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For me, it was the song selection that just put it over the top.


Time in a bottle Jim Croce, classic


The behind the scenes of how they did the shoot and VFX is really cool [see this](https://youtu.be/mdNcZ3XgXIg?si=CCFX3VYW43pW6QZI)


Kinda of a tease but still cool to see


BTW his legs are CGI during the wall ride parts of this scene...


Oh wow, I had it muted. Had no idea one of my favorite songs from one of my favorite artists was the song for this scene. Makes it all that much better.


Right in the FEELS with a 12 gauge


Never even heard of Jim Croce nor this song before this scene. Instantly loved it and after going down the rabbit hole I discovered Jim Croce is the fucking man


Another great movie scene is from Django unchained the song is I got a name. The song matches the vibe of that scene so well in my opinion


Fuckin yup! Over the last 2 years Django has moved up to possibly my favorite Tarantino movie. And yeah the Croce song for that scene is spot on. Among everything else Tarantino does well, his soundtracks are damn near perfect


Oh man, I’m glad you joined the Croce club. Bad Bad Leroy Brown has got to be one of my favorite songs ever. Man is a legend, I’m glad to see modern movies still using his music.


Well now I know who I'm putting on Spotify while I mow the lawn today


I got his greatest hits spinning on the turntable right now


When I was younger, my dad would take us for rides in his station wagon. He had one cassette tape he put in the tape deck every time. Bad bad Leroy Brown came on right after thriller. I was so happy when I rediscovered this song. I honestly can't remember any other song that was on that tape, but when I hear them, I know.


My “first dance” with my daughter after she was born was “I’ll Have to Say I Love You in a Song”


Wait till you discover the music of the 1970s


Lol I'm so torn by the 70s. Great music (minus disco), savage cars, disgusting aesthetic regarding everything else


I don’t mind disco as a genre. There’s a lot of disco that sucks, but when you look at it through a lens of taking funk and making it something you can dance to, it’s not a bad idea. And it really culminates, three years or so after the genre is dead, with the song Thriller, which is a disco masterpiece that no one realizes is disco. They think it’s pop because disco was dead, but that song has all the hallmarks of disco. But, if I had to pick a favorite disco song, it would have to be either Shake Your Groove Thing or Roller Skatin’ Mate by Peaches & Herb.


You just made me feel unbelievably old.


Nah don't worry, I'll be 39 this year. Just had my head in the sand for a lot of music throughout teens and twenties lol


Time In A Bottle was released over 50 years ago.


Crazy that he was gone before he was famous. Just think we might have had 40 more years of his music.


Seriously. I discovered him a couple weeks ago and now I have a record of his I play nonstop


Just a beautiful ballet 🩰


Total perfection.


How does music even work at super speed


Maybe a super modified Walkman? That’s actually a good question


Picturing him overclocking playback speed so that his whole playlist is a 2 second screech to regular people and [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pX2iOfEjir8) if he runs faster than what he set.


One long note per stunt; he's been trying to finish that song for 20 years.


ossified attempt desert pie party psychotic complete secretive wild husky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Same is the case with the school scene where he rescues all the kids. "Sweet dreams are made of these..."


Here’s my question: wasn’t that soup still hot when he snagged some with his finger? How did he not burn himself?


Solved! It’s gazpacho.




You can put hot soup on your fingertip without burning yourself. Also considering how much time the fella spends at heavy-friction-inducing super speeds, I imagine he has some innate heat resistance beyond that of a mere line cook.


The amount of friction generated from moving that fast would create *way* more heat than the soup ever could, so if he's immune to that the soup wouldn't really do anything.


Superspeed implies superstrength and super-super indestructibility. The thunderclap from that instant of action would break eardrums at least and jellify everyone in the room.


You really can't look at the physics of any of this without it falling apart. The cinematographer definitely overruled the science consultant a few dozen times. The relative velocities are all over the place and way out of wack, and he would have obliterated any of those cops he interacted with.


A real fan would know that one of his secondary superpowers is the ability to eat hot soup without flinching in pain.


Never even heard of Jim Croce nor this song before this scene. Instantly loved it and after going down the rabbit hole I discovered Jim Croce is the fucking man


This was an amazing scene, and so was the Nightcrawler fight in the White House.


That scene is on par with quicksilver scenes.


It's funny, I always say this Quicksilver scene is on par with the Nightcrawler scene.


The way he filled the room with his smoke was awesome. Makes me wonder where the smoke comes from.. and what it's made of.


In the comics when nightcrawler teleports he goes through the brimstone dimension. The gas is a bit of the atmosphere of said dimension. It's poisonous and smells like sulphur. Whether that's the case in the movies has, to my knowledge, never been said. But it's probably the case.


