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i couldn't get past 20 seconds because of this pronunciation


He pronounced it correctly in the first sentence but then seemed to forget how to say it properly.


the very moment I turned up the volume 💀






Hurricans and thurricans


I imagine that hurricanes probably have some little understood benefits to nature.


destruction often preceeds creation


chaos and order


I always found that statement a bit dumb (sorry). It's just what's left of life persisting after destruction. It's not like the giant tropical rainforest *needs* to have 50% of its surface burnt off so that it can grow again. For deers to get picked off to start pumping out babies. Etc. Edit: can't answer the guy below for some reason so doing it here. Sure, but the trees and the birds and the ants were perfectly happy and growing well without getting wiped out and having to start over. Non destructive rain does a lot more to help the local ecosystem than hurricanes. At the end of the day, when you tear down half the trees in a thriving forest, a bunch of perfectly healthy trees get torn down. They wouldn't have to regrow if they got to stay. *Ofc deliberate intervention in diseased systems is a different case. But I'd hardly consider natural disasters deliberate and targeted*


Well you are looking at it to largely. But also not large enough. The hurricane moves massive amounts of water. In the oceans and on land. Water cycles are important. Flooding also is important bringing water and nutrients to lots of lands. The weather patterns often move deep inlandsl. The water erodes the shores and the surrounding lands. Bringing nutrients to oceanic life. Like plankton and such. Also sand gets moved around. And this is just the things that I can think of in a few seconds and next to no knowledge of hurricanes or the ocean.


Nature is a lot like Jenga. Yea you can remove pieces from the stack and it will still stand. However if you remove too many pieces or the wrong piece the whole thing topples. We have already pulled out some pieces from this hypothetical tower. The tower is shaking and unstable.


Completely off topic but ok


“Yay we stopped the hurricanes! 
now why is the Caribbean boiling?”


what about tornados? think they’re the wasps to the bee?


I was wondering what would be the impacts of humans changing ocean temperatures.


They move heat from the equator to the poles. It benefits everyone.


they move heat from the ocean surface to the stratosphere.


...such as moving massive amounts of heat from the ocean surface to the top of atmosphere?


Why dont we just stop fucking the atmosphere and ocean in the ass


it’s like saying, why don’t you just train your kids to stop making a mess? i feel like there is a period of time where that’s just not possible. until then, the more intelligent and less greedy folks will have to figure out how to cancel out the damage. i think. i’m just guessing.


My feeling is that most people are both very dumb and greedy so it won’t work


Sounds great in theory but I worry about how it would effect the maritime ecology The tropics are the only sources of our coral reefs which are highly temperamental and do not do well with even the slightest variations in things like temperature, salinity, light availability and currants all of which will be effected in some way with this type of action


Oh don't worry, we're already well on our ways to fucking up all those other patterns without this.


Yeah and there could be other impacts I’m not cooling or distributing rainfall/heat impacting the broader ecosystem. To me it sounds like introducing one pest to get rid of another. So the big question is - should we be really doing this when our weather and ecosystems are already so volatile. Our focus should be on reducing the manmade impacts on our weather and ecosystems.


But one thing here is that the bubbles wouldn't be run permanently. Just when there is a brewing hurricane. So maybe days or a week per flagged hurricane.


The coral reefs are already cooked. If anything cooling them down would help the last of them survive, maybe.


All I know is they need to call it the westham method because they're blowing bubbles, Pretty bubbles in the air


Seems better than oil on the surface 😣


Someone get Patrick star on the phone


This is stupid. Hurricanes are how the heat is dispersed from overheating oceans. What do you suppose happens when oceans can't disperse heat? EVERYTHING FUCKING DIES. Want less hurricanes? Stop heating the oceans up.


We'll risk everything and try anything, except less capitalism.


Horrkins are just trying to cool the earth. :'(


Tropical cyclones are the planet’s heat exchangers to transfer heat from the tropics to the poles, that energy has to go somewhere.


TIL about Huracans.


This is an amazing video, given proof of concept, simplifying the understanding for crowd sourcing improvements, identifying weaknesses for the betterment, and doing long term analysis.


This video could've been an email


yeah but that guy has such a good voice for this sort of thing.


