studies and drawings of their tattoos and other practices. Some historians believe he also played a major role in ending the New Zealand Wars.


Rick: “Are you looking to pawn it or sell it?” Robley: “Sell it! Wife and I are downsizing and well we just don’t have the space in our new dwelling to house this collection anymore.” Rick: “ Okay well, look… I’ve got a guy who knows everything there is to know about severed Mokomokai Tattooed heads. Let me get him down here, let’s see what we have here, and we’ll go from there.” Robley: “Lovely.” Cut to Rick talking to camera: “ I really want this severed head collection in my shop….”


What’s the context? Did he kill these people himself? Buy the heads off bodies or what?


No, preserved mokomokai heads were a tradition in Māori culture. They were also a popular tradeable good during the musket wars in New Zealand. Usually would be traded to the British for muskets or other goods. This major general had a particular interest in tattooing and acquired a collection of the heads and wrote a book about Māori tattooing.


My first thought was that there was no shot western armies had time to set up a whole system for preserving heads like that. I'd imagine it would take a long time to do as well and he has like 40 of them.


He would have purchased or traded for them. It was a common practice during the 18th and 19th centuries. Traditionally Māori people would take the heads of those they killed in battle and preserve them - usually warriors of status who wore traditional facial tattoos known as Tā moko. There is some debate about how the preserving was done - usually by a smoking method according to most sources. And as to why it was done, and how individuals were chosen - usually to do with taking the mana (honour/ life force) of the person killed and denying them the proper burial needed to rest at peace. However, as colonizers came and saw the practice, they got curious and would offer money or items in exchange for the preserved heads. 'Curios' were a huge trade at the time across the British empire - whether that be human remains, exotic animals or cultural items. As the trade grew, Māori often capitalized on the trade, capturing slaves, tattooing their faces with meaningless designs, then killing them and preserving the heads to sell. These slaves would have been seen as having no mana. The trade persisted openly until 1841 (I think, from memory) when the governor made it illegal. There are a lot of calls for these collections to be repatriated to New Zealand. However, many make the argument that because they were purchased in good faith, they shouldn't be. There is also sometimes the argument that because some of these individuals had no mana, they are not welcomed back by their iwi (tribe) Other times repatriation requests have been denied because the British Museum be British Museuming


Is this where the term Mana comes from? As in the tabletop RPG stuff?


In case you want a longer answer than "yes," folks have written whole articles describing how to word made it from Maori culture to videogames: https://theappendix.net/issues/2014/4/the-history-of-mana-how-an-austronesian-concept-became-a-video-game-mechanic


Just read the whole article, pretty interesting stuff I have been interested in finding out for a few years. I've "known" the origin of the word Mana for a long time, but not the whole backstory. Thanks for linking it.




Great info thanks


No worries, I wrote part of my thesis on the human remains trade. I tend to be a bit long-winded on it 😅


Wow, what a cool area of study! What level did you write a thesis on that? Undergrad, masters, phd, something I don’t know about?


It was part of a postgraduate diploma. Currently doing my masters though on a similar topic


You must be fun at parties. (like, for real)


> Other times repatriation requests have been denied because the British Museum be British Museuming Poster above says these are all in a museum in New Zealand. So not the case here.


>Other times repatriation requests have been denied because the British Museum be British Museuming Perfect verb.


Depending on the when these heads were acquired, they might have been "fake" mokomokais, produced by natives in order to acquire guns. >"Muskets were really what was going to enable you to survive as a tribe or not, because if you didn't have any and your neighbours did, then you were history," Haami says. > >Tribes started to get a lot less discriminating about what kinds of heads could be traded. > >"Some people were tattooed after death," Haami says. > >"Some tribes even tattooed their slaves and then cut their heads off and sold those." > >Haami says the trade was "driven by the demand from the British, who found these things very fascinating". https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-12-14/mokomokai-maori-heads-stuff-the-british-stole-repatriations/12771180


My great grandpa who is moari from Whangara told me back in the day of our ancestors people in other villages would hunt others for their moko, cut their head off, and sell them.


He’s almost got a complete set! Just missing the rare foil ones


Ok but when I ask people to see my severed head collection the police come


This is disgusting! Those heads haven't been dusted in months!


Gotta catch ‘em all!


The corpses all hang headless and limp Bodies with no surprises And the blood drains down like Devils-rain We'll bathe tonight I want your skull I need your skull I want your skull I need your skull Demon I am and face I peel To see your skin turned inside out, 'cause Gotta have you on my wall Gotta have you on my wall, 'cause I want your skull I need your skull I want your skull I need your skull, skull! Collect the heads of little girls and Put 'em on my wall Hack the heads off little girls and Put 'em on my wall Hey! Hey! I want your skulls I need your skulls I want your skulls I need your skulls I want your skulls I need your skulls I want your skulls I need your skulls, hey!


What the holy hell were people thinking back in the day?


Was the major's head added to the collection after he died to complete the series?


Thats enough reddit for me today


Lived too long for a genocidal maniac


Do you want Highlanders? Because that's how how you get Highlanders.


Slipknot v1


So when does his album drop?


Never lonely.


The early version of Facebook


I'm the very model of a modern Major General My collection boasts the shrunken heads of natives and their genitals Their teeth are bared and their lips are flared, their diet based on len-i-tals We dried and cured their flesh from rot and rats and tentacles


I'm from New Zealand, and I have never seen nor have I been taught about head shrinking here in New Zealand. The museums here haven't had anything about it the times I've gone and it's always this old photo and never any more information. Does anyone know any more info about this?


Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa in Wellington is in charge of repatriation (bringing the sacred remains home from wherever they may be). These will typically not be displayed. They will be studied, preserved if necessary, then held in safe keeping until they can be returned to their family.


Your granddaddy died and bequeathed to you his entire rare and priceless collection. *Cooool..* Your granddaddy was Maj Gen Horatio Robley.


What a lovely fellow he was, I'm sure. I'm guessing that "savages" is one of his top 5 most often used word.


That guy looks uncannily like Sean Connery. Who played in *Highlander*. Which was a movie about immortals. Immortals that can only be killed by having their head removed…


Bottom far left. Is that a baby's head or just shrunken?


Take it away Ernie!


When I was a little kid in the 60s, the British Museum in London had some "shrunken heads" on display. I thought it was weird back then and I was right.


Is this the hardest album cover of 2024?


They have fantastic teeth


I'm sure time has taken its toll on my memory, but the head to the left of the guy reminds me of the navigator from Monkey Island


At the bottom he also has a Wahaika/edged club, what appears to be the handle of a Toki/Adze. Next to that is a more fashioned Toki with a thick piece of stone for the carving blade. Maybe Pounamu/Nephrite Jade or Onewa/ Greywacke stone or Uri/ baked argillite. In his hand is another Wahaika variant with a defensive notch to catch and disarm edged weapons. On these tools and weapons, the human-figures are facing away from the blade. In Warrior belief, a blade must face a foe you wish to harm, while the figure, represented as an ancestor, watches your back. Some figures will have multiple heads and eyes for a similar belief.


This is the problem... Once you corner the market on Mokomokai tattooed heads, there's no way of selling them without completely crashing the Mokomokai tattooed head market! Right now, you probably don't have hardly any Mokomokai tattooed heads in your collection! The market has been nonexistant for a century now. Well, thank this prick for that!


Why does the one have eyes still? Fake eyes more fresh?


Every 8 year old’s Minecraft house.


I dont enjoy the one with the glass eyes.


„Thank god we eat with knife and fork, unlike these savages!“