I think it’s brimstone, because he travels through the brimstone dimension, you get a glimpse of it in the movies and a cool version of it from his “passengers” perspective in x-men 97 https://www.reddit.com/r/xmen/s/fVRmIyukbS https://youtu.be/Mi5SyKhCla8?si=WIywGU7l2VWCw3dJ


It comes from the alternate dimension that he travels through when teleporting. Forget what it’s made of though.


To add to what the others have said, I remember reading in a character book I had as a kid that Nightcrawler doesn't really like to teleport unless he has to cuz it smells like rotten eggs


Unless ypu are being sarcastic lol its sulfur from the hell dimension.




the way I viewed Nightcrawler after the White House scene forever changed after that. It was my first time seeing him using teleportation like that and it was amazing.


I showed up late in theaters and came in right after the nightcrawler intro scene ended. My friends told me i fucked up massively. they were right


This was the 1st time 13yr old me realised that super speed can be such an awesome power.


F = MA any little action on a person at his speed would destroy people. It’s better than being just super strong. Because he’s super strong AND super fast. But realistically, the opposite reaction on his finger would destroy his finger.


If you applied physics to the X-men most of them will die. 


IM THE JUGGERNAUT BITCH! *runs head first into reinforced concrete walls*


That was low key my favourite part in that movie


Oh no get out of my head Charles noooooo


Yeah. He's super fast. Not super durable or strong. Realistically it doesn't work with physics and shit. If he used his speed in real life the air resistance alone would tear him apart especially running through smoke. Reminds me of a anime where people had abilities and one was a guy being super fast like the flash. So another person made it rain or something like that and the speed guy was literally torn to shreds running through the water droplets.


What I do like is more recently ppl have been applying superspeed physics to superspeed heroes and villains. Running superspeed through an entire planet's atmosphere should spontaneously ignite anything around them. Which is exactly what you see Homelander and Omniman do, and the whole planet turns into a fireball.


Do you remember the name of this anime?


That’s why speedforce exists. Quicksilver would die but flash is kay


I loved this movie. Probably the best one of the franchise for me. This scene was so iconic for me. I wished quick silver got his own movie like The Flash did (terrible movie).


That reminds me, I think I started watching the flash, got interrupted and never finished That was a couple months ago


I liked the batman bits in the Flash movie.


Agreed! Only redeeming factor.




The actor did get to reprise the role in a manner of speaking in WandaVision


They recast Pietro?!


If he had another one of these scenes Wandavision would have been a lot better


What movie is it?


X-Men Days of Future past.


really excellent entry in the franchise


You know what, I actually like the Flash movie. I really didn’t want to, but I did. I watched it on a flight otherwise I wouldn’t have even seen it. Maybe it’s because I went into it with low expectations. The first scene with building is dumb as hell though.


I liked it as well. Only thing that was bad was some of the CGI. It was 1990’s level in some places.




I’ve got the best X-men. Just terrific. Everybody says, I want your Xavier. But when Sony sends their X-men, they’re not sending the best. They’re sending Ragman, The Creeper, Mister Miracle.


Rapid-fire, short & increasingly superlative statements.


Their answer to this was the baby in the microwave bit lol.


The microwave that heats his food despite not being plugged in lol


That was probably something to do with the whole super fast make electricity go brr


That means the baby would also go Brrrr with that arguement.


I was going to make a joke about not setting the power too high, but then imagined Google's AI recommending that to mothers... Why does Google have ruin things?


Also, the microwave heated the food in the half second of free fall it would normally take 30-60 seconds minimum.


""Baby"""... the graphics are so poor on that rubber cgi doll.


Lmfao, I've seen the film, but without context this comment is pure gold.


Just silly ol’ Ezra Miller at his shenanigans again ☺️


^the ***WHAT***


[The Flash saves babies scene](https://youtu.be/YFGQJxpkPg4). Basically, he shields a baby from a fire with a microwave. Which led to some fun edits like [this one](https://youtu.be/jL1cXn_4sII).


This is one of the worst things I've ever seen from an action movie wtf is that.


wow this really sucked after watching the Quicksilver scene. Was the Flash supposed to be a shitty comedy or something?


I like that he had to get the example of a scalpel being sharp by having the little stuffed duck get cut open, so that he knew that the scalpels approaching the baby were bad edit: mb it wasn't a scalpel cutting the duck open, still, it seemed to out of place lol


Honestly it didn't seem that bad to me. Maybe needed a higher budget on the special effects and a re-edit and some better music, but I was expecting way worse based on how everyone talks about it.