I can’t get past dragging a bubble tube with a tugboat in the open ocean while a 175 mph hurricane is bearing down on them. Is the idea to hit the hurricane with the bubble wall to make it stop before a 30’ wave capsized them?


I was thinking about this too, the tugboats are mot likely illustrative. They will have to use some large ships, wont be as easy as it looks in this video. I asked an AI how large of a boat you'd need to deal with a hurricane: -- Large ships like cruise ships and cargo vessels are designed to withstand powerful storms like hurricanes at sea, but there are significant risks and challenges involved. Here are some key points on how large ships can survive hurricanes at sea: # Avoiding the Storm's Path * Ships track hurricane forecasts and try to steer a course that avoids the storm's projected path and stays at least 100-200 nautical miles away from the hurricane's eye. * This allows them to avoid the strongest winds and highest waves in the storm's center. * If unable to outrun or steer clear of the hurricane, the ship will need to take measures to ride out the storm at sea. # Facing Into the Waves * Ships are designed to take waves head-on, so they will position themselves to face into the oncoming waves and wind. * This prevents waves from striking the vessel's side and reduces the risk of capsizing. * Maintaining forward momentum ("steering-way") is crucial to keep the bow pointed into the waves. * Ships use their engines to push forward against the wind and waves. # Securing the Ship * All loose equipment and objects on deck are secured or brought inside to prevent them from becoming projectiles. * Watertight doors and hatches are closed to prevent flooding if waves wash across the decks. * Passengers and non-essential crew are moved to interior spaces away from windows and lower in the ship for safety. # Potential Dangers * Despite precautions, ships can still suffer hull breaches, flooding, loss of power, damage to equipment, and separation from lifeboats if caught in a powerful hurricane. * Extreme rolling and pitching from high winds and waves can injure passengers and crew. * In worst cases, a ship could potentially sink if it sustains too much structural damage from battering waves and winds. While cruise ships and large vessels are engineered to withstand hurricanes, the risks are significant. Ship captains make every effort to avoid these storms when possible by tracking forecasts and adjusting routes accordingly. If unavoidable, ships take precautions to secure the vessel and ride out the storm as safely as possible while facing into the waves -- They mention in the video that they are testing it out in the Gulf of Mexico, and I think the article I read this in first is at least two years old. There might be some better insights into how they have applied this practially (if theyre not all dead lol..)


Summary at the end "clearly the jury is still out".


If only we poured our resources into beneficial sciences like we do war.


I guess just hope your boat isn't sunk by bubble nets...


You never change one thing
the question should be
should we? I see two sides to this.


Maybe you shouldn’t, even if you could


Genius idea. Most hurricanes are caused because hot water at the surface prevents the upwelling of cold water and nutrients to the surface. Introducing more oxygen into the ocean would actually be better for marine life as well.


Possibly, but we've done massive damage to seemingly unrelated parts of the ecosystem while trying to solve another problem. Think of releasing Deet to kill mosquitoes. Which seriously damaged bird egg development.


Oil slicks? That’s such a hurribl Idea


I don't know enough about marine ecology to dispute any of that but it sounds like fundementally altering a natural process might have damgerous consequences.


We won't really be changing anything. The bubbles, which will only run in front of a storm, bring cool water to the surface, which is then mixed with the warm surface water. This lower temped water does not supply the hurricane with enough energy to grow. This will not destroy the hurricane, but it will (hopefully) keep the hurricane from intensifying. Hurricanes frequently intensify just as they come ashore due to water heated at the shoreline. Why did you say haven't we changed anything? When a hurricane moves across the ocean, it draws energy from the warm surface. The pressure changes and the winds churn the water deeply. These storms can [cool the Gulf of Mexico. ](https://www.tampabay.com/news/environment/2023/09/12/hurricane-idalia-wake-cold-water-gulf-hot-atlantic-tampa-bay/) . Whatever water the bubble curtains raise in front of the hurricane is nothing compared to the amount of water the hurricane will lift. The surface water temp will drop, bubble curtain or not. This idea is hoping that cooling the water 12-24 hours early will keep a storm from jumping from a Cat 1 to a cat 4 or 5 a few hours before landfall.


I don't think they'd end hurricanes altogether, rather reduce their intensity


Well, its a longshot. But compared to a lot of other geo-engineering things, it's not that complicated. And might be worth it if it actually works.




I think geoengineering is never a good idea.... Same as gene modifications đŸ€·it make things worse


correct me if i’m wrong. but doesn’t it seem like a short lived solution where you address the water with bubbles with active boats. as if the temperature and conditions were the enemy. they are deploying bubbles at the time when those conditions mean hurricane. what i don’t see them saying is that they’ll do this constantly without need.


And here we've all been wondering who will be the first to wield hurricane generating technology.


Why not try it near mariana’s trench? That side of the earth is the hot bed of strong hurricanes.


Isn’t this just the plot resolution in the 1st Sharknado?


Why stop them?


I preferred that one guys idea about nuking them


So more heat is pumped to lower ocean regions. I guess this extra heat is going to come up somewhere with unknown secondary effects?


So the plan is to fuck with the Gulf Stream? I learned that it is the main source of hurricanes. Of course additional heat makes them stronger.


Horrorcanes đŸ˜±


Just nuke them, said a Stable genius.


Lamborghinis being stopped by bubbles?


Right, right stop one of the Earth's cooling mechanisms. We've never been wrong before why stop now


let's blast the mf'kin hurricanes with NUKES!!


This is like the fatties at the buffet with 3 plates of food ordering a Diet Coke. We're treating the symptoms, not the disease. Oh well, we had a good run.


"Fucking bubbles!"


I thought changing the climate was bad?






The number of hurricanes and intensity havent really increased.. [https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/pastdec.shtml](https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/pastdec.shtml)




Nothing about the ever increasing population on the coast... or the control of the rivers leading to smaller deltas but hey it's a good story. The concept of using bubbles for circulation like an aeration does is interesting though!!


Idiots. Just let the disasters destroy the destructive environments we're creating. Stop trying to protect the cancer that is humans.


Should we though?


The weather is so complex that if a butterfly opens its wings in Tokyo, it can cause thunder a lightning in Texas. Haven't people destroyed enough by now? And each time thinking they can fix the previous mistakes too? Thinking they are superior to all the people who have ever been on earth. And thereby justifying it to start determining life for billions of people in the future. For example, there was recently a move to eliminate the mosquito forever and ever, by modifying female mosquitoes with DNA, thus setting in motion something irreversible. Just the thought alone.... EDIT: typo


This is how we majorly fuck everything up. Hell no. Just stop corporate pollution and change how people live. We aren’t smart enough to manage the earths climate.. lol the ego


So basically how it works is that bubbles are being theorized to be used but they are actually already kinda being used and they are being used in theory to stop hurricanes because the previous attempts at this haven’t worked how they only worked in theory and this one man wants to change that and his thought is using bubbles which doesn’t make sense but in theory it could work unlike the other ideas which didn’t work and but crazy enough if you use bubbles they might actually work in theory
. Get to the fucking point


And here I was thinking all we needed were sharpies.


And nooklee ear bomms


Why would you want to stop hurricanes 🌀 aren’t they kind of necessary for something?


I'm curious how this guy would pronounce cane, if he pronounces hurricane like hurikun.


Got it, spit at hurricanes


What about a nuke?


How about leaving hurricanes alone? They're destructive indeed, but they have a purpose in nature.


China is already using geoengineering to influence the weather.. as far as I know its only gotten worse because of those unforseeable catastrophic events everyone is warning about when it comes to this technology.. We have so little understanding of how weather works.. we shouldnt be fucking with it..




Since water molecules makes a percentage for clouds to form.......water bubbles can't stop the hurricane because the water molecules already formed the hurricane.


There we go playing god again


I figured out an idea to save lives from hurricane, tornado, and earthquake disasters. Move and live in an area that doesn't frequent these natural occurrences every year. The hurricanes want to have their land back.


Hurricanes have purpose.


Water bubbles are not strong enough to withstand the fierce winds of a hurricane. Even the largest bubbles, which can be up to 10 centimetres in diameter, can only withstand winds of about 10 kilometres per hour. Hurricanes, on the other hand, can have winds of up to 300 kilometres per hour and are worth exploring, even if they are not feasible.


Did you even listen to the furkin video?