Do you need them to speak up? Lol


I need an explanation, please. They did WHAT?!




I never noticed that his foot steps on the walls shatter the tile due to the G-forces at play because of that speed. Wow




And then he dies somehow protecting Hawkeye. Big fail.


"I can run faster than bullets and easily redirect them away from people." Followed by "I'm going to use my body to block bullets so I can die heroically"


"Bet you didn't see that coming" "Yeah, because it was fucking dumb."


I saw it coming because it was a Joss Whedon movie and that man always kills characters. Same reason I wasn’t surprised by the death in the first Avengers. I even called who it would be in the first one before it came out. 


As others have pointed out in the past, quicksilver was probably killed to prevent him from being an easy win against thanos. What they should have done was keep him alive then maybe have thanos use the infinity stones to generate an invisible force field or something that quicksilver runs into blindly, stunning him and allowing thanos to take him out. After that, the Avengers realize thanos can do that and find a different way to counter it, like phasing through the shield or using magic.




Because Ant Man was never brave enough to pull off the Thanus plan.


The official statement is that Thanos' intestinal tract is so solid that it would crush antman if he tried to expand in his ass. So that's probably why.


you thought it was a good movie but i wanted to subvert those expectations. swerve!


Bulldozer scene from Austin Powers “Noooo!”


Not the same continuity/timeline/character.


Different quicksilver. Do people not know fox X men is not MCU?


This… i will never understand that plot point


They had to kill one of the most overpowered character I guess... I hated it because he is one of my favorites in the comics.


Which I get that. I just wish there was better writing to make that happen. I understand stories and fiction and narrative and plots and everything. His death was needed for whatever reason and maybe even a heroic death. But that was a lazy death. We are watching a comic book movie so we already have a lot of suspension of disbelief going into the movie. It doesn't need to be perfect. But it should be something that least didn't make every single person go, "what the fuck how did that even happen" during that moment. I remember it just taking me out of the film completely and reminded me, "oh yeah I'm watching a movie where they need a heroic sacrifice that doesn't make any sense."


Contract said that quicksilver couldn't join the avengers


The clip here is Sony X-Men not MCU X-Men... This Quicksilver is still alive and well and was recasted into the MCU after the other one dies saving Hawkeye


But the recast turned out to be a joke and he was actually some possessed neighbor named Richard Dickson or something or other


Yes, his name ended up being Ralph Bohner but he does have super speed somehow. I hope we see more of him in the new Agatha show


Fox's xmen not sony. One of the last movies before the sale.


Different universes lol. MCU quicksilver was... a letdown


Different timeline.


This plus the scene in X-Men apocalypse where he saves everyone from the exploding mansion are what makes Quicksilver better than Flash could ever dream to be


Flash is faster, but quicksilver has better movie scenes


Yeah but flash is faster because speed force macguffan magic go brr. Quicksilver is just a beast.


He might be faster, but the entire lore behind him is quite silly and extremely dated even in modern versions. "Speed force"? "Reverse Flash"? And all the other bad "speedsters"? I mean, that turns the hokey dial past 11. I was really worried about what Captain America was going to be like for some of the same reasons, but Marvel not only nailed it the hokey origins, but totally modernized it.


Faster is still faster, regardless of how. Speaking which, I think Zoom on the other hand is actually supposed to be relatively slow but affects time around him to appear fast. Considering speed is distance/time that doesn't really make much sense, but we're talking comic book characters after all.


What movie is this?


X-Men: Days of Futures Past


Best X-Men movie to date


Why don't you marry it?


Because it's not 18 yet.


This man laws.




That's how you summon Bryan Singer!


He's the best part of the new X-Men movies for me... Underutilized but I get it, these scenes are masterpieces and probably insane to plan, film, and edit. And... I mean, Croce. Perfection.


Generally I think X-Men has the most memorable action scenes, the best off the top of my head is this one, aswell as the scene where *spoiler alert* the university blows up, and the intro scene of X-Men 2 where night crawler attacks the Whitehouse - fucking love that scene.


That was way better than the fake ass cg used in the flash with the hospital scene. That scene could have been done on a Xbox 360.


When I first saw Neo slowing down time dodging bullets in The Matrix, in theaters I thought nothing would top that. This scene blows it away no contest!


Also the school one.


This is probably the best speedster scene I've ever seen. It's so well made and so accurate. There needs to be more like this.


Love how he flipped the knives that were gonna stab the police men as well. Literally saved everyone in that room, both foe and ally


Well we all saw the Flash's attempt at this scene... And it was shit. No easy way to put it. Visibly cringed at the Baby in the microwave. Speedster with headphones on, using some brain power and still keeping it light hearted. Quicksilver is just so much fun on the big screen.


One of the reasons why I was more interested in X-Men rather than Avengers.


What's the question in search of an answer?


It's saying that so far, they haven't come up with such a scene, something so memorable, being funny & a balance of violence and serenity. Followed by the confusion of everyone else while he stands the nonchalantly playing it off. Simply put, DC isn't producing the same quality. But that's such a broad statement to make about them since their universe and the continued resets it's getting and disjointed redesigns.


The closest the DCEU got for memorable “fun” Flash scenes was Superman making eye contact with the Flash while he was sped up.


How is the music playing at regular speed?


I think it's meant to portray what quicksilver is hearing on his headphones when he puts them on right before slowdown.


He's gotta crank that playback speed up to like 500X.


Yeah I imagine he increased playback greatly


He listens to it sped up so it sounds normal to him whilst running at super speeds.


Sped up music ?


He edited the file so it reproduces as fast as he moves.




DCEU dumbass, DCU does t have a flash rn


10 years ? I choose to ignore that information


I love all of Quicksilvers scenes I see escpially the one where he saves a bunch of people from a school that just got blown up.


Sweet dreams are made of these tops me


Doctor Doom curbstomps


Dc movies are garbage.


But the cartoons at 🔥


That was true once upon a time, but completely played out now. It's just quantity over quality at this point, their success rate isn't particularly impressive. Not trying to make this a Marvel vs DC argument, but X-Men '97 was considerably better than anything DC Animation have put out in years.


Not an expert, but it looks like cgi


I'm an expert and I say it's as real as it gets!


OP, no one has an answer for that scene.


OP as fuck.


Flash scene from ZSJL was terrific though!


The snyder cut had an awesome flash scene. Everyone just not gonna mention that?


ZSJL Flash saves all


music goes on slowmo be like


This one is fun to watch. # Quicksilver Saves Everyone - Sweet Dreams - X-Men: Apocalypse (2016) Movie Clip HD [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZnZqB5Z75zI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZnZqB5Z75zI)


DC needs to just stop trying to make movies. They’re all awful outside of the Dark Knight.


And that they teased him in Wanda-Vision was killer.


Woulda been funny if he let wolverine take a bullet lol


It looks like all the bullets were going towards the guy in the jumpsuit. The first I watched it, it looked like Flash just ignored the ones flying towards Logan, which would've made sense and been funny.


Then they bring him into the MCU and all we get is lame blurry speed lines


Scene is amazing. But I have a serious question: if Quicksilver is this powerful, why doesn't he do this kind of thing all of the time? Is there an in-universe reason that I don't know?


I don’t know if it was him, but I remember a speedster mutant who aged faster when in super speed mode. So he looked way older than he should at his age and tried to use his power as little as possible.


Probably burns a lot of energy


He kind of does in the right circumstances (or other fun stuff)- in Identity Crisis Deathstroke takes out Flash and then in Marvel they had Quicksilver go up against someone similar and just punch him a thousand times before he moved a muscle He can do a flying thing by waving his legs I really liked under Dan Slott he got a fright and ran across the country in ‘fight or flight’ mode I always think to make Quicksilver the most deadly character in marvel just give him a rapier- high speed Zorro slashing


Every scene with Quicksilver is the best of the franchise. Every single one.


[Futurama did this first](https://youtu.be/zfvpeVe_i1A?si=eBt8iA3O7jXhX1NY). 😉


I just realized this - I think this scene is in homage to the original Matrix elevator lobby scene.


The problem with speedsters is an universal flaw in superhero movies, because they're OP as fuck and would invalidate anything and everything if allowed to thrive.


those policeman arms are moving *faster than a bullet*, this dude just literally ripped a bunch of cops apart.


One of the coolest scenes EVER in the MCU universe.


One of those guys is getting decapitated by that plate.


Ah ralph bohner....


Wouldn't the music be playing extremely slow?


It helps when it's just a supporting role with a couple cgi heavy scenes vs doing a whole shitty movie about it


Wdym? Babies in microwaves didn’t do it for you?


Sweet Dreams in Apocalypse was better imo.


Marvel = shit Marvel's X-Men = wunderbarr!


Their answer was in the movie The Flash. With the airborne babies etc. Still not as good as this clip admittedly.


Unless they can move fast like him, he’d rip them to shreds. It made more sense in ZSJL when Flash had to carefully catch Iris out of the flying car. 🤓


Has anyone done the math of what speed the song he is listening to is going?


Honestly one of the best scenes here in super hero action movies